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U.A.E. Pulls Most Forces From Yemen in Blow to Saudi War Effort

more like how security forces closed two street in 2015 (let not go into why) and resulted in a stampade that killes several thousands piligrims ,you knew something like closure of Street 206.
This was an accident, what happened in 1987 was terrorism that violated the sanctity of a holy city. Two different things.
What accident in holy city in 1987? can u kindly share some more details ?
This was an accident, what happened in 1987 was terrorism that violated the sanctity of a holy city. Two different things.
Here is a tidbit, you should know what I am talking about quds force and IRGC: The first three IRGC personnel killed in Syria, Major Moharram Tork, Private Ali Asgari Taqanaki, and Brigadier General Hassan Shateri (also known as Hesam Khoshnevis), were all Quds Force members. This indicates the Quds Force bore the brunt of the fatalities in the initial phase of the war in Syria. Since the Quds Force is a relatively small unit within the IRGC, those losses compelled the IRGC leadership to deploy regular ground forces to Syria to lessen the pressure on the Quds Force. Do you concur dear?
what's the lie , can't Qods force be advisors ? I assure you they are fully qualified for the job.
by the way in initial phases of this fiasco only volunteer participated to protect the shrines in Iraq and Syria from cannibals and grave robbers
The lies about IRGC and the logic in your post is befitting your deliberate lack of grasp of the issue at hand and deliberate ignorance of it's sensitivity.
In Pakistan we say it - calling Roti ko Chochi.
You continue to do that dear.
thats you there was no lie about IRGC as I personally knew some who were there and knew what they were doing there.
your problem is that you can't distinguish between IRGC, Quds Force and Army who only provided Advisors with the defender of the Srines who actually participate in fight and were volunteers and had no advisory role.

I forgive ou calling me a liar because its lack of the knowledge that made you think so. about yemen , what made houthi rise and what made other in yemen even Army Join them.what hadi did that made everybody there dispise him?
and more importantly why you guys insit n im being the legal president of yemen while he is as illegal as it can get

This was an accident, what happened in 1987 was terrorism that violated the sanctity of a holy city. Two different things.
yes terrorism by some forces who attack protesters who were only supporting palestine and show their disdain of israel those 400 people died for chanting "''Death to America! Death to the Soviet Union! Death to Israel!''" and yes unlike what the article said your police opened fire on the piligrims as the bullet mark on the body of diceased showed the world. and 2015 was accident but why it happened ,after 4 years can you tell us what happened at the street 206? why the stampade continued for several hours and nobody acted sooner and why according to eyewitness only a handful of security forces there were helping the victims and the rest were taling launch break.
ore importantly why discuss it , it already have been discussed extensively .
you said if a missile fall in holy mosque we tell you guys are not fit to provide the security there and i said we already consider you not fit for the role after the incident . if you want to discuss 1986 or 2015 incidents then open a threade about them and call me there and we discussing whichever you like extensively.
I forgive ou calling me a liar because its lack of the knowledge that made you think so. about yemen , what made houthi rise and what made other in yemen even Army Join them.what hadi did that made everybody there dispise him?
and more importantly why you guys insit n im being the legal president of yemen while he is as illegal as it can get
Thank you for forgiving me, turned out I was the one spreading false propaganda while my Pakistan Army is responsible for blood of innocent in Syria, Yemen and the larger region. That we are trying to establish some CRESCENT around the region with eyes fixed on Mecca and Medina. Please forgive us again that we are doing all that without a defence or offence pact as you put it.

About the logic of illegal Yemni president - And by that same logic Assad is legal president of Syria?o_O good logic indeed.

And about Houthis rising - So if Houthis rise it's legal and if Syrian Civilians are butchered inside their own houses by IRGC it's legal too. Good logic again.

About IRGC only advising - I'm sure Private Ali Asgari Taqanaki was directly advising President Asad while the Major and Brig were advising Syrian Generals how to fight the war inside their own nook and cranny. Some advisors indeed. Great logic.

About your claim of knowing IRGC personally - Oh I know already that you know some of them personally dear as you knew flight paths, target locations and even innocent intentions of Houthi Iranian Kamikaze drones. While you have taught us how the Saudis are masters of propaganda. Good logic again.

I admit dear, you stand correct and I am wrong, I concede that you have won the argument hands down.

