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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Obviously not going well enough considering that the Tibetan population has been increasing since 1950 and muslims in xinjiang are less than 10% of all muslims in china.

Really ? Tell that to someone who can believe in the propaganda of your Communist party.

Muslims & Tibetans are getting outnumbered and hence ethnic cleansed by mass-migration of Han Chinese population. This is 100 times worst than anything Israel is accused of doing on Palestinians. But, Wily Chinese are doing everything silently. This is the systematic state policy of imperialist communist party of china.
Really ? Tell that to someone who can believe in the propaganda of your Communist party.

Muslims & Tibetans are getting outnumbered and hence ethnic cleansed by mass-migration of Han Chinese population. This is 100 times worst than anything Israel is accused of doing on Palestinians. But, Wily Chinese are doing everything silently. This is the systematic state policy of imperialist communist party of china.

I don't know enough about what China is doing in Tibet or Sinkiang to comment on that.

But I will tell you one thing: Pro-Israeli bloggers are lashing out at Turkey by bringing up Kurdistan and Armenia recently.

And you are probably the first Indian I know who is attacking China by bringing up Tibet and Sinkiang because Chinese bloggers are in general pro-Palestinians.
Turkey is going to do this, turkey is going to do that...All bluffs...No action....

At the end of day, nothing is going to happen.

If Islamist government of Turkey cuts off relations with Israel, Turkey and its people will be the loser. Turkey will lose all the sophisticated technologies Israel could offer in various fields. Turkey will remain militarily backward.

It is the time for Secular Turkish Army to kick out this islamist government and restore secularism in Turkey. More islamization by Ergoden government will take Turkey more backward.

Interesting quote, coming from 'the largest democracy in the world'! Perhaps the same 'logic' was applied by Israel when Hamas won the last elections in 2007--free and fair, no disagreement on that at least. Too bad, soon after that, the blockade began.

As to your remark about Turkey losing a lot because of Israeli non-cooperation in military affairs, I'd say that I am not an expert in that. I do know that the bilateral trade is only about $2.5 billion per year--a puny amount. I also know that Turkey is still part of the NATO and thus, so long as that persists, Turkey will be just fine. I also suspect modern warfare is so different from the previous ones that even---EVEN IF--Israelis manages to destroy the entire Turkish military it will come at a cost too much for Israel.

Bottom line: Israel needs Turkey more than vice versa. This whole 'Islamist' Turkey is just too simplistic: Turks will continue to sip their vodka and put on Hijabs while marching on in their march of history. So don't be too ideological there.
Really ? Tell that to someone who can believe in the propaganda of your Communist party.

Muslims & Tibetans are getting outnumbered and hence ethnic cleansed by mass-migration of Han Chinese population. This is 100 times worst than anything Israel is accused of doing on Palestinians. But, Wily Chinese are doing everything silently. This is the systematic state policy of imperialist communist party of china.

Xinjiang and Tibet is historical part of China.

Who supported Tibet independence from China?
Britain Empire, because she wants to extend her empire from India to Tibet of China.

Who supported so-called East Turkistan?
USSR not Turkey in 1944-49!
Because USSR used Uyghur card to force KMT(ROC) to negotiate with CCP, and let ROC to admit Outer Mongolia independence!

There is NO Tibet and East Turkistan in morden time!

USA supports ROC, she never recognize Tibet and East Turkistan. Just only China turns from ROC to PRC, USA decides to destablize China. 

Uyghur and Tibetan know that they are only playing cards for anti-China powers!
Really ? Tell that to someone who can believe in the propaganda of your Communist party.

Muslims & Tibetans are getting outnumbered and hence ethnic cleansed by mass-migration of Han Chinese population. This is 100 times worst than anything Israel is accused of doing on Palestinians. But, Wily Chinese are doing everything silently. This is the systematic state policy of imperialist communist party of china.

Tibet and Xinjiang issue cannot be compared with Palestine issue.

