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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

and loser Russians who killed over 900.000 civilians in Afghanistan between 1979 and 1989

It appears that you have not really been a student of history, nor have you ever bothered to study political science and you most certainly do not know diddly squat about Marxism, ethnic origin of the so-called Bolsheviks. It's wonder that you're making the rookie mistake of lumping the Soviet-Bolshevik-Atheist self-contradicting Jews.

These Bolsheviks slaughtered the entire Romonov family, despite Nikolai II Alexandrovich Romanov had abdicated the thrown. Communist, Atheist Jewish Bolsheviks persecuted and oppressed the Russian Orthodox Christians.

The Russian Federation today is NOT the Communist Soviet Union, it is Orthodox Christian and it is not weak or controlled by those Zionist Swines who proliferate Turkey, own and control America, Britain and France.

and loser Russians lost over 140 Tanks , 1330 IFVs-APCs and 450 Aircrafts-Helicopters in Afghanistan

Soviets, not Russians.

Now Turkish Army + National Syrian Army have thousands of Anti Tank Missiles and MANPADS to destroy Tanks,IFVs,AFVs,Aircrafts-Helicopters

Impressive, good for Turkey. But if you think that this is suppose to intimidate Syria, Russia, Pakistan, or any other country, or any person, think again.

Russia has no power to stop the Turkish Armed Forces in Syriam,m han 3.500 Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,IFVs,AFVs entered Idlib in the last 10 days and still continue

You are starting to sound more and more like the americans with their exceptionalistic arrogance.

with huge Turkish military strike , Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups will be crushed like insect in Idlib
and National Syrian Army will support Turkish Army with thousands of soldiers , hundreds of anti tank missiles and MANPADS

Just remember, for every action, there is an equally opposite reaction.

also Turkish Army 120km TRG-300 guided MLRS , 150-280 km J600T and KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles can hit every target in Idlib from Turkiye

also Turkish Airforce 75km POPEYE , 280km SLAM-ER and SOM Cruise Missiles also 110km KGK guided Bomb can hit every target in Idlib from Turkish Airspace

of course Turkish F-16s armed with 120km AIM-120C7 air to air missiles to shot down Regime Aircrafts over Idlib from Turkish Airspace

Turkiye hopes that the issue will be solved during the Turkish delegation’s upcoming visit to Moscow
the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry and intelligence services will hold talks in Moscow.

Russia can stop buying tomato from Turkiye and can stop sending tourists to Turkiye ..... nothing else

and loser Russians who killed over 900.000 civilians in Afghanistan between 1979 and 1989

It appears that you have not really been a student of history, nor have you ever bothered to study political science and you most certainly do not know diddly squat about Marxism, ethnic origin of the so-called Bolsheviks. It's wonder that you're making the rookie mistake of lumping the Soviet-Bolshevik-Atheist self-contradicting Jews.

These Bolsheviks slaughtered the entire Romonov family, despite Nikolai II Alexandrovich Romanov had abdicated the thrown. Communist, Atheist Jewish Bolsheviks persecuted and oppressed the Russian Orthodox Christians.

The Russian Federation today is NOT the Communist Soviet Union, it is Orthodox Christian and it is not weak or controlled by those Zionist Swines who proliferate Turkey, own and control America, Britain and France.

and loser Russians lost over 140 Tanks , 1330 IFVs-APCs and 450 Aircrafts-Helicopters in Afghanistan

Soviets, not Russians.

Now Turkish Army + National Syrian Army have thousands of Anti Tank Missiles and MANPADS to destroy Tanks,IFVs,AFVs,Aircrafts-Helicopters

Impressive, good for Turkey. But if you think that this is suppose to intimidate Syria, Russia, Pakistan, or any other country, or any person, think again.

Russia has no power to stop the Turkish Armed Forces in Syriam,m han 3.500 Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,IFVs,AFVs entered Idlib in the last 10 days and still continue

You are starting to sound more and more like the americans with their exceptionalistic arrogance.

with huge Turkish military strike , Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups will be crushed like insect in Idlib
and National Syrian Army will support Turkish Army with thousands of soldiers , hundreds of anti tank missiles and MANPADS

Just remember, for every action, there is an equally opposite reaction.

also Turkish Army 120km TRG-300 guided MLRS , 150-280 km J600T and KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles can hit every target in Idlib from Turkiye

also Turkish Airforce 75km POPEYE , 280km SLAM-ER and SOM Cruise Missiles also 110km KGK guided Bomb can hit every target in Idlib from Turkish Airspace

of course Turkish F-16s armed with 120km AIM-120C7 air to air missiles to shot down Regime Aircrafts over Idlib from Turkish Airspace

Turkiye hopes that the issue will be solved during the Turkish delegation’s upcoming visit to Moscow
the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry and intelligence services will hold talks in Moscow.

Russia can stop buying tomato from Turkiye and can stop sending tourists to Turkiye ..... nothing else
The Russian Federation today is NOT the Communist Soviet Union, it is Orthodox Christian and it is not weak or controlled by those Zionist Swines who proliferate Turkey, own and control America, Britain and France.

