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Turkish recon satellite to reveal Israeli secrets

lol indian patriot gets hurt? suck up to the first israeli you see and you will be fine..

ps:bold part tells us you are still sucking up to them:agree:

Only the bold part - but the entire thread shows you sucking upto the Hamas terrorists. Dont betray them like you did the Israelis, they might reward you with some suicide bombings. :agree:
Did I say that ALL Kurds are slaughtered?

32 thousands Kurds were killed accoridng to Turkish sources. No one knows real numbers sunce no one counts and no one cares whats going there. Here in both Intifadas were killed some 8 K Palestinians. That means Turks killed 4 times more.

Turks never killed civilians? Are you sure?

And Arabic is official language in Israel. What about Kurdish in Turkey?


US started helping Israel only AFTER we defeated your Arabs in Six Day war. So learn a bit before talking.

Unlike you, we kill terrorists who take innocent life. And TSK never target civillians at such a massive scale like yours. In Operation Sun, when Turkey invaded northern Iraq, TSK killed 230 PKK rebels, and not ONE SINGLE civillian loss. Do you know why? Because we value human life, and we don't go with the mentality "well in Israel Palestinians loose thousands of civilians as a collateral damage, so we can do a slightly less collateral damage". I have spoken with hundreds of Turkish Kurds, and not ONE was unhappy with the Turkish operations, because TSK NEVER INTENTIONALLY TARGET CIVILLIANS, contrary to IDF which civillian murders FAR outnumbers actual terrorists. If you look at the operations against PKK in east Turkey many of the TSK soldiers are ethnic kurds, and they find it honorable to fight in the name of their country. This bullshit about PKK representing Kurds is a BIG hoax, only to manufacture more terrorists. And most of the enlightened Kurds are perfectly aware of that fact.
back on topic the present Turkey space tech is even behind Pakistan and they do not have proper space program and i think Pakistan should help them in this case. and about the satellite lets see after its launched...............
Only the bold part - but the entire thread shows you sucking upto the Hamas terrorists. Dont betray them like you did the Israelis, they might reward you with some suicide bombings. :agree:

suck up to them more,india needs you...

can someone explain this one...
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Did I say that ALL Kurds are slaughtered?
every citizen has equal rights in this country, even better for kurds they get more help.. more than half of them have "green card" for free social aids and medical care..
32 thousands Kurds were killed accoridng to Turkish sources. No one knows real numbers sunce no one counts and no one cares whats going there. Here in both Intifadas were killed some 8 K Palestinians. That means Turks killed 4 times more.
i would like to see your sources
And Arabic is official language in Israel. What about Kurdish in Turkey?
language has a unique feature which unites people under the umbrella, beside this everyone speaks their language freely, even there is a state channel TRT brodcasting only Kurdish, and there is a Kurdish Language Institue established. A big number of world countries have one official languages and many ethnical groups.. There are over 15 ethnic groups in Turkey and 4-5 of them have above 1 million population everybody speaks their language..

and about Arabic in israel.. lets see what an israeli semitic languages professor ( hebrew university and university of helsinki ) says about this issue, you will love this thing joo
The Status of Arabic in Israel
Learning Hebrew is compulsory in Arab Israeli schools starting from the third grade whereas Arabic is taught in very a small number of Jewish schools since it is elective. As a rule almost all Israeli Jewish students of Arabic get good jops after graduaation in the foreign ministry, intelligence, and the IDF. Learning Arabic in Israel by Jews has been basically carried out on the basis of "know your enemy" in order to defeat him, rather than to try to know him better, or benefit from his culture and heritage, in order to coexist with mutual respect. Here is an example of what an Israeli Jew says about learning Arabic: It is a military asset to have a good command of arab (sic!) language: Eli Cohen, our master spy, had a perfect knowledge of Arabic. Sefardim in Israel are growing old, and we need people to manage our intelligence.
In the light of a poll conducted last year by the Israeli Institute for Democracy it is clear that 50% of the Jewish society are frightened and apprehended when hearing Arabic spoken in public places. Arab speakers of Arabic are considered as enemies.
i always say.. noone in this world can make me believe that israel doing well in name of goodness..thanks for justified me once again

can someone explain this one...

