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Turkish Navy to be in strongest position with major Projects

The most powerful frigate is the Egyptian FREMM(three ships) with...
  • 16 ASTER 15 or 30
  • Strales
  • 8 Otomat Mk-2/A missiles
  • MU 90 torpedoes

The most powerful Frigate is not pathetic FREMM

The most powerful Frigate Turkish Navy MEKO-200

16 ATMACA anti-ship Missiles
6 Torpedos
EW System
New Radars
Network Enabled Data Integrated Combat Management System

The Turkish submarine is still undergoing sea trials, while the Egyptian frigates are equipped with the EW system.

TCG PIRIREIS was delivered to the Turkish Navy
that means the Turkish Navy has U-214 Submarine and total of 6 year by year

btw 4 GUR class Submarines ( 2004-2007 ) can match with 4 Greek U-214

and France removed NETTUNO-4100 ECM from Egyptian FREMM Frigate TAHYA MISR
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The most powerful Frigate Turkish Navy MEKO-200

16 ATMACA anti-ship Missiles
6 Torpedos
EW System
New Radars
Network Enabled Data Integrated Combat Management System
Is the modernisation finished? That's the question.
TCG PIRIREIS was delivered to the Turkish Navy
that means the Turkish Navy has U-214 Submarine and total of 6 year by year
The Piri Reis is currently under sea trials. Not in service yet. You do understand the proccess ships go through,right? Laid down,launched,trials,commisioned etc?

Almost the same thing with your ballistic missiles and UAVs. Prototype,trials,production,service.

I asked you something and you avoided it twice,will you be so kind as to reply?

and France removed NETTUNO-4100 ECM from Egyptian FREMM Frigates
You don't know why they removed it,if they actually did. Do you know the reason? You don't. You just assume that it's not good.
Is the modernisation finished? That's the question.

2023 will be golden year of the Republic of Turkiye ( 1923-2023 )

-- The first modernized MEKO-200 will be delivered to the Turkish Navy in march 2023

-- TCG ISTANBUL Frigate will be delivered to the Turkish Navy in 2023

-- TCG PIRIREIS Type-214 AIP Submarine enter service in 2023

-- TCG ANADOLU Amphibious Assault Ship enter service in 2023

-- TCG DERYA Sea Supply Combat Support Ship enter service in 2023

-- TCG AKHISAR Offshore Patrol Vessel will be delivered to the Turkish Navy in 2023

-- ALTAY Tank enter service in 2023

-- SIPER high altitude Air Defense System enter service in 2023

-- KARAOK shoulder launched Anti-Tank Missile enter service in 2023

-- BARBAROS Coastal Defense System enter service in 2023

-- GOKDOGAN and BOZDOGAN Air to Air Missiles enter service in 2023

-- MURAD AESA Radar will be fitted to AKINCI UCAV in 2023

-- T-625 Helicopter will make maiden flight with indigenous TEI TS-1400 turboshaft Engine in 2023

-- KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet will make maiden flight in 2023

-- HURJET light attack Fighter Jet will make maiden flight in 2023

-- T-929 heavy Attack Helicopter will make maiden flight in 2023

-- TFX Fighter Jet roll out in 2023

and many more .......

You don't know why they removed it,if they actually did. Do you know the reason? You don't. You just assume that it's not good.

France removed the SYLVER A70 VLS and NETTUNO-4100 ECM due to export limitations for such sensitive equipment
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In 2023, you will say that 2024 will be the golden year of the Turkey!!!!

We will see
I will salute you every month in 2023

Greek media will be very busy in 2023 anyway, they will show new Turkish weapons every month

Major military projects set for 100 year anniversary of the republic of Turkiye
( 1923-2023 )

All those projects have already build including the TFX Fighter Jet for roll out 18.03.2023

landing gears and engines will be installed as of 20.12.2022


KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet mass production start in 2023
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Are you typing from a cell-phone? :P

No, laptop. I run a small business which I hope to retire soon which I created myself 35 years ago but not much to deal with and the older I get the more bur so I just check int out I amt every ounce in a while and that's about it. Fart fingers, Foinikas from an irregular heartbeat.

