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Turkish Geopolitics/ Foreign Affairs

as if the average westerner ever regarded us as fellow Europeans to begin with :disagree: decades of humiliating 'EU membership' fallacy is another good example. what is wrong with 'middle eastern' category? because of being associated with Arabs? islam? terrorism? geographically Turkey is indeed in the ME (Asia) and culturally/genetically I'd consider us as Eurasians. that said, i dont believe US and west european countries (EU decision-makers) are honest and sincere with us, akp or not, as the history has clearly shown. you make it sound like a case of you (Turkey) being rejected by a girl (West), but you still belief that she truly loves you, only to be used by her when it suits her and being backstabbed when it suits her. time to move on, adapt to life and find a new girl.

Islamic Faith is right, bro. You can now see those reports about seeking nuclear weapons by turkey, and put them in this category of new propaganda policy. There has always been clear distinction between Turkey and ME countries for europeans. which middle-eastern country has received NATO membership, western weapons and technology, and tens of millions western tourists, ... All that said, but deep down in europeans psyche, they have never forgot Ottoman turks, on Vienna's doors. Also, the struggle about more power in EU is serious, and basically the Germany+France, do not even allow UK to have even much influence in EU, let alone letting big countries like Turkey and Russia to join this union some time, and change their status. It's a complicated issue bro, and we should not over simplify it. ;)
Islamic Faith is right, bro. You can now see those reports about seeking nuclear weapons by turkey, and put them in this category of new propaganda policy. There has always been clear distinction between Turkey and ME countries for europeans. which middle-eastern country has received NATO membership, western weapons and technology, and tens of millions western tourists, ... All that said, but deep down in europeans psyche, they have never forgot Ottoman turks, on Vienna's doors. Also, the struggle about more power in EU is serious, and basically the Germany+France, do not even allow UK to have even much influence in EU, let alone letting big countries like Turkey and Russia to join this union some time, and change their status. It's a complicated issue bro, and we should not over simplify it. ;)
Thats right, the only reson not to allow Turkey into EU is the power shift it would cause, thats why UK and US are pushing for a Turkish membership while France and Germany dont want to loose their dominance within EU.
Thats right, the only reson not to allow Turkey into EU is the power shift it would cause, thats why UK and US are pushing for a Turkish membership while France and Germany dont want to loose their dominance within EU.
That's exactly right. USA+UK will definitely support the membership of Turkey, since Turkey is strategically more close to Anglo-Saxons than mainland European powers, and by considering the millions of new turkish voters, and close to 1 trillion dollars GDP of Turkey, it means a power shift from mainland powers to the axis of USA+UK+Turkey in EU. No wonder, France, and specially Germany would oppose it.
Islamic Faith is right, bro. You can now see those reports about seeking nuclear weapons by turkey, and put them in this category of new propaganda policy. There has always been clear distinction between Turkey and ME countries for europeans. which middle-eastern country has received NATO membership, western weapons and technology, and tens of millions western tourists, ... All that said, but deep down in europeans psyche, they have never forgot Ottoman turks, on Vienna's doors. Also, the struggle about more power in EU is serious, and basically the Germany+France, do not even allow UK to have even much influence in EU, let alone letting big countries like Turkey and Russia to join this union some time, and change their status. It's a complicated issue bro, and we should not over simplify it. ;)
bro, do you think nato (westerners) did all of those things out of charity for Turks? sure it may have helped us too, but as a price Turkey has been singing the tune of the west for too long. And despite all the injustice and mud they still throw at us, from EU membership bs/so called armenian genocide/hypocritical pkk stance/bs media coverage/bs cypriot stance/embargo during cypriot conflict etc, we should still try to get on their good side and believe in their trust? i just dont want Turkey to be toyed around with by the west again. I think we both agree that Turkey's relationship with the west was crucial during the cold war, but where i probably dont agree with you is that i see them as nothing but untrustworthy troublemakers (considering the past) now, not that Erdogan is much better. I just find it morally incorrect to trust and depend on such countries.
bro, do you think nato (westerners) did all of those things out of charity for Turks? sure it may have helped us too, but as a price Turkey has been singing the tune of the west for too long. And despite all the injustice and mud they still throw at us, from EU membership bs/so called armenian genocide/hypocritical pkk stance/bs media coverage/bs cypriot stance/embargo during cypriot conflict etc, we should still try to get on their good side and believe in their trust? i just dont want Turkey to be toyed around with by the west again. I think we both agree that Turkey's relationship with the west was crucial during the cold war, but where i probably dont agree with you is that i see them as nothing but untrustworthy troublemakers (considering the past) now, not that Erdogan is much better. I just find it morally incorrect to trust and depend on such countries.

