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U.A.E. Pulls Most Forces From Yemen in Blow to Saudi War Effort

are you suggesting i am not a Pakistani?

No, I think if you read his posts more carefully, he is suggesting you're not a particularly bright and well-informed Pakistani. Ignorance doesn't take away one's passport so I think, according to this calculus, you remain a "Pakistani".
God made Men into Tribes and Nations. You cannot undo God.

So hows Iran doing these days? any new malls opened for the Botox inflated populace?
butox never inflate you, taught you are aware of such basics

i have proof of wht i said and mind ur language saying my word bla bla
or i will tell u exactly wht bla bla is

if h can’t reply to facts then stay away
or else if u can’t face the truth stay off the forum for all i care
but once someone give u facts counter it or apologize
well then lets talk fact .
the first one who issued Fatwa and considered them muslim was neither Iranian nor a Shia . he was Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, mr. Amin al-Husseini now please show us your fact
butox never inflate you, taught you are aware of such basics

well then lets talk fact .
the first one who issued Fatwa and considered them muslim was neither Iranian nor a Shia . he was Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, mr. Amin al-Husseini now please show us your fact
tell me why u guys sold ur to iaea
when we gave u nuclear tech?
why u guys sold us on kashmir
why u guys send ur girls to honey trap our politions start from sikandar mirza.
why u guys were harboring bla
why u guys spread ur ideology inside pakistan

you are right us ignoramus Pakistanis are absolutely clueless about what happens in our country only the sheikhs of UAE are privy to those closely guarded secret. Its quite ironical that people who could barely put up a decent fight against ill trained Iranian terrorist are trying to snatch credit for humiliating worlds 4th largest military power.
talk about urself tiger
don’t worry about the whole nation
go meditate urself
preferably go in some jungle or khet smell some pesticides
it might help
tell me why u guys sold ur to iaea
Why you guys gave us a tainted centrifuge that you previously used in making nukes.
when we gave u nuclear tech?
You only gave us one or two centrifuge everything else was ours.
why u guys sold us on kashmir
We didn't sold you there we just didn't support one wrong which was isolating India completely otherwise till today we didn't supported any side on Kashmir .
why u guys send ur girls to honey trap our politions start from sikandar mirza.
Ask your politician
why u guys were harboring bla
Again baseless accusation AKA :blah::blah: let talk about jund-Allah and their successors.
why u guys spread ur ideology inside pakistan
As if pakistan has no Shia itself

In US dollars?
Yes, high quality one . you can buy low quality substances in rupee
Why you guys gave us a tainted centrifuge that you previously used in making nukes.

You only gave us one or two centrifuge everything else was ours.

We didn't sold you there we just didn't support one wrong which was isolating India completely otherwise till today we didn't supported any side on Kashmir .

Ask your politician

Again baseless accusation AKA :blah::blah: let talk about jund-Allah and their successors.

As if pakistan has no Shia itself

Yes, high quality one . you can buy low quality substances in rupee
dude u should be thankful we gave u whtever tainted we had.
and about india finaly u said the truth that u too r ganga lover and followers if rapists
u have no feelings for blood of kashmiris.
u call urself islamic country wow
Why you guys gave us a tainted centrifuge that you previously used in making nukes.

You only gave us one or two centrifuge everything else was ours.

We didn't sold you there we just didn't support one wrong which was isolating India completely otherwise till today we didn't supported any side on Kashmir .

Ask your politician

Again baseless accusation AKA :blah::blah: let talk about jund-Allah and their successors.

As if pakistan has no Shia itself

Yes, high quality one . you can buy low quality substances in rupee
@waz dude please read this and decide u still love iranians.
and to all pakistanis see for urself this
dude u should be thankful we gave u whtever tainted we had.
and about india finaly u said the truth that u too r ganga lover and followers if rapists
u have no feelings for blood of kashmiris.
u call urself islamic country wow
No you are like the guys who say you are with us or against us . well that attitude is useless when you deal with Iran . we didn't allow you to isolate India . on other hand we provide you the energy you needed for gwadar.
And I have the same feeling for the blood of Kashmiris as we have for the blood of Armenian or Indian or . . . all of them are the same . what you wanted would have made the life of kashmiri people a lot harder.

And so you admit that you knew the centrifuge are tainted with weapon grade uranium and yet you sent them to us and so I must say if it's the case you are responsible for all the problem and sanction and damages we received because of it.

By the way we didn't told the origin of those centrifuges . IAEA looked at them once and they understood from where they come.its your problem they wanted to knew the origins of centrifuge if you didn't sent us tainted centrifuges they were not that sensitive about their origine.
No you are like the guys who say you are with us or against us . well that attitude is useless when you deal with Iran . we didn't allow you to isolate India . on other hand we provide you the energy you needed for gwadar.
And I have the same feeling for the blood of Kashmiris as we have for the blood of Armenian or Indian or . . . all of them are the same . what you wanted would have made the life of kashmiri people a lot harder.

And so you admit that you knew the centrifuge are tainted with weapon grade uranium and yet you sent them to us and so I must say if it's the case you are responsible for all the problem and sanction and damages we received because of it.

By the way we didn't told the origin of those centrifuges . IAEA looked at them once and they understood from where they come.its your problem they wanted to knew the origins of centrifuge if you didn't sent us tainted centrifuges they were not that sensitive about their origine.
u keep ur mouth shut if u have no emotions for our blood
neither do we have any for u.
now i feel soo happy about how u guys r thrown into dirt day by day u guys deserve it.
u know wht is being a respected nation!
leme tell u these same americans beg us million times to hive us access to chinese tech.we never did.because we aren’t like u.u r like that pimp who sells his own for the favors of today
u r worst then our enemy
u r traitor to muslims
u keep ur mouth shut if u have no emotions for our blood
neither do we have any for u.
now i feel soo happy about how u guys r thrown into dirt day by day u guys deserve it.
u know wht is being a respected nation!
leme tell u these same americans beg us million times to hive us access to chinese tech.we never did.because we aren’t like u.u r like that pimp who sells his own for the favors of today
u r worst then our enemy
u r traitor to muslims
So you say your blood is redder than the blood of the ones over the border . How Sad.
Well good for you that have access to China technology . we have access to our own .wonder which one is more respectable.

By the way as it seems your mission in life is to derail the thread well as of now your off-topic posts will fall on deaf ear.
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So you say your blood is redder than the blood of the ones over the border . How Sad.
Well good for you that have access to China technology . we have access to our own .wonder which one is more respectable.

By the way as it seems your mission in life is to derail the thread well as of now your off-topic posts will fall on deaf ear.
why u bringing china into discussion
as if u dont lick chinese boots on daily basis to buy ur oil.
now u slipping away from real discussion
as a muslim blood of muslim is always first them non muslim
go read quran
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