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Two new Type-052C destroyers in Shanghai Jiangnan shipyard

your fancy navy ship took 8 years to complete.
we spent 1 year to compete the 052c destroyer construction.

time to question why
your fancy navy ship took 8 years to complete.
we spent 1 year to compete the 052c destroyer construction.

time to question why

Um China has better and bigger shipyards and ship building industry? Isn't that what we have been "discussing" in the past few pages?

Also our ship is fancier, so it takes longer:lol:
Also our ship is fancier, so it takes longer:lol:

to be frankly honest, I don't think india has any weapon that is better than its Chinese counterpart:

1. aircraft carrier group: China builds J-15 on its own, including jet engines, india imported Mig crap.

2. fighters: China has J-10/J-11/J-20/FC-1, all build in China including its engines. india imports everything, even those screws.

3. tanks: Type-099A2 is about 15 ahead of T-90 junk, Arjun can probably be combat ready in another 10 years, we can wait.

4. destroyers: Type-052C is considered as "old", but we can afford probably 20, how many india can afford to have? you also need to understand that should China imports all those radars, missiles, sonars from the west like what india did, we can probably get better in hours.

this list goes on pretty long.

please remember: india is so far not industrialized, even its power generators need to be imported from China. it is thus naive at best to compare the military gear of these two nations. If you can't understand this, play Civilization on your PC and see why you don't want to fight an enemy from different age.
Um China has better and bigger shipyards and ship building industry? Isn't that what we have been "discussing" in the past few pages?

Also our ship is fancier, so it takes longer:lol:

Dont mind Peacefuk
He is just into one of his Trolling Spree
Hell even USA takes 30 Months to build each DDG51 Destroyer , how can the chins build one in just 1 yr

By the way the reason coz First Kolkata class Destroyers took time is coz its a new Design and it takes time to design a new ship , formulate its specification and Manufacture the required Quality of Warship Grade Steel
The Follow on ships to the Kolkata class ie P15B will take 5 yrs to Build since there is no Difference in design and there is No Learning Curve For Shipyard
Infact the only Noticeable Difference Between P15A and P15B is that P15B will carry 1000 Km range Nirbhay Cruise Missiles and Barak 8 SAM , Rest will be Identical to P15A
Dont mind Peacefuk
He is just into one of his Trolling Spree
Hell even USA takes 30 Months to build each DDG51 Destroyer , how can the chins build one in just 1 yr

I didn't read your crap. as it is just too silly.

China built 8000km high speed railway in 5 years. How many years will take US to do the same?

China built the city of Shenzhen in 30 years, started from a small small fishing village. Now it has a population of 13 million. How long will it take for the US to do the same?

You may also want to check how many cars are being built in US/China each year.

Never heard about Shenzhen? Got censored in india? don't worry, I will let you know the truth:

Shenzhen - built from a fishing village.

Now I am waiting for you to show me some comparable development US did in 30 years.
to be frankly honest, I don't think india has any weapon that is better than its Chinese counterpart:

1. aircraft carrier group: China builds J-15 on its own, including jet engines, india imported Mig crap.

2. fighters: China has J-10/J-11/J-20/FC-1, all build in China including its engines. india imports everything, even those screws.

3. tanks: Type-099A2 is about 15 ahead of T-90 junk, Arjun can probably be combat ready in another 10 years, we can wait.

4. destroyers: Type-052C is considered as "old", but we can afford probably 20, how many india can afford to have? you also need to understand that should China imports all those radars, missiles, sonars from the west like what india did, we can probably get better in hours.

this list goes on pretty long.

please remember: india is so far not industrialized, even its power generators need to be imported from China. it is thus naive at best to compare the military gear of these two nations. If you can't understand this, play Civilization on your PC and see why you don't want to fight an enemy from different age.

To be frankly honest, I don't think India and China will ever be involved in a one on one war, which will involve all those weapon systems.

It will be an all out war, and there will be allies. You'll have bigger and better military players to worry about. We are just going to be an irritant for you guys, a major irritant though:lol:

And the bit about "fancier ship" was meant to be a joke.:cheesy: Loosen up a bit eh?
1. aircraft carrier group: China builds J-15 on its own, including jet engines, india imported Mig crap.

