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Turkish recon satellite to reveal Israeli secrets

the friendship doesnt mean to support blindly your friends .. it means you warn and criticize him when needed.

What Israel does in Middle East is none of our damn concern. Why should we even bother criticising them ?

And secondly turkey as well a victim of terrorism but none of you guys say something about it. is terrorism a bad thing if only happened to you and your friends?

Tough Luck champ. But the next time you ppl support India on Kashmir we will definitely think about condemning your attackers.


now be a man and say clearly that you are an anti-muslim and a jew sucker

NOw why dont you be a man and condemn the Hamas terrorists instead of sucking upto them ?

I dont have any damn concern about what happens in the god-forsaken Middle East but just dont bring in India un-necessarily. If any Indian asks anything just tell him personally or if dont want to answer ignore.
you really think that you and your country is "something", dont you? for god's sake make some search :coffee:

what i told was true till now turkey do not have a proper space program and is even behind may be Pakistan because its has not build an satellite by it self. In 2009 a university of Turkey made an Experimental satellite which was launched by India
Turkish recon satellite to reveal Israeli secrets

This is really funny claim if spy satellite can reveal all secrets so Israel know all secrets of Turkey, Pakistan .

Even India have dedicated spy satellite from last two years so that mean we know all secrets of Pakistan ????

Well spy satellite is good for surveillance but cant reveal secrets of any nation
Unless Israel has an Anti Satellite missile, Turkey, if she has launched, will be able to as per her requirement.
lets talk clearly joo bagel, why dont you tell the stories of israeli arab students are accepted into universities only 1/3 if u compare with jews,
LOL. You are so funny. In fact Arabs have advantage in accetance in universities over Jews.

and the racist landlords dont give apartments for arab students..
Thats private business, even if someone is racist there are always million alternatives.

u cant see these in turkey, they are also our citizens and a mass number of kurds dont accept to be represented by pkk, and %65 of them against a kurdish state.. but as a outsider you think that pkk and all kurds fight for one aim.. this is how pkk affect biased people like you.. in fact, you know nuffin
this is what you are;
None of Israeli Arabs want to live in Palestinian state. So what? :D I repeat every democratic state grants language native minorities.

RofL! with this point of view bolivia is the most civilized country with 37 languages and israel at the same level with afghanistan.. by the way japan and usa have no "an official language" at federal level.. what a shame..
Its not number of languages but fact that native minorities have granted language.

your own source also says 32.000 PKK members are killed, you have problem to be killed a member of a designated terrorist organization by USA, EU, NATO, UN ?
5,560 civilians,[9] among which 157 teachers killed by PKK..total 37,979 death..keep supporting them jew you both have same mentality
Thats 32000 from Kurdish side. No one knows how many of them were actual terrorists.

According to human rights organisations since the beginning of the uprising 4,000 villages have been destroyed,[12] in which between 380,000 and 1,000,000 Kurdish villagers have been forcibly evacuated from their homes.[113] Some 5,000 Turks and 35,000 Kurds,[12] including 18,000 civilians[11] have been killed, 17,000 Kurds have disappeared and 119,000 Kurds have been imprisoned by Turkish authorities.[12] According to the Humanitarian Law Project, 2,400 Kurdish villages were destroyed and 18,000 Kurds were executed, by the Turkish government.[114] Other estimates have put the number of destroyed Kurdish villages at over 4,000.[23] In total up to 3,000,000 people (mainly Kurds) have been displaced by the conflict,[13] an estimated 1,000,000 of which are still internally dispalced as of 2009.[115]

So u killed much more civilians than total number of killed by Israel. Plus ethnically cleansed hundreds of thousands (who said its not possible in modern time). Case closed.
what i told was true till now turkey do not have a proper space program and is even behind may be Pakistan because its has not build an satellite by it self. In 2009 a university of Turkey made an Experimental satellite which was launched by India

well done ..you start to search..
this is a road map for ongoing turkish satellite program

but do more before sayin "turkey do not have a proper space program";)
well done ..you start to search..
this is a road map for ongoing turkish satellite program

but do more before sayin "turkey do not have a proper space program";)

Sir ji a proper space program not run by only satellites can you share info about launch vehicles for these satellites
Sir ji a proper space program not run by only satellites can you share info about launch vehicles for these satellites

everything in order.. ofcourse to launch what you produce is important but not a major sine qua non... you can run a proper space program without a launch vehicle just like france, germany, south korea, uk and italy do. Many commercial companies do this job for you.

