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Type 075 Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) News & Discussions


Via @京NM1K00 from Weibo
TO MODS here:

@Deino @waz @BHarwana @LeGenD

I'd like to raise to the attention of all in moderating and administrative positions due to there are too many "low effort posts" even in the flagship military threads like J-20; Y-20; 00X/003 and so on.

This kind of problem is being tackled well in competing English-language forum like SDF

but the same situation cannot be said about this forum.

Therefore not only the quality of members and active posters play important factor differentiating the two forums, but also the rules and administrative efforts do affects the two -- thus they call themselves "prof" and here "fan-boys". There the ACTIVE mods are several -- ACTIVE for they are engaging in discussions there, thus response is quick. Here the active one is mostly Deino.

There, as its name stipulates, the "Sino or Chinese Defence subject" is the main feat, thus gets most or all resources.
Here, the "Chinese Defence subject" is just the minor part of the bigger subject.

With some members here at the posting binge throwing out all kinds of opinions at ease, without self-refrain efforts, due to lack of administrative actions, repeatedly, from one occasion to another, stirring annoying turbulence, will anyone in doubt that the quality of this Chinese section is deteriorating over time (vis-à-vis the American-owned SDF) ???

I hope mods will put attention and efforts to minimize those "low effort posts" include but not limited to the troublesome individual opinion push, even the ridiculous ones due to the lax administrative measures and attention given here.

Please take a look at above link to get some idea to rectify the overall, general situation in this section. Thing is unhealthy here, no wonder the quality is decreasing!
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From 龙龑之 @Loongnaval on 2021.01.29:

Chinese Navy 3rd type 075 LHD and Pakistani Navy 2nd type 054A/P Frigate launch today at Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard.

Type 075 LHD #3 and Pakistani Navy 2nd type 054A_P Frigate launch at Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard ...jpg

Type 075 LHD #3 and Pakistani Navy 2nd type 054A_P Frigate launch at Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard ...jpg

Type 075 LHD #3 and Pakistani Navy 2nd type 054A_P Frigate launch at Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard ...jpg

From wlr2678 @TheElegant055 on 2021.01.29:


"The moment the keel touches the water, she is no longer just a lump of steel, but a real ship."

Under the eyes of the workers of Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard, the steel body of the huge vessel gradually established stable buoyancy, and with the help of the tugboat, it slowly sailed out of the dock where she has grown up.

The Three Sisters are created in less than two years, and they are the heroes behind the scenes who created the legends.

今天 14:09 来自 Android

Once again witnessed the launch of the Type 075 LHD, and ship No. 3 was successfully undocked today!

Type 075 LHD #3 launch at Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard 20210129 01.jpg

Type 075 LHD #3 launch at Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard 20210129 02.jpg

Type 075 LHD #3 launch at Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard 20210129 03.jpg

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18 months we had nothing

and now 3 x LHD are in the water

break neck speed a testament to Chinese ship building

I wonder what is next Type 075A? if so when is construction scheduled to start ?

China should now start forming amphibious ready groups (ARG)

built around 1 x LHD + 2-3 x LPD + Type 055 + Fast Tanker

in meantime form Carrier strike groups with Carriers + SSN + CG + Fast Tankers
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