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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

Turkey unlike Iran wasnt actively involved from the beginning, all Turkey did until 2013 was to tell assad to stop sholting his own people.
If you talk about facts then present facts instead of Iranian propaganda.
11.jpg 21.jpg 2.jpg Untitled.png

Leading Libyan Islamist met Free Syrian Army opposition group
Turkey unlike Iran wasnt actively involved from the beginning, all Turkey did until 2013 was to tell assad to stop sholting his own people.
If you talk about facts then present facts instead of Iranian propaganda.

Don't label anything you don't like as propaganda, again if you can't tolerate facts, there is no need for further discussion. You have been involved in Syria since at least early 2012. Iran also entered in the same year.

Exclusive: Secret Turkish nerve center leads aid to Syria rebels
Idlib is national security issue for Turkey
If assad captures refugees would try to go inside in Turkey leaving TR government with two options either let them in or shoot them
Any option will damage Turkey one way or another
Second thing why idlib is important is if captured by assad they will allow pkk near hatay that’s a fact i think everyone should recognize
As you all know idlib borders hatay province(i had to say this if someone starts claiming idlib is away from Turkey)
Next time people shouldn’t ask why Turkey is in Idlib everything is clearly explained by this post
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Idlib is national security issue for Turkey
If assad captures refugees would try to go inside in Turkey leaving TR government with two options either let them in or shoot them
Any option will damage Turkey one way or another
Second thing why idlib is important is if captured by assad they will allow pkk near hatay that’s a fact i think everyone should recognize
As you all know idlib borders hatay province(i had to say this if someone starts claiming idlib is away from Turkey)
Next time people shouldn’t ask why Turkey is in Idlib everything is clearly explained by this post

Why not send them to Canada? Canada takes in hundreds of thousands of immigrants every year. We don't have enough people here. We need more immigrants.
Well Idlib is a part of Syria and Syrian have right to take the control of their own territories and actually int law back them. nothing can prevent a country from controlling its territories ...
Moreover base on Sochi agreement terrorists should have eradicated and withdraw from Idlib (the elimination of all radical terrorist groups from the demilitarized zone by 15 October 2018 ,HTS aka Al-Nusrah and other al-Qaeda-affiliated groups) and also restoring transit traffic on the international highways(traffic, linking the government's stronghold on the coast with Aleppo before the end of that year.) , M5 (Aleppo-Hama) and M4 (Aleppo-Lattakia) That never happened, as insurgents refused to move away and allow joint Russian-Turkish patrols to protect the traffic there.
Yes, but Syrian and Russian side didn't hold up their obligations, also the are designated as a no combat zone. Yet, one side decided uniletarally to carry on operations without any consultation with Turkey.

Lol, if we had done the same, you would say..."You are using the propagnda of US."

When did the US sources become reliable?
Yes, but Syrian and Russian side didn't hold up their obligations, also the are designated as a no combat zone. Yet, one side decided uniletarally to carry on operations without any consultation with Turkey.

Russia unilaterally repudiated Paris treaty after Crimea war and Non Aggression Pact with Japan before invading Japan in WW2. Putin don't care about whatever deal he made with Erdogan. Putin only care about hanging Julani in Moscow in public. Julani vows to nuke Moscow. Hanging Julani in Moscow in public will vastly boost Putin's rating. Julani is in Idlib city, the provincial capital. Turkey can easily grab him in Idlib city and hand him over to Putin. Whether Erdogan will do that remains to be seen. Even if Erdogan won't do that, Russian army will eventually march into Idlib city and grab Julani and bring him to Moscow.
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Russia unilaterally repudiated Paris treaty after Crimea war and Non Aggression Pact with Japan before invading Japan in WW2. Putin don't care about whatever deal he made with Erdogan. Putin only care about hanging Julani in Moscow in public. Julani vows to nuke Moscow. Hanging Julani in Moscow in public will vastly boost Putin's rating. Julani is in Idlib city, the provincial capital. Turkey can easily grab him in Idlib city and hand him over to Putin. Whether Erdogan will do that remains to be seen. Even if Erdogan won't do that, Russian army will eventually march into Idlib city and grab Julani and bring him to Moscow.
Good luck.
Yes, but Syrian and Russian side didn't hold up their obligations, also the are designated as a no combat zone. Yet, one side decided uniletarally to carry on operations without any consultation with Turkey.
Any agreement must be held with all sides you had time for more than 1 & something year to clear the area from terrorists and you didn't .. AQ is there while it shouldn't be ... routs ain't opened while it should have done till end of 2018 ... and above all why Syrian should ask you permission for taking back control of their own lands???
Syria needs its roads for rebuilding and evidently you failed to secure them.
If assad captures refugees would try to go inside in Turkey leaving TR government with two options either let them in or shoot them

