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Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

This guy is performing a kind of bullshit always. What he told are totally from Wikipedia, not more. And some of them he read wrong at during the speech. Let him free with his dummy brain. Maybe he watching this page now.. :D
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Any reaction from Greek media regarding the sale of S-400?
As a greek i can inform you that the greek media keeps that matter relatively high, Greece till now has the air defence superiority over Turkey with a very strong and dense AA umbrella. Weapon systems like S400 are indeed a game changer and that to be honest could be a serious blow to greek defensive military plans.
As a greek i can inform you that the greek media keeps that matter relatively high, Greece till now has the air defence superiority over Turkey with a very strong and dense AA umbrella. Weapon systems like S400 are indeed a game changer and that to be honest could be a serious blow to greek defensive military plans.

add to this the F-35, you greeks are in a very serious disadvantage
As a greek i can inform you that the greek media keeps that matter relatively high, Greece till now has the air defence superiority over Turkey with a very strong and dense AA umbrella. Weapon systems like S400 are indeed a game changer and that to be honest could be a serious blow to greek defensive military plans.
The Russians will supply you the backdoor to the S400 and US to the F35 in case of a conflict.
The Russians will supply you the backdoor to the S400 and US to the F35 in case of a conflict.

By then the greeks will not just face the s400 and f35 but also hisar aa, tfx and all sorts of other stuff. From what i understand the greeks would in case of a conflict try their best in a convential war but put much of their hopes in guerilla warfare till reinforcements from eu army arrive.

btw i think this s400 is aimed at america because they are havily arming the pkk in syria right now and lots of weapons already captured in turkey so we will see.
The Russians will supply you the backdoor to the S400 and US to the F35 in case of a conflict.

I think Turkey are all to aware of this and are already planing for the future, we are all speculating here. Maybe Turkey does have have the capability to reverse engineer 40N6 missile and the radar system when they get their hands on it. Maybe their planing to combine technology from S-400 with Aster missile defence with the knowledge they have gained so far.

The Russians will supply you the backdoor to the S400 and US to the F35 in case of a conflict.

By that time there is conflict Russia can give all the back doors they want it wont help you.
add to this the F-35, you greeks are in a very serious disadvantage
In my opinion Turkey won't have both of those systems, if Turkey gets the S400, which seems after all it will get, USA will somehow respond by banning the F35 delivery to Turkey.
But i talked about greek military defensive plans per se, which means the greek capabilities in dealing succesfully against a turkish threat-attack in a relatively short time conflict, where Greece's more than adequate for her size quality military can by itself alone repel Turkish army and maybe gain an advantage somewhere till the ceasefire and negotiation table comes, not a prolonged all out war where we know that 1 vs 1(which is an impossible scenario since big powers always intervene in smaller players conflicts to serve their own interests)Turkey can prevail with her big manpower, resources, military factories and bigger economy.

But that doesn't mean Greece is doomed in my opinion again. With Turkey getting away more and more from the west Greece becomes even more important for the west and NATO (as well as for Israel) to let Turkey become again a naval power and thus begin its new ottoman adventure.
There is a saying in Turkey; Rabbit rubbed his genital on mountain, then rabbit says "i fcked that mountain".

That's exactly same thing with your "opinion" :lol:
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