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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Terribly day for regime armour today!
  • 9 tanks confirmed destroyed
  • 4 tanks confirmed captured

Note: figures are excluding BMP's and other armoured vehicles often described as tanks in the conflict.

Looks like thing are warming up. The real game hasn't started yet by TSK. inshaAllah soon we will know
Glad to hear the rebels winning again and as I said before, MANPADS make Russian commanders piss their pants. Keep it up!
I don't understand what the hell MIT been doing over the years? This a$$ fidan needs to be kicked out by erdo asap. Manpads should have been supplied to the rebels years ago. I just have a gut feeling that this Fidan has been deceiving erdogan for years. Something i feel not right and he is proved to be one most ineffective intelligent chief for a growing power as turkey. Considering MIT had full backing of the president they should have led this war from the beginning with all sort of small weapons and tactics.
Glad to hear the rebels winning again and as I said before, MANPADS make Russian commanders piss their pants. Keep it up!

That's good news but I just don't understand why Turkey does not deploy Hawk phase iii/xv and Rapier SAM's into the Idlib theatre

Both of those systems + MANPADS would provide long range, medium range and low range coverage against Russian and Assad jets which will force them to fly higher and at further distances and Russia just does not have the accuracy that the US and other western nations have in that regard.

I think with such systems in force it can pull back Assad's air effectiveness to at least 75% and Russia's by about at least 40%. Also SU-24's would be renderered useless forcing the Russians to use SU-30s for air sorties. And trust me Putin would not wan't to risk his SU-30s getting shot down as it would be a disaster for the UAC and the rest of the Russian military industry in general.
Im sure lots of russian dogs are dying along with assadists. Russians are heavily embedded with the assadist shia terrorists and they are getting the brunt of the casualties but putin don't care and he only cares about his ego.
Israel’s has a high season right now

we are in such a mess and I mean muslims

chaos everywhere, we are attacking each other everywhere apart from our real enemy’s

Israel is laughing so much
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