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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

Who said this??


Indian origin Islamic scholar from Trinidad whose lectures primarily concern Dajjal, Riba, and politics (the last of which he has no knowledge of.)

He was a student of Dr. Israr Ahmad, until he was asked to start his study of Islam properly from the basics and Hifz, which he refused to do.

Since then he has been becoming increasingly anti-Pakistan.

It is sad because I knew him personally and followed his lectures/books for many years. He was ok back in the 90s.
Nice story and drawing.

Reality is, and you know it, Azeris of Iran are much more pro-Turkish/pro-Azerbaijan than before. Shiaism is not enough to hold them together. Some of it may have to do with racism in Iran against Turks, other is the alliance you have with Armenians.

Iran should be careful about taking any actions against Turkey, lest you find Afghanistan and Pakistan armies in your back. We won't sit around if Turkish homeland is attacked, be assured.

I honestly don't give a hoot about Iran either. Your nationalistic views about turkish homeland being threatened stem from Kurds is utterly ridiculous. The same Kurds that are armed, trained and backed by your fellow NATO member states like America, Britain, France and Israel. Yet your nationalistic Turkey fights and kills Syrian soldiers and occupies Syrian lands. Calling Assad a dictator or a murderer, on the back of which America, Britain, France, Turkey and Israel attack Syria and kill thousands of innocent Syrians isn't righteous, it's devious and evil. Turkey has crossed the line with it's behavior and criminal acts, along with it's NATO masters.

This is what listening to every diatribe which comes out of Imran N Hosein of Trinidad does to the human mind.

Is that all you can hit back with? It's hilarious how you guys work, one calls me a Baathist supporter, while the other calls me a follower of Imran Hosein. This only exposes your sheer lack of intellect.

You start believing his theories that Othodox defenders of Constantinople were shahada and Turks were Kaffir army, lol, ignoring anyone who quotes any hadith contrary to it as 'schoolchildren.'

Time will tell who was correct about the Orthodox Christians, where it was the yuppie secular liberalism who prance around proclaiming to be enlightened Muslims, or the Wahhabi-Salafi lunatics, or where knowledge originates from, the Holy Qur'an.

This is the same man who declared Pakistan would vanish around 2008-9. The same one who declared takfir on every Turk and Pakistani, and said the only solution for peace is to surrender our lands to Orthodox and Hindus respectively

Now you're just making stuff up off the top of your head. But hey, don't let me stop you from digging your own grave!!

Somehow someone like Putin or Moodi would forgive our sins of Muslim conquest.

Again, you're digging yourself a deeper whole. By all means continue to do so!!

You literally can't make this up.

And I am just here reading and getting amused by your phenomenal imagination!

Keep Imran N. Hussain takfiri BS out of this thread. This idiot made takfir on the whole nations of Turkey and Pakistan, how possibly can you defend him?

For the record, I did not bring the man's name up, you did. Seems to me that you have some grudge against the man. And it looks like it has you caught in a naught some how. But you can keep yammering on about Imran Hosein. He or Imran Khan, or Vladimir Putin are just men. On judgement day, we shall know whether these men actually worked for the good and were rightly guided.

With your avatar name being "Pan Islamic" you sure don't sound like one. Must be some weird place that influenced you to be who you are today and how you make references to others as.
Keep Imran N. Hussain takfiri BS out of this thread. This idiot made takfir on the whole nations of Turkey and Pakistan, how possibly can you defend him?

It is sad because I knew him personally, he was a student of Dr. Israr Ahmad, my teacher, but then he went rogue and became a Russian Orthodox puppet, and recently Hindu puppet.

Ameen, yet Turkey has always stood by us no matter what. They are the only Muslim nations which have backbone and principles. All others like KSA, UAE, Iran,etc. will backstab you in a second for momentary gain.
How they are Muslim nation with principles when they have western anti Islam culture you brainwashed Islamist clown?!
How they are Muslim nation with principles when they have western anti Islam culture you brainwashed Islamist clown?!

