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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

So it is exclusively Iran's right to send terrorist militias and IRGC to massacre and displace people of other countries especially when they are from opposite sect ?
How could I argue with a person whom still look at this war as a sectarian conflict ... we don't have any problem with other sects as we helped Sunni Arbil against isis, Suuni Palestine, Sunni Bosnia ,Sunni Qatar, Sunni Turkey during military coup,Sunni Kuwait ... So basically it ain't a sectarian conflict which if it was then tell me what is american and isreal sects whom are also involved in this war?
Our presence in Iraq and Syria is due to direct request of central government in Baghdad, Arbil and Damascus and in response of interventions of american, Saudis, Turkey, Qatar, the UAE and several other countries involved in this mess ... from the first day we insisted on free and fair election in fact it was the other side whom refused ..
Iran as responsible country has helped the aforementioned capitals to fight against isis and other forms of terrorism created and formed by the help of american and their regional allies ...
Hijab ban came at the 1980s. Ataturk never banned it he only discouraged it.

By the time he died you still had Turkish women covered.

Iran and Afghanistan are the countries that banned it even Ataturk said they are fools for banning it.
I know our history, the braindead islamists dont.
Yes, ur referring to the hadit of "هلكة العرب" but it will be preceded by the perishing of Persia, so to comfort the Iranian members, ur not going down alone

Any link for the perishing of Persia?

A creature, who is in no way a match for Mehmed II in anything, lectures people about him, and his legacy.

This guy came to our masjid and I questioned his stance on the ottomans and why he is so pro-Russia ....he freaked out. And our Ulema also said that there is a Hadith sharif abt the excellence of Sultan Mehmet II, but he wouldn’t have it
The Turkish government has got no right to be in others' lands.

Turkiye has right to be in Syria to fight terrorism ( the UN article 51 self defense )
there are 911 km borderline between Turkiye and Syria .. Pkk/Yg and ISIS Terrorists attacked Turkish People from Syria

and Turkiye established 12 observation points in Idlib since the beginning of 2018 under a de-escalation deal with Russia and Iran signed in Astana
-- Turkiye hosts 3,6 million of Syrian Refugees
-- Turkish Army cleaned Jerablus , Azaz , Dabıq , Rai , Al Bab , Telabyad , Rasulayn from Pkk/Ypg and ISIS Terrorists and Turkish Army protect millions of Syrians in Jerablus , Azaz , Dabıq , Rai , Al Bab , Telabyad ,Rasulayn
-- Turkiye protect 4 million civilians in Idlib from being slaughtered by Russian Airforce , radical sectarian dictator Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups under the mask of fighting terrorists
-- there are 911 km borderline between Turkiye and Syria ..Terrorists attack Turkish People from Syria
and Turkiye has right to be in Syria ( the UN article 51 self defense )
-- Turkiye established 12 observation points in Idlib since the beginning of 2018 under a de-escalation deal with Russia and Iran signed in Astana

and never forget that Turkiye did not attack Assad Regime ,, Assad Regime attacked Turkish Forces in Idlib
even Turkiye has right to declare war on Assad Regime

btw Russia and Iran support radical sectarian Assad Regime and shia terrorist groups like Hezbollah , Hashdi Shabi who killed over 800.000 innocent civilians and forced over 7 millions of Syrians to move from their lands to another countries including Turkiye

Sunni muslim Syrian People is with Turkiye , not with murderers like christian Russia ,radical sectarian Assad Regime and Iran backed shia terrorist groups like Hezbollah , Hashdi Shabi

Time will show the world, the truth and expose the deception. Happened with America's wars in Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin), in Afghanistan (CIA-Osama), in Libya where Britain & France conducted air strikes and armed terrorists groups at the behest of Zionist-America, in Yemen where Saudi regime (traitors to Islam) have indiscriminately bombed and attacked the Yemeni people, in West Africa where French military backs the countries' regimes (Saudi, Qatari, Emirati, Kuwaiti & Bahraini) where Wahhabi elites (reside) who fund terrorist groups like Boko Haram.

