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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

God dammit

When I first saw PDF there wasn't this much hate and insults

But now it looks like a 10 year old boys playground in which everyone is easily offended and is easily insulting

Opinions are filled with hatred and arguments rarely result in anything positive

Besides where are the moderators the last 3 pages are all off topic posts wtf

Here is some piece of wisdom from the Academy of Donkey Shaggers.

If the Turks cant build or produce anything?? How come the K*rds did not do anything in these lands before the Turks came in 1071.

Somehow we have to be an Ummah with them??? By the way majority of Muslims hate the Kurds. There is a good reason for that too.

Saladin is the only kurd that deserves respect. If he was alive today calling him a kurd would be an insult to him.

Look at his Twitter Profile... countries he appreciates --> USA, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Bullshit Kurds start with rebellions in the early 19th century and Arabs long before Atatürk was in Power.
Turkey's enemies are not seculars or Nationalist, but Ummah heads like you.
Just another braindead islamist with zero history knowledge.
Here, many insult me, I ask the administrator to ban them. I did not insult anyone. If you do not like my negative attitude towards Kemal's persanage, this is your problem, not mine. Turkey is full of citizens who are even worse for him and I, and others, have every right to do so. I wrote a letter in response to a man who said that the Arabs should be chained. For Nazism, admin, you must ban it.
Hursit is that you ? So many butthurt in here ı cant even recognise anymore :D
+ Iran + SAA, all together. US opinion also matters. Turkey is in NATO and US is daddy of NATO. Not sure US will be upset with Turkey being in northern Syria. Turkey occupying northern Syria is also violation of international law, and since Turkey is a law abiding state, we can assume Turkey is conscious of that and probably knows violating that law will most likely be a short term game plan.

Yesterday 200 truckloads of weapons were sent into YPG territory from Iraq. We should've bombed the whole convoy I don't understand why we're so hesitant to act.

As critical as I am of Israel, they would've destroyed that whole f*cking convoy if they were in our place. Some of you will tell me to be patient, but there's a limit. Right now those weapons are being handed to YPG terorists. We could've destroyed them before they were even sent. This could've made the upcoming operation much easier.
So NATO/US has put the handcuffs on Turkey? Thats what this things you're saying sounds like.

I do not think they would have a chance against us. Buying weapons are not the only thing that will change the results of a war.
They have a very good chance. The only thing Egypt needs to fight a good war is money. Egypt has "friends"that will cough up money.The ones that have money usually dont have good militaries, and the ones with less money, tend to have good military power, so they could trade and fill each others' gaps.

Turkey should team up with Iran but they aren’t trustworthy and they want the whole pie for themselves.
Iran isn't trustworthy? Well lets analyze that part. Considering Israel is the target of the "cooperation", how would Turkey and Iran be able to target Israel considering Turkey IS in NATO aka US and US is a strong ally of Israel? In such a situation Turkey is the unreliable one, because for Turkey, attacking Israel means attacking a friend of a friend(US) you are in a strong alliance with. Reverse the countries and i think you would be right.
Turkey can have beef with Israel, but by virtue of being in NATO, Turkey cannot go to war with Israel. if TUrkey does EU+ US will destroy Turkey. You've made your bed, now lie in it.
The biggest incident TUrkey has had with Israel is the Marvi Mara incident. After that there's nothing serious imo. No offense Turkey!
+ Iran + SAA, all together. US opinion also matters. Turkey is in NATO and US is daddy of NATO. Not sure US will be upset with Turkey being in northern Syria. Turkey occupying northern Syria is also violation of international law, and since Turkey is a law abiding state, we can assume Turkey is conscious of that and probably knows violating that law will most likely be a short term game plan.

So NATO/US has put the handcuffs on Turkey? Thats what this things you're saying sounds like.

They have a very good chance. The only thing Egypt needs to fight a good war is money. Egypt has "friends"that will cough up money.The ones that have money usually dont have good militaries, and the ones with less money, tend to have good military power, so they could trade and fill each others' gaps.

