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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

Actually the Turks are the reason for the backwardness by supporting radical sects, forbidding printers, provoking crusades and mongols to invade the Middle East and not to forget many of Turks were slaves in the mongol army. Also the reason why Islam is hated is because of your osmanli empire and it’s brutality against Christians if you go to Spain you will see many are ok with the Arab rule of Iberia but no one is happy with the ottoman rule of the Balkan and Turkish rule of India which is considered the darkest and most savage period in the history of these regions.

But Armenia is real with real culture and history unlike the other which is fake artificial Stalinist country.


Deal With It
Typical liar loser

almost whole world call Islam and muslims as terrorist because of salafi/wahabi Arab terror organizations like AL QAEDA , ISIS , etc

and with the ottoman rule of the Balkan and Turkish rule of India were golden age

TURKS spread Islam in the Balkans
but after the collapse of the Otttoman Empire , Serbs,Croats,Albanians,Bosnians were killed eachothers

India was one of richest countries in the world under Turkish rule but thieves British drained a total of nearly $45 trillion from India during the period 1765 to 1938 and Indians were become so poor

Britain that the colonisation of India as horrible
Don’t lie you scumbag India and Balkan were already rich and civilized and there was nothing golden about it except the massacres and genocide of 80 million Hindu and the kidnapping and enslaving the Christians in the Balkan and Eastern Europe. The Balkan and Indians still hate Islam long before Wahhabism because of your savagery:lol:
"also Afghanistan and Pakistan/Kashmir are Iranic nomadic origin too, also Kurds, but it doesn't matter to Iranian backstabbers.

You rather support Hindu fascists, Serbian killers, Armenian genocide storymakers, Greek neo-nazis, Russians and former communists"

Excellent comment @pan Islamic Pakistan
Bro, you are mistaking Ottomans with Seljuks. Persian was never the court language in the Ottoman Empire.

I don't know when it changed, but I know Persian was used in the Ottoman court during Sultan Selims rule. But that does not mean Ottoman Turkish was not used too. And before that, when the Beyliks congratulated Sultan Murads victories, they communicated in Persian. Did you know even the way the Ottomans named their empire was in Persian دولت عليه عثمانیه This is not Arabic, it is Persian.

You know all Ottoman Sultans were fluent in Persian, and that Persian was compulsory in schools in Turkey right up until the revolution? Balkan countries has tons of Persian loan words. Who do you think brought the Persian language to Europe, it wasn't the Persians, it was actually the Ottomans.
Don’t lie you scumbag India and Balkan were already rich and civilized and there was nothing golden about it except the massacres and genocide of 80 million Hindu and the kidnapping and enslaving the Christians in the Balkan and Eastern Europe. The Balkan and Indians still hate Islam long before Wahhabism because of your savagery:lol:

I don't know when it changed, but I know Persian was used in the Ottoman court during Sultan Selims rule. But that does not mean Ottoman Turkish was not used too. And before that, when the Beyliks congratulated Sultan Murads victories, they communicated in Persian. Did you know even the way the Ottomans named their empire was in Persian دولت عليه عثمانیه This is not Arabic, it is Persian.

You know all Ottoman Sultans were fluent in Persian, and that Persian was compulsory in schools in Turkey right up until the revolution? Balkan countries has tons of Persian loan words. Who do you think brought the Persian language to Europe, it wasn't the Persians, it was actually the Ottomans.
- Ottoman Sultans were fluent not only in Persian but in Arabic, Greek, Latin too. You can't assume Persian was the official language because Sultan Selim knew Persian.
For examle II Mehmed (conquerer) knew Turkish, Latin, Greek, Arabic, Persian, Serbian, Jewish.
- Persian was not complusary in medreses as far as i know.
- Ottoman language is like.....think of Turkish grammar, phrases, sentence construction, it stayed as it is but many many words changed with Arabic and some Persian.
- Ottomans called their state: Devlet-i Aliyye (mostly) or/and Devlet-i Aliyye-i Muhammediyye. It's Arabic....
- We knew these from not stories but from the Ottoman State records which still being preserved by Turkey.
@-SINAN- what do you think of these Islamists who worship erdogan??
I don't care if Erdoğan is Islamist or Atheist. Every one of his policies failed, be it economy, foreign relations, education, democracy, free press. There is massive corruption in his government.
And some people still worships him... You have seen 2 months ago they were talking about how Russia is a great friend of Turkey. Now, they curse Russia.

I think, i feel pity for them.
I don't care if Erdoğan is Islamist or Atheist. Every one of his policies failed, be it economy, foreign relations, education, democracy, free press. There is massive corruption in his government.
And some people still worships him... You have seen 2 months ago they were talking about how Russia is a great friend of Turkey. Now, they curse Russia.