Wrong, China buys Su33 prototype from Ukraine , labels it J15
2. fighters: China has J-10/J-11/J-20/FC-1, all build in China including its engines. India
imports everything, even those screws.

Lets see about That
J10 - Copied from Israeli Lavi Project
J11 - World Renowned copy of Su27 with Chinese Avionics instead of Russian Avionics , even Indian MKI carry Indian Avionics and IS manufactured in India under License , so should we call it an Indigenous Project
FC-1 - Also called JFART 17 ,based on the cancelled Soviet Mig33 Project
J20 - Lets see , by the time it enters service , we will know which Russian cancelled Project , It is the copy of

4. destroyers: Type-052C is considered as "old", but we can afford probably 20, how many india can afford to have? you also need to understand that should China imports all those radars, missiles, sonars from the west like what india did, we can probably get better in hours.

Well Navy has a acquisition Budget of 60 Billion USD for next 10 Yrs out of which Amount to Be spent on Frigates and Destroyers is 22 Billion ie 11 Billion Each
currently we have 7 Kolkata Class Destroyers on ordered , To be inducted Starting 2012
I am sure we can Induct 5-7 More under the allotted Budget

please remember: india is so far not industrialized, even its power generators need to be imported from China. it is thus naive at best to compare the military gear of these two nations. If you can't understand this, play Civilization on your PC and see why you don't want to fight an enemy from different age.

I must say your Troll quotient is Out of this World
So one Private sector Power company decides to buy Power plant Equipment from China , that means that we are not Industrialized
Didnt your Pin sized brain ever Heard about Demand Supply Gap , The reason is that Indian Suppliers are unable to meet Local Demand for Power equipment , Mainly becoz of Current Govts Target to ADD as much generation capacity in Next 10 Yrs as had been added in last 65 Yrs
Never heard about Shenzhen? Got censored in india? don't worry, I will let you know the truth:

Shenzhen - built from a fishing village.

Unlike chinis commie party , Indian Government Doesnot censor The Internet
Hell , CCPUK even censored Avatar coz it talks about Freedom , which u guys dont know
By the way Try searching for Tienanmen Square Massacre on Baidog.com or for that matter Xinxang Riots , or even Urigur Rebels ,u will get your answer regarding what is censor
indians dont know how to make ships.
infact, all indian weapons are foreign.

india is a very overrated country that tries its best to compete and compare itself with china but falls desperately short every single time.
its always china the leader, india the follower.

india has always been second to china over the last 5000 years.

what people dont realise is india is still a dirt poor country with over 95% of its entire country in absolute poverty. majority of its people cant afford even 1 meal a day.

india has little to no industry.

china is the 2nd largest industrial country after the US and soon to overtake the US.

china is the largest shipbuilder in the world.

indian government is too corrupt and bowing down to western rule to be any great power in the future.

india does what the US and UK tell them to. india is still indirectly a western colony.
1. aircraft carrier group: China builds J-15 on its own, including jet engines, india imported Mig crap.

Wrong, China buys Su33 prototype from Ukraine , labels it J15
2. fighters: China has J-10/J-11/J-20/FC-1, all build in China including its engines. India
imports everything, even those screws.

Lets see about That
J10 - Copied from Israeli Lavi Project
J11 - World Renowned copy of Su27 with Chinese Avionics instead of Russian Avionics , even Indian MKI carry Indian Avionics and IS manufactured in India under License , so should we call it an Indigenous Project
FC-1 - Also called JFART 17 ,based on the cancelled Soviet Mig33 Project
J20 - Lets see , by the time it enters service , we will know which Russian cancelled Project , It is the copy of

4. destroyers: Type-052C is considered as "old", but we can afford probably 20, how many india can afford to have? you also need to understand that should China imports all those radars, missiles, sonars from the west like what india did, we can probably get better in hours.

Well Navy has a acquisition Budget of 60 Billion USD for next 10 Yrs out of which Amount to Be spent on Frigates and Destroyers is 22 Billion ie 11 Billion Each
currently we have 7 Kolkata Class Destroyers on ordered , To be inducted Starting 2012
I am sure we can Induct 5-7 More under the allotted Budget

please remember: india is so far not industrialized, even its power generators need to be imported from China. it is thus naive at best to compare the military gear of these two nations. If you can't understand this, play Civilization on your PC and see why you don't want to fight an enemy from different age.