Several other industrialized and developing nations produce satellites, but unlike the above listed nations, do not have their own launch vehicles. Instead, they procure launch services from the United States, Russia, the ESA, or commercial companies. These countries include Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Pakistan, the Philippines, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.

Five of these nations have major space programs. The French space program, the largest in Europe, is run by the Centre National D'Études Spatiales (CNES), formed in December 1961. The French have a prominent role in the European Space Agency and are a major shareholder in Arianespace. France also builds advanced remote sensing satellites, such as SPOT, for commercial purposes. Two organizations, the part-government-funded German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR), founded on April 27, 1989, and the fully governmental German Aerospace Agency (DARA), founded on December 24, 1988, manage the German space program. The Canadian Space Agency (CSA), formed on December 14, 1989, manages all Canadian participation in space exploration such as the development of satellites and the robot arm for the Space Shuttle. The Italian Space Agency (ASI) established in 1988 manages Italian space affairs. ASI has a major contribution to the International Space Station and future European launch vehicles. The Ukrainian government formed the National Space Agency of Ukraine (NKAU) on March 2, 1992. Despite a vast space industry infrastructure, the Ukrainian space program has a relatively low profile in the international space market, although it commercially offers its Soviet-era Zenit launch vehicle jointly with Russia.
lets talk clearly joo bagel, why dont you tell the stories of israeli arab students are accepted into universities only 1/3 if u compare with jews, and the racist landlords dont give apartments for arab students.

Arabs compromise 20% of Israel population, so again Clown you FAIL :lol:
Yes there are racist in Israel boohoo! so do in Turkey or anywhere else, there are also Muslim who don't rent to Jews...
Did I say that ALL Kurds are slaughtered?

32 thousands Kurds were killed accoridng to Turkish sources. No one knows real numbers sunce no one counts and no one cares whats going there. Here in both Intifadas were killed some 8 K Palestinians. That means Turks killed 4 times more.

Turks never killed civilians? Are you sure?

And Arabic is official language in Israel. What about Kurdish in Turkey?


US started helping Israel only AFTER we defeated your Arabs in Six Day war. So learn a bit before talking.

To be quite honest......there is a dispute about USa/UK help before and during the war....
everything in order.. ofcourse to launch what you produce is important but not a major sine qua non... you can run a proper space program without a launch vehicle just like france, germany, south korea, uk and italy do. Many commercial companies do this job for you.

I think we are here discussing about spy satellite so you cant trust any one else in this matter you need your own launch vehicle for that ......

I think you can understand that ....

Yes its true for other satellite you can rely on different vender's across all over the world
Arabs compromise 20% of Israel population, so again Clown you FAIL :lol:
Yes there are racist in Israel boohoo! so do in Turkey or anywhere else, there are also Muslim who don't rent to Jews...

im sorry i cant make you understand the differece between population percentage and university acceptance ratio.. you have to live with it until someone find a cure..

Obstacles to Israel’s Arab minority participating in higher education have resulted in a record number of Arab students taking up places at universities in neighbouring Jordan, a new report reveals.Figures compiled by Dirasat, a Nazareth-based organisation monitoring education issues, show 5,400 Arab students from Israel are at Jordanian universities

The Follow-Up Committee for Arab Education notes that the Israeli government spends an average of $192 per year on each Arab student compared to $1,100 per Jewish student.

Human Rights Watch issued a report that stated: "Government-run Arab schools are a world apart from government-run Jewish schools. In virtually every respect, Palestinian Arab children get an education inferior to that of Jewish children, and their relatively poor performance in school reflects this.

According to the 2004 U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Israel and the occupied territories, "Israeli Arabs were underrepresented in the student bodies and faculties of most universities and in higher professional and business ranks. The Bureau of Statistics noted that the median number of school years for the Jewish population is 3 years more than for the Arab population. Well educated Arabs often were unable to find jobs commensurate with their level of education. According to Sikkuy, Arab citizens held approximately 60 to 70 of the country's 5,000 university faculty positions.
i would call this "dicrimination"..
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think we are here discussing about spy satellite so you cant trust any one else in this matter you need your own launch vehicle for that ......
I think you can understand that ....
Yes its true for other satellite you can rely on different vender's across all over the world

ofcourse, as i state before its really important.. but still not an obstacle.. if you check the list in my previous posts you will see the countries who have spy satellite but doesnt have a launch vehicle..
even if paranoia needed in some cases, countries can save their investments very well, cant they? ;)
I like how all the Turkish defense news is skipped over and people are at each others throats over trivial articles. Nations take photos of each other all the time. This is nothing new. How about some constructive posting for once. This section since the recent influx has really gone to waste.

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