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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I know it's funny and all but this type of Anti-Turkish fake news spreads quickly and westerners who have no idea what kurtlar vadisi is will pick up on it and think it's real. You know the old saying a lie that keeps getting repeated eventually becomes the truth..

Lindsey Graham is one strange sonn of a biatch

He went from supporting Turkey a couple of years ago to supporting YPG and looks like back to supporting Turkey again.

Anyway I honestly think Turkey and US will eventually come to an agreement over NE Syria. Russia's intentions over Idlib are still not clear and it would be a disaster if the US just handed the country over to Assad/Iran/Russia. The US and Turkey both have most to lose geopolitcally over Assad taking back the country and that's what will make them realign.
before you was praising assad and now he must go?

I’m not saying that. Even if we want Assad won’t go. Just like Erdoğan said, Syria should hold elections and if he wins which he will we need to accept him, and work with him to clean terrorists in Syria.
I know it's funny and all but this type of Anti-Turkish fake news spreads quickly and westerners who have no idea what kurtlar vadisi is will pick up on it and think it's real. You know the old saying a lie that keeps getting repeated eventually becomes the truth..

Lindsey Graham is one strange sonn of a biatch

He went from supporting Turkey a couple of years ago to supporting YPG and looks like back to supporting Turkey again.

Anyway I honestly think Turkey and US will eventually come to an agreement over NE Syria. Russia's intentions over Idlib are still not clear and it would be a disaster if the US just handed the country over to Assad/Iran/Russia. The US and Turkey both have most to lose geopolitcally over Assad taking back the country and that's what will make them realign.

He's personification of political animal. He was against Trump in run of to the elecetion, then he endoresed him somewhat, then he pushed back against him on Khasoggi issue (probably the most important individual from the Hill in blowing that thing up, he pushedback on few others too issues but also gave support to some others trump policies. he's gay GOP senator for God sake there are no many of them, its achivment in itself that may seem insignificant but it does tell you how politacly savy this SOB is.
apart from McConnell hes the most iumportant GOP official to Trump. Cause he has gravity to f.u.ck him up, and Trump cant hurt him. So, its better to have him on your side.
Same goes for Turkey, if you need one US havyweight GOP lawmaker to turn on your side, its fricking Graham. Good move. This is, if Im not mistaken, second Erdogan-Graham date in the last 3-4 months.

all theread on twitter,

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PKK, Suleimani, Assad, run circles around this incopmpetent fool for years. Now he just cares about salvaging his reputation which stands on his incompetent, misguided and failed strategy in Syria and Iraq. He is defending himself inserting itself in Anti-Trump narrativ.
Russian patrolling in Manbij with PKK. What are they doing?
Best joke of the year...
Coming from the guy who was saying " let's give RU/ASSad the northern border, they will keep PKK out..."

What happen to your facts? Was that a bad Dream all along?

renewing their relationship.
They never were broken.
They worked with each others from the beginning...
You give one thing you get one thing. And not a piece more. This is Russia.
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