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U.A.E. Pulls Most Forces From Yemen in Blow to Saudi War Effort

After reading this, not the excerpt I posted, but the OP, you tell me:

Starving Yemen's drug problem
Some studies, cited by the United Nations, suggest that 60% of Yemen's farmland is given over to khat.

On a 2,500-mile (4,000km) drive around the Houthi-held north of the country, which is divided by civil war, it is very clear that khat (Catha Edulis) is the region's preferred crop.

Which is odd when one considers that the UN's World Food Programme estimates that it will have to feed 12 million Yemenis this year. Before the latest round of conflict blew up four years ago, the WFP fed a million.

Even khat dealers think that it's silly for a nation, which is dangerously short of food, to be growing an inedible narcotic.


Khat should be banned
Khat should be banned

Before the start of the war in 2015 Journeyman Pictures had two docs about it Qat is huge problem there it reminds me of the whole Opium dens of China in the 19th and 20th century pretty freaky stuff

Next time you wanted to spread the propaganda of a broken coalition of failed be prepared to hear the truth . and that was not me on the hotline wit houthi commanders , it was the mainstrean media that published the info
What truth are you talking about dear?

You side stepped the issue altogether: It's about IRGC who you lied that it was only doing advisory in Syria besides only flying drones. That's not true at all and I told you the undeniable truth as evident in Iranian press and IRGC graveyards.

I would have told the Saudis the same if Mecca and Medina was in Yemen...fight your wars however you wish but stay well away from the Holy Cities, keep your kamikaze drone filth away from Mecca and Medina. Period.

It's nothing personal but death to anyone who dares go near Mecca and Medina. It's that simple.
Before the start of the war in 2015 Journeyman Pictures had two docs about it Qat is huge problem there it reminds me of the whole Opium dens of China in the 19th and 20th century pretty freaky stuff

Man that is so bad man unbelivable how none of the imams in Yemen even bother to stop this.

This is the problem I have with our religious leaders all you need to do is pray and thats it.

If politicians or laws fail the imams come in to at least fix their society.

It is a cash crop for Houthies.

Everyone chews it, its a national disaster. Yemenis dont understand how detrimental it is.

Is Yemen Chewing Itself to Death?


Khat chewing in Yemen

Cash crops is also one of the reasons why a lot of countries are starving.
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What truth are you talking about dear?

You side stepped the issue altogether: It's about IRGC who you lied that it was only doing advisory in Syria besides only flying drones. That's not true at all and I told you the undeniable truth as evident in Iranian press and IRGC graveyards.

I would have told the Saudis the same if Mecca and Medina was in Yemen...fight your wars however you wish but stay well away from the Holy Cities, keep your kamikaze drone filth away from Mecca and Medina. Period.

It's nothing personal but death to anyone who dares go near Mecca and Medina. It's that simple.
does it matter were Mecca and Medina is situated ? you must askthem why they hide their bases behind the holy cities . the target of the missiles were important and it was not the holy cities.
does it matter were Mecca and Medina is situated ? you must askthem why they hide their bases behind the holy cities . the target of the missiles were important and it was not the holy cities.
sir in your opinion target is important than macca and medina and the rebels have the right to hit the target no matter what would be consequences?
Man that is so bad man unbelivable how none of the imams in Yemen even bother to stop this.

This is the problem I have with our religious leaders all you need to do is pray and thats it.

If politicians or laws fail the imams come in to at least fix their society.

Cash crops is also one of the reasons why a lot of countries are starving.

Problem with both Yemen and Afghanistan is all the countries involved in the conflict are there for geo political purposes Saudi,UAE, and Gulfies except Qatar for the most part fear Iranian proxy state on their borders Iran fears Arab-American collusion in the Persian Gulf its a mess same for Afghanistan Pakistan,CARs,China,Iran(to a extent),and others just want to put the Taliban in power to finally rid the Americans from there sadly in both conflicts people die,and conflict rages on harsh reality as for blaming Houthis,and others blah blah just kettle calling another sadly both societies are backwards, have faux form of tradtionalism with heavy drug problem as good chunk of their economies run on that
does it matter were Mecca and Medina is situated ? you must askthem why they hide their bases behind the holy cities . the target of the missiles were important and it was not the holy cities.
Again no mention of the IRGC so I assume you accept my factual position on it.

The bases were not moved behind Mecca and Medina after the war started for safeguarding them from Houthis dear.

If a drone "malfunctions" and May Allah forbid falls on Mecca or Medina, I wounder who will start crying that the Arabs can't even protect the holly cites and are not worthy to guard them.

