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Turkish Navy to be in strongest position with major Projects

I am talking about Turkish projects ,,, while Israel doesnt have this technology

KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet : Turkiye
TFX Fighter Jet : Turkiye
T-929 heavy Attack Helicopter : Turkiye
HURJET light Attack Jet : Turkiye

ADA class Corvette : Turkiye
ISTIF class Frigate : Turkiye
TF-2000 class Destroyer : : Turkiye
MILDEN AIP Submarine : : Turkiye

and we have our own AD Systems


And GUMS Ballistic Missile Defense System ... under development
Nope, they're all South Korean/Italian/German/French based technologies.
Hahahaha, but you lost a lot, way more than Israel did when it fought Iran/Hezbollah/Syria since 2013

We had 0 dead, you had hundreds, and around 2000 if you consider the Turkish militiamen.

that was unexpected and treacherous air strike on Turkish Forces in peace time
and we lost 35 soldiers

We had O dead in a conflict against Iran/Hezbollah/Syria in Idlib
on the other hand Turkish Armed Forces killed 3.322 militia including 6 generals in a week

Against ISIS, Kurds and Syrian forces

You are talking about Turkish loses in 10 years ....

Our RF-4 was unarmed for reconnaissance mission in peace time
we lost 1 RF-4 as like Syrian S200 hit Israeli F-16

On the other han Turkish Air Force shoot down 4 Syrian SU-24 and 8 Helicopters

Turkish tanks:

if Israelis have balls Go and enter Syria to fight ISIS , PKK/YPG , SAA , IRGC , Hezbolah

then we will see what will happen with your noob Israeli Army

Turkish Army kicked all of them and killed over 20.000 militia/terrorists
even Turkish Army usen only a few thousands of soldiers

in 2016 leo2 Tanks were without protection ... to lose 6 leo2 Tank is nothing bad to fight over 10.000 ISIS terrorists with full of anti-tank missiles
that was unexpected and treacherous air strike on Turkish Forces in peace time
and we lost 35 soldiers

We had O dead in a conflict against Iran/Hezbollah/Syria in Idlib
on the other hand Turkish Armed Forces killed 3.322 militia including 6 generals in a week
Okay so who are the 2000 dead from Turkish militias and armies?

You are talking about Turkish loses in 10 years ....

Our RF-4 was unarmed for reconnaissance mission in peace time
we lost 1 RF-4 as like Syrian S200 hit Israeli F-16

On the other han Turkish Air Force shoot down 4 Syrian SU-24 and 8 Helicopters
Israel losses in 10 years: 1 F-16 and 2 injured pilots, that's it.
Turkish losses in 10 years: Dozens of tanks, hundreds of dead soldiers and 1700 Turkish militias. F-4, T-129, bunch of cars and drones.
if Israelis have balls Go and enter Syria to fight ISIS , PKK/YPG , SAA , IRGC , Hezbolah

then we will see what will happen with your noob Israeli Army

Turkish Army kicked all of them and killed over 20.000 militia/terrorists
even Turkish Army usen only a few thousands of soldiers

in 2016 leo2 Tanks were without protection ... to lose 6 leo2 Tank is nothing bad to fight over 10.000 ISIS terrorists with full of anti-tank missiles
Israeli tanks constantly enter Syrian borders, we established a no-enter zone.

We don't need to fight them they're terrified of Israel so they don't get near Israeli forces.

Most terrorists killed in Syria were killed in by internal fighting, ISIS vs Kurds vs Assad, Turkey killed a few thousands, less than 5000, not tens of thousands.

You lost more way more Leopard 2s, M60s etc than Israel lost Merkavas to Hezbollah, and that's before Israeli Trophy APS, showing the superiority of Israeli tanks. Even the Israeli M60T faced better than the rest of your more modern tanks
Nope, they're all South Korean/Italian/German/French based technologies.

nothing with South Korean/Italian/German/French based technologies

Full of Turkish technologies
only British BAE Systems technical assistance for the TFX Fighter Jet ... nothing else

Your primitive Israel can not dream even about it
know your place

KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet : Turkiye
TFX Fighter Jet : Turkiye
T-929 heavy Attack Helicopter : Turkiye
HURJET light Attack Jet : Turkiye

ADA class Corvette : Turkiye
ISTIF class Frigate : Turkiye
TF-2000 class Destroyer : : Turkiye
MILDEN AIP Submarine : : Turkiye

and We have our own AD Systems with full of Turkish technology


And GUMS Ballistic Missile Defense System ... under development

also all kinds of Missiles ...

Okay so who are the 2000 dead from Turkish militias and armies?

We lost only 35 soldiers in unexpected and treacherous air strike .. nothing else
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Israel losses in 10 years: 1 F-16 and 2 injured pilots, that's it.
Turkish losses in 10 years: Dozens of tanks, hundreds of dead soldiers and 1700 Turkish militias. F-4, T-129, bunch of cars and drones.

