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Turkish Navy to be in strongest position with major Projects

Wow is that what a serious 69 year-old man has to say? "keep dreaming dream is for free"? The quote you use all the time? Everybody on the forum is dreaming,except you? The whole internet? Military experts,historians and defence sites are all dreaming,but you are the one who knows better?

dont bark here and try drilling in Turkish EEZ

French,Italian,Greek , İsraeli Ships tried drilling and Turkish Navy kicked their Ships out of Turkish EEZ

Read ignorant troll read

Turkish Navy forces back Italian drillship: Cyprus​

Five Turkish warships threatened to engage an Italian drillship Friday and forced it to turn back after it tried to break a two-week blockade off Cyprus, Cypriot officials said.

Turkish Navy intercepts Greek vessel violating continental shelf​

Turkish navy pushed back a Greek Cypriot research vessel that violated Turkiye’s continental shelf

Turkish Navy orders Israeli ship out of Cyprus’s waters​

Israeli research vessel reportedly vacated the area after being approached and told to leave by the Turkish navy

When? In 2025? In 2028?

88 BORA Missiles were produced even as of november 2018


go and cry to USA-France for more protection tiny Greece
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dont bark here and try drilling in Turkish EEZ

French,Italian,Greek , İsraeli Ships tried drilling and Turkish Navy kicked their Ships out of Turkish EEZ

Read ignorant troll read
You've said this trash like A MILLION TIMES already. My patience is running thin with your constant repeating of the same,the exact same bullshit. It's this repetion,it's annoying. You repeat the same phrases and articles and claims and arguements in an endless loop. It's insanity! Do you know the definition of insanity? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again,expecting stuff to change.

88 BORA Missiles were produced even as of november 2018
Tayfun ain't in service. It's still on trials. What makes you think we can't shoot down your TORA-BORA?
More than half of your claims are stuff that aren't even in service or production! lol

Who says that you ? FETO Terrorists ?

TRLG-230 , YILDIRIM , BORA , TAYFUN , SOM , ATMACA Missiles already in service and in production

also 1.000+ HARPOON , POPEYE , SLAM-ER , HARM , AIM-120C7 , S400 Missiles in service

on the other hand Egyptian user dreaming about AIM-120 , METEOR and BASTION Missiles
Tayfun ain't in service. It's still on trials. What makes you think we can't shoot down your TORA-BORA?

You can not shoot down even swarm attack of SIMSEK Kamikaze Drones by S300
stop dreaming and return to real world
ignorant lunatic daydreamer

btw TAYFUN is not in trials .. TAYFUN is already in service

CENK Missile is in trials ... and soon everybody will see new CENK Missile ..
but dont cry to USA-France for more protection ...ok ? tiny Greece
You can not shoot down even swarm attack of SIMSEK Kamikaze Drones by S300
stop dreaming and return to real world
ignorant lunatic daydreamer

btw TAYFUN is not in trials .. TAYFUN is already in service

CENK Missile is in trials ... and soon everybody will see new CENK Missile ..
but dont cry to USA-France for more protection ...ok ? tiny Greece
And why can't we shoot down your Simsek and the rest of your UAVs?


Tayfun is not in service yet,they just tested the missile!
And why can't we shoot down your Simsek and the rest of your UAVs?

Greece has limited S300 missiles in Crete

on the other hand Turkiye produce its own Ballistic and Cruise Missiles , long range guided Bombs and Kamikaze Drones

cheap and large number of SIMSEK Kamikaze Drones vs expensive and limited number of


also 1.000 km KARGI anti-radiation Drone has ben developed by Turkiye to hit AD Systems

Then SOM , KARA-ATMACA , SLAM-ER , HARM , KGK-LR , BORA Missile strikes on defenseless Crete

dont compare Greece which produce nothing with Turkiye which produce everything

Tayfun is not in service yet,they just tested the missile!

That was not test
that was message to Greece

TAYFUN is in service ... new CENK Missile is coming
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Gomig-21 used that language first. MMM-E responded to him.

What language did I use? I have no idea what you're talking about. is you're going to accuse me [f saying somewhere first, b specific and not evasive. You obviously haven't seen this MME guy show up and call us pathetic in our Egyptian military forum threat so that goes to show some serious incompetence.

This guy showed up on the only thread where we Egyptians feel safe to talk about our military and recent incredible modernization in less than a decade and this MMZX has seen Turkey dwindle into just another strong power but nowhere near the top after only 8 years of SISIS modernization not only the Air Force, but especially then navy because of the new gas they found that could be bigger than ZOHR gas field!!