Calling @LeGenD , you accused me of starting the whole thing whatever it was. If was anything, it was a simple correction because the guy is obsessed with the Egyptian military especially the navy so please elaborate what I did so I know what "wrong" it was because I have no clue what I did.

Iknow he (MMEE) shows up on the Egyptian Armed Forces thread and trashed the FREMMs Egypt bought and claimed they only carry 15 Aster 15. I showed him EVERY single FREMM Egypt has and they are all full of 36 VLS for either Aster 15 or 30 except the French Aquitaine BUT, that was a special request by the EN because they wanted to put something else in that compartment instead of more Aster Millses which are Ship to Air and if you need more than 16 and you're traveling alone without coms for the nearest squadron to take out any intruder on the vessel, you're a beginner and trust me, we are the furthest from beginners,

@LeGenD still waiting for your answer I'll be happy to show you that post I'm the Egyptian Thread and how he went off the handle so this here what I did was a small taste of his own medicine not sure he was happy yet you didn't know the full story and I'm happy to show it to you unless @waz erased it since he came in like a monster moderator and cleaned things up instantly - Waz I meant the monster noun as a positive one not negative lool
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2023 will be golden year of the Republic of Turkiye ( 1923-2023 )

-- The first modernized MEKO-200 will be delivered to the Turkish Navy in march 2023

-- TCG ISTANBUL Frigate will be delivered to the Turkish Navy in 2023

-- TCG PIRIREIS Type-214 AIP Submarine enter service in 2023

-- TCG ANADOLU Amphibious Assault Ship enter service in 2023

-- TCG DERYA Sea Supply Combat Support Ship enter service in 2023

-- TCG AKHISAR Offshore Patrol Vessel will be delivered to the Turkish Navy in 2023

-- ALTAY Tank enter service in 2023

-- SIPER high altitude Air Defense System enter service in 2023

-- KARAOK shoulder launched Anti-Tank Missile enter service in 2023

-- ATMACA Coastal Defense System enter service in 2023

-- GOKDOGAN and BOZDOGAN Air to Air Missiles enter service in 2023

-- MURAD AESA Radar will be fitted to AKINCI UCAV in 2023

-- T-625 Helicopter will make maiden flight with indigenous TEI TS-1400 turboshaft Engine in 2023

-- KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet will make maiden flight in 2023

-- HURJET light attack Fighter Jet will make maiden flight in 2023

-- T-929 heavy Attack Helicopter will make maiden flight in 2023

-- TFX Fighter Jet roll out in 2023

and many more .......

France removed the SYLVER A70 VLS and NETTUNO-4100 ECM due to export limitations for such sensitive equipment
You still avoid to answer my question
Iknow he (MMEE) shows up on the Egyptian Armed Forces thread and trashed the FREMMs Egypt bought and claimed they only carry 15 Aster 15. I showed him EVERY single FREMM Egypt has and they are all full of 36 VLS for either Aster 15 or 30 except the French Aquitaine

Its reality ..
France removed SYLVER A70 VLS from Egyptian FREMM Frigate
only 16 cells A43 VLS for 16 ASTER-15 SAMs with range of 35 km

3 FREMM Frigates armed with total of 48 SAM
on the other hand 250+ Turkish UCAVs to carry 1.000-1.500 missiles/guided munition

still you are dreaming to fight Turkiye ....
You and Foinikas attacking Turkiye and Turkish Defense Industry on the Egyptian Armed Forces thread

French made FREMM in the Egyptian Navy 16 cells VLS

Italiian made FREMM in the Egyptian Navy 16 cells VLS
Its reality ..
France removed SYLVER A70 VLS from Egyptian FREMM Frigate
only 16 cells A43 VLS for 16 ASTER-15 SAMs with range of 35 km

3 FREMM Frigates armed with total of 48 SAM
on the other hand 250+ Turkish UCAVs to carry 1.000-1.500 missiles/guided munition

still you are dreaming to fight Turkiye ....