My congratulations to you. Good work, carry on.
Thank you for forgiving me, turned out I was the one spreading false propaganda while my Pakistan Army is responsible for blood of innocent in Syria, Yemen and the larger region. That we are trying to establish some CRESCENT around the region with eyes fixed on Mecca and Medina. Please forgive us again that we are doing all that without a defence or offence pact as you put it.
If you can't see what happens in yemen then what I can see and you still mix our army with defender of the shrines . and in Syria the bombing is done by another party as we have no equipment there which can do such operations.

About the logic of illegal Yemni president - And by that same logic Assad is legal president of Syria?o_O good logic indeed.
Asad was in power according to syrian laws and he held an election that oposition decided not to participate in as they knew they will lose to him. In yemen somebody decided to stay in power against the law and refused to hold an election.

And about Houthis rising - So if Houthis rise it's legal and if Syrian Civilians are butchered inside their own houses by IRGC it's legal too. Good logic again.
Again all bombing is done by SAA or Rusian airforce no IRGC bombing there.
yes terrorism by some forces who attack protesters who were only supporting palestine and show their disdain of israel those 400 people died for chanting "''Death to America! Death to the Soviet Union! Death to Israel!''" and yes unlike what the article said your police opened fire on the piligrims as the bullet mark on the body of diceased showed the world. and 2015 was accident but why it happened ,after 4 years can you tell us what happened at the street 206? why the stampade continued for several hours and nobody acted sooner and why according to eyewitness only a handful of security forces there were helping the victims and the rest were taling launch break.
ore importantly why discuss it , it already have been discussed extensively .
you said if a missile fall in holy mosque we tell you guys are not fit to provide the security there and i said we already consider you not fit for the role after the incident . if you want to discuss 1986 or 2015 incidents then open a threade about them and call me there and we discussing whichever you like extensively.

Makkah riots 1987

I'm sorry, this time around your BS propaganda wont work. I was there, I saw how well prepared IRGC goons came, and the destruction and mayhem they caused.

Secondly, they went there for Hajj, why did they have to politicize it? IF they were so concerned about Palestine, why didn't they go to Southern Lebanon, and march into Israel? So this weak comeback , just shows you clutching at straws.

The true face of a terrorism exporting regime is well documented, and everyone knows about it, except their blind followers.

Since this is a Pakistani Forum lets talk about its terrorism in Pakistan - Sectarian killings, Hosting people like Kulbhushan Jadav, Drug lords Uzair Baloch & Baba ladla having Iranian nationality, Ormara attack, PC Gawadar attack, or how shamelessly IAEA was given details of Pakistan's help in the nuclear program.

The problem with the likes of you is that you keep regurgitating the same old nonsense, and actually expect people to buy it.

Now please howl, cry and shed some more crocodile tears - doesn't matter.
About your claim of knowing IRGC personally - Oh I know already that you know some of them personally dear as you knew flight paths, target locations and even innocent intentions of Houthi Iranian Kamikaze drones. While you have taught us how the Saudis are masters of propaganda. Good logic again.
Is it something strange that a Pakistani knew somebody who is in Pakistan military . why it must be strange an Iranian knew someone in IRGC.

Makkah riots 1987
I'm sorry, this time around your BS propaganda wont work. I was there, I saw how well prepared IRGC goons came, and the destruction and mayhem they caused.

Secondly, they went there for Hajj, why did they have to politicize it? IF they were so concerned about Palestine, why didn't they go to Southern Lebanon, and march into Israel? So this weak comeback , just shows you clutching at straws.

The true face of a terrorism exporting regime is well documented, and everyone knows about it, except their blind followers.

Since this is a Pakistani Forum lets talk about its terrorism in Pakistan - Sectarian killings, Hosting people like Kulbhushan Jadav, Drug lords Uzair Baloch & Baba ladla having Iranian nationality, Ormara attack, PC Gawadar attack, or how shamelessly IAEA was given details of Pakistan's help in the nuclear program.

The problem with the likes of you is that you keep regurgitating the same old nonsense, and actually expect people to buy it.

Now please howl, cry and shed some more crocodile tears - doesn't matter.
Open a thread on every single of your accusation and there I'll enlighten every single of those nonsense here is not the place.

I admit dear, you stand correct and I am wrong, I concede that you have won the argument hands down.

My congratulations to you. Good work, carry on.
glad I could show you the wrong in your ways
Open a thread on every single of your accusation and there I'll enlighten every single of those nonsense here is not the place.
Keep your enlightenment to the likes of you, like I said earlier, nothing but the same old propaganda regurgitated.

