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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

PKK has 50k manpower in Syria, and they will use SDF's 50k arabian parts in battle fronts, while PKK will be in charge just like right now. PKK also decided to boost their numbers to 100k in Syria.

100k PKK + 100k arab force (under PKK rule) + US Airforce => unstopable force in Syria.

PKK will capture the Syrian government if Turkey won't interfere, mark my words.

I'm sorry but no. PKK doesn't have 100k men. Max 30k if they had 100k they wouldn't need to recruit children and old people to fight. Nor do they have 100k arabs fighting for them. The SDF consists to 90% of kurds and 10% arabs and they even barred the last "big" arab group from rakka, which will not end good for them. The US giving support to pkk to occupy syria would be the last straw for them in the middle east, nobody neither SA, Qatar, Turkey, Iraq, Iran , Jordan would allow it and it would lead to insurgence against kurds which they wouldn't survive and with iran, turkey already not so fond of them they would have nowhere to run. Iraq is already at a collusion course with their own kurds because of kirkuk.
I did try to make an explanation altough i dont have to, but you insist. I DO_NOT_ASK_PERMITION from any of you. Dotn like it? Dont read it!

You do not realize and dont even mention how relevant and important it might be to exchange dialog with SAA. It may open doors for many operations like ES.

Defence_pk is not that important, big website you think. When you get shared in it you dont get legitimacy. Yes, Sputnik isnt unbiased, it tend to share things from Russian political view.

Brainwashable Turks you mention getting brainwashed by politicians already. We are not responsible for their actions, they should use their own head, dont bother trying to protect them, they tend to make mistakes and pull you do down with them.

@T-123456 US attacks SAA and start using their base. When this conflict ended US may have to leave those bases it uses, eventually returning to old bases it uses. Also many legal issues to perminantly have a hold on those bases. Instead given support, Tayyip should preassure them, it is backstabbing time. We are getting slapped and continue to turn the other cheek. We can cooperate with other countries and can teach a lesson to US.

If someone is stupid enough to be brainwashed we don't want them anyways.
@T-123456 US attacks SAA and start using their base. When this conflict ended US may have to leave those bases it uses, eventually returning to old bases it uses. Also many legal issues to perminantly have a hold on those bases. Instead given support, Tayyip should preassure them, it is backstabbing time. We are getting slapped and continue to turn the other cheek. We can cooperate with other countries and can teach a lesson to US.
Bars,that is wishful thinking.
Bunlar YPG yi secti,hic bir zaman birakmaz ve bizim hukumetle kimse calismaz artik.
YPG devletini ABD kuracak.
Kapismazlar,yalnizca guc gosterisi yapiyorlar,Cine karsi.

Kardesim. Allah yardimcimiz olsun. Dünya'nin en zor cografyasindayiz. Dahili ve harici cok düsmanimiz var. Herseye eyvallah bile desek bizi yok veya esir etmeden durmazlar. Hepimiz birlik ve beraberlik icinde olmaliyiz. Dogruyu övmeli yanlisi ise edebli sekilde yüksek sesle anlatmaliyiz.
Kuzey Kore ile kapisirlarsa. Suriyede dengeler aninda degisebilir.

Kapismazlar,yalnizca guc gosterisi yapiyorlar,Cine karsi.

I try to observe global news which is important. US and China is in together in this. Latest visit of China to US was about on this subject. US and China plan to resolve the issue together, both agree nuclear North Korea is dangerous. Also South Korea declared that they dont want a war with North Korea, because their people die, their economy will get hurt. US wants to put missile defence systems on Korea and Japan because of a possible Russia-US conflict, not because North Korea. We should be ready for this scenario.

US made it clear with it's new operation in south Syria with UK, in order to capture south Syria with local rebels and the ones that is trained in Jordan, they will move against Esad. They will also use PKK against them. Turned out best force against ISIS on land in Syria is the one who can also usable against Esad. Iran-Russia-Syria decided to meet for planing future of this scenario.

I am dying because of anticipation. My heart will burst out. Referandum, my conscrtiption results, future of our Syria policy, global security issues etc i wanna know what will happen right now. There is many reasons for us to worry.
I am dying because of anticipation. My heart will burst out. Referandum, my conscrtiption results, future of our Syria policy, global security issues etc i wanna know what will happen right now. There is many reasons for us to worry.
Relax,dont worry so much,there is nothing you can do to change any of the outcomes.
I try to observe global news which is important. US and China is in together in this. Latest visit of China to US was about on this subject. US and China plan to resolve the issue together, both agree nuclear North Korea is dangerous. Also South Korea declared that they dont want a war with North Korea, because their people die, their economy will get hurt. US wants to put missile defence systems on Korea and Japan because of a possible Russia-US conflict, not because North Korea. We should be ready for this scenario.

US made it clear with it's new operation in south Syria with UK, in order to capture south Syria with local rebels and the ones that is trained in Jordan, they will move against Esad. They will also use PKK against them. Turned out best force against ISIS on land in Syria is the one who can also usable against Esad. Iran-Russia-Syria decided to meet for planing future of this scenario.

I am dying because of anticipation. My heart will burst out. Referandum, my conscrtiption results, future of our Syria policy, global security issues etc i wanna know what will happen right now. There is many reasons for us to worry.

Prepare for combat and Allaha Emanet Ol
I didnt expect so soon my observations to come reality. China mobilized at least 100k troops and did send them to North Korean border. By waiting in truce since 1950s, they did expected North Korean regime to toppled down by North Koreans. Meanwhile to fasten the process everyone including China agreed to impose sanctions to North Korea. It seems they dont have patience anymore because of nuclear capabilities of North Korea improving. Either they will allow reunification of North and South Korea or China will grab some mineral rich land for themself and rest of the North Korea will exist as Chinese vassal. China would want a two state solution because unified Korea would be ally of the West, US spesifically. Poor North Koreans still living in ancient technology, this conflict will be a real short one.
When we will remove Afrin? What are we waiting for? Are we waiting for PKK to reach 20.000 manpower in Afrin? o_O
President Erdoğan should face with IQ test.

Bunlarda her hafta 500 kişiyi eğitip mezun ediyor nasıl oluyorsa artık :)

They declared their goal as 100k. Do they have enough money to pay the salaries and feed the population under their temporary rule? I dont think so. Each time they gain territory people flock to safety to escape from ISIS. They need a lot of petrolium and means to sell it. Even that wont help in the long run. I expect to see them begging money from UN after the loans they barrow run out. What guarantee they have, whom they trust i truly dont know.
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