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Turkish Navy to be in strongest position with major Projects

Dont worry
We will come suddenly one night as like 1974

between 1964-1974 , Greeks always said hey Turks if you so brave come and take

in 1974 Turks said we are brave , we came and took

today Turkiye 100 times stronger than 1974

dont provoke Turkiye and dont test our strength
then it will be too late to cry another 50 years for losing Islands as like Cyprus
If Turkey is so brave why do they run away from Egyptians?

It seems like Erdogan understands fighting Egypt/Greece is not the same as fighting a group of ten PKK rebels with ak47s
If Turkey is so brave why do they run away from Egyptians?

France,Egypt,The UAE,Russia,HAFTAR failed to take Tripoli
because Turkiye kicked all of them in Libya
and Turkish Forces in Libya now to protect UN recognized legal Libyan government in Tripoli

and There is no any Egyptian Forces in Libya
Russia deployed dozens of Fighter Jets , S300 , PANTSIR AD Systems to stop GNA in Sirte-Jufra line which is very important for Russia to open military bases in Jufra and Sirte

there are 2 powers in Libya

Turkiye : Tripoli , Al Watiya , Misrata
Russia : Jufra-Sirte line

others are nothing in Libya

It seems like Erdogan understands fighting Egypt/Greece is not the same as fighting a group of ten PKK rebels with ak47s

Egyptian Army could not match with even 1.000 ISIS terrorists with AK47s in Sinai

ASSAD Regime and Iran are nothing without Russia in Syria
Egypt is nothing without Russia in Libya
Greece is nothing without USA-France in the Eastern Mediterranean

if Greece-Egypt are so brave , try drilling in Turkish EEZ
then everybody will see what will happen

btw Egypt is not stupid to fight Turkiye for Greek-French interests
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We will come suddenly one night as like 1974
You didn't come at night, it was day, the Americans lied to the Greeks that it was a simple Turkish exercise and not to pay attention. Read the book of the Turk Birad.

It seems like Erdogan understands fighting Egypt/Greece is not the same as fighting a group of ten PKK rebels with ak47s
He knows that if he attacks Greece or Egypt, he will pay it very badly.
That's why he makes the cock with the daily statements against these countries, especially against Greece.
He simply brainwashes his people, like a true authoritarian leader, who controls the media and information.
I want to inform all of you and to discuss as friendly
but you are trying to deflect the facts and trolling
Dont compare your Greece which produce nothing with Turkiye which produce everything
Dont worry
We will come suddenly one night as like 1974
Imagine if the discussion wasn't friendly 😂😂😂

It seems like Erdogan understands fighting Egypt/Greece is not the same as fighting a group of ten PKK rebels with ak47s
Exactly. And not just because Greece and Egypt can actually fight back,but he knows there will also be heavy sanctions and criticism from USA,EU and the world community in general.

Egyptian Army could not match with even 1.000 ISIS terrorists with AK47s in Sinai
Egypt had a problem with the barbarians the last few years.

You've had a problem with the Kurds for 40 years and you couldn't take care of it.
btw Egypt is not stupid to fight Turkiye for Greek-French interests
No,Egypt will fight Turkey for Egyptian interests and the good of the region,that you constantly disturb. What Egypt wants is peace and stability,so that the pipeline plans and cooperation can continue.
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You didn't come at night, it was day, the Americans lied to the Greeks that it was a simple Turkish exercise and not to pay attention. Read the book of the Turk Birad.

Only learn about it .. and see Turkish power

Turkish Air Force has technical and geographical advantage

1 --
Only 40 Greek F-16s equipped with LANTIRN Pod for night operation

on the other hand , in 1994 Turkish F-16s were the first F-16s outside the USAF to receive LANTIRN pods .... ( Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting InfraRed for Night )

158 Turkish F-16s equipped with LANTIRN Pod for night operation

and Turkiye has developed its own ASELPOD Targeting Pod ( day and night capability )

CCIP modernization for $3,9 billion .. 163 F-16s

-- Night Vision Cueing and Display (NVCD)

NVCD/ ANVIS system is now matured to expand this critical capability to night missions

200 AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVG)

Hellenic Airforce is nothing to compare with TURAF .. not even close

Our KIZILELMA , HURJET and TFX are coming to become one of top 5 in the world
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No,Egypt will fight Turkey for Egyptian interests and the good of the region,that you constantly disturb. What Egypt wants is peace and stability,so that the pipeline plans and cooperation can continue.

