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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

Yes banning hijab allowing alcohol and sex without marriage is in-Islamic yet these clowns think that turkey is some kind of Islamic state and that the hypocrite erdogan is a new salahuddin:lol:
Hijab ban was a temporary thing and a thing of the past for a decade already so get over it.
The other things dont make it anti islam, just not religious, Turkey is secular after all.
Iran backed shia terrorist organizations HEZBOLLAH , HASHDI SHABI and S.Arabia backed salafi/wahabi terror organizations AL QAEDA , ISIS are destroying Islam

also American-British puppet Arabian dictators and perverted Mullahs in Iran

long live great leader ERDOGAN who helps over 10 millions Syrians , Qatar , Azerbaijan , Bosnia , Libya , Somali , Palestine , Arakan , etc

led by ERDOGAN , Turkiye spent over $60 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim countries between 2012 and 2019
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Hijab ban was a temporary thing and a thing of the past for a decade already so get over it.
The other things dont make it anti islam, just not religious, Turkey is secular after all.
Yes you are right turkey is secular so can you open the brain of Arab and Pakistani Islamist clowns to this reality and tell them that turkey is not the country that they imagine in their fantasies.
Yes you are right turkey is secular so can you open the brain of Arab and Pakistani Islamist clowns to this reality and tell them that turkey is not the country that they imagine in their fantasies.

You jealous clown keep crying

hundreds of millions of muslims around the world including Arabs so love ERDOGAN and OTTOMAN EMPIRE

on the other hand , nobody loves American-British puppet Arabian dictators and perverted Mullahs in Iran
I don't care if Erdoğan is Islamist or Atheist. Every one of his policies failed, be it economy, foreign relations, education, democracy, free press. There is massive corruption in his government.
And some people still worships him... You have seen 2 months ago they were talking about how Russia is a great friend of Turkey. Now, they curse Russia.

I think, i feel pity for them.

Let me tell you something I dont despise the Turks but I wish your nation success once that Georgian Watermellon Seller bum is thrown out of office Turks are getting sick of him all his policies have failed I dont care how many AKP paid shrills or trolls will plaster propaganda from TRT,but your country is a laughing stock geo politically a decade ago your country was on the brink of being a real heavy weight in the region Instead The Russians and their junior partner the Iranians are the new guys on the block your leader is being used as a toy by all of them and to all those so called Islamists who like this scumbag he is basically made the Koshers in Tel Aviv laughing he successfully got the Mid East to burn more got Arab states against you have the Iranians against you they more focused on Turkey than on Israel,Thanks Erdogan you made the Mid East distracted from Israel we might as well call him Mossads best asset.

Now, you know Erdogan aspired to be the leader the of the Muslim World. He was into Muslim Brotherhood with Qatar and Mursi's Egypt. Then Arab spring started, he saw an opportunity in Syria. He thought that he can replace Assad with a leader whom would be close to his ideology.

From the Gulfies perspective this MB movement posses great danger to themselves as most of the gulf countries are monarchies. So, Gulfies acted against MB, Mursi brought down, MB crushed. Still at that point we had good relations with Gulf countries as Gulf countries thought Erdogan would come to his senses. But Erdogan still continued with his MB ideology. Turned Egypt in to a hostile state and endless criticized Gulfies. Then Gulfies started to act against Turkey's interests.

So, relations with Gulfies are at all time low.

About Israel, i wouldn't say Turkey is in bed with Israel. Prior to Erdogan Israeli Pilots would train in Turkey, We would buy military equipment and know how from Israel. Relations with Israel were excellent.
- "One Minute" incident in Davos Economic Forum
- "Mavi marmara" incident
- And endless criticize from Erdogan to Israel brought Turkey-Israel relations to all time low.

Yes, we have not cut our diplomatic relations and trade with Israel. However Turkey is not cooperating with Israel on political and military matters.
We could have achieved much with Israel, for example in the Eastern Mediterranean issues. But Erdogan bashed Israel so he could get credit Arabs.