Iran isn't trustworthy? Well lets analyze that part. Considering Israel is the target of the "cooperation", how would Turkey and Iran be able to target Israel considering Turkey IS in NATO aka US and US is a strong ally of Israel? In such a situation Turkey is the unreliable one, because for Turkey, attacking Israel means attacking a friend of a friend(US) you are in a strong alliance with. Reverse the countries and i think you would be right.
Turkey can have beef with Israel, but by virtue of being in NATO, Turkey cannot go to war with Israel. if TUrkey does EU+ US will destroy Turkey. You've made your bed, now lie in it.
The biggest incident TUrkey has had with Israel is the Marvi Mara incident. After that there's nothing serious imo. No offense Turkey!

Do you have any idea of NATO/Turkey history? There is a reason why %91 of Turkish people see USA as a threat and that does not mean the rest %9 sees it as a friend. This is the result collected at 2017, as far as I remember it raised more this year.

Egypt does not have any chance if we are not talking about a war at their own territory. Money and weapons are important at a war but egypt does not have the social and military capabilities to fight against Turkey for a long war. Saddam thought the same with Iran and at those days Iraq really had a very strong and well trained mililtary when compared to todays Egypt and Iran was not that powerful when compared to todays Turkey. Then we all know what happened with their "friends" as you call.

In the history Iran and Turkey had problems but we are not at war for centuries. Today; for the first time in the history Turks and Iranians have a common geostrategic threat and goals. That makes countries thrustwothy against eachother. It is not in their power to be thrustworthy and it is the nature of international politics. When you have common goals and threats you are forced to be thrustworthy unless you are an idiot which will be destructive for both sides.

Are you sure that you are familiar with the thing you are talking about? Yes; USA+China+Russia+Eu+Iran+Uganda can beat Turkey too but under wehat circumstances those alliances would form? Are you sure that EU is still eager to fight at the side of USA? Are you definetly sure? Do you follow politics of EU? They look like they are trying to get rid of USA. Under which circumstances EU would try to fight against us? Do you think just the social impact of that kind of war would be pleasant for EU?
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I don’t think a war will happen between Turkey and the new Arab coalition but they wouldn’t be able to hold onto north Syria without taking out Turkish artillery. And their artillery strength doesn’t match ours so their divisions would be taken out before reaching the border.
What would really hurt Turkey is when the Arab coalition gives heavy equipment like stingers to the Kurds. Syria would become a Vietnam for us in that case.

No. :disagree:
I don’t think a war will happen between Turkey and the new Arab coalition but they wouldn’t be able to hold onto north Syria without taking out Turkish artillery. And their artillery strength doesn’t match ours so their divisions would be taken out before reaching the border.
What would really hurt Turkey is when the Arab coalition gives heavy equipment like stingers to the Kurds. Syria would become a Vietnam for us in that case.

@cabatli_53 This Russian cockroach is repeating PKK propaganda word for word.
Pkk say 1+1=2. Would you deny that fact. And if you repeat that fact, does it mean you are a pkk sympathizer?
You know that logic could be applied almost everywhere... and among any "Terro Organization" saying?
And no...TR entering North Syria doesn't End up in Vietnam alike... or maybe A flat Desertic area is similar to what the Vietnam jungle gave birth to?

At a certain degree i can understand the saying with Afrin geography... But even that was a failure... Therefore North Syria tactic is similar to the US one against ISIS... Flatten the building and chase them in the desert...
You know that logic could be applied almost everywhere... and among any "Terro Organization" saying?
And no...TR entering North Syria doesn't End up in Vietnam alike... or maybe A flat Desertic area is similar to what the Vietnam jungle gave birth to?

At a certain degree i can understand the saying with Afrin geography... But even that was a failure... Therefore North Syria tactic is similar to the US one against ISIS... Flatten the building and chase them in the desert...

Never said Turkey will end up like US in Vietnam. There is no way that Pkk can defeat Turkey.
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