Can you be more specific, you post a video and want an explanation. What exactly do you want to be explained, can you be more explicit?
PKK has for decades targeted civilians, that is a well known fact. And if they are open to dialogue why dont they respect the majority of Kurds who vote for AKP? And why do they threaten the Kurds in East Turkey if they they vote for AKP? Their goal is unclear but their means are very clear: to create a chaotic environment to halt the developments in the Kurdish areas in Turkey. And why do you stick your nose into this matter, when in India you persecute Muslims who are known for their peaceful existence?
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about israelis,there is nothing new..again they are comparing Kurdish seperatists and Palestinian resisters..they can use everything to exonerate their murders...boring...
There is no comparison betwen two. Kurds mainly target the army, while Palestinians attack civilians.

damn child-murderers
I know who u and your friend are, no need to tell. Yesterday your "resisters" killed three children with knife while they were sleeping: 11, 3 years and 1 month old.
There is no comparison betwen two. Kurds mainly target the army, while Palestinians attack civilians.

do you know that you are twisting the facts or you are just ignorant?
There is no comparison betwen two. Kurds mainly target the army, while Palestinians attack civilians.

I know who u and your friend are, no need to tell. Yesterday your "resisters" killed three children with knife while they were sleeping: 11, 3 years and 1 month old.

Again you show your extreme stupidity. You just proved that you see all the palestinians as terrorist, thank you for demonstrating your arrogance. And secondly you showed that you categorize all the kurds as terrorists as well.
You see, we Turks know that PKK DOES NOT represent our Kurdish BROTHERS. I dare you to speak the same about palestinians, you can't because you terrorize and slaughter them on a daily basis and because of that not ONE Palestinian can call an Israeli his brother. Because your level of discrmination and state terrorism is on a massive scale. Do you ever see that TSK bomb Kurdish populated towns? No, the same cant be said about Israel. And you know it, but you keep on denying that simple fact that you kill and terrorize palestinians just because of theri ethnicity or religion.
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.
can someone explain this one...
dont you have capacity to understand what you see and hear?
i sum up for you shortly..
1- they fight to establish a kurdish state in Turkey's borders..

Which country allow such a thing.. Imagine an ethnical group wants %30 of your country to establish an independent state.. what would you do?

2- labelled as a terrorist organization by us, eu, un cos of they targeting civilians
List of designated Terrorist Organizations
PKK killed over 5300 civilians

3- PKK claims they are defending kurdish rights and attacks military targets only..
You indian and jewish fellows try to defend kurdish rights but lets see what kurds say about this issue.. They can defend themselves without you, cant they? First of all they are represented in the TBMM (parliament) with 20 representatives in Kurdish Party. Total number of kurdish parliamenters is near 70.. And in evey level of state and army you can see kurds, military officials, ministers.. As you see there is not a dramatic scene for kurds in Turkey..But thats what pkk want to be seem as victims just like joos.. you get it now why they support each other?
Here is a poll conducted by MetroPoll Social and Strategic Researchs for Kurds.. Questions answered by Kurdish citizens of Turkey.




The source of research : Get full report (powerpoint)

4- Turkey says they will not negotiate with terrorists.
No country does such a thing.
All these male and female terrorists in the vid. nothing but brainwasheds.. if you search youtube "PKK itiraf" you will find hundreds of videos about ex-PKK terrorists confessors who managed to escape from pkk camps.. How they have been forced to join in pkk.. i suggest you guys search more, talk less.
Again you show your extreme stupidity. You just proved that you see all the palestinians as terrorist, thank you for demonstrating your arrogance. And secondly you showed that you categorize all the kurds as terrorists as well.
I never said ALL. Stop whining.

You see, we Turks know that PKK DOES NOT represent our Kurdish BROTHERS. I dare you to speak the same about palestinians, you can't because you terrorize and slaughter them on a daily basis and because of that not ONE Palestinian can call an Israeli his brother. Because your level of discrmination and state terrorism is on a massive scale.
You know nothing. Many Arabs voluntarely serve in IDF. Arabs are EQUAL citizens of Israel, Arabic is official language in Israel. But Kurds in Turkey are deprived of this most basic right. They are oficially second class. So spare me of that nonsense.

Do you ever see that TSK bomb Kurdish populated towns? No, the same cant be said about Israel.
Do u ever see Kurds firing rockets at Turkish towns? I repeat you killed 4 times more than us accoridng to ur own sources. But no one knows how many really were killed.

And you know it, but you keep on denying that simple fact that you kill and terrorize palestinians just because of theri ethnicity or religion.
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king
20% of Israeli population are Arabs and no one touches them .We dont touch Palestinians when they dont touch us. Same goes with all other neighbors. We use force only when force is used against us.

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