that is Turks options and they are free to choose but Syria has only one option to liberate whole country.
It says in one narration that the Persians will perish before Arabs and that few of them will remain in Sham
إن أول الناس فناء أو هلاكا ،فارس ، ثم العرب الا بقايا ها هنا​
The hadith is reported by نعيم بن حماد and narrated by ابوهريرة and it is very weak .
But there are other Hadith that mentions the perishing of the Arabs and that most of the remaining few will be in Sham
  1. the First Correct Hadith N 2494 in the Musnad (the destruction of the Arabs after attacking the Mahdi)
    يبايَعُ لِرَجلٍ بينَ الرُّكنِ والمقامِ، ولن يَستَحلَّ البيتَ إلَّا أَهْلُهُ ، فإذا استحلُّوهُ ، فلا تسأَلْ عن هلَكَةِ العرَبِ ثمَّ تأتي الحبَشةُ فيُخرِّبونَهُ خرابًا لا يُعمَرُ بعدَهُ أبدًا، وَهُمُ الَّذينَ يستخرِجونَ كنزَهُ
    الراوي : أبو هريرة | المحدث : الوادعي | المصدر : الصحيح المسند​
  2. the Second Correct Hadith N 2945 in Sahih Muslim (the remaining Arabs in Quds)
ليفرن الناس من الدجال في الجبال، قالت أم شريك: يا رسول الله ! فأين العرب يومئذ ؟ قال: هم قليل و جلهم ببيت المقدس

  1. the Third Correct Hadith in Sahih muslim (the total destruction of the Arabs will never come from a foreign enemy)
سَأَلْتُ رَبِّي ثَلَاثاً, فَأَعْطَانِي ثِنْتَيْنِ وَمَنَعَنِي وَاحِدَةً, سَأَلْتُ رَبِّي أَنْ لَا يُهْلِكَ أُمَّتِي بِالسَّنَةِ فَأَعْطَانِيهَا, وَسَأَلْتُهُ أَنْ لَا يُهْلِكَ أُمَّتِي بِالْغَرَقِ فَأَعْطَانِيهَا, وَسَأَلْتُهُ أَنْ لَا يَجْعَلَ بَأْسَهُمْ بَيْنَهُمْ فَمَنَعَنِيهَا​
there are other Hadiths that describe the end of the Arabs and even more Hadiths about Sham being the final castle of Islam and remaining a war zone until the Mahdi take over and after and Quds being the Capital of the last Khilafa ...

There are many hadith on Iranians.
One mentions that the Persians will hold onto the faith of Islam.
There is aslo one hadith that mentions Iranians will fight Arabs in the way of Islam
There is also one hadith that says muslims must join the army of black banners from Khorasan

I found them:

While we were sitting with the Prophet Surat Al-Jumu'a was revealed to him, and when the Verse, "And He (Allah) has sent him (Muhammad) also to other (Muslims).....' (62.3) was recited by the Prophet, I said, "Who are they, O Allah's Apostle?" The Prophet did not reply till I repeated my question thrice. At that time, Salman Al-Farisi was with us. So Allah's Apostle put his hand on Salman, saying, "If Faith were at (the place of) Ath-Thuraiya (pleiades, the highest star), even then (some men or man from these people (i.e. Salman's folk) would attain it."