Smart Israel ( Jews ) use PUTIN's Russia as pawn in Syria ..... NETANYAHU says jump and PUTIN says how long sir

Russia and Israel wants to start a sectarian war between Turkiye and Iran over Syria

and never forget that Israel bomb Assad Regime/Iran targets in Syria day and night because of PUTIN allowed NETAHYAHU to do it

Soviets, not Russians.

Soviets were Russians as like Ottomans were Turks
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Turkiye has right to be in Syria to fight terrorism ( the UN article 51 self defense )
there are 911 km borderline between Turkiye and Syria .. Pkk/Yg and ISIS Terrorists attacked Turkish People from Syria

and Turkiye established 12 observation points in Idlib since the beginning of 2018 under a de-escalation deal with Russia and Iran signed in Astana

1- There are no PKK in Idlib
2- You are officially fighting with Syrian gov forces in there, not PKK.
3- You are fighting side by side with HTS, official branch of Al-Qaeda in Sham (Syria), so your claims of fighting 'terrorists' are nonsense.
4- There is no ISIS in Idlib and even if there is, you are not doing anything to fight them, and you are actually allied to closing force to ISIS ideologically, even if they are enemies, i.e. HTS.

So let's just put aside all these rubbish excuses, you are there not because it'e legal, but because interests of current Turkish gov defines it's in your interest to be there. Whether it's actually in your interest to be there or not is another topic of discussion and is up to Turkish people to decide. One thing I know for sure is that most of Erdogan's policies in Syria since 2011 have blown up in his face and has cost Turkey too much.
every day the Syrian government is gaining more and more territory... someone reading delusional posts from some fanboys here would think Turkish tanks are on their way to Damascus.

the dog barks, caravan keeps moving is the phrase that definitely comes to mind...

its a little hilarious, sad and amusing at the same time reading 2012 washed up propaganda of "assad eating babies" to justify Turkish land grabs...
Iranian trolls parroting the same old lies hahahahaha
every day the Syrian government is gaining more and more territory... someone reading delusional posts from some fanboys here would think Turkish tanks are on their way to Damascus.

the dog barks, caravan keeps moving is the phrase that definitely comes to mind...

its a little hilarious, sad and amusing at the same time reading 2012 washed up propaganda of "assad eating babies" to justify Turkish land grabs...
Yeh it's just two helicopter shot down in a week keep going at this pace please
1- There are no PKK in Idlib
2- You are officially fighting with Syrian gov forces in there, not PKK.
3- You are fighting side by side with HTS, official branch of Al-Qaeda in Sham (Syria), so your claims of fighting 'terrorists' are nonsense.
4- There is no ISIS in Idlib and even if there is, you are not doing anything to fight them, and you are actually allied to closing force to ISIS ideologically, even if they are enemies, i.e. HTS.

So let's just put aside all these rubbish excuses, you are there not because it'e legal, but because interests of current Turkish gov defines it's in your interest to be there. Whether it's actually in your interest to be there or not is another topic of discussion and is up to Turkish people to decide. One thing I know for sure is that most of Erdogan's policies in Syria since 2011 have blown up in his face and has cost Turkey too much.
And Irans legitimacy comes from a Dictator who massagred a good part of his own country, Turkey wouldnt be in Syria if Iran didnt stick its nose everywhere in ME, you Iranians should really get off your high horse for once, Turkey in contrary to Iran shares a border with Syria and has legitimate security concerns with all the refugees and slaughter happening right across its border.

Whats Irans excuse to be in Syria?
And Irans legitimacy comes from a Dictator who massagred a good part of his own country, Turkey wouldnt be in Syria if Iran didnt stick its nose everywhere in ME, you Iranians should really get off your high horse for once, Turkey in contrary to Iran shares a border with Syria and has legitimate security concerns with all the refugees and slaughter happening right across its border.

Irans reason to be in Syria?

They are too busy drinking Khamaneis Kool Aid.
There are no PKK in Idlib

because of Turkish Army blocked Pkk/Ypg terrorists to take Idlib

and Do you think , Turks are stupid ?

Russia,Iran,Assad are working with Pkk/Ypg and after Idlib , the next target will be Afrin for Russia,Iran,Assad to force Turkish Army to leave Syria

keep dreaming dream is free ... Turkish Army will not leave Syria and nobody can force Turkish Army to leave Syria including your master Russia

and Turkish Army is in Idlib because of Turkiye hosts 3,6 million Syrian Refugees and Turkiye doesnt want more refugees from Syria

now Russia,Iran,Assad are trying to kill 4 million sunni muslim Syrians in Idlib or to force them to move from Idlib to Turkiye

so Turkiye established 12 observation points in Idlib since the beginning of 2018 under a de-escalation deal with Russia and Iran signed in Astana

You are officially fighting with Syrian gov forces in there, not PKK.

