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Turkish Navy to be in strongest position with major Projects

Here we go again,he's advertising the "superior" Turkish weapons...24/7. Impossible to debate this person.

He goes against logic and against reality. You can give him a thousand reasons for something,in the end the only phrase will be "Turkiye win everywhere".

It's tiresome. And this is supposed to be a 69 year-old man? More like a teenager with temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way.

Someone who considers ships like the FREMM,MEKO A200 as pathetic and the Rafale as "old technology",wants to be taken seriously.

For coastal defense, we have Bastion systems, K9 Thunder systems, and other types of coastal defense
Are you sure? How is it possible that the great MMM-E who knows everything about military things,not know this?
And what makes you think,your precious UCAVs won't be shot down by Egyptian Air Defence and Aircraft?

Mig-29M/M2,Mirage V,Alpha Jet and K-8 can patrol to shoot down UAVs. They have enough to rotate.

Turkish UCAVs will not attack Egyptian mainland

we are in defense role to protect Turkish EEZ

If enemy Navy enter Turkish EEZ ,
then Turkish UCAVs will be in action under protection of S400 Air Defense Systems and Turkish Air Force F-16 Fighter Jets and Boeing E-7T AEWCs

Turks draw a huge map,claim it and then say "Nobody try to steal our EEZ! It's ours! We never steal anybody's land,but we will protect our rights! We only want what is ours!".........meanwhile the map encompasses everything from Greece to Cyprus,to Libya to Egypt.

Nothing is yours in MAVI VATAN

Yeah sure,the enemy doesn't have aircraft to supress them you think...

Yeah sure ,
Turkiye doesnt have 235 F-16 , 4 Boeing E7T AEWC , S400 and SIPER Air Defense Systems

Enemy Fighter Jets can not even close to Turkish mainland from the Eastern Mediterranean in a conflict

btw ATMACA coastal defense systems are mobile and so easy to hide
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Turkish UCAVs will not attack Egyptian mainland
I'm not talking about an attack on their mainland. I'm talking about their Mig-29M/M2s,Mirage V,Alpha Jets,K-8s and other secondary role aircraft,patrolling or escorting their ships to take down potential UAVs that are roaming.

Nothing is yours in MAVI VATAN
You woke up one day,drew a map,started the Mavi Vatan doctrine and now you say "we want our rights,nobody will steal our EEZ". Childish excuses to grab more resources from others. Like a child that draws a line on the floor,encompassing his friends toys too and saying "This is all mine,it's my zone,if you try to take what's in here,I'll slap you,it's all mine,gimme that!"

If enemy Navy enter Turkish EEZ ,
Here's your EEZ. Nobody's gonna get in there:


Turkiye doesnt have 235 F-16
No,Turkey doesn't. Because Turkey is having problems with spare parts. That's why you can't fly all of them.
Enemy Aircrafts can not even close to Turkish mainland from the Eastern Mediterranean
Because of what? S-400s that are turned off and will need more than an hour to be operational? If they are even turned on? SIPER which is not even in service yet?

btw ATMACA coastal defense systems are mobile and so easy to hide and to run
Lol you make it sound as if you invented coastal defence systems 😂

You know,others have had coastal defence batteries for decades. They know how they operate. Exocet,Harpoon,Silkworm and other batteries. Almost the entire region has some kind of coastal defence. With the same logic that you just used,it's so easy for Greece to hide and run between the islands and hit with with exocet.

P.S. ATMACA also untested in real combat conditions.

Dont show unofficial rumor from twitter
More than half of your claims are stuff that aren't even in service or production! lol
S-400s not operational. Turning them on,means more sanctions.

SAMs don't win wars. Not all your ships will be at the same place and I doubt you have enough missiles to fill all those cells. For a supposed "expert",you seem as a ignorant as a kid.

ignorant troll if you know nothing about Turkish Armed Forces dont cry like little kid on my threads

Who cares about sanctions in a war ?

