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Turkish minister of foreign affairs warns Iran.

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Only in your lies

Iran doesnt have any combat proven UCAV
Only low speed dumb Kamikaze Drones for terror attacks on civilians

and only Turkish Air Force is enough for backward Iran
What's the matter? No balls to answer my question?

liar and ignorant loser ,,

stop posting silly post ,, when I kick you in military knowledge
According to yourself only,you have kicked EVERYONE on this forum in "military knowledge" and "history". And also economics,science,everything.

So tell us "professor".....what the f do you do for a living,what have you studied (if you studied) and what's your age.
I actually thought you were pro-Turkish. I'm surprised.

Since you pretend to be such an expert and smarter than everyone here,have the balls to tell us

1.Your age
2.Your job

Stop avoiding the question. You're making yourself look even more of a liar.

I don t want bullies,

I defend some turkish clalims in agean matters, i like turkey country and i really like turkish kebabs, also persians ones...

But Iran has more valid interest in south caucasu than turkiyeh.

If turkiyeh gots Cyprus not problem for me, it s right, and always i prefer a peacefull deal than war,always.

Common sense is prefaerable,always than war.
@Falcon34 Bhai,they had HAWK and Koral deployed there. I mentioned it because you talked about the Koral.

Now,as for the type of aircraft,that's also a matter of rumors. Some say it was Rafale,some say it was Mirage 2000-5. And the Air Force that participated in the operation is also a matter of rumors. It was either Egypt,UAE or France. But most agree that it was probably a Rafale,either Egyptian or French.

Only ignorant TROLL like you can talk about 40 years old outdated HAWK against RAFALE armed with 100 km guided munition

Even TB-2 UCAV destroyed 48 AD Systems including S300 , TOR , BUK , PANTSIR

Turkish Airspace protected by 234 F-16s Fighter Jets and 4 Boeing E-7T AEWC

-- S400
-- And SIPER as of 2023

try it against Turkish Airspace

Turkish Air Force shot down Russian SU-24 in 17 seconds
If turkiyeh gots Cyprus not problem for me, it s right, and always i prefer a peacefull deal than war,always.

Common sense is prefaerable,always than war.
Your common sense is a bit lacking.

Would supposedly live in Spain. Let's say you're Spanish. Spanish Muslim or whatever you are. If Italy wanted the Balearic Islands,would you say "Ok take them" to avoid war?

If let's say,France said "We want all of Castille,Navarra and Catalonia",would you just say "it's a peaceful deal to give them"?

Only ignorant TROLL like you can talk about 40 years old outdated HAWK against RAFALE armed with 100 km guided munition

Even TB-2 UCAV destroyed 48 AD Systems including S300 , TOR , BUK , PANTSIR

Turkish Airspace protected by 234 F-16s Fighter Jets and 4 Boeing E-7T AEWC

-- S400
-- And SIPER as of 2023
Hey,don't change the subject. I asked you something like 6-7 times already. Answer.

Or maybe you don't have the balls? Are you a man or not?
Your common sense is a bit lacking.

Would supposedly live in Spain. Let's say you're Spanish. Spanish Muslim or whatever you are. If Italy wanted the Balearic Islands,would you say "Ok take them" to avoid war?

If let's say,France said "We want all of Castille,Navarra and Catalonia",would you just say "it's a peaceful deal to give them"?

Hey,don't change the subject. I asked you something like 6-7 times already. Answer.

Or maybe you don't have the balls? Are you a man or not?

I said to you before, what is my understandings about that, if you think Greece deserves an island is more than 500km from larnake...not even athens... i dont have so much to talk with your logic.

You are a fanatic greek, or an israeli with greek flags... you are not worried about logic. i want to give each one what it is.

You have hundreds of islands, and you don t want to give anything to Turkiyeh,why? look at the map,carefully.
Hey,don't change the subject. I asked you something like 6-7 times already. Answer.

Or maybe you don't have the balls? Are you a man or not?

Only you loser changed the subject .
if you think Greece deserves an island is more than 500km from larnake...not even athens... i dont have so much to talk with your logic.
Even this sentence doesn't make sence. An island "more than 500km from Larnake". Man,Larnaca is in Cyprus. And what exactly does being far from the mainland have to do with it? It's like saying Spain doesn't deserve the Canarias,because they are where they are.

You are a fanatic greek, or an israeli with greek flags... you are not worried about logic. i want to give each one what it is.
I'm a "fanatic greek" because you think a majority Greek population island should be given to Turkey,just because it's closer to the Turkish Republic? Wtf?