French made FREMM in the Egyptian Navy 16 cells VLS
View attachment 905117

Italiian made FREMM in the Egyptian Navy 16 cells VLS
View attachment 905118
So...will you still play dumb and avoid answering my question? Suddenly,you pretend you don't see my posts?
So...will you still play dumb and avoid answering my question? Suddenly,you pretend you don't see my posts?

who are you to answer your question ? are you MOD or something ?
you are a crying troll and sneaky provocateur ... nothing else
who are you to answer your question ? are you MOD or something ?
you are a crying troll and sneaky provocateur ... nothing else
And who are you to constantly berate others and mock them,pretending that you are an expert on military stuff,history and everything? It's time you finally stop insulting others and behave in a friendly and normal manner.
And who are you to constantly berate others and mock them,pretending that you are an expert on military stuff,history and everything? It's time you finally stop insulting others and behave in a friendly and normal manner.

Dont play victim role sneaky provocateur
You have no any military knowledge to discuss as friendly

only lying , trolling , defamation Turkish Defense Industry .. nothing else

Goming-21 calling Turkish weapons as plastic and plywood paper
Its trolling ..nothing else

Nothing but a bunch of PATHETIC daydreaming plywood paper mâché makeup for dreamers like you.

That looks like some pretty serious plastic.

Your silly posts for trolling to provoke me


Your pathetic Frigates armed with only 16 SAM
250 Turkish UCAVs = 1.000-1500 missiles

still you are trolling ....

You have a huge bug up your rectum about ERDOGAN , Turkiye and Turks
Your post has proved it ... I never said anything bad for Egyptian People

I called Erdogan the Er-DOG-AN, as a mangy stray dog in the streets go ahead

filthy DOG Erdogan the two masked individual coward.


What language did I use? I have no idea what you're talking about. is you're going to accuse me [f saying somewhere first, b specific and not evasive. You obviously haven't seen this MME guy show up and call us pathetic in our Egyptian military forum threat so that goes to show some serious incompetence.

This guy showed up on the only thread where we Egyptians feel safe to talk about our military and recent incredible modernization in less than a decade and this MMZX has seen Turkey dwindle into just another strong power but nowhere near the top after only 8 years of SISIS modernization not only the Air Force, but especially then navy because of the new gas they found that could be bigger than ZOHR gas field!!

He sees our GREAT LONG_SDTANDING friendship and exercise against Turkey as a HUGE threat against and guess what, THEY ARE EXACTLY THAT! That Erdogan is become senile and who knows what he's capable of doing next? So we, being smart and intelligent enough not only kept Medusa between Egypt and Greece, we brought it all the powerhouses on the middle east besides the most disliked entity north of Cyprus that learned how to steal lands from Israel yes all you Pakistanis support it blindly and WE, WE WHO FOUGHT 4 WAR JUST TO SAVE OUR LANDS WHILE ERDOGAN SHIPPED CHAMPAGNE AND SHOOK HANDS WITH SHARON NEVER GAVE A CRAP ABOUT A MUSLIM COUNTRY AND NOW YOU, AS A BIG MODERATOR HOTSHOTS HERE EXPECT US TO HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR WHAT YOU SAY WHEN THIS KID COMES TO OUR THREAD AND CALLS US PATHETIC?

His PATHETIC leader (and hey (@PakSword, you threatened an infraction and I was fine with it except the reason you gave me were nothing but the most childish BS LIES made up to please another Thanksgiving twofaced turkey member about this with a bunch of old BS that never made any sense and when I went looking for you just an explanation so I understand WTF I did wrong, you COWERED and disappeared and never replied threatening me for a 2nd infraction and a 3rd causes a ban) as if that was some warning I'm supposed to be afraid of hahah. Guess what, I think it was because the other phony turk complained which is ok if they don't like what I say, it's your job to have a level head and we accept it but it was because I called Erdogan the Er-DOG-AN, as a mangy stray dog in the streets go ahead I've given you 3 reason to infract me which means you have to ban me! DO IT! AND SHOW THE REST HOF THE NODERATORS HOW YOU DO not KNOW HOWTOBEAMODERATOR BECAUSEYOU ARE NOT EVENANDSHOWBIAS TO ONESIDE! WE CALL THOSE IS ARABIC KHAWALAT!!!!!!!!