Egypt never will fight Turkiye for Greek/French interests
while Turkiye respect Egyptian EEZ

Also SISI is so happy , because Turkiye doesnt support MB and that was enough for peace

SISI will not risk its regime to internal revolt
SISI will not risk Egypt against Turkish long range Ballistic-Cruise Missile power which can hit Cairo and Alexandria

Qatar,The UAE,S.Arabia opened new era with Turkiye and Egypt joined this peace



Egypt never will fight Turkiye for Greek/French interests
while Turkiye respect Egyptian EEZ

Also SISI is so happy , because Turkiye doesnt support MB and that was enough for peace

SISI will not risk its regime to internal revolt
SISI will not risk Egypt against Turkish long range Ballistic-Cruise Missile power which can hit Cairo and Alexandria

Qatar,The UAE,S.Arabia opened new era with Turkiye and Egypt joined this peace

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View attachment 905196
Oh you poor naive boy...
Oh you poor naive boy...

Greece left alone like poor naive boy

Everybody sees the development of the formidable Turkish defense industry
Everybody wants to work with Turkiye which becomes global power from regional power

Only daydreamer Greece is resisting to destroy itself
Greece left alone like poor naive boy

Everybody sees the development of the formidable Turkish defense industry
Everybody wants to work with Turkiye which becomes global power from regional power

Only daydreamer Greece is resisting to destroy itself
4 modernized GABYA class Frigates of the Turkish Navy

equipped with modern systems , sensors and weapons

-- SMART-S Mk2 3D Radar
-- GENESIS advanced combat management system
-- Link16/22 systems
-- AN/SQS-56 Sonar
-- AN / SLQ-32 Electronic Warfare System
-- AN/SQR-19 Towed Array Sonar
-- AN/SQQ-28 LAMPS MK III Sonobuoy Processing System
-- ASWCS MK116 MOD 7 Anti-Submarine Warfare Control System
-- AN/SLQ-25 Nixie towed torpedo decoys

36 x SM-1 Air Defense Missiles
32 x ESSM Air Defense Missiles
8 x HARPOON Anti Ship Missiles
6 x Mk 46 Mod 5 Torpedos
1 × Oto Melara 76mm DP gun
1 × Mk 15 Phalanx CIWS
1 × S-70B Seahawk





32 x RIM-162 ESSM

ESSM to protect ships from attacking missiles and aircraft. ESSM is designed to counter even supersonic maneuvering anti-ship missiles

Range : 50+ km
Speed : Mach 4+
Guidance System : Mid-course update datalink -- Terminal semi-active radar homing


36 x RIM-66 SM-1

The RIM-66 Standard MR is a medium range surface-to-air missile (SAM) with a secondary role as anti-ship missile

Range : 45+ km
Speed : Mach 2+
Altitude : 18.000+ m
Guidance : Semi Active Radar



The Harpoon is an all-weather, over-the-horizon, anti-ship missile

Range : 124-140 km
Speed : Mach 0,7
Flight altitude : Sea-skimming
Guidance : active radar terminal homing

No,Egypt will fight Turkey for Egyptian interests and the good of the region,that you constantly disturb. What Egypt wants is peace and stability,so that the pipeline plans and cooperation can continue.
Egypt never will fight Turkiye for Greek/French interests
while Turkiye respect Egyptian EEZ

Also SISI is so happy , because Turkiye doesnt support MB and that was enough for peace

SISI will not risk its regime to internal revolt
SISI will not risk Egypt against Turkish long range Ballistic-Cruise Missile power which can hit Cairo and Alexandria

Qatar,The UAE,S.Arabia opened new era with Turkiye and Egypt joined this peace
He just told you Egypt will fight for Egyptian interests, and you say it will fight for Greek/French interests again! Do you just read words without understanding them ?

