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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

dream on

the only part which will be left free is the terorist belt PKK PYG founded and Armed by Americans to oprate freely

Turkey is got some hard years ahead unless it can turn the table.
That part happens to be 1/3 of syria we aren’t talking about small piece of land
I have no doubt that Turkey will do what is necessary regarding pkk if soft erdogan can’t do it then the next president(TRUE TURKISH NATIONALIST) in 2023 will do the armenian treatment to pkk kurds question is whether assad iran or russia will be clever enough to cut deal with Turkey before we wipe out these subhumans from NE Syria

the SAA are not idiots, they realize if they keep pushing Erdogan in to the corner like that he would have no choice but to respond & go through with his threat of pushing the SAA out of Idlib.

most likely what happened was that Russia told Syria they will not defend them in Idlib if Turkey attacks them however Russia will probably protect them outside Idlib from Turkey by having checkpoints at the borders.

so for now I believe Syria's strategy is to throw everything they have at Idlib to regain it to the last inch, if Turkey attacks them they will keep on the battle in Idlib, if the SAA wins then they get Idlib, if they lose the battle they will probably lose Idlib for a long time if not forever.

at the rate at which the SAA is advancing I belive it's only a matter of time before Turkey intervenes, they cannot not intervene, because if they don't then Erdogan will appear embarasingly weak, not only that but the SAA will get emboldened to liberate Northern Aleppo.
Erodgan said last week they give until the end of February deadline yesterday he said Turkey will intervene before the end of month
Erdogan always does moves too late but he knows if there’s another refugee wave he is already loser at the next presidential elections no matter whether they will be held in 2021 2022 or 2023
We all know that every politician wants to stay in power so he will be forced to fulfill his threats
Completely wrong analysis . they left Syria because of lack of security not because Assad rule there. the majority will come back as soon as the country become safe . demographic will be the same as before 2011. And no Syria still be Syrian country.well unless the total population fall below 5000-6000 people.
Then why syrians aren’t returning??? We have only clashes in idlib and in northern syria damascus-held areas are pretty much safe to live maybe economical conditions are bad but you can live
As i said as long as there’s no deal between russia assad iran and turkey about pkk and american presence then syria will be failed state it doesn’t matter if idlib is under rebel or assad control you will still have 1/3 of syria occupied
Yesterday i saw news pro-iran iraqi militias doing final preparation before attacking american soldiers
On 11th february netanyahu gave statement:we will fight with iran in syria and americans will fight iran in iraq
Now we have idlib tensions i think it would be in assad’s interest if he de-escalates situation in idlib before those attacks on american soldiers start
He might be the biggest loser if shit hits the fan again as it did at the beginning of january
It's pretty obvious that they gave up the M5 without much of a fight. The rebels retreated from most areas. The only real conflict is when the Assadist have got greedy in Nayrab, Maarat al Naasan and Arnaz etc.
I think that they will take the area around Aleppo too and later perhaps M4. Then they will probably ask for a cease fire. This i believe is all agreed with Turks and a lot of rebels. Of course there are rebels that have chose to ignore this and fight. The Turks are there to ensure that the SAA don't go any further. The 12 observation posts are just that and will stay in place until there is an official agreement on the rest of Idlib.

Apparently the M4 M5 roads were supposed to be opened in the sochi or astana agreement with joint russian and turkish patrols but this never happened.
It's pretty obvious that they gave up the M5 without much of a fight. The rebels retreated from most areas. The only real conflict is when the Assadist have got greedy in Nayrab, Maarat al Naasan and Arnaz etc.
I think that they will take the area around Aleppo too and later perhaps M4. Then they will probably ask for a cease fire. This i believe is all agreed with Turks and a lot of rebels. Of course there are rebels that have chose to ignore this and fight. The Turks are there to ensure that the SAA don't go any further. The 12 observation posts are just that and will stay in place until there is an official agreement on the rest of Idlib.