Just like that trarengo tower and husain not even close to Bolt ruined e the medusa thread andll you did was close it only and this and see how if you act the same way or favor a different entity, My bet is on the latter,

And even with the FILTHY and DISGUSTING things he said about Sisi, he still shook his hand that filthy DOG Erdogan the two masked individual coward. Sisi should've spit in his hands. wiped them all round really good and then see if the rabid dog would still shake his hand that pompous donkey. Bus Sisi is too much of a TRUE DIPLOMAT than that turkey DOG (there I said it a 4th time) I've given you plenty of chances to ban me yet when Sisi gets ransacked with insults of the WORST KIND NOTHING is done So go ahead, I've given you 2 reasons to infract me a total of 3 times and ban me cuz you'll never find a better contributor for not only Egypt, but most world military, it'll be your loss mot mine. You think this is the only site that peo0ple like me would beg to stay on? HAHAHAHA it's good
+ but I don't care about 99% of the topics here. No, it's a site where when I see an insult of epic proportions not having anything done to it and then ME getting blamed for it lie @LeGenD just did (I remember the crappy stuff he used to say about working with Egyptian soldiers in the past that were not flattering so I'm not surprised he took this position.)

This thread opener has a huge bug up his rectum about Egypt that he shows up to Egypt's thread 0ut of the blue and calls us PATHETIC and YOU, yes YOU @LeGenD cowered and did NOTHING and the only man who stood up and said something just like a true moderator should was @waz and intended right then and there.

So I'm, returning the favor here and, your air force SUCKs A$$ and yes, not even in 1 or the last 3 year, I'm talking right now our EGYPTIAN NAVY FLEET WITH ITS ADDITIONAL ASSETS WILL SWALLOW YOUR DECREPIT NAVY WHOLE IN ONE SHOW not matter how many plastic drawings of BS beer bottles you show us. Get it through your head and stat TF away from out thread unless you have constructive criticism to say and the next you call us pathetic and JEALOUS, you'll receive worse than that and take it whichever way you want. I've been so patient with this and always report to mods about things like this even go to the Arab Military section and look at the two donkeys that ruined @Akritas ' thread calling us useless because we haven't liberated Jerusalem and all you did was lock the thread and left all the insults there.


@LeGenD , @waz , WebMaster , Horus , The Eagle

Please delete his post
Goming-21 insulting president of Turkiye and Turks

and please stop Foinikas who is trolling on my every thread ....
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Dont play victim role sneaky provocateur
You have no any military knowledge to discuss as friendly
Nobody has knowledge here,according to you. Nobody. Not the think tanks,not the mods,not the admins...nobody. Only you.
Nobody has knowledge here,according to you. Nobody. Not the think tanks,not the mods,not the admins...nobody. Only you.

I am talking about you and you dont have any military knowledge to discuss as friendly
you sneaky provocateur again called same Chinese trolls retaxis , Iblini
Goming-21 , Foinikas are fierce enemy to the Turks and president Erdogan

dreaming about to become powerhouse to fight Turkiye ..lunatic daydreamers
Your Egypt and Greece can not produce even anti-ship missile
and with 16 SAM dreaming about to match with 1.000 Turkish missiles/guided bombs

Gomig-21 said:
We're teaming up with another powerhouse the Hellenic Navy to make sure YOU don't steal any of OUR EEZ. Got it? Good.
I am talking about you and you dont have any military knowledge to discuss as friendly
you sneaky provocateur again called same Chinese trolls retaxis , Iblini
Goming-21 , Foinikas are fierce enemy to the Turks and president Erdogan
Dude,just stop smoking whatever you're smoking.
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