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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Indeed some users here instead of discussing situation on frontlines are more preoccupied with my background. Which makes we wonder-are they 5 years old? Maybe they suffer from schizophrenia? What’s their education level?
Looking from the sidelines do they realize how pathetic it makes them look? And what’s really hilarious is that they insult and then complain to cabatli. Even merchants in bazaar don’t act like that:lol:
WARNING:just because I know what’s bazaar doesn’t make me turkish :rofl:
What did I say to you before? Silo has no credibility. Where is he by the way? Haven’t heard nothing from him lately
Turkmens even joined Isis. They even serve in SAA. What makes you think they won’t serve sdf? Cut this nonsense

They can serve Islamist groups when their religious beliefs become twisted with radicalism. They got two ways, Islamism and Nationalism with a few exceptions this is the primary values Turkmens share. Look at Iraq, do you see any Turkmen military or political group feeling any connection to KRG? Turkmens of Kirkuk celebrated arrival of Iraqi army with Iraqi and Turkmen flags. Simply, none of major values Turkmens have can make them join SDF in masses. Especially when most of their homeland is under the control of Turkmen leaders and Turkey.

Why did you ignored the second part of my post?
Today, so far:
-Ancient town of Gindaros, directly south of Jinderes captured. This was a fortified place on a hill with watch towers and concrete + dirt walls.

View from Gindaros onto Jinderes:

-Town of Kafr Jana captured (former Russian base is here, which was bombed by TuAF recently, killing 40~ regime militia)

-Village of Mashala captured near Kafr Jana, which puts the North-East frontline at around 7-8km from Afrin city.
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Today, so far:
-Ancient town of Gindaros, directly south of Jinderes captured. This was a fortified place on a hill with watch towers and concrete + dirt walls.

View from Gindaros onto Jinderes:

-Town of Kafr Jana captured (former Russian base is here, which was bombed by TuAF recently, killing 40~ regime militia)

-Village of Mashala captured near Kafr Jana, which puts the North-East frontline at around 7-8km from Afrin city.

-New Qatma (directly south of Qatma) captured, cutting the Afrin-Aleppo highway.
-Reports that some parts inside Jinderes city are captured.
They can serve Islamist groups when their religious beliefs become twisted with radicalism. They got two ways, Islamism and Nationalism with a few exceptions this is the primary values Turkmens share. Look at Iraq, do you see any Turkmen military or political group feeling any connection to KRG? Turkmens of Kirkuk celebrated arrival of Iraqi army with Iraqi and Turkmen flags. Simply, none of major values Turkmens have can make them join SDF in masses. Especially when most of their homeland is under the control of Turkmen leaders and Turkey.

Why did you ignored the second part of my post?
Not long ago kurds of afrin were raising loyalist banner forgetting that afrin was one of the first regions that kicked assadists out. So I am not surprised about Turkmens in Kirkuk. This is ME
Besides Turkmens Shias in Iraq owe to Shia militia since it was a militia that saved them from Isis. Peshmerga managed to protect the city, took the higher ground and watched how Iraqi regulars fought jihadists. Syria is a different story
What’s the second part, I am sorry
I think it's important to remember that the reason the YPG/PYD hasn't abandoned Afrin is because all ressources hasn't been exhausted yet. As long as they can use the civilian population as shields they'll stay.


which is why we're moving forward slowly. If the terrorists are holding the population hostage, then the situation will become worse when we enter the city. The liberated zones will most likely result in an exodus of refugees, or ppl staying to payback the hardship they endured. Selling out neighbors or terrorists supporters.
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