Our relation with the West also deteriorated much, you know there is a military embargo on Turkey from European States and from US to an extent. US supporting YPG. US supporting Gülenists, Europeans supporting Greek Cyprus against Turkey etc..

But none of these were Gulfies fault, all the fault lies within Erdogan.

There are lots of mistakes, in your arguments. For example these Beyliks were basically Turkic warriors from Central Asia, Seljuks placed them near to Roman Frontier as they were still nomadic warriors that were hard to control. Early Beyliks still had tengristic elements not fully converted to Islam and talked purely Turkic.

Anyways, I don't want to argue about my history with foreigners all day where i spend my time to refute claims one by one.

Take care.

Does not matter Turkey is laughing stock to all serious players only retarded So called Islamists take Turkey and Watermellon seller Erdogan seriously these days pity

Yes you are right turkey is secular so can you open the brain of Arab and Pakistani Islamist clowns to this reality and tell them that turkey is not the country that they imagine in their fantasies.

They will never learn you attack them they will make excuses to hide tracks
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If I point the finger at Turkey and expose it's duplicity, that makes me a Syrian Baathist supporter? Now that is what I call a stunning interpretation. There is not a single post of mine on this forum or anywhere online where I have praised Assad or the Baathist Party.

Turkey had an incredible opportunity to have checkmated Assad, Zionist-America and the Wahhabi elites of Saudi, Qatar, Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain. They could have done that by working with the Russians to pulverize the Wahhabi-Zionist backed terrorists, to help reconstitute Syrian territory whole again. Once the objectives were met, Russia and Turkey together would have forced Assad to step down and have free and fair elections which would be inclusive of all Syrians. Turkey would have earned the respect of not only Syria, but also Russia, Iran and the rest of the Muslim world. Instead Turkey is digging itself a deeper hole by protecting the Wahhabi-Salafi terrorists, AQ & HTS.

A "Balkanized Syria" is exactly what Israel, America, Britain and France want. It will embolden Israel to completely exterminate the Palestinians, take over Jerusalem, demolish the Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhra to build the Temple Mount. When that happens, none of the Muslim countries in the Middle East would be able to militarily stop Israel. Saudi regime is a traitor to Islam, won't even lift a finger to stop Israel. Qataris and Emiratis are too vain to do anything meaningful. In fact, Israeli hitmen brazenly assassinated Palestinians who were in Emirates a few years ago, and Emirates did nothing to stop Israeli assassins.

So Turkey is actually helping Israel by what it is currently doing in Syria, to Syria.

"Our minerates will be our spears and our domes will be our shields," were Erdogan's words in response to Israel's aggression against Turkish flotilla which was headed to Gaza. If Turkey's are truly nationalistic, then why did the Turkish people elect political party to power whose whole manifesto is about bringing back Islamic Values back into Turkey? If Turkey is so nationalistic and secular, then why did the military coup fail against Erdogan?

Please, spare me the nationalistic this and secular that chants.

As for the Kurdish issue, well you have to thank Israel for that, who whole heartedly supports the PKK/YPG or whatever AK47 bull$hit abbreviation they use nowadays. They're even worse than Turkey when it comes to Israel. If Turkey was so worried about the Kurds, then Turkey would have worked with Iran and Iraq to solve this problem, expeditiously. Instead of making allies, Turkey is angering Iraq, Syria and Iran.

No my dear friend, Turkey has priorities elsewhere. If it were Kurdish problem, Turkey would've long attacked and crushed the kurds in Syria and Iraq long time ago. No, Turkey would rather attack Syrian troops than Kurds (because Zionist-America threatened Turkey).