I think, i feel pity for them.
I don’t get why people here root for erdogan while they call the gulf countries traitors even though he is also in bed with Israel and the west the same with their Pakistani government who is friend with China and the west they act as if they care about Muslims but not in China since that is their Allie.
Don’t lie you scumbag India and Balkan were already rich and civilized and there was nothing golden about it except the massacres and genocide of 80 million Hindu and the kidnapping and enslaving the Christians in the Balkan and Eastern Europe. The Balkan and Indians still hate Islam long before Wahhabism because of your savagery:lol:

Thankfully Turks came to India

Hindu culture was steeped in ignorance, Jahilat and superstitions

It was one of the conduits that allowed millions to become Muslims and dump hinduism

If your enemy hates you then hate them back and get prepared, don't get your panties in a twist

Pakistani government who is friend with China and the west they act as if they care about Muslims but not in China since that is their Allie.

Let's get something clear, Pakistani were first in line on Muslim issues

Our people cared more about Muslims across the world then our own people even

We believe in Ummah and brotherhood

However did we get a reciprocal response?? Even today on issues such as Kashmir??
The answer is no!
We simply became tired and understood we need to look after our interests first because no one else will

As soon as the rest of the Muslim world is ready to act on Muslim brotherhood, we are ready
Thankfully Turks came to India

Hindu culture was steeped in ignorance, Jahilat and superstitions

It was one of the conduits that allowed millions to become Muslims and dump hinduism

If your enemy hates you then hate them back and get prepared, don't get your panties in a twist

Let's get something clear, Pakistani were first in line on Muslim issues

Our people cared more about Muslims across the world then our own people even

We believe in Ummah and brotherhood

However did we get a reciprocal response?? Even today on issues such as Kashmir??
The answer is no!
We simply became tired and understood we need to look after our interests first because no one else will

As soon as the rest of the Muslim world is ready to act on Muslim brotherhood, we are ready
That’s doesn’t give excuses of the crimes Muslim rulers did against Hindus which is the main reason they still hate Islam to this day.
- Ottoman Sultans were fluent not only in Persian but in Arabic, Greek, Latin too. You can't assume Persian was the official language because Sultan Selim knew Persian.
For examle II Mehmed (conquerer) knew Turkish, Latin, Greek, Arabic, Persian, Serbian, Jewish.
- Persian was not complusary in medreses as far as i know.
- Ottoman language is like.....think of Turkish grammar, phrases, sentence construction, it stayed as it is but many many words changed with Arabic and some Persian.
- Ottomans called their state: Devlet-i Aliyye (mostly) or/and Devlet-i Aliyye-i Muhammediyye. It's Arabic....
- We knew these from not stories but from the Ottoman State records which still being preserved by Turkey.

I said Persian was used in Selims court. I didn't say the reason for it was because he knew Persian.

All Turkic empires except for the Turko-Mongol ones have used Persian as their official and court language at some point. Even the Mughals in India. And you cant compare Latin, Greek etc with Persian. The Ottomans spoke Persian because Persian and Turkish was the languages they grew up with, and the language of their Seljuk forefathers.

The official and court language of the Seljuks were Persian. The Seljuks built the sultanate of Rum in Anatolia, the official and court language of the sultanate was Persian. When the Seljuks fell, the Sultanate was succeeded by the Beyliks, They were the noblemen of the Sultanate. Obviously they would continue to use Persian as the language of politics and administration.

The Ottomans were only a tribe from these Beys, it is only natural that Persian would remain the language of the court and administration in the early ages of the Ottoman Empire. For instance, when Sultan Murad conquered land, the other Beys would congratulate him by writing him letters in Persian. Ottoman Sultans grew up speaking both Turkish and Persian, their fathers spoke Persian, Their grandfathers spoke Persian and lived in Persia during the Seljuk Empire. Why do you think all Ottoman Sultans admired and adored Persia, Persian culture and poetry so much? It is because that was the land, language and culture of their Seljuk forefathers. The rivalry only started after Shah Ismail converted Persia to Shiism.

I'm not going to go into detail, but there is a reason why they also speak Persian in every Turkish speaking country except for Turkey. And the only reason they don't speak Persian today in Turkey is because it was replaced in the school system after the revolution. If you didn't know Persian, you were considered uneducated.

It's Devlet-i Aliyye-i-Osmaniyye not Muhamdediyye, and it's not in Arabic. The words are but the way the sentence is constructed is in Persian and its using Persian alphabet not Arabic.. Arabic uses Al in front of subjects and adjectives. Persian uses e/i.
I don’t get why people here root for erdogan while they call the gulf countries traitors even though he is also in bed with Israel and the west the same with their Pakistani government who is friend with China and the west they act as if they care about Muslims but not in China since that is their Allie.
Now, you know Erdogan aspired to be the leader the of the Muslim World. He was into Muslim Brotherhood with Qatar and Mursi's Egypt. Then Arab spring started, he saw an opportunity in Syria. He thought that he can replace Assad with a leader whom would be close to his ideology.

