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Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

S-400 is not a purpose but a stop-gap tool until Our national surface to air missiles are ready to be operational. Turkish industry is in serious effort to develop strategic SAM systems to declare independence to protect own airspace without any limitation so This area is considered vital for investments.

Hisar family SAM systems!

Hisar-A IIR Low Altitude Missile - MAR Radar
Hisar-O IIR Medium Altitude Medium range Missile - Kalkan-2 Radar
Hisar-ON RF Long Altitude Medium Range Missile - Kalkan-2 Radar
Hisar-U RF ( Hisar-O/RF + ~2m Booster) Long Altitude Long Range Missile - TEIRS Radar
Hisar-A/O/U Naval variants

It is believed to be Hisar-U graphic
View attachment 405390
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Seeker head roadway of ASelsan gives some cue about missile projects ! Attention here !


By 2017- AA missile seeker head (Goktuğ Bozdoğan/Gökdoğan missiles)
By 2018- Air Defence Missiles seeker head (Hisar A/O IIR Seeker )
By 2020- Hybrid IIR/RF seeker head (Most prob. Hisar-U Long Altitude SAM)
By 2022-23- Anti-Ballistic Missile Seeker head ( Most prob. Advanced Hisar-U SAM )
Don't ask him to prove... since it will quite impossible... Arrow 3 is not combat proven yet... and don't even tell him that A3 is jointly developped and financed by the US... that's not a total indegenious sys...

Maybe Arrow 3 is a hoax (fake) like Iron Dome.

Maybe Arrow 3 is a hoax (fake) like Iron Dome.

Where did I say it didn't exist???

look bf jumping on yur horses...try to re-read previous post one by one...
or you are being ironic..; idon't really know....

it wasn't about the sys...but his 1500km advertised range... It was an answer to his claim about his comment that he wanted a proof of s-400 range..;
it was a rethoric answer...

But it is real some countries have already paid billions.
Where did I say it didn't exist???

look bf jumping on yur horses...try to re-read previous post one by one...
or you are being ironic..; idon't really know....

it wasn't about the sys...but his 1500km advertised range... It was an answer to his claim about his comment that he wanted a proof of s-400 range..;


It's just my guess. I think arrow 3 does not exist.
Maybe Arrow 3 is a hoax (fake) like Iron Dome.

there is no limit to people jeoules and hate of israel showing them live intercept and they say its fake comeone
even usa considere to buy it from us to put in nato

It just got in service and there not many of them as of now, but it does exist.
there are still more tests in alaska this year i think its not 100 % but it close to it going to do more tests only after war you can do changes that giving you higher percentege of intercapte
why do you think so?

Look at 1:00. Did they recording with a stone age camera?
They hide something.

there is no limit to people jeoules and hate of israel showing them live intercept and they say its fake comeone
even usa considere to buy it from us to put in nato

there are still more tests in alaska this year i think its not 100 % but it close to it going to do more tests only after war you can do changes that giving you higher percentege of intercapte

Why should the USA want to buy it? They have the potential for better and modern systems.
They have also financed and developed the project. It makes no sense.
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A great news!!! The Turkish folks must be watering their mouth to have a hand on these systems!!!! They can check their counter measures (ASELSAN KORAL) too and fine tune it further!!! And, the ultimate winners will be Pak!!!!! They'll have the ECMs ready by the time the Indians have S-400!!!!! It's called Russian Roulette in action!!!!

Yes, if Turkey gets it Pakistan can have some inside view of the system and can work with Turkey how to counter S-400 as India is also purchasing it.

Will Turkey get full S-400 system in terms of electronics and missiles (very long range like 40N6) or partial one?
Yes, if Turkey gets it Pakistan can have some inside view of the system and can work with Turkey how to counter S-400 as India is also purchasing it.

Will Turkey get full S-400 system in terms of electronics and missiles (very long range like 40N6) or partial one?
Bro, I have no clue. But, I can tell you this much - the Turkish folks have lots of curiosity and they demand the best!!!!! In the words of late Steve Jobs, they're hungry!!!!

On a side note, when the USSR collapsed many top notch professors in the fields of electromagnetics, optics etc. got their research funds, salaries etc. drastically curtailed. Moreover, they were then free to move anywhere they liked. Rahmetli President Turgut Ozal specifically instructed the Turkish research institutes, universities etc. to hire them and provide them with funds. Many professors,, specially from the Turkic republics, ended up in my alma mater. They were highly intelligent folks with little inclination for niceties!! And, they were very rough and tough task masters!!!! Needless to say, most of their research fields were defense oriented.

I can still remember one particular dissertation defense session. It was related to optoelectronics and the poor guy was almost torn apart by an ex USSR professor in the committee. He threw out all the presumptions, almost physically, and showed how things are done in the real world!!!!! As a result, a generation of Turkish students and researchers got exposed to their mindsets!!! IMO, the present advances in Turkey's defense sectors may have some relevance to that.

Bottom-line: the Russian staffs shouldn't be 100% ambiguous to some of the concerned folks in Turkey...
Yes, if Turkey gets it Pakistan can have some inside view of the system and can work with Turkey how to counter S-400 as India is also purchasing it.

Will Turkey get full S-400 system in terms of electronics and missiles (very long range like 40N6) or partial one?

Will never happen, you are sign in a contract. Russians will give you a finger and will not give spare parts and update:-).

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