So in conclusion, you can believe whatever you want, time will reveal the truth about what Turkey's true intentions really are. Bottom line, whichever anyone wants to spin it, Turkey is playing Zionist-America/Britain/France/Israel game of deception. And not all those who oppose israeli strikes, american occupation and turkish occupation of Syria, are Baathist supporters. Some of us Muslims have the sense and intelligence to look at things in the light of seeking the truth.
You make some reasonable points but to suggest security against the Kurdish separatist threat has not always been a major and legitimate Turkish concern is deliberately ignoring reality. The Kurdish separatists have essentially become an Iranian proxy since they allied with the baathists. You can interpret things differently if you wish, and I am agreeing with you actually that some of this mess is due to erdogan's poor calculations. But Turkey is not the instigator here.

Indian origin Islamic scholar from Trinidad whose lectures primarily concern Dajjal, Riba, and politics (the last of which he has no knowledge of.)

He was a student of Dr. Israr Ahmad, until he was asked to start his study of Islam properly from the basics and Hifz, which he refused to do.

Since then he has been becoming increasingly anti-Pakistan.

It is sad because I knew him personally and followed his lectures/books for many years. He was ok back in the 90s.
A creature, who is in no way a match for Mehmed II in anything, lectures people about him, and his legacy.
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You make some reasonable points but to suggest security against the Kurdish separatist threat has not always been a major and legitimate Turkish concern is deliberately ignoring reality. The Kurdish separatists have essentially become an Iranian proxy since they allied with the baathists. You can interpret things differently if you wish, and I am agreeing with you actually that some of this mess is due to erdogan's poor calculations. But Turkey is not the instigator here.

Lets all agree on one thing I know we tear each others guts on this thread the Kurds are the prostitutes of the region pump and dump and disposable
With your avatar name being "Pan Islamic" you sure don't sound like one. Must be some weird place that influenced you to be who you are today and how you make references to others as.

Even Dar ul Uloom Trinidad in his home country has warned Muslims to stay away from this man. He is a fake scholar who has heterodox ideas. recently he has become a puppet of Russians and Hindus. How pitiful.

Of course the sentiment appeals to Orthodox Christians, Hindus, and some uneducated Western Muslims from heterdox backgrounds like Indians, Blacks, etc.

You and the atheist Arab running around here have some obsession with my handle. Needless to say, cheap shots at trying to insult me have failed.

Your Iranian buddies also tried to discredit my points by attacking me directly, it just proves how intellectually bankrupt all you anti-Turk members are.

Indian origin Islamic scholar from Trinidad whose lectures primarily concern Dajjal, Riba, and politics (the last of which he has no knowledge of.)

He was a student of Dr. Israr Ahmad, until he was asked to start his study of Islam properly from the basics and Hifz, which he refused to do.

Since then he has been becoming increasingly anti-Pakistan.

It is sad because I knew him personally and followed his lectures/books for many years. He was ok back in the 90s.

this man is known as a fool in Trinidad & no Caribbean Muslim takes this guy seriously he’s a clown of first degree
Hijab ban was a temporary thing and a thing of the past for a decade already so get over it.
The other things dont make it anti islam, just not religious, Turkey is secular after all.

Don't worry about this idiot. He has made up his mind about every member on this forum.

We have no problem with secular or Islamic oriented Turks, for us, they are both equally our brothers and sisters. Our relationship remains unchanged regardless if AKP is in power or CHP.

Pakistan has a conservative culture like rural Turkey or Iran, but we were not always that way. Pakistan in 60s and 70s were very secular and it was normal for everyone to wear Western clothes and even drink alcohol. Times changed after Soviet invasion, and people became more religious and more conservative.

We are not here to judge the private lives of others.

this man is known as a fool in Trinidad & no Caribbean Muslim takes this guy seriously he’s a clown of first degree

I sat with Dar ul Uloom Trinidad scholars, I am sure we know some of the same people if you know of them. When I asked them about Imran N Hosein, they all laughed and got a kick out of it. They knew far more about the antics of this man than I did, apparently he changed a lot after the 90s when he split ways with Dr. Israr Ahmad in New York.
You make some reasonable points but to suggest security against the Kurdish separatist threat has not always been a major and legitimate Turkish concern is deliberately ignoring reality. The Kurdish separatists have essentially become an Iranian proxy since they allied with the baathists. You can interpret things differently if you wish, and I am agreeing with you actually that some of this mess is due to erdogan's poor calculations. But Turkey is not the instigator here.

