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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Fix your post, vishalgusty. Then I will reply.

The format is [quote} text {/quote]

replace { and } with [ and ]
This is impractical from a leader's perspective. Mr. Erdogan will only be risking his own neck by taking a trip to the embattled zone. Navy escort is understandable but why would a national leader go there and do something like this? This is not the era of warrior kings and sultans who would lead an Army and Mr. Erdogan certainly seems to have put on age since his term of service in military.

This is sheer over-reaction and giving a political edge to a military scenario.

Erdogan risking his neck for some thing you can never understand.
Our beliefs and values about life are 180° opposite. even i try to explain you it will never be enough.
FYI, It is not the first time in our history and i hope not the last.
@Thomas is correct again: NATO is not going to come to support Turkey. American position is clear: Turkey's strong voice for the recent UNSC vote was watered down by Americans and they will again find a way to remove any NATO involvement in case of Turkey-Israel shooting war (ie if that war ever happens--very unlikely). These are the realities.

But..let's say hypothetically, there is a shooting war which escalates to full-blown conflict. I am almost certain the Syrians, Hizbollah, and Gazans would join the Turks, if not even Jordan/Egypt. That will be multiple front, with rains of missiles destroying Israeli infrastructure while Israelis doing major damage as well. The option before Israel could be using tactical nukes to prevent any advancing armies. Will Pakistan stay silent? I think not. There is going to be open passage for Pakistani forces to reach Turkey and give them the needed; Iran would welcome that.
So...are the nukes even an option for Israel unless Israeli wish is to go the Samson Option route: Bring down the world if the Zionist dreams is ending.
So much of this is all possible, however unlikely. Human beings have killed each other in madness before and I don't see enough 'maturity' to prevent more massive blood-bath.
You know, Nato is not going to come to Turkey's aid.

Israel can Nuke Istanbul and even then Nato will not come to Turkey's aid. We've seen this happen between our war with India. Turkey should be smarter than we were, and do not put all their eggs in the western basket.
This is not the era of warrior kings and sultans who would lead an Army

if only it were, perhaps leaders would behave with valour and decency, instead of cowardice and sophistry
This is one strange move.
What do you guys think: is this because of his Islamic identity or is this because he want popularity and votes, or is this because he is a good human being?
This is one strange move.
What do you guys think: is this because of his Islamic identity or is this because he want popularity and votes, or is this because he is a good human being?
This is what ANY nation should do. The only thing is our nation's leaders are sold off to these western powers perhaps even on their payrolls, so they never really uphold national pride or try to do the right thing like feed hungry and destitute people and prevent a genocide.
This is one strange move.
What do you guys think: is this because of his Islamic identity or is this because he want popularity and votes, or is this because he is a good human being?

I think this is a pure publicity stunt. He wants to get popular world wide, look now all international news channels must be streaming this as a breaking news.

This issue could have been dealt in a better way. Anyway just let sit back and watch as the story unfolds :pop:
This is one strange move.
What do you guys think: is this because of his Islamic identity or is this because he want popularity and votes, or is this because he is a good human being?

No because confront the evil, though i dont consider it a wise move
guys remember we pakistanis r always present in war against israel remember our nuclear umbrella if israel dare to threaten with their nukes we ll do the same for turkey or any other country ...

Under NATO turkey also have nuke and she can used it with the permission of NATO to defend their country
@Thomas is correct again: NATO is not going to come to support Turkey. American position is clear: Turkey's strong voice for the recent UNSC vote was watered down by Americans and they will again find a way to remove any NATO involvement in case of Turkey-Israel shooting war (ie if that war ever happens--very unlikely). These are the realities.

But..let's say hypothetically, there is a shooting war which escalates to full-blown conflict. I am almost certain the Syrians, Hizbollah, and Gazans would join the Turks, if not even Jordan/Egypt. That will be multiple front, with rains of missiles destroying Israeli infrastructure while Israelis doing major damage as well. The option before Israel could be using tactical nukes to prevent any advancing armies. Will Pakistan stay silent? I think not. There is going to be open passage for Pakistani forces to reach Turkey and give them the needed; Iran would welcome that.
So...are the nukes even an option for Israel unless Israeli wish is to go the Samson Option route: Bring down the world if the Zionist dreams is ending.
So much of this is all possible, however unlikely. Human beings have killed each other in madness before and I don't see enough 'maturity' to prevent more massive blood-bath.
at the most it would a limited war, even if it occurs at all..then som international actors ll intervene n game ll b over..oh not to forget the war crime reports that ll come afterwards but wont move a lice on uncle sams head!
You know, Nato is not going to come to Turkey's aid.

Israel can Nuke Istanbul and even then Nato will not come to Turkey's aid. We've seen this happen between our war with India. Turkey should be smarter than we were, and do not put all their eggs in the western basket.
i dont think even in isanity any such thing is going to happen..no mukes or it would b WW3..
n pakistans case was different..we were not entitled to get help except for the cold adversaries..our rulers were foolish to rely on US..
n even NATO members (esp EU) may have different stances..i dont think even they ll agree on single strategy..
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