Erdogan-makes deals with Isreal barks about Palestinians when election times comes around

Pakiss-oh he is playing a game he is our Sultan

Sometimes I wonder if Erdogan would make a better President for Pakistanis than for Turkey a secular Kemalist state in which most Turks despise him now
Your country allow all kind of western filth yet you see these Islamist clown kissing erdogan *** all day.
Our culture is anti islam because we dont behead people or whats your problem?
Erdogan-makes deals with Isreal barks about Palestinians when election times comes around

Pakiss-oh he is playing a game he is our Sultan

Sometimes I wonder if Erdogan would make a better President for Pakistanis than for Turkey a secular Kemalist state in which most Turks despise him now
They are like the Arabs who love Saddam more than Iraqis if erdogan was a great than he should rule the Islamic Pakistan and not secular turkey since many Pakistanis love Islamists while Turks love partying and drinking.
They are like the Arabs who love Saddam more than Iraqis if erdogan was a great than he should rule the Islamic Pakistan and not secular turkey since many Pakistanis love Islamists while Turks love partying and drinking.
Why are you Living in the US if you despise freedom so much?
Our culture is anti islam because we dont behead people or whats your problem?
My problem is with the one who think turkey is the castle of Islam which is not only false but it’s complete BS.

Why are you Living in the US if you despise freedom so much?
Where did I say I hate freedom?!
My problem is with the one who think turkey is the castle of Islam which is not only false but it’s complete BS.

Where did I say I hate freedom?!

I have the same problem with those who put Saudis and Iranians on the pedestal the point is none of them are they are greedy good for nothing politicians playing with gullible populations of past glory at least Iran tho is less cancerous than Gulf Arab Sheikhdoms or a wannabe Sultan in Turkey

My problem is with the one who think turkey is the castle of Islam which is not only false but it’s complete BS.

Where did I say I hate freedom?!

It's just another way to deflect when you criticize a country or a regime they automatically bring up why you in the "beacon" of freedom" when you had no choice where were you born smh
My problem is with the one who think turkey is the castle of Islam which is not only false but it’s complete BS.
Doesnt make it anti islam either, maybe you should look up the definition of anti.

Where did I say I hate freedom?!
You seem to have a problem with drinking and partying, those are two things that can only be done in free socieities.

It's just another way to deflect when you criticize a country or a regime they automatically bring up why you in the "beacon" of freedom" when you had no choice where were you born smh
He claims that Turks/Turkey is anti islam, sry but i fail to see the criticism here, all i see is baseless allegations and you slandering me while my question is completely legitimate.

You might not have had the choice to select where to be born but you very much have the choice to settle somewhere else though.
I have the same problem with those who put Saudis and Iranians on the pedestal the point is none of them are they are greedy good for nothing politicians playing with gullible populations of past glory at least Iran tho is less cancerous than Gulf Arab Sheikhdoms or a wannabe Sultan in Turkey

It's just another way to deflect when you criticize a country or a regime they automatically bring up why you in the "beacon" of freedom" when you had no choice where were you born smh
I hate these kind of clowns who can’t be balanced in their relationships with other countries if some country have a good leader that’s doesn’t mean you have to worship his country and people like he is some kind of prophet or something also if he is a good leader than that’s for his country not for your country mind your own business it’s pathatic when these clowns love erdogan more than the Turks themselves even though erdogan have nothing do to with their countries.
Doesnt make it anti islam either, maybe you should look up the definition of anti.

You seem to have a problem with drinking and partying, those are two things that can only be done in free socieities.

He claims that Turks/Turkey is anti islam, sry but i fail to see the cirticism here, all i see is baseless allegations and you slandering me while my question is completely legitimate.

You might not have had the choice select where to be born but you very much have the choice to settle somewhere else though.
Yes banning hijab allowing alcohol and sex without marriage is in-Islamic yet these clowns think that turkey is some kind of Islamic state and that the hypocrite erdogan is a new salahuddin:lol:
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