He sees our GREAT LONG_SDTANDING friendship and exercise against Turkey as a HUGE threat against and guess what, THEY ARE EXACTLY THAT! That Erdogan is become senile and who knows what he's capable of doing next? So we, being smart and intelligent enough not only kept Medusa between Egypt and Greece, we brought it all the powerhouses on the middle east besides the most disliked entity north of Cyprus that learned how to steal lands from Israel yes all you Pakistanis support it blindly and WE, WE WHO FOUGHT 4 WAR JUST TO SAVE OUR LANDS WHILE ERDOGAN SHIPPED CHAMPAGNE AND SHOOK HANDS WITH SHARON NEVER GAVE A CRAP ABOUT A MUSLIM COUNTRY AND NOW YOU, AS A BIG MODERATOR HOTSHOTS HERE EXPECT US TO HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR WHAT YOU SAY WHEN THIS KID COMES TO OUR THREAD AND CALLS US PATHETIC?

His PATHETIC leader (and hey (@PakSword, you threatened an infraction and I was fine with it except the reason you gave me were nothing but the most childish BS LIES made up to please another Thanksgiving twofaced turkey member about this with a bunch of old BS that never made any sense and when I went looking for you just an explanation so I understand WTF I did wrong, you COWERED and disappeared and never replied threatening me for a 2nd infraction and a 3rd causes a ban) as if that was some warning I'm supposed to be afraid of hahah. Guess what, I think it was because the other phony turk complained which is ok if they don't like what I say, it's your job to have a level head and we accept it but it was because I called Erdogan the Er-DOG-AN, as a mangy stray dog in the streets go ahead I've given you 3 reason to infract me which means you have to ban me! DO IT! AND SHOW THE REST HOF THE NODERATORS HOW YOU DO not KNOW HOWTOBEAMODERATOR BECAUSEYOU ARE NOT EVENANDSHOWBIAS TO ONESIDE! WE CALL THOSE IS ARABIC KHAWALAT!!!!!!!!

Just like that trarengo tower and husain not even close to Bolt ruined e the medusa thread andll you did was close it only and this and see how if you act the same way or favor a different entity, My bet is on the latter,

And even with the FILTHY and DISGUSTING things he said about Sisi, he still shook his hand that filthy DOG Erdogan the two masked individual coward. Sisi should've spit in his hands. wiped them all round really good and then see if the rabid dog would still shake his hand that pompous donkey. Bus Sisi is too much of a TRUE DIPLOMAT than that turkey DOG (there I said it a 4th time) I've given you plenty of chances to ban me yet when Sisi gets ransacked with insults of the WORST KIND NOTHING is done So go ahead, I've given you 2 reasons to infract me a total of 3 times and ban me cuz you'll never find a better contributor for not only Egypt, but most world military, it'll be your loss mot mine. You think this is the only site that peo0ple like me would beg to stay on? HAHAHAHA it's good
+ but I don't care about 99% of the topics here. No, it's a site where when I see an insult of epic proportions not having anything done to it and then ME getting blamed for it lie @LeGenD just did (I remember the crappy stuff he used to say about working with Egyptian soldiers in the past that were not flattering so I'm not surprised he took this position.)

This thread opener has a huge bug up his rectum about Egypt that he shows up to Egypt's thread 0ut of the blue and calls us PATHETIC and YOU, yes YOU @LeGenD cowered and did NOTHING and the only man who stood up and said something just like a true moderator should was @waz and intended right then and there.

So I'm, returning the favor here and, your air force SUCKs A$$ and yes, not even in 1 or the last 3 year, I'm talking right now our EGYPTIAN NAVY FLEET WITH ITS ADDITIONAL ASSETS WILL SWALLOW YOUR DECREPIT NAVY WHOLE IN ONE SHOW not matter how many plastic drawings of BS beer bottles you show us. Get it through your head and stat TF away from out thread unless you have constructive criticism to say and the next you call us pathetic and JEALOUS, you'll receive worse than that and take it whichever way you want. I've been so patient with this and always report to mods about things like this even go to the Arab Military section and look at the two donkeys that ruined @Akritas ' thread calling us useless because we haven't liberated Jerusalem and all you did was lock the thread and left all the insults there.

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This thread opener has a huge bug up his rectum about Egypt that he shows up to Egypt's thread 0ut of the blue and calls us PATHETIC and YOU, yes YOU @LeGenD cowered and did NOTHING and the only man who stood up and said something just like a true moderator should was @waz and intended right then and there.

You have a huge bug up your rectum about ERDOGAN , Turkiye and Turks
Your post has proved it ... I never said anything bad for Egyptian People

First you said that We're teaming up with another powerhouse the Hellenic Navy to make sure YOU don't steal any of OUR EEZ.

