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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Thank you mate.
They concocted such pathetic excuse “USA helped ISIS to bleed us” to cover up for shortcomings and overall abysmal performance of their military. They actually have few excuses beside the main one such as
-our military was weak after purges, but these purges were necessary and made us stronger. Mmmkay
-those proxy bastards. Good for nothing, unreliable. (Notice, they avoid blaming themselves for training their proxies:partay:)
As for proofs you’ll see tons of bullshit, more idiotic conspiracy theories with fake names and events, photoshopped images and even video games.
If there is one thing turks learned from the Russians is to spread fake news and disinformation. It’s just russian disinfo is more polished and professional in its appearance.
It is obvious that you are here to shitpost and anger Turkish forum users here. We try to give you some insight into what has been going on. Turkish Armed Forces had and has shortcomings, that many are aware of already.
Assadist sectarian terrorists are being killed like rats in every corner of the city. They have lost tens of tanks and other equipments in only last day.

Hahahahaha they are being killed like rats remember how these assadists thought they could humiliated Turkiye hahaha

This incompetent army actually thought they could take Hatay lmaoo
Hahahahaha they are being killed like rats remember how these assadists thought they could humiliated Turkiye hahaha

This incompetent army actually thought they could take Hatay lmaoo

They haven’t seen anything yet. They didn’t face with Turkish Army. They are losing againsts the groups trained by Turkish Army. Without Russia, They would have totally cleaned from the ground until Israeli borders. No air power is being used at present. The braindead guys who believe Asadists are battle-hardened, is actually proven as the people with lack of a proper logic and thinking ability. A simple perception made them believe that they are the strongest and battle-hardened until they collect smelly bodies of their sectarian brothers in battlefield. Within 2 days, They lost more than 180 terrorists.

They haven’t seen anything yet. They didn’t face with Turkish Army. They are losing againsts the groups trained by Turkish Army. Without Russia, They would have totally cleaned from the ground until Israeli borders. No air power is being used at present. The braindead guys who believe Asadists are battle-hardened, is actually proven as the people with lack of a proper logic and thinking ability. A simple perception made them believe that they are the strongest and battle-hardened until they collect smelly bodies of their sectarian brothers in battlefield. Within 2 days, They lost more than 180 terrorists.

Indeed imagine if the Turkish army used 100% there would be no Bashar al assqd by now lmaooo.

Even with little amounts the TSK has dealt very enormous damage to bashars ego. I hope this sends a message to russia.
Great news, hopefully this will give confidence to other FSA units around Idlib in repelling the looters. Liveumap was the last to report Saraqib recapture and decided to share a report one hour ago from Russian military that Assadists had repelled the counter attack. It seems that they have reached a point where they are only good for PKK propaganda.
Screenshot 2020-02-27 at 08.01.14.png
They haven’t seen anything yet. They didn’t face with Turkish Army. They are losing againsts the groups trained by Turkish Army. Without Russia, They would have totally cleaned from the ground until Israeli borders. No air power is being used at present. The braindead guys who believe Asadists are battle-hardened, is actually proven as the people with lack of a proper logic and thinking ability. A simple perception made them believe that they are the strongest and battle-hardened until they collect smelly bodies of their sectarian brothers in battlefield. Within 2 days, They lost more than 180 terrorists.

Who believes Assadists thugs are battle hardened soldiers ? The SAA is no longer an "army",more like a militia composed of thugs and foreign mercenaries who are more battle hardened about looting fridges and washing machines.
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