Sahih Bukhari Volume 6, Book 60, Number 420:
Narrated Abu Huraira

There will emerge from Khorasan black banners which nothing will repel until they are set up in Jerusalem

— Ahmad in al-Musnad, 14/383

When the black flags come from Khorasan go to them,even if you have to crawl on snow, for among them is the Khalifa of Allah, the Mahdi

— Abd al-‘Alim in al-Mahdi al-Muntazar
Surely black flags will appear from the Khorasan until the people (under the leadership of this flag) will tie their horses with the olive trees between Bait-e-Lahya and Harasta (names of places in Jerusalem)

— Nuaim Ibn Hammad in Kitab Al-Fitan
A Nation will come from the east with black flags and they will ask for some goodness (authority) but the people will not give them, then, they will fight and win over those people. Now the people will give them what they asked for but they will not accept it until they will hand it over to a person from my progeny who will fill this earth with justice just as it was previously filled with oppression and tyranny. So if anyone of you finds this nation (i.e. from the east with black flags) then you must join them even if you have to crawl over ice

— Al-Barzanji in Isha’ah li Ashrat Al-Sa’a
Three will fight one another for your treasure, each one of them the son of a caliph, but none of them will gain it. Then the black banners will come from the east, and they will kill you in an unprecedented manner. When you see them, then pledge your allegiance to them even if you have to crawl over the snow, for that is the caliph of Allah, Mahdi

— Sunan Ibn Majah, 4084

One Friday 'Ali (A) was delivering his sermon on a pulpit made of bricks Al-'Ash'ath ibn Qays al-Kindi, one of the eminent Arab chieftains, came up and said: "These red-faced people (Iranians) have come to dominate us in your presence and you don't stop them." Then he angrily declared, "Today I will show what Arabs are!"

'Ali (A) said: "These big-bellied ones drowse in soft beds while they (the Mawali and Iranians) work hard during hot days for the sake of God. Even then they demand that I should drive them away like a tyrant. By God, Who split the seed and created man, I have heard from the Prophet (S) of God, saying : 'By God, even as you in the beginning will fight Iranians with your swords for the sake of Islam Iranians will afterwards fight you with their swords in the way of Islam.

Shaykh 'Abbas al-Qummi, Safinat al-Bihar, (under wall), c.f. al-Kay.
that is Turks options and they are free to choose but Syria has only one option to liberate whole country.
You have to be honest even if assad takes over whole country which won’t happen and if he continues to rule the same way as pre 2011 if not worse tell how much will take before another civil war???
Another thing is that sunni population who is already refugee won’t return to syria so defacto syria becomes new country with completely new demographics syria would be the first “arab” country which will have more iranians(apart from iranian migrants i am here including kurds as well since they belong to iranian people group) than native arabs so tell me what will be the new name of the new country??? little persia?? ;)
You have to be honest even if assad takes over whole country which won’t happen

dream on

the only part which will be left free is the terorist belt PKK PYG founded and Armed by Americans to oprate freely

Turkey is got some hard years ahead unless it can turn the table.
You have to be honest even if assad takes over whole country which won’t happen and if he continues to rule the same way as pre 2011 if not worse tell how much will take before another civil war???
Another thing is that sunni population who is already refugee won’t return to syria so defacto syria becomes new country with completely new demographics syria would be the first “arab” country which will have more iranians(apart from iranian migrants i am here including kurds as well since they belong to iranian people group) than native arabs so tell me what will be the new name of the new country??? little persia?? ;)
Completely wrong analysis . they left Syria because of lack of security not because Assad rule there. the majority will come back as soon as the country become safe . demographic will be the same as before 2011. And no Syria still be Syrian country.well unless the total population fall below 5000-6000 people.

the SAA are not idiots, they realize if they keep pushing Erdogan in to the corner like that he would have no choice but to respond & go through with his threat of pushing the SAA out of Idlib.

most likely what happened was that Russia told Syria they will not defend them in Idlib if Turkey attacks them however Russia will probably protect them outside Idlib from Turkey by having checkpoints at the borders.

so for now I believe Syria's strategy is to throw everything they have at Idlib to regain it to the last inch, if Turkey attacks them they will keep on the battle in Idlib, if the SAA wins then they get Idlib, if they lose the battle they will probably lose Idlib for a long time if not forever.

at the rate at which the SAA is advancing I belive it's only a matter of time before Turkey intervenes, they cannot not intervene, because if they don't then Erdogan will appear embarasingly weak, not only that but the SAA will get emboldened to liberate Northern Aleppo.
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