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Turkish recon satellite to reveal Israeli secrets

because Turkey never wanted problem in the ME unlike israel we never fed from chaos.. you can see this mediate things as politic maturity and the difference between naughty boy and big brother..

did someone say "destroying lebonan and terror assaults" ?


shame on israel ........ killing innocent ppl n kids......
because Turkey never wanted problem in the ME unlike israel we never fed from chaos.. you can see this mediate things as politic maturity and the difference between naughty boy and big brother..

did someone say "destroying lebonan and terror assaults" ?
Arab warfare tactics:
1) launch rockets from populated areas.
2) wait for reply
3) whine.
because Turkey never wanted problem in the ME unlike israel we never fed from chaos.. you can see this mediate things as politic maturity and the difference between naughty boy and big brother..

did someone say "destroying lebonan and terror assaults" ?


I do not want to see your mediation as anything, we definitely do not need any mediation from terror supporters and anti-Semite lovers.

At least show some decency and admit the true nature of your new friends. Good luck with them! Turkey will need it.
Israeli terror tactics:
1)blame others
2)blame others
3)blame others

Turkey got only one tactic: hypocrisy. Look who are your new friends: anti-Smite, barbaric murderers.
"at least we have some friends" wow that is so epically brilliant
your comebacks are so well suited with your intelligence level :)
Turkey will be pressed again by US and they will be quite... we all know how much Turkey CAN do without US
Israeli terror tactics:
1)blame others
2)blame others
3)blame others
Again you turn facts upside down. We dont care about you. You can keep slaughtering Kurds, occupying Cyprus and suporting genocide in Sudan. Just leave us alone. But you and your moustached idol are bitching at Israel all the time.
You can keep slaughtering Kurds.
I am a Kurd but why nobody slaughters me ?? Be careful what do you say ?? At Turkiye nobody slauhters Kurds but you do, you slaugter innocent Palastinians !!

Turkish armed forces figth against terrorist kurds not innocent civilians. Only IDF does it and you call it "fighting against terrorism". Yeah pics and videos prove that .... Shameless murderers !!!

Do you want a proof?

Here is a proof ... He is a jewish professor and he spokes the truth !! Listen him carefuly ...

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Turkey will be pressed again by US and they will be quite... we all know how much Turkey CAN do without US
care to tell us? i really dont know what we can or cant without US.. but i know what israel couldnt do without US..
1- coulndt exist an israeli state
2- couldnt have advanced tech
3- coulnt have millions of us taxpayers to fund their projects
( Every single Israeli (jew) whether man, woman or child receives more than US$ 4000 from the American tax payer per year )
4- couldnt have noone to block UN condemnations and sanctions
5- couldnt have billions dollar military aid per year
6- coulndt bomb whereever he wants just like that
just some major ones came up to my mind in the moment.. list can be lengthened up to infinity..
your comebacks are so well suited with your intelligence level :)
lets find out yours now.. please write down your answer
I am a Kurd but why nobody slaughters me ?? Be careful what do you say ??
Did I say that ALL Kurds are slaughtered?

At Turkiye nobody slauhters Kurds but you do, you slaugter innocent Palastinians !!
32 thousands Kurds were killed accoridng to Turkish sources. No one knows real numbers sunce no one counts and no one cares whats going there. Here in both Intifadas were killed some 8 K Palestinians. That means Turks killed 4 times more.

Turkish armed forces figth against terrorist kurds not innocent civilians. Only IDF does it and you call it "fighting against terrorism". Yeah pics and videos prove that .... Shameless murderers !!!
Turks never killed civilians? Are you sure?

And Arabic is official language in Israel. What about Kurdish in Turkey?


care to tell us? i really dont know what we can or cant without US.. but i know what israel couldnt do without US..
1- coulndt exist an israeli state
US started helping Israel only AFTER we defeated your Arabs in Six Day war. So learn a bit before talking.
Turkey will be pressed again by US and they will be quite... we all know how much Turkey CAN do without US

i could have never thought that indians are that miserable..so you are an indian patriot just because you suck up to israelis all the time..

about israelis,there is nothing new..again they are comparing Kurdish seperatists and Palestinian resisters..they can use everything to exonerate their murders...boring...

damn child-murderers:
i could have never thought that indians are that miserable..so you are an indian patriot just because you suck up to israelis all the time..

Why dont you answer his question instead of bringing in my country ?? Ok now go suck up to Hamas terrorists.

And it shows your mindset using the photo of dead for your propaganda. Learn to respect the dead :tdown:
Why dont you answer his question instead of bringing in my country ?? Ok now go suck up to Hamas terrorists.

lol indian patriot gets hurt? suck up to the first israeli you see and you will be fine..

ps:bold part tells us you are still sucking up to them:agree:

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