Stop dreaming and return to real world , lunatic day dreamers

Without USA-France your Egypt and Greece are nothing which can not develop even a Cruise Missile and BVR Air to Air Missile

Go and beg for AIM-120 , land attack Cruise Missile for F-16s
Go and beg for METEOR Missile for Rafales
even France removed SYLVER A-70 VLS and NETTUNO-4100 ECM from Egyptian FREMM Frigates which armed with only 16 SAMs

Your Egypt can not develop even VLS
still dreaming about to become powerhouse to fight Turkiye

Real military power and powerhouse is Turkiye in the region which can use its own long range Ballistic and Cruise Missiles to hit even your SISI in Cairo
know your place

-- Turkiye has bigger GDP than Egypt+Greece+$160 billion combined
-- Turkiye has $250+ billion export rate which is bigger than Egypt+Greece+Israel+$100 billion combined .... ( because Turkiye is only industrialized country in the region )

-- Turkish defense industry is bigger than Greece+Egypt+all Arab countries combined

-- No any Egyptian military base abroad
Turkish military bases in Iraq ,Syria,TRNC ,Azerbaijan,Albania,Qatar,Somalia and Libya
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Nobody attack Egypt , Greece and their economies
Even USA-The EU gives billions of Dollars to Egypt and Greece

on the other hand , since 2013 , Turkiye is in active fight against USA,France,Greece,FETO,PKK/YPG,HAFTAR,Armenia,etc in Iraq,Syria,Libya,Caucasia and Eastern Mediterranean ..... Turkish economy lost over $500 billion since 2013

still Turkiye has bigger GDP than Egypt+Greece+$160 billion combined

You pray for ERDOGAN that he spent trillion Dollars for public projects in the last 20 years instead of buying weapons

Turkiye spent even $100 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim countries in the last 12 years

Turkiye would buy Egyptian+Greek+Israeli Armed Forces for $100 billion

but Turkiye develops 750+ military projects for over $75 billion to become real military power like USA,Russia,China,UK,France

Your Egypt and Greece are not in the same league with Turkiye
We are in G-20 and you are nowhere
Turkiye would buy Egyptian+Greek+Israeli Armed Forces for $100 billion
Lol, you wish, Israeli military alone is stronger than Turkish military, let alone Greece and Egypt with us.

100 billion dollars in 12 years of aid to Muslim countries is under 4 years of budget in the Israeli military (When adding up 4 billion dollars from the US), if you buy 100 billion dollars worth of equipment you will have to pay way many billions more in maintenance and training every year, your 100 billion dollars in 12 years isn't much.

-- Turkiye has $250+ billion export rate which is bigger than Egypt+Greece+Israel+$100 billion combined .... ( because Turkiye is only industrialized country in the region )
Israel has 165 billion dollar export in 2022 and we are only 9 million people compared to your 85 million, add 100 billion dollars and you will get the Turkish export numbers. Are you saying Egyptian and Greek exports are 0?
Lol, you wish, Israeli military alone is stronger than Turkish military, let alone Greece and Egypt with us.

Yes we have seen Israeli military against Hezbolah in 2006
and Turkiye has far stronger military power than Israel

100 billion dollars in 12 years of aid to Muslim countries is under 4 years of budget in the Israeli military (When adding up 4 billion dollars from the US), if you buy 100 billion dollars worth of equipment you will have to pay way many billions more in maintenance and training every year, your 100 billion dollars in 12 years isn't much.

I am not talking about defense budget ...
We had over $250 billion defense budget in the last $12 years

Egypt,Greece,Israel are not modern Countries
on the other hand Turkiye spent $1 trillion for public projects instead of spending for military since 2002

including $78 billion to buy 380 new Planes for Turkish Airlines between 2013 and 2023
and to build new Istanbul Airport which is the biggest in the world

I am talking about to buy all your weapons in Egyptian-Greek-Israeli Armed Forces for $100 billion instead of humanitarian aid to other countries

What about $100 billion ?

-- 6 ADA class Corvettes - 10 HISAR class OPVs = $4 billion ( to replace 6 BURAK Corvettes )
-- 16 ISTIF class Frigates = $3,5 billion ( to replace 8 OPH and 8 MEKO-200 )
-- 7 TF-2000 class Destroyers = $7 billion
-- 16 AIP Submarines = $7,5 billion ( to replace 12 Type209 )

-- 2 Light Aircraft Carriers like TCG ANADOLU and TCG TRAKYA = $2 billion

-- 200 new Fighter Jets = $20 billion
-- 100 T-929 Attack Helicopters
-- 100 KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jets
-- 100 HURJET light attack Fighter Jets

-- 1.000 new generation Tanks = $7 billion

-- 150 Air Defense Systems ( HISAR , SIPER , S400 ) to protect all Turkiye = $20 billion

-- 2.500 KGK-LR , TOLUN-IIR , KUZGUN-TJ long range guided Bombs
-- 2.500 SOM , ATMACA , CAKIR Cruise Missiles
-- 1.000 BORA and TAYFUN Ballistic Missiles
-- 500 TRG-122 ,TRLG-230 , TRG-300 guided MLRS
-- 500 KARA-ATMACA ground based Cruise Missiles
-- 500 ATMACA Coastal Defense Missiles

Egypt and Greece bought tons of weapons while Turkiye spent $100 billion humanitarian aid to other countries

and now Egypt-Greece hiding behind USA-France and dreaming to fight Turkiye
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Yes we have seen Israeli military against Hezbolah in 2006
and Turkiye has far stronger military power than Israel
Lol, Turkey can't hold a candle to the Israeli military.
Your tank force is primitive and got lit up in Syria.
Your air force is primitive.
Your drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles can't do shit against our air defenses.
What about $100 billion ?

