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İstanbul'da bir lise öğrencisi İlayda ŞAMİLGİL, "Maddelerdeki su oranını mıknatısla ölçen" bilimsel bir proje üreterek TÜBİTAK'a teslim etti. Hayvanat Bahçesi müdürlüğünden gelen yöneticileri ile TÜBİTAK bu projeyi yararsız bularak reddetti.

Aynı TÜBİTAK geçen sene ayet okunmuş fasülyeyi birinci seçmişti..

İlayda, projesini bu defa "First Step To Nobel Prize In Physics" isimli uluslararası yarışmaya gönderdi. Yetmiş ülkeden yarışmaya katılan beş bin proje içinde, TÜBİTAK'ın yararsız dediği İlayda'nın projesi birinci oldu...

Bir bakanın "bizden mucit, kalem efendisi çıkmaz, ara eleman yetiştirmeye odaklanmalıyız" dediği ülkedeyiz. Bilim dahil herşey siyasallaşmış durumda, o yüzden NASA Mars'ta su bulurken, biz toprağa ekecek tohumu İsrail'den ithal edip, okuyup üfleyerek bilim yapıyoruz...

Seems to be totally absurd. Bor mineral is used to safely bind hydrogen atoms. One bor atom can bind 8 hydrogen atom which makes it the most capable hydrogen holding say mineral. Bor itself is not consumed. But the fuel substance is turned into some other substance that needs to be processed to reclaim the bor inside it after being used as a fuel in a car fuel cell system. The bottleneck about the fuel cell systems is the cost of reclaiming the bor at this time.

So 1kg bor takes you 19k kilometers seems absurd. And the world goes more towards fully electric battery cars rather than fuell cells at this time. Bor fuell cells still have value but more research work has to be done about it.


İstanbul'da bir lise öğrencisi İlayda ŞAMİLGİL, "Maddelerdeki su oranını mıknatısla ölçen" bilimsel bir proje üreterek TÜBİTAK'a teslim etti. Hayvanat Bahçesi müdürlüğünden gelen yöneticileri ile TÜBİTAK bu projeyi yararsız bularak reddetti.

Is this written somewhere?

Aynı TÜBİTAK geçen sene ayet okunmuş fasülyeyi birinci seçmişti.

Any link to this please?

İlayda, projesini bu defa "First Step To Nobel Prize In Physics" isimli uluslararası yarışmaya gönderdi. Yetmiş ülkeden yarışmaya katılan beş bin proje içinde, TÜBİTAK'ın yararsız dediği İlayda'nın projesi birinci oldu...

Bir bakanın "bizden mucit, kalem efendisi çıkmaz, ara eleman yetiştirmeye odaklanmalıyız" dediği ülkedeyiz. Bilim dahil herşey siyasallaşmış durumda, o yüzden NASA Mars'ta su bulurken, biz toprağa ekecek tohumu İsrail'den ithal edip, okuyup üfleyerek bilim yapıyoruz...
Is this Bor mineral being used as a different kind of ingredient then a binding element for Hydrogen or what? Any idea?
Or, have our guys been succesful in developing efficient fuel cells? While bor recycling bottleneck is a big hurdle in broad use of it in transportation it can still be used in specific applications like UAV powering if it is up to the task.

Borlu İHA'larda son aşamaya gelindi
Is this Bor mineral being used as a different kind of ingredient then a binding element for Hydrogen or what? Any idea?
Or, have our guys been succesful in developing efficient fuel cells? While bor recycling bottleneck is a big hurdle in broad use of it in transportation it can still be used in specific applications like UAV powering if it is up to the task.

Borlu İHA'larda son aşamaya gelindi
There is Boric acid being used widely as buffer substance, we used Boric Acid made in Turkey in our place.
There is Boric acid being used widely as buffer substance, we used Boric Acid made in Turkey in our place.

It is used for buffering pH levels in pool waters. But the UAV seems to be a different story.
Not only pool water but many chemical solutions, i thought you were asking about general use.

It's use as some kind of fuel is of big importance. Espacially it says it will triple UAV endurance. I bet it is a fuel cell that will triple the fuel cell endurance on electric UAVs. I kind of remember the mention of such a dev effort being made at Tubitak and I actually was in the audience when they told about it at a seminar in the Air War School in Istanbul. Like 1-2 years ago.
Bor can only be used as energy carrier or storage. If we talk about energy issues.
We should better concentrate on Thorium reserves in Türkiye.
It's use as some kind of fuel is of big importance. Espacially it says it will triple UAV endurance. I bet it is a fuel cell that will triple the fuel cell endurance on electric UAVs. I kind of remember the mention of such a dev effort being made at Tubitak and I actually was in the audience when they told about it at a seminar in the Air War School in Istanbul. Like 1-2 years ago.
Being aviable to use it as fuel would be obviusly good for us but lets wait for solid results, i have seen too many sensational news.
E1000 1MW power Electric locomotive

it will be used as short distance freight train. The knowledge and technology developed for this project will be leveraged for high speed national train.

View attachment 227868

So far

AC traction motor converter
AC traction motor control unit
Central control unit
Related software development
locomotive dynamic modeling

knowledge gained and developed its in testing phase now

Ready to go (it will be ceremony today )

Turkish-American scientist wins Nobel Prize - SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY

A Turkish-American DNA scientist is among the three names to win this year’s Nobel Prize in chemistry, the award-giving body announced on Oct. 7.

Aziz Sancar, Sweden’s Tomas Lindahl, and the U.S.-based Paul Modrich won the prize for work on mapping how cells repair damaged DNA.

Their work has provided fundamental knowledge of how a living cell functions and is, for instance, used for the development of new cancer treatments,” the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said in a statement awarding the 8 million Swedish crowns ($969,000).

“I just got a call half an hour ago. My wife took it and woke me up. I was not expecting it at all. I was very surprised,” Sancar told Adam Smith, the chief scientific officer at Nobel Media in a phone interview.

“[Turkish author] Orhan Pamuk got it in literature a number of years ago,” Sancar said, noting that he was the first Turkish-born scientist to receive the award.


I like this guy :-) true Patriot.
@Combat-Master Yes Brother, yesterday I published a much more impressive picture of him and his family and watched his nephew in Mardin, he had impressive mustache


We must educate the girls from Mardin to Edirne. If we would not do so, we would lose half of our labor force. I beg again from our brothers from the East: please send your daughters to school.

I am glad for contributing to Turkish science. BBC’s first question was: “Are you Arabian?”. Then they asked, “Are you partially Turkish?”. I am Turkish and that’s all. I am Turkish either I was born in Mardin or Kars.

Indecision in Turkey makes me sad. I get sad if I read Turkish press, I can not make research properly. Even in foreign news, whenever I hear about Turkey I think that it is bad news.

We have wonderful education in Turkey. In Turkey, schools are free of charge. I owe this prize to my country and the education started with republic era. Young academicians should return to Turkey when they finish their school.

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