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Turkish recon satellite to reveal Israeli secrets

What is your point, who doesn't spying? US Russia Germany UK China etc are spying, even low tech Pakistan is spying.
The report is actually very complimentary to the Israeli technological ability :)
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You know nothing. Many Arabs voluntarely serve in IDF. Arabs are EQUAL citizens of Israel, Arabic is official language in Israel. But Kurds in Turkey are deprived of this most basic right. They are oficially second class. So spare me of that nonsense.
lol.. your ignorance is beyond my imagination and you play genius here.. check the poll in upper post .. kurds have no compliment about their life in turkey and they are against a kurdish state.. PKK doesnt represents Kurdish nation
Do u ever see Kurds firing rockets at Turkish towns? I repeat you killed 4 times more than us accoridng to ur own sources. But no one knows how many really were killed.

will you share your sources with us?

PKK fired rocked to school garden
PKK rocket found stuck on house's roof
PKK Killed 10 civilians in Hakkari
PKK kills 9 cvilians
PKK rocket attack injures eight in Turkey
and this book;
PKK's all civil massacres 1984-2009

"The Chronology of Ambushes and Massacres of PKK" Turkish army and gendarme sources
u gonna need to use google translator
back on topic the present Turkey space tech is even behind Pakistan and they do not have proper space program and i think Pakistan should help them in this case. and about the satellite lets see after its launched...............
you really think that you and your country is "something", dont you? for god's sake make some search :coffee:
everyone has enemies, not just israel

i dont see problem with turkey having such a satellite and as israel has all types of stuff.. even nukes

i think it time israel was left to stand on its own two feet, this protectionist attitude of western nations is wrong

even since ww2 when the nazis gased them, the jews got everything given to them, even the majority of palestine, even though 98% of it was legally owned by palestinians, not israelis.... the israelis got compensation and special treatment etc and claimed 6 million of them gased.. well most of the 6 million that were gased, we in fact polish, and poland copped it worse then the israelis ever did

was poland given more land?? was poland given compensation?? were polish people making such a woe is me arguement for the last 70 years?

i believe if israel stops its occupation, retreats to borders of un resolution they have been in violation of for the past 44 years, and stopped trying to force the palestinians out of their own land, and making false pretenses of peace when they clearly have none, then i will support israel if they are attacked by arab nations

untill then, i would say israel are the biggest terrorist in the region

violence begets violence, you cant expect peace through force in the situation it is in
Again it is not a matter of Turkey having satellite, hell! even Israeli IAI was one of the tenders to build Turkish satellite.
Unlike you, we kill terrorists who take innocent life. And TSK never target civillians at such a massive scale like yours. In Operation Sun, when Turkey invaded northern Iraq, TSK killed 230 PKK rebels, and not ONE SINGLE civillian loss. Do you know why?
If its true that means that PKK unlike coward Hamas are not hiding villages and towns.

But I doubt u have any serious data to support ur claims. On the other hand I brought reliable data from Chechnya, Sri Lanka, Iraq, your dear Sudanese friends. All of them had much much higher rate of civilian casualties than in Israel. I can also tell that Turks slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Armenian and Greek women and children and commited ethnic cleansing of them. So u are the last one who can preach morals to anyone.

Because we value human life, and we don't go with the mentality "well in Israel Palestinians loose thousands of civilians as a collateral damage, so we can do a slightly less collateral damage".
If Hamas were not operating from civilian areas no civilian would be hurt.

I have spoken with hundreds of Turkish Kurds, and not ONE was unhappy with the Turkish operations, because TSK NEVER INTENTIONALLY TARGET CIVILLIANS, contrary to IDF which civillian murders FAR outnumbers actual terrorists.
Rubbish. We spend milions on precise weapons to decrease casualties among the Palestinians.