Only you loser change the subject ..idiot
What's the matter? Why so frustrated? Can't you give an honest reply finally? No balls to do that?
I asked you something like 6-7 times already. Answer.
I shall answer truth for MMME as i am his legal representative

1. MMME is 20-35 yrs old however has been intellectually stunted due to developmental disorders during his youth therefore he has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old

2. MMME lives in a study room (not a bedroom) in a small apartment and leaves the room only to use the toilet. MMME believes working is for 'wage slaves' and that alphas like him do not need to work or have a family and that he is beating the system by living on disability checks for his disorders.
Low Iq turks are so funny.
Your shitty air force can't even enter our air space.
We have one of Best air defence systems of world
Lol shitty Air defense you have and I'm not turk you fool they have 1000 km range cruise missiles they don't need enter in your airspace stand off missiles will do the trick
Poor turks, always deceived by delusions.

Their ANKA drone is literally a copy of iranian Simorgh. Turks were complexed because they didn t have jet powered drones, and iranians were ahead them upon sentinel hacking event.

Turks were bakhurted strongly by this, and they decided to build Kilizelma, a useless paltaform, subsonic, and of no use for serious armies, and serious defence systems as iranians.

Any village radar substation from Iran can see inr adar panel you kilizelma even in Diyarbakir.... from iranian border.

You have to read the last comments of iranian commanders, radar sections is not a matter today for iranians. Take it seriously, for the better.
Any sane iranian (if that even exists) should be ashamed of this outrageous statement. iranian drones are like the 💩under my shoes.

Just as you cant compare qaher-313 vs F-22 you also cant compare iranian alibaba drones to advanced state of the art Nato standart Turkish uav’s its a no-brainer really

Read that fucking article plz, I just summarised it in my post but do read it ur self.

Iranians are pajeets of the muslim world living in their fucking delusional world!! wake or the turks will gve u a good nice spank!
Dont worry brother they are in for a very rude awakening very soon
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Lol shitty Air defense you have and I'm not turk you fool they have 1000 km range cruise missiles they don't need enter in your airspace stand off missiles will do the tri
These iranians are stubborn they only understand the language of force. We need to put down this rabid dog once and for all.
Kilizelma, i cannot imagine where turkey can fly this...

Any sayad 2 missile would eat this for breakfast, a subsonic platform, will have the same fate as triton drone. Seriously, it s a joke, you have Kilizelma because US has not given you F-35, they have after for your hapiness with a second class product, not usefull for nothing.
@Falcon34 Bhai,they had HAWK and Koral deployed there. I mentioned it because you talked about the Koral.

Now,as for the type of aircraft,that's also a matter of rumors. Some say it was Rafale,some say it was Mirage 2000-5. And the Air Force that participated in the operation is also a matter of rumors. It was either Egypt,UAE or France. But most agree that it was probably a Rafale,either Egyptian or French.
Come on man Rafales or mirages against a ew, hawk and TB2,
And they were not expecting those jets, the EW could could have been off or they simply did not engage those targets,
Koral and Tb2 is not wonder weapon but when u talk of full scale war scenario There will Long range SAMs, EW, Fighter Sweep and full radar system turned data linked assets will creat a real time picture of the entire air space!.
I am not saying turks will steam roll iran but war for zangzur they will definetly win as for decisively defeating iran no one can do that even the americans will think twice before such an adventure in iranian heart land
The iranians don't have luxury of those fighter aircraft, They have BM and use of those on turkey means Article 5!
And dude leave poor MMME alone, i think he is lonely middle aged guy living in his parents basement, who has nothing to do other than make those lengthy post here!
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I don t want bullies,

I defend some turkish clalims in agean matters, i like turkey country and i really like turkish kebabs, also persians ones...

But Iran has more valid interest in south caucasu than turkiyeh.

If turkiyeh gots Cyprus not problem for me, it s right, and always i prefer a peacefull deal than war,always.

Common sense is prefaerable,always than war.
Never trust gayreeks. Our friendship as our hostility is real and clear to see. It is never hidden. Meanwhile a gayreek will smile in your face and stab you in the back the moment you turn your back on him.
Come on man Rafales or mirages against a ew, hawk and TB2,
And they were not expecting those jets, the EW could could have been off or they simply did not engage those targets,
Koral and Tb2 is not wonder weapon but when u talk of full scale war scenario There will Long range SAMs, EW, Fighter Sweep and full radar and system turned!.
The iranians have neither, They have BM and use of those on turkey means Article 5
let them try again that base is now protected by Hisar-O air defence systems. In the future Burç and Gurz will also be stationed there those rafales will be kebab.

Read that fucking article plz, I just summarised it in my post but do read it ur self.

Iranians are pajeets of the muslim world living in their fucking delusional world!! wake or the turks will gve u a good nice spank!
Why you Arab don't do it ?!

So we are supposed to be afraid some turkified Greeks when we are not afraid of USA empire ?!
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