I remind you , Turkish Army did not attack Assad Regime , but Assad Regime attacked Turkish Forces in Idlib

even Turkiye has right to declare war on Assad Regime

You are fighting side by side with HTS, official branch of Al-Qaeda in Sham (Syria), so your claims of fighting 'terrorists' are nonsense.

Its your claims ,
and we dont care about radical sectarian Assad Regime , Iran backed terrorist groups Hezbollah - Hashdi Shabi from Iraq,Lebanon,Yemen,Afghanistan who killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and forced over 7 million sunni muslim Syrians to move from their lands to another countries including Turkiye

so Iran backed shia terrorist organizations HEZBOLLAH and HASHDI SHABI are millions times worse than HTS

Radical sectarian murderer dictator Assad is not leader of Syrian People ... who selected Assad ? nobody
most of Syrians dont want Assad .... no democratic election and no human rights in Syria
Russia-Iran killed over 800.000 Syrians and forced over 7 millions Syrians to move from their lands to another countries to protect one dictator for their interests

there are 911 km borderline between Turkiye and Syria .. Russia and Iran are nothing to do with Syria
and since 2014 Pkk/Ypg terrorists attacked Turkiye from Syria more than 700 times and many Turkish citizens-soldiers dead

also Tukiye lost hundreds of citizens in 14 major terror attacks by ISIS
Turkish People under attack from Syria and we never will allow you to create terror corridor in Syria against Turkiye
also Turkiye hosts 3,6 million of Syrian refugees

all bandit countries Russia,Iran,The US,France support their terrorists and killing Syrians for their interests
still they says that Turkiye has no right to be in Syria ... what a joke
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its a little hilarious, sad and amusing at the same time reading 2012 washed up propaganda of "assad eating babies" to justify Turkish land grabs...

8 years ago or so I actually used to believe the propaganda that Assad & Gaddafi are "governments that kill their own people", for example back when the Libya crisis began I used to stay up till after midnight & I was furiously asking "where is the international organizations, where is the UN, why don't they protect the Libyan people from Gaddafi?" & I kept on being anti-Assad / anti-Gaddafi till maybe 2012 or 2013, but then after countless videos apeared on the internet showing "moderate" rebels beheading people I began watching RT (Russia Today) & I realized that most rebels are either AlQaeda or muslim brotherhood or the likes of them at which point my views changed 180°, Assad is not a saint that is for sure, however if the choice is between either a dictator under which you can live safely as long as you don't critisize him, or headchopers who may decapitate you if you don't follow their stoneage ideology... I would rather chose dictator.

so I actually don't blame those who believe that "Assad eats babies for breakfast", they have been fooled by the CIA.

I kept on closely following the events of the Syrian war till the liberation of Aleppo, after that most of the war has ended so I stopped following it.
And Irans legitimacy comes from a Dictator who massagred a good part of his own country, Turkey wouldnt be in Syria if Iran didnt stick its nose everywhere in ME, you Iranians should really get off your high horse for once, Turkey in contrary to Iran shares a border with Syria and has legitimate security concerns with all the refugees and slaughter happening right across its border.

Whats Irans excuse to be in Syria?
Don't get emotional bro, I'm merely stating facts here, nothing against Turkey. Erdogan in 2011 decides he wants to pray in Umayyid mosque in Damascus and poured money and resources to help topple Assad, transferring thousands of ATGMs and other weapons to Syria. Yes Iran also stepped in, and I don't claim higher morality here, but you you can't do that either. You are NOT an innocent party who just casually decided to intervene in Syria because of refugees, you (better to say Erdogan perhaps) have been involved in this shit show from the beginning. It may be hard to accept, but facts are facts.
If you are referring to Idlip, you should read Sochi agreement.
Well Idlib is a part of Syria and Syrian have right to take the control of their own territories and actually int law back them. nothing can prevent a country from controlling its territories ...
Moreover base on Sochi agreement terrorists should have eradicated and withdraw from Idlib (the elimination of all radical terrorist groups from the demilitarized zone by 15 October 2018 ,HTS aka Al-Nusrah and other al-Qaeda-affiliated groups) and also restoring transit traffic on the international highways(traffic, linking the government's stronghold on the coast with Aleppo before the end of that year.) , M5 (Aleppo-Hama) and M4 (Aleppo-Lattakia) That never happened, as insurgents refused to move away and allow joint Russian-Turkish patrols to protect the traffic there.


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Don't get emotional bro, I'm merely stating facts here, nothing against Turkey. Erdogan in 2011 decides he wants to pray in Umayyid mosque in Damascus and poured money and resources to help topple Assad, transferring thousands of ATGMs and other weapons to Syria. Yes Iran also stepped in, and I don't claim higher morality here, but you you can't do that either. You are NOT an innocent party who just casually decided to intervene in Syria because of refugees, you (better to say Erdogan perhaps) have been involved in this shit show from the beginning. It may be hard to accept, but facts are facts.
Turkey unlike Iran wasnt actively involved from the beginning, all Turkey did until 2013 was to tell assad to stop sholting his own people.
If you talk about facts then present facts instead of Iranian propaganda.
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