I have not rubbished Turkey's worry about Kurds. They have a legitimate cause to be concerned. However, what Turkey is doing in Syria, occupying Syrian territory, attacking Syrian military and deliberately protecting terrorist group Jabhat-al-Nusra, Turkistan National Front and Ahrar-al-Shaam, clearly shows that Turkey is setting itself up for a huge disaster against Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Russia. To make matters worse, Turkey is also or already has sent troops to Libya. Which now puts it in direct confrontation with Egypt.

Turkey really needs to be working to first protect itself against the Kurds (who are supported by Israel, Britain & America), by establishing a road map with Syria, Iran, Russia and Iraq on getting Kurds under control and under Syria and Iraq. Turkey started out well when it participated in the Astana Agreement. But since then, it's actions have clearly showed that Turkey's objectives are elsewhere. That is called deception and it doesn't win friends or allies.

Even Dar ul Uloom Trinidad in his home country has warned Muslims to stay away from this man. He is a fake scholar who has heterodox ideas. recently he has become a puppet of Russians and Hindus. How pitiful.

Of course the sentiment appeals to Orthodox Christians, Hindus, and some uneducated Western Muslims from heterdox backgrounds like Indians, Blacks, etc.

You and the atheist Arab running around here have some obsession with my handle. Needless to say, cheap shots at trying to insult me have failed.

Your Iranian buddies also tried to discredit my points by attacking me directly, it just proves how intellectually bankrupt all you anti-Turk members are.

Listen pal, I dunno what stuff you're smoking, but clearly it is affecting your ability to have a rational discussion. You are more than welcome to smoke whatever you want and go on your tirade about Iran, Imran Hosein or Vladimir Putin. But be warned, do not accuse someone of being an atheist when they're muslim, do not call anyone an Iranian supporter when he is not and do not lump everyone with Imran Hosein, just because you hate that man so much. Get a grip over yourself and act more intelligently, you have the capacity to do so. Otherwise, this discussion is moot. Got that!!
I have not rubbished Turkey's worry about Kurds. They have a legitimate cause to be concerned. However, what Turkey is doing in Syria, occupying Syrian territory, attacking Syrian military and deliberately protecting terrorist group Jabhat-al-Nusra, Turkistan National Front and Ahrar-al-Shaam, clearly shows that Turkey is setting itself up for a huge disaster against Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Russia. To make matters worse, Turkey is also or already has sent troops to Libya. Which now puts it in direct confrontation with Egypt.

-- Turkiye hosts 3,6 million of Syrian Refugees
-- Turkish Army cleaned Jerablus , Azaz , Dabıq , Rai , Al Bab , Telabyad , Rasulayn from Pkk/Ypg and ISIS Terrorists and Turkish Army protect millions of Syrians in Jerablus , Azaz , Dabıq , Rai , Al Bab , Telabyad ,Rasulayn
-- Turkiye protect 4 million civilians in Idlib from being slaughtered by Russian Airforce , radical sectarian dictator Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups under the mask of fighting terrorists
-- there are 911 km borderline between Turkiye and Syria ..Terrorists attack Turkish People from Syria
and Turkiye has right to be in Syria ( the UN article 51 self defense )
-- Turkiye established 12 observation points in Idlib since the beginning of 2018 under a de-escalation deal with Russia and Iran signed in Astana

and never forget that Turkiye did not attack Assad Regime ,, Assad Regime attacked Turkish Forces in Idlib
even Turkiye has right to declare war on Assad Regime

btw Russia and Iran support radical sectarian Assad Regime and shia terrorist groups like Hezbollah , Hashdi Shabi who killed over 800.000 innocent civilians and forced over 7 millions of Syrians to move from their lands to another countries including Turkiye