I must say your Troll quotient is Out of this World
So one Private sector Power company decides to buy Power plant Equipment from China , that means that we are not Industrialized
Didnt your Pin sized brain ever Heard about Demand Supply Gap , The reason is that Indian Suppliers are unable to meet Local Demand for Power equipment , Mainly becoz of Current Govts Target to ADD as much generation capacity in Next 10 Yrs as had been added in last 65 Yrs

again.... copy copy copy blablabla.
plz tell me, can u even copy a mig21? hahahha
1. aircraft carrier group: China builds J-15 on its own, including jet engines, india imported Mig crap.

Wrong, China buys Su33 prototype from Ukraine , labels it J15
2. fighters: China has J-10/J-11/J-20/FC-1, all build in China including its engines. India
imports everything, even those screws.

Lets see about That
J10 - Copied from Israeli Lavi Project
J11 - World Renowned copy of Su27 with Chinese Avionics instead of Russian Avionics , even Indian MKI carry Indian Avionics and IS manufactured in India under License , so should we call it an Indigenous Project
FC-1 - Also called JFART 17 ,based on the cancelled Soviet Mig33 Project
J20 - Lets see , by the time it enters service , we will know which Russian cancelled Project , It is the copy of

4. destroyers: Type-052C is considered as "old", but we can afford probably 20, how many india can afford to have? you also need to understand that should China imports all those radars, missiles, sonars from the west like what india did, we can probably get better in hours.

Well Navy has a acquisition Budget of 60 Billion USD for next 10 Yrs out of which Amount to Be spent on Frigates and Destroyers is 22 Billion ie 11 Billion Each
currently we have 7 Kolkata Class Destroyers on ordered , To be inducted Starting 2012
I am sure we can Induct 5-7 More under the allotted Budget

please remember: india is so far not industrialized, even its power generators need to be imported from China. it is thus naive at best to compare the military gear of these two nations. If you can't understand this, play Civilization on your PC and see why you don't want to fight an enemy from different age.

I must say your Troll quotient is Out of this World
So one Private sector Power company decides to buy Power plant Equipment from China , that means that we are not Industrialized
Didnt your Pin sized brain ever Heard about Demand Supply Gap , The reason is that Indian Suppliers are unable to meet Local Demand for Power equipment , Mainly becoz of Current Govts Target to ADD as much generation capacity in Next 10 Yrs as had been added in last 65 Yrs

again.... copy copy copy blablabla.
plz tell me, can u even copy a mig21? hahahha
Guys are we still discuss the type 052c?

That becomes difficult ,when the whole point oft he thread was a flamebait

We don't talk loud, we deliver results. Our neighbours should sit down, spend a few generations to learn that from us.
According to photos this week, at least another two are under construction in Shanghai. I won't be surprised if Guangzhou can also secure a couple order from the Navy.
Spot on, Qwerrty!!

When I saw that Indian shipyard in the 1st page, the first thing in my mind was " am convinced that Indians are building some kinda of floating slums or sth alike due to congestions on the land". :rofl: qwerrty beats me to that of pointing it out. And one does not need to be a qualified drafter to say so.

e.g. make no mistake, in the middle down of that pic, it is positively a mountain of garbage dump! the same with the upper right corner near the “dock”. It’s apparently a sort of half-dry half- wet slum-type courtyard – I guess that’s where people go answer nature’s calls day and/or nigh? Am I right?

What make the diff are attitude and work ethics/discipline, which usually are almost always associated with the cleanness of the environment of living /working quarter , which again is one of many reflections of the underlying IQ.

The problem about that shipyard is not about poor conditions, but much more about the total disorder in forms of chaos, as usual, showing the sheer lack of discipline of the general work force, AND particularly the mentality of the management – those at the top of India’s IQ pyramid. Nuff said :lol:

This random Indian military shipyard exemplifies exactly that it’s no secret why India is no where near China’s tail in shipbuilding, and in most other things.
O'rly?! Any more info? If this is true then it would explain why the Pentagon release that they have a laser type weapon as well. Unfortunately, I don't think your target will just sit there to get shot at.

It is a high power laser, similar to the one waiting to be put on the Y-20 Airborne Laser. It has been tested and successfully intercepted a Type 81 122 mm artillery rocket.
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