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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Assad and YPG/PKK work together,not going to happen,KSA/UAE and indirectly Israel also in that camp.

To complicated to explain but simply put,they are all working together against us.
The least that will happen is federation.
The officialisation of a buffer border btw each party isnt a good idea...
Making a deal on just that is equal giving YPG/PKK an official "land"...

Thats why RU/ASSad aren't making Idlib deal official but only as an humanitarian gesture...

Making it an official deal that answer the other side wishes... Is as giving consent for my side to exist in the long term...

That buffer is the second best thing for YPG/PKK... After their rojava...

The East euphrate op success that was against YPG was build on the refusal of that same buffer zone...
Now TR initial wishes is granted and can't say no about it...but its also a stop for the fight against ypg/pkk in syria that is out of that border...
fck that bufferzone we need some critical parts further then the bufferzone. or else we get fcked again
Buffer zone doesn't necessarily mean Turkish occupied. The US are most likely trying to get an arab force for that job.
This is actually pretty solid. Remember most if not all Kurdish settlements or militant bases are right next to the border. Further down south, the region is almost entirely Arab so the problem would fix itself. As long as we create a 30km deep buffer zone like that along the entire border we'll be MOSTLY safe from any terror attacks.

That is true. If we take 30 km deep the remaining is desert and Arab land. Kurds would be picked off one by one on the long term if they are left with the Arab cities and deserts.
There are 4 million Syrians in Turkey. Why look beyond them and invite anti Turkish Egyptians and Saudi Arabs is beyond me.

Even if we get some Arab nations to patrol that buffer zone what is it in for them and how long do you expect them to stay?

How you turn it or twist it the Syria war will cost us a lot. At least a decade of occupation. And only Turkish soldiers can do that job. Trusting FSA would be a mistake.
Arab force = Saudi, Egypt, UAE; however that kind of force would protect YPG not dismantle it, plus Iran wouldn’t want them in Syria.

We need to hear it from trump adminstration not from İbrahim Kalın.
From the Trump administration we will hear 4 different stories and from Trump himself a new story each 24 hours. The Trump administration is not a better source than Ibrahim Kalin in any way. Don't wait any certainty on that issue. The process is not going to be smooth and advance as planned.
A chance for the PKK/YPG to form a military/country with the newest Western/Israëli weapons,have ''NATO'' air bases from where to attack us in the future,nice perspective.

No chance that PKK/YPG can create a "kurdish" stronghold in Raqqa or Deiz er-Zor. They will lose when Tel Abyad, Afrin etc. will fall.

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