You going blue in the face denying it, will not change ground realities. If you want to actually make a change, stop exporting terrorism, and change your fanatical regime. Until then you will remain the pariah state you are, no matter what your justification.
If you can't see what happens in yemen then what I can see and you still mix our army with defender of the shrines . and in Syria the bombing is done by another party as we have no equipment there which can do such operations.

Asad was in power according to syrian laws and he held an election that oposition decided not to participate in as they knew they will lose to him. In yemen somebody decided to stay in power against the law and refused to hold an election.

Again all bombing is done by SAA or Rusian airforce no IRGC bombing there.
yea irgc was busy in ethnic cleansing on ground
u guys put a non shia asad to shia sect just to forward ur own agenda.u groomed him and made him i to the butcher he is.
there isnt any humanity left in him.
neither u guys have any shame left when u bad mouth pakistan.who helped u on every corner
so much so that ur start general sulaimani or whtever is trained in pma.
but u will still remain ungrateful.
u started ur honey traps in pakistan way before u put evil eyes on arabs.ur ladies were part of of every traitor sceme ever happened to us latest of which is hussain haqqani and his wife farah naz isfahani.
we have some people who still think we can be brothers.
we gave u centrifugal tech u sold us to iaea to get in good books of bush which never worked and he too showed u the door such a shame.
half ur population is dying of joblessness and hunger but u have this garb of humanity under which u kill plunder and destroy other nations around u.
coming to yemen u guys just did ur fitnafied act by supporting houthi take over by force.and start to plunder
if u were soo much concerned about yemeni people u should have approached every stake holder to resolve the matter but noo prolonging the war favors u and ur masters.
another gem is when u guys stabbed ur in back in oic summit in 1995 just because ur hindu masters waned a traitor in oic.u were ready to serve not realizing the sacrifices of a muslim nation and blood of thousands of kashmiris.its on ur hand also
u r aiders and abbeters
talk about gcc when u will answer these questions or else keep ur opinion to urself whtever they feed u day in day out cos i heard there isn’t anything left to eat anyway
Thanx for shed light on it.Astagfirullah they convert the Hajj into political rally ,martyred so many and destroyed the hajj of all that year now try to act innocent and claim to have good concern for Holy Kaaba and holy twin cities ?what a bunch of hypocrites they are.I m sure now houthies must fired on Holy cities as off spring of that ideology they showed before and showing now just for gaining their pity political purposes they can use Islam and they can attack Holy Kabba too like 1987.Who was the supreme leader of Iran that time?
The stampede in 2015 was an accident.

The Riots by IRGC goons in the holy city of Makkah in 1987 was terrorism.

Again all bombing is done by SAA or Rusian airforce no IRGC bombing there.
Sorry to indulge again despite conceding to you. Just that you forgot yourself mentioned earlier that IRGC also operates drones besides advising in Syria.

So let me explain on your behalf that most probably those must be advisory drones used by IRGC in Syria instead of the bombladen Kamikaze Iranian drones used by Houthis in Yemen.

Never knew IRGC was such a peace loving force of doves. I hope more of them are deployed in Yemen as advisors as well. All the reports of IRGC men laying their lives outside of Iran in Iranian press must be dying of accidents.

That explains everything now.

Thanx again.
yea irgc was busy in ethnic cleansing on ground
u guys put a non shia asad to shia sect just to forward ur own agenda.u groomed him and made him i to the butcher he is.
we didn't do that , go and look who first gave Fatwa the Alevis are shia
and IRGC entered syria after the cannibals started their ethnic cleansng campaign.

the rest of your posts can be sumarized in :blah::blah::blah:
Thanx for shed light on it.Astagfirullah they convert the Hajj into political rally ,martyred so many and destroyed the hajj of all that year now try to act innocent and claim to have good concern for Holy Kaaba and holy twin cities ?
the first person who used Hajj for political porpuse was Holy prophet so you claim he was wrong when he used it to strenghthen islamic government after the peace with qureish ?
and as I said if you guys want to get answer about 1987 incident open a thread about it and then I answer all nonsense and post the photos of What happened then so every one see the trouth for himself.

Sorry to indulge again despite conceding to you. Just that you forgot yourself mentioned earlier that IRGC also operates drones besides advising in Syria.
I said that myself , but those drones usually only gathering intelligence and wont do any bombing also its not only IRGC who operte drones there , SAA also uses the same type of drones we use
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