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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Reports more and more regular soldiers are being deployed, I guess some of the rumours about FSA melting away had some truth to it.
Reports more and more regular soldiers are being deployed, I guess some of the rumours about FSA melting away had some truth to it.
That sonkale2 guy on Twitter said that 1400 FSA fighters are also coming, can't confirm though.
@Kebapçı Erhan

Reports ISIS is also sending 400 fighters from Palmyra to Al-Bab.


@Kebapçı Erhan

Reports ISIS is also sending 400 fighters from Palmyra to Al-Bab.

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View attachment 363461

I doubt that Isis would send in fighters from Palmyra when it's inevitable Syrian forces will try to recapture the city. Isis can pull fighters from a lot of other areas much closer to Al-Bab. However, if the news about Palmyra is true then I would suspect that Isis will bring in reinforcements from other areas as well. In essence they may pull fighters from many towns in order to reinforce Al-Bab because if Al-Bab falls then Raqqa will be on the list of future targets.
Turkey asks US-led coalition for air support at Syrian town

ISTANBUL - Turkey on Monday called on members of the US-led coalition against Islamic State to provide air support for Turkey-backed troops laying siege to the Syrian town of al-Bab, held by fighters from the group.

"The international coalition must carry out its duties regarding aerial support to the battle we are fighting in al-Bab. Not giving the necessary support is unacceptable," President Tayyip Erdogan's spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, told a news conference.

Rebels supported by Turkish troops have laid siege to the town for weeks in the "Euphrates Shield" operation launched by Turkey nearly four months ago to sweep the Sunni hardliners and Kurdish fighters from its Syrian border.


I doubt that Isis would send in fighters from Palmyra when it's inevitable Syrian forces will try to recapture the city. Isis can pull fighters from a lot of other areas much closer to Al-Bab. However, if the news about Palmyra is true then I would suspect that Isis will bring in reinforcements from other areas as well. In essence they are may pull fighters from many towns because to reinforce Al-Bab because if Al-Bab falls then Raqqa will be on the list of future targets.

Report to be taken with a pinch of salt of course.
Turkey asks US-led coalition for air support at Syrian town

ISTANBUL - Turkey on Monday called on members of the US-led coalition against Islamic State to provide air support for Turkey-backed troops laying siege to the Syrian town of al-Bab, held by fighters from the group.

"The international coalition must carry out its duties regarding aerial support to the battle we are fighting in al-Bab. Not giving the necessary support is unacceptable," President Tayyip Erdogan's spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, told a news conference.

Rebels supported by Turkish troops have laid siege to the town for weeks in the "Euphrates Shield" operation launched by Turkey nearly four months ago to sweep the Sunni hardliners and Kurdish fighters from its Syrian border.


Report to be taken with a pinch of salt of course.
Screw the US, wish our own air force could be more active through negotiation with Russia. The US not providing as much support to Turkey and the FSA against isis as it does to the ypg/pkk shows their hypocrisy and intentions, but would be funny if the US would decline.
Turkey asks US-led coalition for air support at Syrian town

ISTANBUL - Turkey on Monday called on members of the US-led coalition against Islamic State to provide air support for Turkey-backed troops laying siege to the Syrian town of al-Bab, held by fighters from the group.

"The international coalition must carry out its duties regarding aerial support to the battle we are fighting in al-Bab. Not giving the necessary support is unacceptable," President Tayyip Erdogan's spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, told a news conference.

Rebels supported by Turkish troops have laid siege to the town for weeks in the "Euphrates Shield" operation launched by Turkey nearly four months ago to sweep the Sunni hardliners and Kurdish fighters from its Syrian border.

Now they want air support hmmm,what to think of it.
Lets hear it from the fanboys.

Screw the US, wish our own air force could be more active through negotiation with Russia. The US not providing as much support to Turkey and the FSA against isis as it does to the ypg/pkk shows their hypocrisy and intentions, but would be funny if the US would decline.
You think they havent asked Russia already(before the so called ''coalition'')?
we have how many f16 fighter jets? 200 more or less i guess, and what are they doing for it, or is there a shortage of enough pilots? did erdogan jailed them all?
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US has more capabilities, B-52's and A-10's for attack alone bring many advantages, let alone recon platforms and ELiNT to disrupt their coms.
i am against calling coalition for many reason:
1-They are against al bab operation
2-that show your army capability weak
3-No one will believe your threat about manbij
The funny part in all this

---"Russian jets carry out airstrikes to aid Turkish Army in Aleppo’s Al-Bab
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:00 A.M.) - The Russian Air Force carried out its first airstrikes over the key city of Al-Bab on Sunday, marking the first time during this war that their aircraft have directly aided the Turkish Army.

According to a military source at the Kuweires Airport, a group of Russian Su-24 and Su-34 fighters jets carried out airstrikes over Al-Bab in east Aleppo, resulting in the destruction of several mechanisms that belonged to the so-called "Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham" (ISIS)."---

I guess Turkey decided to bait the US to see if they are going to aid Turkey or not, as this I believe is the second time Russian airplanes are bombing in aid. The almost 'deliberate' fails of the US / PYD in Iraq let ISIS/DAESH flood into the area, so this baiting is a clever move by Turkey. I am really going to be laughing if Manbij really is the next target after AL Bab, it will be interesting to see what the CIA does. With multiple reports appearing the press on PKK-PYD-... ties in Europe and the recent death of Yves Chandelon, NATO Auditor General, who was found dead, he was allegedly investigating EU NATO country intelligence agency ties to funding and aiding of terrorist groups in the ME.. so a perfect shit-storm is brewing....
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