If you look at the operations against PKK in east Turkey many of the TSK soldiers are ethnic kurds, and they find it honorable to fight in the name of their country.
Many of IDF soldiers are etnic Arabs.
every citizen has equal rights in this country, even better for kurds they get more help.. more than half of them have "green card" for free social aids and medical care..
Lie. Native people Kurds cant study in their own language.

i would like to see your sources

language has a unique feature which unites people under the umbrella, beside this everyone speaks their language freely, even there is a state channel TRT brodcasting only Kurdish, and there is a Kurdish Language Institue established. A big number of world countries have one official languages and many ethnical groups.. There are over 15 ethnic groups in Turkey and 4-5 of them have above 1 million population everybody speaks their language..
Switzerland has 4 languages. Its not a big problem. Kurds are about 20% of population so they defenitely should get their language as national if Turkey wants to be a civilized state.

and about Arabic in israel.. lets see what an israeli semitic languages professor ( hebrew university and university of helsinki ) says about this issue, you will love this thing joo
I dont care about ur lame speaches. Fact that Arabic is official language in Israel.

They atack with rockets local police and commando unit. Palestinians daily shelled Israeli towns with rockets.
Interesting to see that every day our Turkish and Israeli guests here are at each others' throats.
I don't know what is the actual official position though. I still suspect that the official Turkey and Israel are much more cordial than the blogspace is. It is easier to be armchair warriors in the blogspace.

PS. I still think it is quite interesting and disappointing for Indian guests here to come and support Israel on every issue. I can remember so many Indians coming out to support Israel after the Flotilla attack last year--a time where you could hardly find anyone supporting that attack except, of course, portions of American media outside of Israel. So Israel considers itself an 'Outpost of the West'. What do Indians considers themselves: An Outpost of Israel?! How could the world opinion be on one side and Indian bloggers be on the wrong side? Everyone has a right to their opinions, of course, but I am not sure Indians should carry their anti-Pakistan feelings to become a general anti-Muslim feeling. It does not serve India much.
The internet is anonymous, you don't know who's from which country or whether they are telling the truth about themselves. Lets just go with someone for some reason personal to them dislikes Turkey so much that they would flame as another nationality.

Anyway, this is a stupid israeli policy, we don't see such a clause being opened by Turkey in regards to PKK Terrorists getting ahold of Israeli or American sat photos. This is a non-issue.

Turkey is developing it's own high resolution optics for future Gok Turk sats.
OK... let me get this straight. The jews on this forum are accusing our Turkish brothers of genocide?!

Here are pictures of dead goyims at the hands of the "chose ones":


Interesting to see that every day our Turkish and Israeli guests here are at each others' throats.
I don't know what is the actual official position though. I still suspect that the official Turkey and Israel are much more cordial than the blogspace is. It is easier to be armchair warriors in the blogspace.

PS. I still think it is quite interesting and disappointing for Indian guests here to come and support Israel on every issue. I can remember so many Indians coming out to support Israel after the Flotilla attack last year--a time where you could hardly find anyone supporting that attack except, of course, portions of American media outside of Israel. So Israel considers itself an 'Outpost of the West'. What do Indians considers themselves: An Outpost of Israel?! How could the world opinion be on one side and Indian bloggers be on the wrong side? Everyone has a right to their opinions, of course, but I am not sure Indians should carry their anti-Pakistan feelings to become a general anti-Muslim feeling. It does not serve India much.

To support Israel is not to be against Muslims, Israel is not against Islam, and has its own Muslin citizens. Israel is only against the ones that attacking it and threatening to eliminate it. Unfortunately, most of them are Muslims.
OK... let me get this straight. The jews on this forum are accusing our Turkish brothers of genocide?!

Here are pictures of dead goyims at the hands of the "chose ones":



What is the next level of your degeneracy? Every mean serves the cause? Israelis were massacred by Palestinians and Arabs so many times, and only two days ago again, when an Israeli family was murdered, including their little baby who was stabbed to death. however, Israel will not humiliate itself and hurt the memory of the family by publishing horror pictures.
its also weird to hear it from the sucker of that child's killers..