-- 6 ADA class Corvettes - 10 HISAR class OPVs = $4 billion ( to replace 6 BURAK Corvettes )
-- 16 ISTIF class Frigates = $3,5 billion ( to replace 8 OPH and 8 MEKO-200 )
-- 7 TF-2000 class Destroyers = $7 billion
-- 16 AIP Submarines = $7,5 billion ( to replace 12 Type209 )

-- 2 Light Aircraft Carriers like TCG ANADOLU and TCG TRAKYA = $2 billion

-- 200 new Fighter Jets = $20 billion
-- 100 T-929 Attack Helicopters ) = $5 billion
-- 100 KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jets = $2,5 billion
-- 100 HURJET light attack Fighter Jets = $3,5 billion

-- 1.000 new generation Tanks = $7 billion

-- 150 Air Defense Systems ( HISAR , SIPER , S400 ) to protect all Turkiye = $20 billion

-- 2.500 KGK-LR , TOLUN-IIR , KUZGUN-TJ long range guided Bombs
-- 2.500 SOM , ATMACA , CAKIR Cruise Missiles
-- 1.000 BORA and TAYFUN Ballistic Missiles
-- 500 TRG-122 ,TRLG-230 , TRG-300 guided MLRS
-- 500 KARA-ATMACA ground based Cruise Missiles
-- 500 ATMACA Coastal Defense Missiles
Purchase of weapons is cheap compared to maintenance, you buy all of that and maintenance and training will be tens of billions of dollars yearly. That's like doubling or tripling your yearly defense budget, it's money you don't have.
Lol, Turkey can't hold a candle to the Israeli military.
Your tank force is primitive and got lit up in Syria.
Your air force is primitive.
Your drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles can't do shit against our air defenses.

Your tiny Israel can not do anyshit against Turkiye , only self defence to protect your butt
even weak Hezbolah kicked your butt in 2006

Your AD Systems can not stop Cruise Missiles which comes from the Eastern Mediterranean below 5 meters

Israel is not mountainous country at mid sea level
and Israel so tiny to fire 1.000 Ballistic-Cruise Missiles , Kamikaze Drones enough to destroy Jet Hangars , Radars ,etc

keep dreaming with your tiny Israel which is nothing without USA protection

after Iran , also S.Arabia and Turkiye will have nuclear weapons
tiny Israel threatening everyone with nuclear weapons
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Purchase of weapons is cheap compared to maintenance, you buy all of that and maintenance and training will be tens of billions of dollars yearly. That's like doubling or tripling your yearly defense budget, it's money you don't have.

Not buying extra weapons but modernize current weapons will be enough
Turkiye already has the strongest military power in the region ..

and Turkiye has enough money
but Turkiye spent $1 trillion for public projects
including $78 billion to buy 380 new Planes for Turkish Airlines between 2013 and 2023
and to build new Istanbul Airport which is the biggest in the world

even $78 billion enough to buy all weapons in the Israeli Armed Forces

dont compare non-modern countries Egypt,Greece,İsrael with Turkiye
Turkiye spend $65 billion to buy 380 new Planes for Turkish Airlines

Turkiye doesnt buy weapons
Turkiye spend $75 billion to develop weapons . ( Israel only can dream about it )

when All Turkish major military projects enter service year by year in the 5 years
we will laugh on your primitive Countries

-- KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet
-- TFX air superiority Fighter Jet
-- HURJET light attack Jet
-- T-929 heavy Attack Helicopter
-- HAVASOJ airborne stand off jammer

-- TAYFUN , CENK , KARA-ATMACA , GEZGIN , SOM-ER Ballistic and land-naval-air launched Cruise Missiles which can hit Israel

-- Supersonic-Hypersonic Missiles
-- RAMJET powered GOKHAN long range Air to Air Missile to match with even METEOR
-- SIPER Block-II high altitude Air Defense System
-- GUMS Ballistic Missile Defense System

-- ISTIF class Frigate
-- TF-2000 class Destroyer
-- REIS ( Type-214 TN ) class AIP Submarine
-- Unmanned Combat Vessels and Submarines
-- TCG ANADOLU light Aircraft Carrier

And many more
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