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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

ISIS takes claim for everything that happens in Syria. ISIS has nothing to do with it. WHO benefits from this ? YPG Who controls Manbji? YPG Who has killed American soldiers over the last years already blaming it on lone wolfs? YPG. Who started spreading news about it the second the bomb exploded as if they knew when it would happen and who it would hit? YPG and its Fanboys. They had a Camera there in minutes? Why do you have a Camera in the middle of town? Who did they try to blame? Turkey.

This is all beginning to make perfect sense.. Didn't UAE and Egypt send advisers and officers to Manbij a few weeks ago? I'd say they have a big part in this. Wouldn't be surprised if they have made some deals with YPG in order to maintain US presence.

I'd say that some YPG members knew about this attack and were ready to report about it straight away, meanwhile they sent a drugged up ISIS or YPG terrorist to carry out the bombing.

Edit: have a look at this

Apparently Turkish FM is going on 21 of January to Russia to discuss the bufferzone. Today Russia said it wants SAA to be in control of the bufferzone but SAA doesn’t have the manpower to do that. Going to be interesting what the outcome will be.

How do you know that they don't have the manpower for that
A ethnic cleansing in the 21st century of which no pictures, no video and no credible report exists of. But it magicly just happens and it is always these pkk kurds who get killed. Iraqis,Syrians,Iranians,Armenians, Azeris all for some reason kill kurds 24/7 but none of them can show any evidence for their retarded claims. Maybe these morons should ask themselves why every nation in the ME hates them. Could it be because they have terroristic tendencies and love to be the whores of the west?

Or the fact some Boomer in America faps to a ugly Kurdish female terrorist who wants to whore herself out

In the West the Kurds are often pushed as Liberals, or Femenists or stupid crap like that but I heard Honor Killings are common in the Kurdish community and in the Kurdish diaspora so much for "muh GOOD KURDS" EBIL IRANIANS AND TURKS
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