Could you please read what i and some others ( rmi5 and xenon) wrote in recent posts without any anger or other emotional reaction?
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bro, do you think nato (westerners) did all of those things out of charity for Turks? sure it may have helped us too, but as a price Turkey has been singing the tune of the west for too long. And despite all the injustice and mud they still throw at us, from EU membership bs/so called armenian genocide/hypocritical pkk stance/bs media coverage/bs cypriot stance/embargo during cypriot conflict etc, we should still try to get on their good side and believe in their trust? i just dont want Turkey to be toyed around with by the west again. I think we both agree that Turkey's relationship with the west was crucial during the cold war, but where i probably dont agree with you is that i see them as nothing but untrustworthy troublemakers (considering the past) now, not that Erdogan is much better. I just find it morally incorrect to trust and depend on such countries.

Bro, any country seeks for her own interests. Westerners are not exempt from this rule either. Turkey has taken huge advantages from cooperating with west as well. It's not only for cold war era, but also is true for now, as well. Anyway, westerner countries are the most advanced countries with the most amount of money, and technology. Logically, collaborating with them is better than collaborating with bunch of Hamas terrorists, or MB fascist in Egypt, or pre-medieval mullahs of Iran.

The problem with Erdogan is that:
1. He is a populist and just fools people with empty promises.
2. He supports Hamas, MB, and such, for building his imaginary Islamic caliphate, where all shias, jews, christians, atheists, agnostics, seculars, ... should be burnt or oppressed or ignored, and wants to return Turkey back to pre-medieval era, like Iran.
3. His actions, like supporting KRG, lenient position about arab extremists, ... have very bad consequences for Turkey.
4. He uses a foul language, and insults some people in every one of his speeches.
5. He does not care for Turkic brotherhood, and only the Sultan Erdogan Caliphate is important.
6. He suppresses seculars immensely.
7. He uses the religious sentiments of low educated parts of the society to topple the secular system and betray to the principles of Ataturk.
8. ....
No such thing as protected minorities in Greece.You'destroyed the Vlach community with persecutions and brainwashing leading most of them(who remained as many fled to Romania in the beginning of the 20th century escaping their burning villages,churches and schools at the hands of Greek "patriots") to consider themselves Greeks now.

Your nationalistic elites tried the same thing in Cyprus but...colour me surprised,Turkey stepped in and kicked your behinds.Now you moan about occupation.Cry me a river...
Thanks for your support brother.

Greeks tried to do what they did to Vlach to Turkish Cypriots and prior to Cyprus war many Turkish Cypriots left because of Greek terrorism. The last drop was in 1974 and we put our boots somewhere the light doesn't shine.

Turks stepped in because we know what would happen if we didn't . They commited attrocities to Turks in Greece during 1821 and beyond. That is why Turkey is full with Balkan people. They all fled Greek terrorism.
Bro, any country seeks for her own interests. Westerners are not exempt from this rule either. Turkey has taken huge advantages from cooperating with west as well. It's not only for cold war era, but also is true for now, as well. Anyway, westerner countries are the most advanced countries with the most amount of money, and technology. Logically, collaborating with them is better than collaborating with bunch of Hamas terrorists, or MB fascist in Egypt, or pre-medieval mullahs of Iran.

The problem with Erdogan is that:
1. He is a populist and just fools people with empty promises.
2. He supports Hamas, MB, and such, for building his imaginary Islamic caliphate, where all shias, jews, christians, atheists, agnostics, seculars, ... should be burnt or oppressed or ignored, and wants to return Turkey back to pre-medieval era, like Iran.
3. His actions, like supporting KRG, lenient position about arab extremists, ... have very bad consequences for Turkey.
4. He uses a foul language, and insults some people in every one of his speeches.
5. He does not care for Turkic brotherhood, and only the Sultan Erdogan Caliphate is important.
6. He suppresses seculars immensely.
7. He uses the religious sentiments of low educated parts of the society to topple the secular system and betray to the principles of Ataturk.
8. ....
You are talking about Erdogan and akp specifically, i was talking about Turkey, with akp or not. For that matter we have seen how poorly Turkey was treated when akp was not in power. My point since my first post is basically that Turkey shouldnt search for warm ties with such a hypocritical backstabbing club, i prefer neutral politics and good trade, hence i still cannot understand why some people care about how Europeans classify Turks or want Turkey to get closer with them while their actions so far have indicated that we are unwanted and only used when it suits them. Let's just agree to disagree about this.


ISTANBUL — The EU will provide pre-accession assistance for Turkey in the amount of 4.4 billion euros covering the period of 2014-2020.

The EU will support reforms in the 'enlargement countries' with financial and technical help throughout the accession process for a period of seven years. The EU Commission has a budget of 11 billion euros for the pre-accession funds, dedicating the largest share of resources to Turkey among the beneficiaries.

Of this 4.4 million euros provided to Turkey, 620.4 million will be allocated in 2014, 626.2 million in 2015, 630.7 million in 2016, 636.4 million in 2017, and 1.94 billion during 2018-2020.