1700 Turkish militias ? not Turkish , but Syrian militia which trained by Turkish Army

You have no balls to enter Syria

first go and enter Syria to fight USA,France,Russia,İran,ASSAD,Hezbolah,PKK/YPG and ISIS

then see what will happen with your noob Israeli Army

Most terrorists killed in Syria were killed in by internal fighting, ISIS vs Kurds vs Assad, Turkey killed a few thousands, less than 5000, not tens of thousands.

since 2015 , over 15.000 PKK Terrorists were killed by Turkish Armed Forces in Turkiye and Iraq

between 2016 and 2022 .. in Syria

over 3.000 ISIS terrorists were killed by Turkish Armed Forces
over 10.000 PKK/YPG terrorists were killed by Turkish Armed Forces
3.322 SAA,IRGC,Hezbolah militia including 6 generals were killed by Turkish Armed Forces
nothing with South Korean/Italian/German/French based technologies

Screenshot_2020-05-27 Simon Cowell Best Insults PART 2 SAVAGE - YouTube.png

1700 Turkish militias ? not Turkish , but Syrian militia which trained by Turkish Army
Turkish cannon fodder. It's ok,you can admit it. Arabs and Turkmens that are on the side of Turkey.

Your primitive Israel can not dream even about it
know your place
"Primitive" Israel?

Are you kidding? Lol...

Oh boy,this is comedy club...Old Rafale,primitive Israel,primitive Pakistan,China bad quality drones,Egyptian frigates pathetic,weak Germany 😂
Israel military is weaker than both Egypt and Turkey. You are not close to being as powerful as the turkish military. Your tiny country has 0 strategic depth.
That's why they fight fiercely. They know they have no space to retreat. And that's also why they have developed such good Anti-ballistic systems and have nuclear weapons. It's a completely different mindset. You have to see it from a neutral point of view,not an "islamist" point of view.
if Israelis have balls Go and enter Syria to fight ISIS , PKK/YPG , SAA , IRGC , Hezbolah
Lol,why would they? They let Saudi Arabia,Turkey,Qatar and USA to destroy Syria. The Syrian Army is extremely weak now. Your country was used by Israel to destabilize Syria and you don't even understand it 😂
Primitive" Israel?

Are you kidding? Lol...

to compare Turkish military projects ... yes Primitive Israel
wth is Israel ?

KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet : Turkiye
TFX Fighter Jet : Turkiye
T-929 heavy Attack Helicopter : Turkiye
HURJET light Attack Jet : Turkiye

ADA class Corvette : Turkiye
ISTIF class Frigate : Turkiye
TF-2000 class Destroyer : : Turkiye
MILDEN AIP Submarine : : Turkiye

and We have our own AD Systems with full of Turkish technology

And GUMS Ballistic Missile Defense System ... under development

France gave JERICHO Ballistic Missile and nuclear technology to Israel
USA gave ARROW and DAVID's SLING AD System technology to Israel

on the other hand , USA-France dont sell even PATRIOT , SAMP-T to Turkiye
over 3.000 ISIS terrorists were killed by Turkish Armed Forces
over 10.000 PKK/YPG terrorists were killed by Turkish Armed Forces
3.322 SAA,IRGC,Hezbolah militia including 6 generals were killed by Turkish Armed Forces
According to Turkish sources which often lie so much,it's ridiculous.

KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet : Turkiye
TFX Fighter Jet : Turkiye
T-929 heavy Attack Helicopter : Turkiye
HURJET light Attack Jet : Turkiye
They're not even operational yet. Not just operational,most are not even tested yet!

on the other hand , USA-France dont sell even PATRIOT , SAMP-T to Turkiye
Why would they? You are so good at inventing your own technologies...if someone believes your posts,Turks made everything themselves without basing their systems to any previous weapons like the Stinger for example.
Lol,why would they? They let Saudi Arabia,Turkey,Qatar and USA to destroy Syria. The Syrian Army is extremely weak now. Your country was used by Israel to destabilize Syria and you don't even understand it

Syrian Army was always weak

Now Iranian Forces Ballistic Missiles , Hezbolah in Syria which is a very big thread to Israel
Iran came to border to Israel and OBAMA allowed Iran to do it

Iran entered Syria , after Lebanon , 2nd front was opened by Iran against Israel

but you don't even understand it ... good luck to Israel enjoy with it
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They're not even operational yet. Not just operational,most are not even tested yet!

that doesnt matter
most important thing is projects were started and under construction to make maiden flight in 2023

Israel doesnt have technology even to start developing mega military projects

5 years ago Turkiye had nothing ..
but today Turkiye is Drone super power in the world
SUNGUR,KORKUT,HISAR-A,HISAR-O,SIPER Air Defense Systems have been developed
and many more .. but I dont list it again and again

Why would they? You are so good at inventing your own technologies...if someone believes your posts,Turks made everything themselves without basing their systems to any previous weapons like the Stinger for example

Why all your posts are so silly ?