There is neither Israel nor Palestine state in the World before WWII.

But China has legimate sovereignty over Tibet and Xinjiang. Both Legue of Nations and UN supports this!
Defend themselves even before they were physically attacked ?

Stop bullshitting man !

How the F do you know that? Did Israel release the videos before and after this incident? Did you see any video before the Israeli soldiers landed on the ship and have you seen anything what actually pushed those people to defend themselves with sticks and sling shots. Israel confiscated all the cameras and video cameras and did not give them back and release the footage. They obviously have something to hide.

And stop sucking Israeli balls. The reason why an Indian is siding with Israel is all because it is an issue involving Muslims.
Aslamo Alaikum,
I salute our brothers in Turkey and the government for speaking out loud against israeli terror and violent actions against the people of palestine. Pakistan being the only Muslim nuclear power is tangled in internal feuds and most of the government officials are taking bribes from foriegn enemies. They want to keep Pakistan busy away from any strong action.
-Keep Pakistan busy in terrorism,bomb blasts,racial & religious violence.
-Keep pakistan from becomming financially strong.
-Keep wrong elements in control / government.
-Keep Pakistan from developing any relationship with Iran.

May Allah help poor people and punish all responsible. Ameen.
really sensible post. agree with you. Gandhi would be sad yeah, but atleast India is on the right track now. Jinnah would be sad too, if he was here he would think what is this, this is what we fought and struggled for? this is why our people died? so some scum like zardari and co rob our people while no one stands up to them? These people clearly have no respect for our leaders and their hard work, they don't give a **** about our people, would be good if they had been aborted. lol.

yeah i really think India and Pakistan should have peace, i really don't want this tu tu-meh meh to go on for eternity. just end it now, and both sides must play fair only then it will work. imagine if Pakistan and India have peace. So much of the budget would go towards the right things (education) and both can become developed nations then. I've always thought that the pakistani and indian people don't hate each other, its the governments which do and they start fire. i know a lot of indian people and we get along soo nicely. but i guess the leaders of USA don't want that either (not talking bout USA public), they don't want competition, now do they?

I just hope this gets sorted out before it involves everyone and i pray for the betterment of our countries.
I think this is a pure publicity stunt. He wants to get popular world wide, look now all international news channels must be streaming this as a breaking news.

This issue could have been dealt in a better way. Anyway just let sit back and watch as the story unfolds :pop:

BTW, What is the better way?
Won't be surprised if Israel start showing Jihadi Links between Turkey and Alqaeda.Some zionists jouralists are working hard on this lol.Idiots.
I will ask you one thing

is it practical what you are saying? the substance in the article is non sense... you will not know. i don know how many terrorist attack your country has suffered through cross border

As long as u have India as neighbour on border you are rest assured there wont be cross border terrorism... Israel case is different... israel has suffered terrorism from its neighbours

Secondly please take any country s name with respect or if you don have the courtesy don take names... i think you would mind if i call u bangy...

Please compare the map of Palestine from 1946 to present. It almost reverse from original state. Where did this state called Israel come from in few decade? How do you think original inhabitant of this land react to this alien force and why isn't their cause justify to take their mother land back by any means necessary?

Let say Bangladesh some how acquire super weapon and take over your country by force.

Will you accept our rule over you or You will try to cut our neck when we ain't looking? :coffee:

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wow TURKS ... nothing going to happen its all hyped

exactly. Nthng gonna happen. .here members r giving clause of nato to attack israel. .lol. .the unwritten clause of zionist nato wont help turkey. .they will left alone.
baically turkey is being dum... if they really want to help gaza send it by land dont let thoes <> have an excuse that you are a terriost and you support them
baically turkey is being dum... if they really want to help gaza send it by land dont let thoes <> have an excuse that you are a terriost and you support them
Stop cursing around.

Turkey is not going to attack Israel, its going to feed people in need of help in Gaza.

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