For the same period of 2014-2020, the other beneficiary countries Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia will receive respectively 649.5 million, 664,2 million, 645.5 million, 270.5 million, and 1.508 billion euros.

The pre-accession assistance promotes structural reforms which transform a given sector and bring it up to EU standards. These sectors cover areas that are linked to the enlargement strategy such as rule of law, growth and competitiveness, and democracy and governance.

EU provides Turkey with €4.4 billion pre-accession funds | Nation | Daily Sabah
what is wrong with helping you neighbors or fellow muslims??? why you making it sound like a big deal??
when muslims in pakistan sold their gold and sent the money to turks to help them fight their war did we say that we shouldn't help you because you are not pakistani? or because you didn't help us??
there is going to be a time when turkey needs help as well, and the turkish government understands that unlike lot of you young turks on this forum. @Sinan

Hmm... mate, it's not only about, being neighbours or muslims.

For example, if Azerbaijan faces such a treath, we will surely help them....but helping YPG ?

No mate, not in this world. When this Syrian Civil War started. Erdoğan told them to cut their ties with PKK, and don't decleare self-autonomy. YPG ignored everything we said. And now they are in a tight spot.

I can say, no help will arrive from Turks. YPG made it's choice and now they have to live with it.
Hmm... mate, it's not only about, being neighbours or muslims.

For example, if Azerbaijan faces such a treath, we will surely help them....but helping YPG ?

No mate, not in this world. When this Syrian Civil War started. Erdoğan told them to cut their ties with PKK, and don't decleare self-autonomy. YPG ignored everything we said. And now they are in a tight spot.

I can say, no help will arrive from Turks. YPG made it's choice and now they have to live with it.
you will help azerbaijan because they are turkic?? but you won't help other muslim countries? thats what I'm trying to figure out….
what is this with lot of the turks on this forum.. that being turkic makes you more special to turkey?? when turkey got help from muslims in pakistan we didn't look at you as being turks but simply as our muslims brothers, and we wanted you to win…. we pakistanis would do that for all our muslim brothers… you guys should do the same. stop with these ethnic divides bro… we are all united as brothers under islam and we need to get together and finish these terrorist pigs off..
you will help azerbaijan because they are turkic?? but you won't help other muslim countries? thats what I'm trying to figure out….
what is this with lot of the turks on this forum.. that being turkic makes you more special to turkey?? when turkey got help from muslims in pakistan we didn't look at you as being turks but simply as our muslims brothers, and we wanted you to win…. we pakistanis would do that for all our muslim brothers… you guys should do the same. stop with these ethnic divides bro… we are all united as brothers under islam and we need to get together and finish these terrorist pigs off..
You are blaming us with ethnic separation so let me ask one question, would you show the same sensibility if Syria and Iraq was Christian or Jew?
You are blaming us with ethnic separation so let me ask one question, would you show the same sensibility if Syria and Iraq was Christian or Jew?
i would….as a human..
but i would help my fellow muslims before somebody else..
but i don't get why you would ask me this question??? i said lets unite as muslims and fight the terrorists.. nothing wrong with that. set your difference aside for now.. like the kurds aren't a big threat to turkey as isis would be. also turkey should simply just help their fellow muslims because they are in the better position at the moment and muslims are ring slaughtered by isis…
christians already get help… the united states airlifted and bombed isis after they started killing christians but they did nothing before.
i would….as a human..
but i would help my fellow muslims before somebody else..
but i don't get why you would ask me this question??? i said lets unite as muslims and fight the terrorists.. nothing wrong with that. set your difference aside for now.. like the kurds aren't a big threat to turkey as isis would be. also turkey should simply just help their fellow muslims because they are in the better position at the moment and muslims are ring slaughtered by isis…
christians already get help… the united states airlifted and bombed isis after they started killing christians but they did nothing before.
You are looking at the situation from ummah perspective and we are looking from more ethnically perspective, besides we are allready helping those who need our help, 1,5 million Syrians alongside other ethnicitys/religions are allready in Turkey, we saved Jews from Ottoman Era till recent history, we helped Balkan countrys in Jugoslavia war including Christian Croatia.

BBC News - Turkey fourth biggest donor country

Turkey is doing more than it should do according to its capabilitys.
This guy talks in a way if turkey has survived the world war with the help of a dozen of muslim indian who went to war to fight against their hindu compatriots(in british army) on the other side. While in fact, it was muslims(Arabs) who backstabbed turks in big numbers and fought against turks. Still, kurdish muslims are the backstabbers to Turkey and they are the troublemakers.
Also, ISIS guys are also muslims and are bunch of extremists goons, exactly like this guy, just from the opposite side.
In contrast to the ones who have trouble to define themselves as a nation and use Islam to define themselves as a nation, the turk nation have not such problem, and we are proud of our identity as what it is. You can seek ummah or such BS if you want, but spare us from such pre-medieval era mentality of yours.

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