Turkey is the one making concessions by not supporting MB anymore and changing its tone in media towards Egypt. Egypt does not make the slightest attempt to bring back the relations, it's Turkey that does so because it's desperate and feels cornered and outcasted. Your stupid Erdogan shouldn't have insulted Sisi and supported the terrorist MB that killed our soldiers in Sinai and bombed police stations and killed protesters in the street during their rule. He even went too far when he received fleeing MB terrorists that killed our soldiers and protected them after Sisi took over, They have innocent Egyptian blood on their hands, Shame on him. There is no peace yet with you, and you should stop saying "I'm not against Egyptians themselves" as if we are somehow oppressed and we don't like our president or army, well you should know that we support him and we support our army and we approve of anything they do.
Greece left alone like poor naive boy

Everybody sees the development of the formidable Turkish defense industry
Everybody wants to work with Turkiye which becomes global power from regional power

Only daydreamer Greece is resisting to destroy itself
Greece is not left alone. We had a powerful military drills (Medusa 12) with it like two weeks ago along with Cyprus, Saudi Arabia and USA. In fact Turkey is the one left alone and outcasted.

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He just told you Egypt will fight for Egyptian interests, and you say it will fight for Greek/French interests again! Do you just read words without understanding them ?

Turkey is the one making concessions by not supporting MB anymore and changing its tone in media towards Egypt. Egypt does not make the slightest attempt to bring back the relations, it's Turkey that does so because it's desperate and feels cornered and outcasted. Your stupid Erdogan shouldn't have insulted Sisi and supported the terrorist MB that killed our soldiers in Sinai and bombed police stations and killed protesters in the street during their rule. He even went too far when he received fleeing MB terrorists that killed our soldiers and protected them after Sisi took over, They have innocent Egyptian blood on their hands, Shame on him. There is no peace yet with you, and you should stop saying "I'm not against Egyptians themselves" as if we are somehow oppressed and we don't like our president or army, well you should know that we support him and we support our army and we approve of anything they do.

Greece is not left alone. We had a powerful military drills (Medusa 12) with it like two weeks ago along with Cyprus, Saudi Arabia and USA. In fact Turkey is the one left alone and outcasted.

View attachment 905235
Mashaallah ya akhy
Greece is not left alone. We had a powerful military drills (Medusa 12) with it like two weeks ago along with Cyprus, Saudi Arabia and USA. In fact Turkey is the one left alone and outcasted.

USA , S.Arabia never will fight against Turkiye
and Egypt can not change anything in the Eastern Mediterranean

in a conflict everybody will see how Greece left alone ..
and useless Medusa-12 military exercise is nothing
try drilling in Turkish EEZ . then everybody will see what will happen with weak countries which are nothing without USA-France

and Turkiye doing same military exercises with USA , Italy , Spain , etc in the Eastern Mediterranean

keep go on useless Medusa-12

They have innocent Egyptian blood on their hands, Shame on him.


SISI has innocent Egyptian blood on his hands who made military coup and killed over 5.000 Egyptians

Shame on him

Terrorist FETO also tried to make military coup in Turkiye for American-İsraeli interests
but brave great Turkish People kicked Terrorist FETO

There is no peace yet with you

Peace or not
we dont care about anyone who can not produce even anti-ship Missile
Nobody can steal our EEZ and MAVI VATAN

We have enough power to protect our rights .... Thanks to great Turkish defense Industry
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BARBAROS Coastal Defense System

-- 4 x ATMACA Anti-Ship Missiles ( 250 km )
-- 6 x CAKIR Anti-Ship Missiles ( 150 km )

BARBAROS Coastal Defense System put into service of the Turkish Armed Forces as a system that can relocate in less than 5 minutes, uses the ADVENT Combat Management System and network centric warfare capabilities against targets at sea, and can combine information from Radar systems and engage in target engagement

Range : 250 km
Warhead : 250 kg
Speed : mach 0.95
Guidance : RF , IIR , RA , two way datalink
Super sea skimmimg ( below 3 m )


Super sea skimmimg ( below 3 m ) ...


Turkish EEZ under protection ... Thanks to great Turkish Defense Industry
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Aren't you a conservative Muslim? Or pan-islamist? I meant that you are heavily biased towards Israel in general and that does not let you see things in a neutral way when it comes to military and geopolitical matters.
There is no such thing is a "conservative Muslim". According to people here praying 5 times makes you a "conservative Muslim" while it's a basic every muslim must do everyday.

I want Muslims to be united, but I don't consider myself a "pan-islamist".

I am neutral and only speak facts. The only "heavily biased" person here is you towards Turkey. You make sometimes stupid and borderline ridiculous statements.
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