Apparently the M4 M5 roads were supposed to be opened in the sochi or astana agreement with joint russian and turkish patrols but this never happened.

there also reports regime will declare ceasefire in the evening
And all of this is happening before tomorrow’s moscow meeting between top russian and turkish officials
but big damage is done to erdogan unless there’s operation in NE syria he can retire himself in april 2020
Then why syrians aren’t returning??? We have only clashes in idlib and in northern syria damascus-held areas are pretty much safe to live maybe economical conditions are bad but you can live
As i said as long as there’s no deal between russia assad iran and turkey about pkk and american presence then syria will be failed state it doesn’t matter if idlib is under rebel or assad control you will still have 1/3 of syria occupied
Yesterday i saw news pro-iran iraqi militias doing final preparation before attacking american soldiers
On 11th february netanyahu gave statement:we will fight with iran in syria and americans will fight iran in iraq
Now we have idlib tensions i think it would be in assad’s interest if he de-escalates situation in idlib before those attacks on american soldiers start
He might be the biggest loser if shit hits the fan again as it did at the beginning of january
i will be in the humanity intrest that HTS and ISIS get wiped out befor anything else

It's pretty obvious that they gave up the M5 without much of a fight. The rebels retreated from most areas. The only real conflict is when the Assadist have got greedy in Nayrab, Maarat al Naasan and Arnaz etc.
I think that they will take the area around Aleppo too and later perhaps M4. Then they will probably ask for a cease fire. This i believe is all agreed with Turks and a lot of rebels. Of course there are rebels that have chose to ignore this and fight. The Turks are there to ensure that the SAA don't go any further. The 12 observation posts are just that and will stay in place until there is an official agreement on the rest of Idlib.

Apparently the M4 M5 roads were supposed to be opened in the sochi or astana agreement with joint russian and turkish patrols but this never happened.
that was one of the important issue but the main issue was HTS and their government
Hts is allegedly dissolving itself hahahahah but I don’t believe it
no matter how many times they change their name, "dissolve" themselves, or unite with other groups they will always remain a terrorist group, the only way they will stop being considered terrorists is if they are all killed, if they want to be spared then the only way out is for them to retreat to Turkey & from there they can either seek refugee in Europe or go to Libya & fight for Turkey's allies' there.
This is all geopolitics and also how countries love to dominate and control.

No, this is what is defined in the as "hegemony," where dehumanizing oppression is the only method that tyrant empires use.

America being in afghanistan, iraq and other countries is no conspiracy you child they are there for control and domination along with taking resources.

You're correct that America being in Afghanistan is no conspiracy, they've only sent their military to a pile of rocks, to take out Pakistan's nukes, when the time comes. But I guess some kid off the block would fail to see something which is intellectually obvious.

Usa right now is the superpower which means they can do whatever they want. You dont need childish conspiracy theories.

Well I guess you really didn't graduate outta college, or educated yourself in monetary economics or political science.

Today the American Economy is drowning in a $72 trillion debt. With $50 trillion debt in the private sector's corporations businesses and banks, while $22 trillion is the intra-governmental debt of the U.S Government.


America's students are at PONR, there are youngsters who wouldn't be able to pay-off their student debt till the age of 45. Car financing has hit record low, with more defaulters and the debt has risen sharply. Credit card debt and defaults have soared over the past 3 years to a record high.


To the extent, where average American Household holds more debt than previous generations and is more than anyone in recorded history. $13.5 trillion in American Household Debt.


Five out of the eleven American Navy's aircraft carriers languish in the docks. First due to sequestration, then the official bull$hit storyline of repair and refuel. While in reality the American Navy's leadership turns to Cruiseline Companies for solutions to repair it's behemoth carrier fleet.


America lags behind Russia and China in Hypersonic Missile technologies. For many years America who not only has the infrastructure, the technology intellectual pool but also a limitless budget, poured money into their hypersonic missile program, which yielded no applicable results. Whereas the Russian Federation, managed to not only successfully research and develop but then also deploy hypersonic missiles, proliferating them into all three armed services of the Russian Federation. This despite being hammered by Zionist-American sanctions and the deliberate and contrived effort to flood the international market with oil over production, in conjunction with Zionist pet-dogs, the Saudi regime and it's two yuppies, Qatar and Emirates.

Muslim countries are invaded because they are weak in many areas like military, economy and politically along with socially hence why they get invaded or constantly interfered.

