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Turkish Missile Programs

Not yet, there isnt even any info about Atmaca antishipping missile commenced in 2008 but talked about likely ramjet integration. Addition, Murat Bayar stated that Roketsan reached so precision results for a missile having a range of 250km. It is expected mhe missile Mr Murat stated is about Atmaca SSM.

Well, I asked because i've never heard of a ramjet-powered ATGM before. If we can make that UMTAS-ER it may exceed capabilities of JAGM. I also expect it to be heavier, maybe somewhere in between AGM114 and JAGM.

It'd reduce T129's ATGM capacity from 12 to 8 with full UMTAS-ER load.
this thread is one of my favorite dont know guess we all feel like a kid in a candy store; OMTAS, UMTAS, Cirit, Low and Medium Altitude SAM, SOM and the rest...However I realy hope to hear something about ATMACA soon. without any doubt it will be another turning point for our military industry... our first missile with an active radar homing...

but unfortunatly at the moment all we have is just some rumors like ''They are currently working on the integration of Atmaca ASM into a G-Class Frigate at Golcuk Shipyard'' or its range; so in fact we dont have much info

- 70+ if this is the case guess for a start and for agean 70+ is good enough! but as we all know max-range 70+ may mean lots of things

- 250 km if it is true then we may have a chance to assume or lets say to speculate that it may also have some sort of land attact capability I mean for costal targets or naval targets in ports?? or ramjet??

I am almost sure that the next step will be an air launched ATMACA; SOM and Slam-er are over-kill for naval targets we need something else for this role! there were rumors about harpoon block 2 for new F 16 50+ and CIPP modernized ones! but did not get them....

eventually we may have an ATMACA missile family

- standart ATMACA anti ship missile which can be launched by the most of our navy vessels types

- an extended range version with land attack capability i.e costal targets or naval targets in ports


- ramjet powered ATMACA

-air launched ATMACA

- ATMACA may also provide an alternative missile body for a new cruise missile

and we can also expect navilized version of our ATMs lets say for our seahawks...

PS LegionnairE guess there is a misunderstanding the ramjet is for ATMACA
Why is UMTAS capacity of T129, 12 missiles instead of 16?

T129 : Wing weapons stores 4 x 300kg Please chech the "Technical Data"

Missile < 37.5 kg; 4 Missiles + Launcher < 210kg Please check the table.

Is there another limitation in the number of missiles a chopper could carry?

I think It is about meeting the performance criterias TSK requested. As you pointed out There isn't any techical limitation to integrate 16 AT missiles instead of 12 but Most probably I think There is a TAI target like "5000kg take-off weight and aprox. 6000m altitude service ceiling performance with a satisfactory weapon payload that may change in accordance with mission profile...etc" in accordance with TSK wishes.
I have only seen 12 ATGM limitation. There is a considerable difference in the weight of UMTAS + launcher and PARS 3LR + launcher platform as the future ATGM of Europe.


Even AGM-114R Hellfire IIN has the weight of 48kg.

weight of UMTAS = 37.4kg
weight of 4xUMTAS + launcher=210kg => launcher=60kg
weight of 4x(4xUMTAS + launcher)= 840kg

weight of Hellfire IIN = 48kg
weight of 4xlauncher=60x4=240kg (consider the same launcher as UMTAS)
weight of 12x(Hellfire IIN) + 4xlauncher= 816kg

Difference of 16xUMTAS and 12xHellfire IIN is only 24 kg! The tolerance of two pilots weight could be more than that!
I only have seen 12 ATGM limitation. There is a considerable difference in the weight of UMTAS + launcher
and PARS 3LR + launcher platform as the future ATGM of Europe.


Even AGM-114R Hellfire IIN has the weight of 48kg.

weight of UMTAS = 37.4kg
weight of 4xUMTAS + launcher=210kg => launcher=60kg
weight of 4x(4xUMTAS + launcher)= 840kg

weight of Hellfire IIN = 48kg
weight of 4xlauncher=60x4=240kg (consider the same launcher as UMTAS)
weight of 12x(Hellfire IIN) + 4xlauncher= 816kg

Difference of 16xUMTAS and 12xHellfire IIN is only 24 kg! The tolerance of two pilots weight could be more than that!

You certainly sure. I think &#305;t wont be a surprise if we see T-129 atak equiped with 16 Umtas missilles in near future.
For the most of the time they will still fly with 8UMTAS' + rocket pods configuration...