The poor victims on both sides suffer, it's just about capabilities and capacity to hit back.

Anyway, the sanctity must be protected by all sides, or the perpetrator would face the inevitable wrath.
sir in your opinion target is important than macca and medina and the rebels have the right to hit the target no matter what would be consequences?
Anyone who has half a brain, can see on a map, that this pure BS.

If they have not done it by now---what makes you think that they will do it this time---.

You will have to admit it by now---the men---those in position of power---are as clueless as those sitting on the street corner Soda Stand doing nothing and spitting red streaks of Paan juice---.

And of these two bigger fools---I am the biggest fool who keeps harping on this subject for the past many years and expecting a different result--.

Just look at this Blackmail of the judge---. Allah gave the IK govt the opportunity of a lifetime on a platter to take out the whole of the PML-N in one stroke---.

Should have taken the whole group to the Military court---charged Mariam and all the team for Sedition---mental kidnap---mental hostage of a sitting judge of pakistan---creating fear in the nation---creating chaos in the nation---starting restlessness against the state---.

That would be a DEATH SENTENCE crime---all known and unknown properties confiscated crime---.

In one stroke---the IK govt would have fixed this "blackmail" cancer in the society---.

But Imran Khan---as honest a person he is---he is a COWARD @ HEART---.

Imran Khan is a coward at heart---all his economic reforms MAY fail OR will be extremely slow to bring any change---because he has no clue that the first thing to do in an economic change is to control the law & order situation in the cuntry---.

Ok---IK is a civilian---but what about military men---.

Gen Raheel Sharif---he let Mariam Nawaz off the hook---I want to ask Gen Raheel---" Kia pakistan tumharay baap ki jagir thi jo iss ghaddar Mariam to Chhorr dia "---.

The State needs to take the "whip" & the "Tri-Pod" out---the prices can only be controlled one way---the incompetence of the public servants can only be controlled one way---.

The golden rule always holds true as always---" Spare the Whip---Spoil the business community---spoil the public servants---".

As for the GCC---there is nothing more that I can write---. If they cannot understandwhat I have written for over half a decade---this is not going ot make any difference---.

You need to understand---who we are dealing with---The Pakistanis---.

They didn't do it then but under IK, we seem to be making some strategic moves. Before we were just a vassal state doing whatever was dictated. If we move too fast, IK will be turned into another Morsi. He has to play the game in a smart way, not bluntly.

The biggest enemies are all within, heavily infiltrated with traitors, people who are loyal to the British (still). And small minded Uncle Toms. Just as Venezuela is being sabotaged and Morsi was sabotaged, the Pak civil service and elite are trying to sabotage IK and PTI. PTI itself is infiltrated with all kinds of vested interests.

We have IK and PTI a first relatively independent government since... Suharwardy. Who are to a great extent concerned about Pakistan rather than their own power and selfish interests. If we miss understanding this, we will only become helping hands in destroying Pakistan.

What you are asking for is for IK to play a Machiavellian game liKe Nawaz first round, Zia, ZA Bhutto, the past generals. That game always results in a familiar set of circumstances. The sword that he would use to bring down Sharifs and Bhuttos, will then be used by the vested interests (those acting as the puppet masters behind the scenes and controlling Pakistan) to cut down PTI and IK.

Politics and war are two different things and should not be mixed. Although they are conjugal twins. One cannot use the tactics of one on the other.

I think IK has shown an ability to do what no other Pak leader has been able to do. Navigate between the major powers while maintaining Pak's self-interests. IK has also strategically approached the GCC in ways no Pak leader has done so since the shameful Jordan affair.

We have already thousands, tens of thousands of troops in the region. Including SSGs and all kinds of others. For the first time Pakistan is diplomatically not only matching India, but beating India. Look at Modi in the recent meeting. We may even be getting some very decent military equipment paid for by some of our rich friends, who we are helping.

There is a lot more that can be done, no doubt. No doubt your vision is years ahead of Pak institutional thinking. But I think this is not a point to despair over. Rather, for us to work together to help them try to understand.

Remember, mental slavery, according to Ibn Khaldun's Al Muqaddimah, doesn't end when you gain independence from a colonizer, but it takes decades - 40 years. People who came 40 years after Pak's independence are slowly going to change our institutions. We just have to be patient and guide them with it. They are the ones that can take us forward better than us, for we, old warriors that we are, are chimeras that are also flawed in our own ways.
sir in your opinion target is important than macca and medina and the rebels have the right to hit the target no matter what would be consequences?
what was the consequence , and were come armed equipment most not travel near mecca and medina ?
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