Sunni muslim Syrian People is with Turkiye , not with murderers like christian Russia ,radical sectarian Assad Regime and Iran backed shia terrorist groups like Hezbollah , Hashdi Shabi
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I have not rubbished Turkey's worry about Kurds. They have a legitimate cause to be concerned. However, what Turkey is doing in Syria, occupying Syrian territory, attacking Syrian military and deliberately protecting terrorist group Jabhat-al-Nusra, Turkistan National Front and Ahrar-al-Shaam, clearly shows that Turkey is setting itself up for a huge disaster against Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Russia. To make matters worse, Turkey is also or already has sent troops to Libya. Which now puts it in direct confrontation with Egypt.

Turkey really needs to be working to first protect itself against the Kurds (who are supported by Israel, Britain & America), by establishing a road map with Syria, Iran, Russia and Iraq on getting Kurds under control and under Syria and Iraq. Turkey started out well when it participated in the Astana Agreement. But since then, it's actions have clearly showed that Turkey's objectives are elsewhere. That is called deception and it doesn't win friends or allies.

Turkey has more right to be in Syria than Russia, US, Iran, Hezbollah, Germany, France, Iraqis, and the rest of dozens of nationalities there.

The real terrorist is the Assad regime which is mercilessly bombing Sunni Syrians and using chemical weapons on children. There is no forgiving the sins of this regime, it must go.

Listen pal, I dunno what stuff you're smoking, but clearly it is affecting your ability to have a rational discussion. You are more than welcome to smoke whatever you want and go on your tirade about Iran, Imran Hosein or Vladimir Putin.

Imran Hosein is an enemy of Islam and Muslims, he has made his allegiance clear. Anyone who follows him is similarly so.

You are coming into this thread to insult and attack our Turkish brothers, therefore i felt it apt to answer your misguided points against a fellow Muslim nation.

But be warned, do not accuse someone of being an atheist when they're muslim, do not call anyone an Iranian supporter when he is not and do not lump everyone with Imran Hosein, just because you hate that man so much. Get a grip over yourself and act more intelligently, you have the capacity to do so. Otherwise, this discussion is moot. Got that!!

I only say what I see. You need not concern what I say about those other posters.

Ofcourse Iranians too will defend their regime's war crimes in Syria.

And to prove it our Russian member @vostok gave you a positive rating for God knows what.

@waz @Dubious @Horus I don't believe such a post attacking fellow posters or a whole ethnic group, nationality like Turks deserves a positive rating. Please look into it.

Indian origin Islamic scholar from Trinidad whose lectures primarily concern Dajjal, Riba, and politics (the last of which he has no knowledge of.)

He was a student of Dr. Israr Ahmad, until he was asked to start his study of Islam properly from the basics and Hifz, which he refused to do.

Since then he has been becoming increasingly anti-Pakistan.

It is sad because I knew him personally and followed his lectures/books for many years. He was ok back in the 90s.

he is russian bitch.. and someone who has his own agenda.. its a waste of time to listen to him and his idiotic opinions wich he sells as facts.. as someone said he is a clown (the best description for him)

Yes banning hijab allowing alcohol and sex without marriage is in-Islamic yet these clowns think that turkey is some kind of Islamic state and that the hypocrite erdogan is a new salahuddin:lol:

man stop worshipping your arabism.. that "hypocrite" hosts 4-5 million syrians in his country.. yet your ppl cant do it despite they have more wealth more land and are arabs speaking the same language and being from the same race.. what should we say to ppl like you? we host your race your ppl and you spit on our faces.. thats how you are? meanwhile that is what you show us the turks, pakistanis and the whole world.. and on the backround some of your ppl are celebrating your actings like shayateen would do..
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