Ever heard of how the State Department, the Central Intelligence Agency and Wall Street working in conjunction to take out, bribe, subdue, invade or balkanize Latin America? How the "American Economic Hitmen" were sent in countries like Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil, Panama, Mexico and so on.

Dilma Rousseff was removed from power by the Zionist-American swines because Brazil had gravitated toward Russia and China by joining BRICS.

Wall Street hedge funds ravaged Argentina's economy when the Latin American countries where borrowing from Zionist-Western Creditors (Wall Street Hedge Funds & Financial Corporations). Of course the governments of these Latin American countries were bribed and bought through the "Economic Hitmen" of the U.S State Department, C.I.A, N.S.A and Wall Street.

The tragedies of the lives of the Latin Americans, destroyed because of Zionist-American hegemony, the blood of Latin Americans is on the hands of Wall Street. Their governments have been bribed, bought, coerced, sanctioned, assassinated or replaced. In order maintain American dominance in it's self-proclaimed sphere of influence.

You would know, had ever bothered to study Political Science, Geo-Politics or International Relations. But I guess kids these days love rant and

Turkey and Pakistan have not been invaded or destroyed because they excelled in some areas. Pakistan having nukes and a strong army especially in its region helped it not get invaded. Turkey no doubt too has excelled militarily, politically and economically hence why it is a regional power.

Turkey has not been invaded or destroyed because it is a full NATO member state. If Turkey were to be invades or destroyed, what message would that leave for the rest of the NATO member states? The alliance will capitulate within a heartbeat. And Pakistan has not been invaded or destroyed because Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah ordained it. Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah gave Pakistan a staunch ally and friend who has not only become an economic powerhouse, but is working closely with the Russian Federation to challenge the Zionist-American hegemony.


You know nothing about the subject matter. Go educate yourself on the subject you want to talk about before making any comments. Otherwise you're only making a fool outta yourself. I am a graduate in engineering (undergrad), monetary economics and political science, both postgrads. I have my own consultancy firm and I also getting my commercial pilot's certification.

Next time, watch your mouth, before calling someone else a child.

Smart Israel ( Jews ) use PUTIN's Russia as pawn in Syria ..... NETANYAHU says jump and PUTIN says how long sir

Russia and Israel wants to start a sectarian war between Turkiye and Iran over Syria
and never forget that Israel bomb Assad Regime/Iran targets in Syria day and night because of PUTIN allowed NETAHYAHU to do itS Soviets were Russians as like Ottomans were Turks

The arrogance and stupidity of israeli scum and their Zionist parents in West, is that they think that Zionists still control and hold power in Russia, as they've had over America, Britain, France and Germany for over a hundred years. Fortunately for the Good, evil shall always live in a fantasy, slaved to it's ego and it's hubris.

The following is an excerpt from a publication of Vladimir Moss, a PHD in Psychology and a Research Analyst in Orthodox Studies, who lived in Petrograd.

The unprecedented catastrophe of the Russian revolution required an explanation… For very many this lay in the coming to power of the Jews, and their hatred for the Russian people. For after the revolution of February, 1917 the Jews acquired full rights with the rest of the population, and the (already very porous) barriers set up by the Pale of Settlement were destroyed. Jews poured from the western regions into the major cities of European Russia and soon acquired prominent executive positions in all major sectors of government and the economy.

As Alexander Solzhenitsyn has written, February brought only harm and destruction to the Russian population. However, “Jewish society in Russia received in full from the February revolution everything that it had fought for, and the October coup was really not needed by it, except by that cutthroat part of the Jewish secular youth that with its Russian brother-internationalists had stacked up a charge of hatred for the Russian state structure and was straining to ‘deepen’ the revolution.” It was they who through their control of the Executive Committee of the Soviet – over half of its members were Jewish socialists – assumed the real power after February, and propelled it on – contrary to the interests, not only of the Russian, but also of the majority of the Jewish population, - to the October revolution.

Nevertheless, at the time of the October revolution only a minority of the Bolsheviks were Jews (in the early 1900s they constituted 19% of the party). “At the elections to the Constituent Assembly ‘more than 80% of the Jewish population of Russia voted’ for Zionist parties. Lenin wrote that 550,000 were for Jewish nationalists. ‘The majority of the Jewish parties formed a single national list, in accordance with which seven deputies were elected – six Zionists’ and Gruzenberg. ‘The success of the Zionists’ was also aided by the Declaration of the English Foreign Minister Balfour [on the creation of a ‘national centre’ of the Jews in Palestine], ‘which was met by the majority of the Russian Jewish population with enthusiasm [in Moscow, Petrograd, Odessa, Kiev and many other cities there were festive manifestations, meetings and religious services]’.”

