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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

What if they dont know how to pray to begin with?

Interesting. He is the first one, who cries if he will be discriminated as Muslims, but he is even not better. Turkey will stay a powder keg, as long as these kind of discrimination will not be removed.
I am glad about their deal. Because Afrin is not our area of influence. I rather have Turks /FSA there than retarded Shia militia. :D
Btw, since you are the only Iranian here , what’s up with irgc/Basij? The number of generals killed is on an unprecedented level since world war 2.

I can’t wait to see Shia militia trying to kick us out of Kurdish controlled areas. Last time I saw Iranians was in 2004 in najaf. And trust me it wasn’t a pretty picture:smokin:

What you should be asking is why Russians, our allies,breaking agreements. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me
Shi'iti militia is an American word of confusion. Iraqi PMU or Hashde Sha'abi is almost consisting of 110,000 fighters that nearly 20,000-30,000 of them are Sunnis. We gave them equipment, supported them to defeat ISIS and other American supported terrorists.

I don't know that what were you blabbering about Najaf, but the last time that i checked, we armed Iraqis especially Sadr group, and believe it or not, they killed American soldiers like slaughtering little pigs, and i remember that Americans were moaning like burning pigs. It was we who kicked you out of Iraq, please feel free to whine as much as you like, Sadr soldiers blew up some American shitheads. :coffee:
Precision strike to Afrin convoy !


TRB-122 domestic artillery rocket used in Afrin, produced in 18 years ago.

He says that he did few things with Barzani...

If we close the Borders to Iraqi "Kurdistan" and quit every trade with them, this Barzani assh.le and his people would starve...

For every dumb action a Ottoman slap...
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