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Turkish Geopolitics/ Foreign Affairs

You are looking at the situation from ummah perspective and we are looking from more ethnically perspective, besides we are allready helping those who need our help, 1,5 million Syrians alongside other ethnicitys/religions are allready in Turkey, we saved Jews from Ottoman Era till recent history, we helped Balkan countrys in Jugoslavia war including Christian Croatia.

BBC News - Turkey fourth biggest donor country

Turkey is doing more than it should do according to its capabilitys.
well stop looking at it ethnically…
turks got tons of help from non-turks and vice versa… what i was saying like we pakistanis are not turks and we helped you only because you were our muslim brothers and we wanted you to win.
This guy talks in a way if turkey has survived the world war with the help of a dozen of muslim indian who went to war to fight against their hindu compatriots(in british army) on the other side. While in fact, it was muslims(Arabs) who backstabbed turks in big numbers and fought against turks. Still, kurdish muslims are the backstabbers to Turkey and they are the troublemakers.
Also, ISIS guys are also muslims and are bunch of extremists goons, exactly like this guy, just from the opposite side.
In contrast to the ones who have trouble to define themselves as a nation and use Islam to define themselves as a nation, the turk nation have not such problem, and we are proud of our identity as what it is. You can seek ummah or such BS if you want, but spare us from such pre-medieval era mentality of yours.
arabs wanted their own countries….
your not turkish… every turk knows the help they got from muslims in their fight against the christians( europeans)
not only did muslims of pakistan help turkey psychically but all with gold and cash… even poor people in pakistan sold their gold to send money to the turks…… which is why our countries have special relations.
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well stop looking at it ethnically…
turks got tons of help from non-turks and vice versa… what i was saying like we pakistanis are not turks and we helped you only because you were our muslim brothers and we wanted you to win.
How about you stop looking at it religiously and more humanitarian instead of favouring muslims before non muslims?
Besides noone is against help, which our country is allready doing without separation between religion or ethnicity, it isnt help anymore once you start to separate between religions.

But your basically asking us to fight for people who are killing eachother only because his opponent is from another sect :crazy: sry but not my monkey not my circus, you condemn us for our nationalism but believe me a little bit more nationalistic ME would be much more peacefully.

arabs wanted their own countries….
your not turkish… every turk knows the help they got from muslims in their fight against the christians( europeans)
not only did muslims of pakistan help turkey psychically but all with gold and cash… even poor people in pakistan sold their gold to send money to the turks…… which is why our countries have special relations.
They wanted it they got it so whats the problem, they would probably show us their middle finger again once we meddle in Syria and Iraq, actually they are allready doing it without our intervention.
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How about you stop looking at it religiously and more humanitarian instead of favoring muslims before non muslims?
looking at it ethnically creates more divisions.. plus i'm a muslim when i die i have to answer to my maker… so i will help my fellow muslims before i help others.. but i am not against helping non-muslims trust me.. like if a non-muslim needs my help more then i will help that non-muslim…
we were all united under our religion during the ottoman empire…. if it was ethnicity which divided us?? true? arabs vs turks ect.
Besides noone is against help, which our country is allready doing without separation between religion or ethnicity, it isnt help anymore once you start to separate between religions.
i understand… its fine if your helping them thats good…
trust me or my country aren't getting nothing out of this… it merely out concern that I'm saying what I'm saying..
But your basically asking us to fight for people who are killing each other only because his opponent is from another sect :crazy: sry but not my monkey not my circus, you condemy us for our nationalism but believe me a little bit more nationalistic ME would be much more peacefully.
no bro I'm asking you to fight those guys who are killing people for being from another sect or religion ( isis… fight them)
so being nationalistic has got you what so far??? the ottoman empire broke up and you got kurds fighting for independence…
They wanted it they got it so whats the problem, they would probably show us their middle finger again once we meddle in Syria and Iraq, actually they are allready doing it without our intervention.
I'm not arguing with you bro…. your country run it how you want….
a time might come when you might need help again and trust it won't europe or israel that comes to your aid..
arabs wanted their own countries….
so what they did was justified since they cared for themselves, but it is not justified for turks to care for their own national interests? That's a stupid logic.

your not turkish… every turk knows the help they got from muslims in their fight against the christians( europeans)
not only did muslims of pakistan help turkey psychically but all with gold and cash… even poor people in pakistan sold their gold to send money to the turks…… which is why our countries have special relations.
1) Educate yourself. Azerbaijanis are turks.
2) What a dozen(or less) have helped themselves to fight against hindus in british army, has been much lower than the damage that arabs caused, and kurds are causing for Turkey.
looking at it ethnically creates more divisions.. plus i'm a muslim when i die i have to answer to my maker… so i will help my fellow muslims before i help others.. but i am not against helping non-muslims trust me.. like if a non-muslim needs my help more then i will help that non-muslim…
we were all united under our religion during the ottoman empire…. if it was ethnicity which divided us?? true? arabs vs turks ect.
You say we should help muslims first and i say we as the biggest Turkic country should help Turkics first since nobody cares about them, not even our ''muslim brothers'' its that simple.
Its a little bit hypocritical if you ask me to drop my ethnically pereference while you still prefer muslims over non-muslims.

no bro I'm asking you to fight those guys who are killing people for being from another sect or religion ( isis… fight them)
so being nationalistic has got you what so far??? the ottoman empire broke up and you got kurds fighting for independence…
A non nationalistic Turkey would be just like any other ME country or (i really dont wanna say this and pls no offence but) Pakistan.
You guys need to start to care more about your country first than this imaginary Ummah thing or you wont see the light again.