The simultaneous triumph of the Jews in Russia and Palestine was indeed an extraordinary “coincidence”: Divine Providence drew the attention of all those with eyes to see this sign of the times when, in one column of newsprint in the London Times for November 9, 1917, there appeared two articles, the one announcing the outbreak of revolution in Petrograd, and the other – the promise of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine (the Balfour declaration).

This coincidence was reinforced by the fact that the theist Jews who triumphed in Israel in 1917, and especially in 1948 after the foundation of the State of Israel, came from the same region and social background – the Pale of Settlement in Western Russia – as the atheist Jews who triumphed in Moscow in 1917. Sometimes they even came from the same families. Thus Chaim Weitzmann, the first president of Israel, points out in his Autobiography that his brothers and sisters were all either Zionists or Bolsheviks. M. Heifetz also points to the coincidence in time between the October revolution and the Balfour declaration. “A part of the Jewish generation goes along the path of Herzl and Zhabotinsky. The other part, unable to withstand the temptation, fills up the band of Lenin and Trotsky and Stalin.” “The path of Herzl and Bagritsky allowed the Jews to stand tall and immediately become not simply an equal nation with Russia, but a privileged one.”

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Zionist brim with arrogance and hubris, whereas a believer in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah knows and believes that all Knowledge come from HIM & HIM alone.

Keep living in your sordid, deluded fantasy alternate universe. It's your curse, not ignorance that fails you.
more updates from Jihadi Julian:
Jihadis retreated en masse to avoid being encircled, this is the right way to do war, give the enemy space to withdraw to gain land quickly.

Russian military deploys along Aleppo-Damascus Highway

The Russian military has begun to deploy along the Aleppo-Damascus Highway (M-5) for the first time since they began their intervention in Syria.

The Russian military police reportedly setup new checkpoints in the areas previously controlled by the jihadist rebels, thus securing the Aleppo-Damascus Highway for future civilian use.


by deploying Russian troops along the M5, Putin has just killed any hopes of Erdogan driving the SAA completely out of Idlib, the Russians have called out Erdogan on his bluff.
now the SAA has two options: either stop their attack & call it a day or continue till they control all of Idlib down to the last inch.
more updates from Jihadi Julian:
Jihadis retreated en masse to avoid being encircled, this is the right way to do war, give the enemy space to withdraw to gain land quickly.

Russian military deploys along Aleppo-Damascus Highway

The Russian military has begun to deploy along the Aleppo-Damascus Highway (M-5) for the first time since they began their intervention in Syria.

The Russian military police reportedly setup new checkpoints in the areas previously controlled by the jihadist rebels, thus securing the Aleppo-Damascus Highway for future civilian use.


by deploying Russian troops along the M5, Putin has just killed any hopes of Erdogan driving the SAA completely out of Idlib, the Russians have called out Erdogan on his bluff.
now the SAA has two options: either stop their attack & call it a day or continue till they control all of Idlib down to the last inch.
Shocking progress.
more updates from Jihadi Julian:
Jihadis retreated en masse to avoid being encircled, this is the right way to do war, give the enemy space to withdraw to gain land quickly.

Russian military deploys along Aleppo-Damascus Highway

The Russian military has begun to deploy along the Aleppo-Damascus Highway (M-5) for the first time since they began their intervention in Syria.

The Russian military police reportedly setup new checkpoints in the areas previously controlled by the jihadist rebels, thus securing the Aleppo-Damascus Highway for future civilian use.


by deploying Russian troops along the M5, Putin has just killed any hopes of Erdogan driving the SAA completely out of Idlib, the Russians have called out Erdogan on his bluff.
now the SAA has two options: either stop their attack & call it a day or continue till they control all of Idlib down to the last inch.
My guess they'll advance till they get all HTS controlled area then call it a day and start talking with the rest of rebels .
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