what about HISAR-O and SIPER ? including GaN based AESA Radar

Nobody gives critical technologies to Turkiye including AD Systems

Thanks to ASELSAN, ROKETSAN, HAVELSAN , TAI , TEI , STM , TUBITAK-SAGE which were established after American arms embargo on Turkiye in 1975
That's why they fight fiercely. They know they have no space to retreat. And that's also why they have developed such good Anti-ballistic systems and have nuclear weapons. It's a completely different mindset. You have to see it from a neutral point of view,not an "islamist" point of view.
I have reported your comment for discrimination. "Islamist point of view" really?
^^^^ Ploasitc plasitic and more plastc. When wiil you spend a bir morw and upgade to firberglas hahahaha? Actually I have a 30 foot so Im,pretty familiar with evenphptgraphs unless they havenot been alterere in any certainway., bowrider I take my family out of rides on calm and day days and step on it occasionally and have taken the coast guard and train and but all my ltfe and they see the ETREME DANGERS OF ONSE TIGHLY ENCLOSED SHIPS NOMATTER HOW WELL PLANNED THE EXCAPE PROPTOCOLE IS AND HAS BEEN PRACTICESL

Fire dangers of fiber GLASS are so not a god choice. Stick to that whatever it you're- using. fiberglass goes up inflames A Lot faster than plastic co good delete that whole world didn't. O don'r know whtthere space-wisw or even grmatcally. fiottherer, D0j[rl last a little longer, if you have a photo fly the F-116 hahaha!

Gomig-21 used that language first. MMM-E responded to him.

You know that half of the stuff you're saying are inaccurate and the other half ridiculous?

@Akritas @Gomig-21 lesh misr nazala en-NETTUNO?

wow Turkey is always better than everyone in everything. so strong the turkey.

Can't touch this:

View attachment 904815

I told you, homeboy
You can't touch this

View attachment 904812

Look in my eyes, man
You can't touch this

View attachment 904814

Yo, I told you
You can't touch this
Why you standing there, man?
You can't touch this

View attachment 904817

Stop! Hammer time!

View attachment 904818

S-400s not operational. Turning them on,means more sanctions.

That was the biggest mistake that mandy dof made was to trade S-400 for F-35 the state of the art altough it doesn have nany problems that wo=ill ned several year correcti0n or comp;ete proper replaacement. But stull,only a defuncft ruler to is ibviousy surferringfrom some dimentia orimporperbloor flowandlooks reallyflair can make HUGE mental mistakes. Hipe ghe'ssurrounded by people who know he's a lunibun andbelogs intheohchyc wa

Egyptian Navy has 3 FREMM Frigates armed with 16 x ASTER-15 SAMs
3 FREMM Frigates armed with total of 48 ASTER-15 SAMs
^^^^ Ploasitc plasitic and more plastc. When wiil you spend a bir morw and upgade to firberglas hahahaha? Actually I have a 30 foot so Im,pretty familiar with evenphptgraphs unless they havenot been alterere in any certainway., bowrider I take my family out of rides on calm and day days and step on it occasionally and have taken the coast guard and train and but all my ltfe and they see the ETREME DANGERS OF ONSE TIGHLY ENCLOSED SHIPS NOMATTER HOW WELL PLANNED THE EXCAPE PROPTOCOLE IS AND HAS BEEN PRACTICESL

Fire dangers of fiber GLASS are so not a god choice. Stick to that whatever it you're- using. fiberglass goes up inflames A Lot faster than plastic co good delete that whole world didn't. O don'r know whtthere space-wisw or even grmatcally. fiottherer, D0j[rl last a little longer, if you have a photo fly the F-116 hahaha!

That was the biggest mistake that mandy dof made was to trade S-400 for F-35 the state of the art altough it doesn have nany problems that wo=ill ned several year correcti0n or comp;ete proper replaacement. But stull,only a defuncft ruler to is ibviousy surferringfrom some dimentia orimporperbloor flowandlooks reallyflair can make HUGE mental mistakes. Hipe ghe'ssurrounded by people who know he's a lunibun andbelogs intheohchyc wa
Are you typing from a cell-phone? :P

I have reported your comment for discrimination. "Islamist point of view" really?
Aren't you a conservative Muslim? Or pan-islamist? I meant that you are heavily biased towards Israel in general and that does not let you see things in a neutral way when it comes to military and geopolitical matters.
Aren't you a conservative Muslim? Or pan-islamist? I meant that you are heavily biased towards Israel in general and that does not let you see things in a neutral way when it comes to military and geopolitical matters.

We are not calling Israelis as Zionist here
We are not calling you radical christian crusader here

stop calling anybody as Islamist even never met in your life

Christian Europe UK,Spain,Italy,Germany killed and kicked Jews out of their countries from the 15th century to 20th century

btw you are also biased towards Turkiye in military and geopolitical matters
you keep sleeping , Turks will wake up all daydreamers when all Turkish major military projects finished until 2028
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