Still sucking up to the Hamas terrorists who killed three 'children' yesterday. Who's the child killer now ?

suck up to them more,india needs you...

Obviously we are bad at 'sucking up' but since you are experienced in it - sucking up to various countries/unions in your existence like first US, then for EU and then finally now Hamas suicide bombing terrorists I would appreciate if you could give us a lesson or two in sucking.

BY Meengla :I still think it is quite interesting and disappointing for Indian guests here to come and support Israel on every issue. I can remember so many Indians coming out to support Israel after the Flotilla attack last year--a time where you could hardly find anyone supporting that attack except, of course, portions of American media outside of Israel. So Israel considers itself an 'Outpost of the West'. What do Indians considers themselves: An Outpost of Israel?! How could the world opinion be on one side and Indian bloggers be on the wrong side? Everyone has a right to their opinions, of course, but I am not sure Indians should carry their anti-Pakistan feelings to become a general anti-Muslim feeling. It does not serve India much.

Because both Israel and India have been victims of state-sponsored terrorism (call it freedom fighting if it suits you) under the same name of religion by misguided loonies and hence the support. BTW it was Israel that helped us during the Kargil war when the entire world was silent and we dont forget friends. The same reason Soviet Union/Russia still holds a special place.
Lie. Native people Kurds cant study in their own language.
lets talk clearly joo bagel, why dont you tell the stories of israeli arab students are accepted into universities only 1/3 if u compare with jews, and the racist landlords dont give apartments for arab students.. u cant see these in turkey, they are also our citizens and a mass number of kurds dont accept to be represented by pkk, and %65 of them against a kurdish state.. but as a outsider you think that pkk and all kurds fight for one aim.. this is how pkk affect biased people like you.. in fact, you know nuffin
this is what you are;

"In the light of a poll conducted last year by the Israeli Institute for Democracy it is clear that 50% of the Jewish society are frightened and apprehended when hearing Arabic spoken in public places. Arab speakers of Arabic are considered as enemies."

Switzerland has 4 languages. Its not a big problem. Kurds are about 20% of population so they defenitely should get their language as national if Turkey wants to be a civilized state.
RofL! with this point of view bolivia is the most civilized country with 37 languages and israel at the same level with afghanistan.. by the way japan and usa have no "an official language" at federal level.. what a shame..

According to official figures released by the Turkish military for the 1984-2008 period, the conflict has resulted in the capture of 14,000 PKK members, and the death of 32,000 PKK members, 6,482 soldiers, and 5,560 civilians,[9] among which 157 teachers.[111] From August 1984 to June 2007, the Turkish government put the total casualties at 37,979
your own source also says 32.000 PKK members are killed, you have problem to be killed a member of a designated terrorist organization by USA, EU, NATO, UN ?
5,560 civilians,[9] among which 157 teachers killed by PKK..total 37,979 death..keep supporting them jew you both have same mentality
Because both Israel and India have been victims of state-sponsored terrorism (call it freedom fighting if it suits you) under the same name of religion by misguided loonies and hence the support. BTW it was Israel that helped us during the Kargil war when the entire world was silent and we dont forget friends. The same reason Soviet Union/Russia still holds a special place.

the friendship doesnt mean to support blindly your friends .. it means you warn and criticize him when needed. And secondly turkey as well a victim of terrorism but none of you guys say something about it. is terrorism a bad thing if only happened to you and your friends?
According to official figures released by the Turkish military for the 1984-2008 period, the conflict has resulted in the capture of 14,000 PKK members, and the death of 32,000 PKK members, 6,482 soldiers, and 5,560 civilians,[9] among which 157 teachers.[111] From August 1984 to June 2007, the Turkish government put the total casualties at 37,979
now be a man and say clearly that you are an anti-muslim and a jew sucker

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