I'm not arguing with you bro…. your country run it how you want….
a time might come when you might need help again and trust it won't europe or israel that comes to your aid..
Neither ME.
so what they did was justified since they cared for themselves, but it is not justified for turks to care for their own national interests? That's a stupid logic.
stupidity truly has no limits ad you have shown it here…
i never said arabs did the right thing… i have saying what they did was wrong!! do you have a reading problem or something??

1) Educate yourself. Azerbaijanis are turks.
then why do you have a separate country?? why not join turkey??
2) What a dozen(or less) have helped themselves to fight against hindus in british army, has been much lower than the damage that arabs caused, and kurds are causing for Turkey.
lol… against with that stupid stuff… perhaps you need to educate yourself a bit more and also learn how to read.

You say we should help muslims first and i say we as the biggest Turkic country should help Turkics first since nobody cares about them, not even our ''muslim brothers'' its that simple.
Its a little bit hypocritical if you ask me to drop my ethnically preference while you still prefer muslims over non-muslims.
your failing realize one thing…. muslims also turkic people as well.. don't forget that.
i am not going to be like you my friend… if your country needs help again our country will help you and sure all the ordinary arabs will as well… they will help you fight and give you money…
and I'm sure most turks also will do the same.. for their fellow muslims.. thats why erdogan is in power.

A non nationalistic Turkey would be just like any other ME country or (i really dont wanna say this and pls no offence but) Pakistan.

how powerful was turkey 60 years after independence ( same age as pakistan)?
can you tell me??
do you think turkey would have gotten our help if they thought about turks before anything?? no!
turks got our help during YOUR war of independence for simply being MUSLIMS… nothing else… we didn't ask anything in return.. you should feel the same. if your a muslim that is.. but if your not then i'm sorry but you just won't understand.
You guys need to start to care more about your cauntry first than this imaginary Ummah thing or you wont see the light again.

Neither ME.
we do care about our country.. we pakistanis are very nationalistic… our country in fact was formed as a homeland to protect our muslim populations. pakistanis are very nationalistic people but we don't forget we are and how we became united… if we weren't muslims we would been the british fighting against you guys like our hindu counter parts…
hope you know what I'm trying to get at lol…
don't get offended.
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stupidity truly has no limits ad you have shown it here…
i never said arabs did the right thing… i have saying what they did was wrong!! do you have a reading problem or something??

then why do you have a separate country?? why not join turkey??

lol… against with that stupid stuff… perhaps you need to educate yourself a bit more and also learn how to read.
Typical insults and rants when one loses the discussion.
Nothing else was expected :lol:
your failing realize one thing…. muslims also turkic people as well.. don't forget that.
i am not going to be like you my friend… if your country needs help again our country will help you and sure all the ordinary arabs will as well… they will help you fight and give you money…
They didnt and they wont.
Your completely ignoring the fact that Turkey was the fourth biggest donor country in the wold in 2013, Turkey also helped Pakistan every time, be it after disastrous floodings or tech transfer such as recent F-16 upgrades.

and I'm sure most turks also will do the same.. for their fellow muslims.. thats why erdogan is in power.
Most Turks wouldnt support a Turkish interwention Syrian war, absolutely not believe me.

Here is the reason why people are voting for AKP.

Turkish Politics | Page 165

how powerful was turkey 60 years after independence ( same age as pakistan)?
can you tell me??
do you think turkey would have gotten our help if they thought about turks before anything?? no!
turks got our help during YOUR war of independence for simply being MUSLIMS… nothing else… we didn't ask anything in return.. you should feel the same. if your a muslim that is.. but if your not then i'm sorry but you just won't understand.
But Turkey doesnt see Pakistan brotherly because you are muslims but because of obvious reasons.
My religion is my private issue and not the subject.

we do care about our country.. we pakistanis are very nationalistic… our country in fact was formed as a homeland to protect our muslim populations. pakistanis are very nationalistic people but we don't forget we are and how we became united… if we weren't muslims we would been the british fighting against you guys like our hindu counter parts…
hope you know what I'm trying to get at lol…
don't get offended.
The nationalism you are describing is completely different than our situation, we are what we are because we had to be like that to save our nation.
No offence taken.
Pakistani-Azerbaijani firefight... Peace, brothers.

Smoke some peacepipe.

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