From the Gulfies perspective this MB movement posses great danger to themselves as most of the gulf countries are monarchies. So, Gulfies acted against MB, Mursi brought down, MB crushed. Still at that point we had good relations with Gulf countries as Gulf countries thought Erdogan would come to his senses. But Erdogan still continued with his MB ideology. Turned Egypt in to a hostile state and endless criticized Gulfies. Then Gulfies started to act against Turkey's interests.

So, relations with Gulfies are at all time low.

About Israel, i wouldn't say Turkey is in bed with Israel. Prior to Erdogan Israeli Pilots would train in Turkey, We would buy military equipment and know how from Israel. Relations with Israel were excellent.
- "One Minute" incident in Davos Economic Forum
- "Mavi marmara" incident
- And endless criticize from Erdogan to Israel brought Turkey-Israel relations to all time low.

Yes, we have not cut our diplomatic relations and trade with Israel. However Turkey is not cooperating with Israel on political and military matters.
We could have achieved much with Israel, for example in the Eastern Mediterranean issues. But Erdogan bashed Israel so he could get credit Arabs.

Our relation with the West also deteriorated much, you know there is a military embargo on Turkey from European States and from US to an extent. US supporting YPG. US supporting Gülenists, Europeans supporting Greek Cyprus against Turkey etc..

But none of these were Gulfies fault, all the fault lies within Erdogan.

I said Persian was used in Selims court. I didn't say the reason for it was because he knew Persian.

All Turkic empires except for the Turko-Mongol ones have used Persian as their official and court language at some point. Even the Mughals in India. And you cant compare Latin, Greek etc with Persian. The Ottomans spoke Persian because Persian and Turkish was the languages they grew up with, and the language of their Seljuk forefathers.

The official and court language of the Seljuks were Persian. The Seljuks built the sultanate of Rum in Anatolia, the official and court language of the sultanate was Persian. When the Seljuks fell, the Sultanate was succeeded by the Beyliks, They were the noblemen of the Sultanate. Obviously they would continue to use Persian as the language of politics and administration.

The Ottomans were only a tribe from these Beys, it is only natural that Persian would remain the language of the court and administration in the early ages of the Ottoman Empire. For instance, when Sultan Murad conquered land, the other Beys would congratulate him by writing him letters in Persian. Ottoman Sultans grew up speaking both Turkish and Persian, their fathers spoke Persian, Their grandfathers spoke Persian and lived in Persia during the Seljuk Empire. Why do you think all Ottoman Sultans admired and adored Persia, Persian culture and poetry so much? It is because that was the land, language and culture of their Seljuk forefathers. The rivalry only started after Shah Ismail converted Persia to Shiism.

I'm not going to go into detail, but there is a reason why they also speak Persian in every Turkish speaking country except for Turkey. And the only reason they don't speak Persian today in Turkey is because it was replaced in the school system after the revolution. If you didn't know Persian, you were considered uneducated.

It's Devlet-i Aliyye-i-Osmaniyye not Muhamdediyye, and it's not in Arabic. The words are but the way the sentence is constructed is in Persian and its using Persian alphabet not Arabic.. Arabic uses Al in front of subjects and adjectives. Persian uses e/i.
There are lots of mistakes, in your arguments. For example these Beyliks were basically Turkic warriors from Central Asia, Seljuks placed them near to Roman Frontier as they were still nomadic warriors that were hard to control. Early Beyliks still had tengristic elements not fully converted to Islam and talked purely Turkic.

Anyways, I don't want to argue about my history with foreigners all day where i spend my time to refute claims one by one.

Take care.
There are lots of mistakes, in your arguments. For example these Beyliks were basically Turkic warriors from Central Asia, Seljuks placed them near to Roman Frontier as they were still nomadic warriors that were hard to control. Early Beyliks still had tengristic elements not fully converted to Islam and talked purely Turkic.

Here is proof you are wrong. But lets not discuss this anymore, I thought you were open minded and interested in learning.


From the book

İslam Tarihi ve Medeniyeti - 11: Anadolu Beylikleri

by :

Prof. Dr. Ayşe Kayapınar,
Prof. Dr. Feridun M. Emecen,
Prof. Dr. İlyas Gökhan,
Prof. Dr. Kemal Göde,
Prof. Dr. Levent Kayapınar,
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ersan,
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şeker,
Prof. Dr. Salim Koca,
Prof. Dr. Tuncer Baykara,
Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ayönü,
Prof. Dr. Zerrin Günal,
Doç. Dr. Muharrem Kesik,
Doç. Dr. Yahya Başkan,
Dr. Öğr. üyesi Fatma Akkuş Yiğit,
Dr. Öğr. üyesi Mustafa Akkuş,
Dr. Öğr. üyesi Sait Kofoğlu,
Arş. Gör. Hüseyin Çalış,
Öğr. Gör. Tunay Karakök,
Uzm. Betül Teoman, Gültekin Teoman
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