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U.A.E. Pulls Most Forces From Yemen in Blow to Saudi War Effort

Again no mention of the IRGC so I assume you accept my factual position on it.

The bases were not moved behind Mecca and Medina after the war started for safeguarding them from Houthis dear.

If a drone "malfunctions" and May Allah forbid falls on Mecca or Medina, I wounder who will start crying that the Arabs can't even protect the holly cites and are not worthy to guard them.

The poor victims on both sides suffer, it's just about capabilities and capacity to hit back.

Anyway, the sanctity must be protected by all sides, or the perpetrator would face the inevitable wrath.
no I don't accept your claim about IRGC ,I answered that already . and what if F-15 malfunction , I'm certain the damage to the holy city is far greater if the F-15 malfunction compared to the time if a drone malfunction
what was the consequence , and were come armed equipment most not travel near mecca and medina ?
English please!

no I don't accept your claim about IRGC ,I answered that already . and what if F-15 malfunction , I'm certain the damage to the holy city is far greater if the F-15 malfunction compared to the time if a drone malfunction
RSAF Eagles achieved IOC in 1980, since then i.e. 4 decades later, none has fallen over the holy cities, but you can keep up your wishful thinking.

if god forbid an f-15 fall on Kaaba.
by the way the missiles didn't fly directly over Kaaba.
Did the houthies send you a flt map?

show us the map
i condemned it . would you condemned houthis's?
well , I'd have condamned it on the condition that it was not KSA ardefence that knocked it of the sky over theholy city , but its hypotethical debate .
(Before you say something i'd coondamn houthis if it was them who knock that hypothetical F-15 out of sky over holy cities )

English please!

RSAF Eagles achieved IOC in 1980, since then i.e. 4 decades later, none has fallen over the holy cities, but you can keep up your wishful thinking.

Did the houthies send you a flt map?

non of Houthis missile fall over holy cities as far as I'm aware if that is your concern)
well , I'd have condamned it on the condition that it was not KSA ardefence that knocked it of the sky over theholy city , but its hypotethical debate .
(Before you say something i'd coondamn houthis if it was them who knock that hypothetical F-15 out of sky over holy cities )

non of Houthis missile fall over holy cities as far as I'm aware if that is your concern)
In the "REAL WORLD" no one buys this story.

your map shows where i live that is not object of this discussion

You asked for "a map." I gave you one. Look on the bright side, now you know where you live :enjoy:

Btw, when will you publish the flt map of the BM's fired by Iranian Proxies i.e. Houthies?
You asked for "a map." I gave you one. Look on the bright side, now you know where you live :enjoy:

Btw, when will you publish the flt map of the BM's fired by Iranian Proxies i.e. Houthies?
when you who first claimed the target was mecca publish your map .
by the way sadly as I didn't gave access to my location it didn't show where I live , it showed were last time I needed a map navigating some place deep inside Iran

In the "REAL WORLD" no one buys this story.
more acceptable than your story about if a missile hit Kaaba we would have said Wahabis can't protect mecca we claimed that in previous stampade
more acceptable than your story about if a missile hit Kaaba we would have said Wahabis can't protect mecca we claimed that in previous stampade

You mean how the sanctity of Makkah, a holy city was violated, and IRGC stooges caused a riot in 1987?
You mean how the sanctity of Makkah, a holy city was violated, and IRGC stooges caused a riot in 1987?
more like how security forces closed two street in 2015 (let not go into why) and resulted in a stampade that killes several thousands piligrims ,you knew something like closure of Street 206.
Alhaji Samaila Dabai Yombe, Deputy Governor of the Nigerian state of Kebbi, who was present at the incident, stated that the deaths happened due to a blockage of the route to Jamaraat Bridge. "What actually happened was that all the pilgrims scheduled to throw Jamrat at that time were channeled to one particular street. At a time we got to a certain point around 8:00am, a military vehicle was set across to create a barrier and then some of the Saudi soldiers were standing by, suggesting that you cannot go beyond that point. [...] About 5,000 people coming from the same direction were not aware of the road block in front, which resulted to a tight and stationary human traffic, which made it very difficult for us to even stand. So, we continued to squat to make room for fresh air while the temperature was about 47 degrees Celsius. [...] Pilgrims, in efforts to get fresh air, attempted to scale fences of tents on both sides of the road. Very few succeeded, while most people just succumb to the situation. It was at this juncture that we saw dead bodies piling up around us".
no I don't accept your claim about IRGC
Here is a tidbit, you should know what I am talking about quds force and IRGC: The first three IRGC personnel killed in Syria, Major Moharram Tork, Private Ali Asgari Taqanaki, and Brigadier General Hassan Shateri (also known as Hesam Khoshnevis), were all Quds Force members. This indicates the Quds Force bore the brunt of the fatalities in the initial phase of the war in Syria. Since the Quds Force is a relatively small unit within the IRGC, those losses compelled the IRGC leadership to deploy regular ground forces to Syria to lessen the pressure on the Quds Force. Do you concur dear?

and what if F-15 malfunction , I'm certain the damage to the holy city is far greater if the F-15 malfunction compared to the time if a drone malfunction
The lies about IRGC and the logic in your post is befitting your deliberate lack of grasp of the issue at hand and deliberate ignorance of it's sensitivity.
In Pakistan we say it - calling Roti ko Chochi.
You continue to do that dear.
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