Time shall reveal the Truth, and Truth shall always vanquish falsehood. There is nothing stopping it, nothing could ever stop the Truth from being revealed. You can delay it, you can misinform and deceive the world, but in the end, the Truth shall always come out and defeat falsehood.
Time will show the world, the truth and expose the deception. Happened with America's wars in Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin), in Afghanistan (CIA-Osama), in Libya where Britain & France conducted air strikes and armed terrorists groups at the behest of Zionist-America, in Yemen where Saudi regime (traitors to Islam) have indiscriminately bombed and attacked the Yemeni people, in West Africa where French military backs the countries' regimes (Saudi, Qatari, Emirati, Kuwaiti & Bahraini) where Wahhabi elites (reside) who fund terrorist groups like Boko Haram.

and loser Russians who killed over 900.000 civilians in Afghanistan between 1979 and 1989
and loser Russians lost over 140 Tanks , 1330 IFVs-APCs and 450 Aircrafts-Helicopters in Afghanistan

Now Turkish Army + National Syrian Army have thousands of Anti Tank Missiles and MANPADS to destroy Tanks,IFVs,AFVs,Aircrafts-Helicopters

Russia has no power to stop the Turkish Armed Forces in Syria
more than 3.500 Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,IFVs,AFVs entered Idlib in the last 10 days and still continue

with huge Turkish military strike , Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups will be crushed like insect in Idlib
and National Syrian Army will support Turkish Army with thousands of soldiers , hundreds of anti tank missiles and MANPADS

also Turkish Army 120km TRG-300 guided MLRS , 150-280 km J600T and KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles can hit every target in Idlib from Turkiye

also Turkish Airforce 75km POPEYE , 280km SLAM-ER and SOM Cruise Missiles also 110km KGK guided Bomb can hit every target in Idlib from Turkish Airspace

of course Turkish F-16s armed with 120km AIM-120C7 air to air missiles to shot down Regime Aircrafts over Idlib from Turkish Airspace

Turkiye hopes that the issue will be solved during the Turkish delegation’s upcoming visit to Moscow
the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry and intelligence services will hold talks in Moscow.

Russia can stop buying tomato from Turkiye and can stop sending tourists to Turkiye ..... nothing else
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Time will show the world, the truth and expose the deception. Happened with America's wars in Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin), in Afghanistan (CIA-Osama), in Libya where Britain & France conducted air strikes and armed terrorists groups at the behest of Zionist-America, in Yemen where Saudi regime (traitors to Islam) have indiscriminately bombed and attacked the Yemeni people, in West Africa where French military backs the countries' regimes (Saudi, Qatari, Emirati, Kuwaiti & Bahraini) where Wahhabi elites (reside) who fund terrorist groups like Boko Haram.

Time shall reveal the Truth, and Truth shall always vanquish falsehood. There is nothing stopping it, nothing could ever stop the Truth from being revealed. You can delay it, you can misinform and deceive the world, but in the end, the Truth shall always come out and defeat falsehood.

This is all geopolitics and also how countries love to dominate and control.

America being in afghanistan, iraq and other countries is no conspiracy you child they are there for control and domination along with taking resources.

Usa right now is the superpower which means they can do whatever they want. You dont need childish conspiracy theories.

Muslim countries are invaded because they are weak in many areas like military, economy and politically along with socially hence why they get invaded or constantly interfered.

If there was at least one strong Muslim country the Americans wont able to do shit.

Turkey and Pakistan have not been invaded or destroyed because they excelled in some areas. Pakistan having nukes and a strong army especially in its region helped it not get invaded. Turkey no doubt too has excelled militarily, politically and economically hence why it is a regional power.

No doubt both are not a superpower but still something at least. Not to mention both countries are not pushovers.
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Russians lost over 140 Tanks , 1330 IFVs-APCs and 450 Aircrafts-Helicopters in Afghanistan

Now Turkish Army + National Syrian Army have thousands of Anti Tank Missiles and MANPADS to destroy Tanks,IFVs,AFVs,Aircrafts-Helicopters

Turkish Armed Forces OP blocking the M5 Highway that connects Damascus and Aleppo, allowing only Russian Military Police to pass, others go around



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