S400s in Turkiye

S-400 air defense system ready for use if needed​

‘If any threats arise, we will decide where and how to use it,’ says Turkish defense minister " 23.11.2022​

SAMs don't win wars. Not all your ships will be at the same place and I doubt you have enough missiles to fill all those cells. For a supposed "expert",you seem as a ignorant as a kid.

SAMs protect Frigates against enemy strikes ..
if you can not defend Naval platforms , then you will lose the entire fleet

ignorant troll
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ignorant troll if you know nothing about Turkish Armed Forces dont cry like little kid on my threads

Who cares about sanctions in a war ? idiotttt
Someone who needs spare parts maybe?!
I'm not talking about an attack on their mainland. I'm talking about their Mig-29M/M2s,Mirage V,Alpha Jets,K-8s and other secondary role aircraft,patrolling or escorting their ships to take down potential UAVs that are roaming.

İn Turkish EEZ from 300 km away from Egyptian mainland .. what a troll

Someone who needs spare parts maybe?!

Turkey stocked up enough F-16 spare parts for years

even Iran keeping F-14s in service since 1990s without American spare parts
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SAMs protect Frigates against enemy strikes .. ignorant troll
if you can not defend Naval platforms , then you will lose the entire fleet
You're calling me ignorant,but you're the one who doesn't take into consideration all other factors:

Anti-ship missiles
Personnel training and skill

You just go like a 10 year-old:
"I have more SAMs so I win"
İn Turkish EEZ from 300 km away from Egyptian mainland .. what a troll
You know Egyptian Aircraft can refuel at Crete,right? Or don't you?
We dont need spare parts .. ignorant troll
Turkey stocked up enough F-16 spare parts for years
Lol who says that? Akar? You also used to claim that no Pakistani pilots were flying in the TuAF the last few years and whenever some Greek mentioned that,you guys used to get all proud and angry.

And now,the Pakistanis revealed that PAF had sent pilots after 2016.

even Iran keeping F-14s in service since 1990s without American spare parts
And how many are flying and in what fucking condition? Spare me the stupidity.
You're calling me ignorant,but you're the one who doesn't take into consideration all other factors:

Anti-ship missiles
Personnel training and skill

You just go like a 10 year-old:
"I have more SAMs so I win"

Not only more SAMs
We have everything

but pathetic Egyptian FREMM Frigates dont have enough SAMs , NETTUNO-4100 ECM

and dont compare Egypt with NATO's one of the strongest country Turkiye which has the best training and real war experience

ignoran troll still talking about tactics , if 16 SAMs are not enough to stop swarm attack of 36 missiles
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keep dreaming dream is free

even nobody enter MAVI VATAN for drilling
Wow is that what a serious 69 year-old man has to say? "keep dreaming dream is for free"? The quote you use all the time? Everybody on the forum is dreaming,except you? The whole internet? Military experts,historians and defence sites are all dreaming,but you are the one who knows better?
You know Egyptian Aircraft can refuel at Crete,right? Or don't you?

BORA and TAYFUN Ballistic Missiles will refuel you in Crete in a conflict

Lol who says that? Akar? You also used to claim that no Pakistani pilots were flying in the TuAF the last few years and whenever some Greek mentioned that,you guys used to get all proud and angry.

And now,the Pakistanis revealed that PAF had sent pilots after 2016.

who are you ignorant troll ?

HULUSI AKAR is defense minister of Turkiye
Not only more SAMs
We have everything ignorant troll

but pathetic Egyptian FREMM Frigates dont have enough SAMs , NETTUNO-4100 ECM

and dont compare Egypt with NATO's one of the strongest country Turkiye which has the best training and real war experience

ignoran troll still talking about tactics , if 16 SAMs are not enough to stop swarm attack of 36 missiles
Yeah sure professor,definetely.

HULUSI AKAR is defense minister of Turkiye
Exactly,Hulusi Akar is the defence minister of Turkey. What would he say? "We running out of spare parts and have to fly less aircraft and more UAVs"?

BORA and TAYFUN Ballistic Missiles will refuel you in Crete in a conflict
When? In 2025? In 2028?
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