There is not much of a tank force around Turkey. It'll rain cirits on terrorists. :)

Still, development of that 15km ranged UMTAS will be useful. It will make T129 able to hit enemies that targeted by our UAVs. They won't hear it coming :D T129s will be able to stay out of sight while firing and we can assasinate terrorist leaders with this ability.

Think about it, out of nowhere an UMTAS hits you :D complete surprise for poor terrorist
You certainly sure. I think &#305;t wont be a surprise if we see T-129 atak equiped with 16 Umtas missilles in near future.
Except TUC1 will fly with AGM114s for a while which means we'll use 12 ATGMs for AT configuration. Still a good punch for a light attack helicopter.
Some work to sell UMTAS & Cirit to Chile and Brazil (contacts established)

Roketsan' eye :

May&#305;s 2012 tarihinde Milli Savunma Bakan&#305; beraberinde gerçekle&#351;en Brezilya-&#350;ili ziyareti.

6-12 May&#305;s 2012 tarihlerinde Milli Savunma Bakan&#305; Sn &#304;smet YILMAZ Brezilya ve &#350;ili&#8217;ye Türk Savunma Sanayii firmalar&#305; yetkilileri ile bir ziyaret gerçekle&#351;tirmi&#351;tir. Ziyarete, ROKETSAN ile birlikte TÜB&#304;TAK ve ilgili Enstitüleri, Aselsan, TA&#304;, THY, Havelsan, Yüksel Savunma, Gate Elektronik firmalar&#305; ve MSB yetkilileri kat&#305;l&#305;m sa&#287;lam&#305;&#351;t&#305;r. Toplant&#305;lara ROKETSAN ad&#305;na Genel Müdür Sn Selçuk YA&#350;AR ve Pazarlama Müdürü Sn Cenk SUMBAS kat&#305;lm&#305;&#351;t&#305;r.

197 Milyonluk nüfusu ile dünyan&#305;n 6.büyük ekonomisine sahip olan Brezilya, dünyadaki yükselen pazarlar kategorisinde yer almaktad&#305;r. Brezilya Hükümeti taraf&#305;ndan yap&#305;lan planlamalarda, Brezilya Silahl&#305; Kuvvetlerinin önümüzdeki 10 y&#305;l içerisinde savunma projelerine 120 Milyar Dolar bütçe ay&#305;raca&#287;&#305; öngörülmektedir. Bu bütçe ile Brezilya Hükümetinin siyasi kararlar&#305; do&#287;rultusunda Brezilya ordusunun BM Bar&#305;&#351; Gücüne daha çok katk&#305; sa&#287;lamas&#305; ve gerek denizlerdeki petrol arama çal&#305;&#351;malar&#305;nda, gerekse Amazon bölgesinin korunmas&#305; çal&#305;&#351;malar&#305;n&#305;n koordine edilmesi hedeflenmektedir.

Bu çerçevede, C&#304;R&#304;T ve UMTAS sisteminin mevcut Brezilya platformlar&#305;na entegrasyonu konusunda somut bir i&#351; birli&#287;i imkan&#305; oldu&#287;u de&#287;erlendirilmekte olup bu konuda çe&#351;itli firmalar ile görü&#351;meler gerçekle&#351;tirilmi&#351;tir.

&#350;ili ise Güney Amerika k&#305;tas&#305;nda geli&#351;mekte olan ülkeler s&#305;n&#305;f&#305;nda yer almaktad&#305;r. Büyük bir orduya sahip olmayan &#350;ili ile yap&#305;lacak çal&#305;&#351;malar&#305;n ROKETSAN ürün ve hizmetlerinin Güney Amerika bölgesindeki 3. ülkelere pazarlanmas&#305; konusunda fayda sa&#287;layaca&#287;&#305; de&#287;erlendirilmektedir. Uzun bir sahil &#351;eridine sahip olan ve savunma harcamalar&#305; artmakta olan &#350;ili&#8217;nin topçu sistemleri haricinde C&#304;R&#304;T ve UMTAS sistemlerine de ihtiyaç duyaca&#287;&#305; de&#287;erlendirilmekte olup çe&#351;itli firmalar ile temas sa&#287;lanm&#305;&#351;t&#305;r.
This bomb is used in YKTB of Daersan (16 for our navy and some 6 ? for Turkmenistan).

cabatli, could you confirm the number of YKTB exported to Turkmenistan ?

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