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Turkish Geopolitics/ Foreign Affairs

I am from Cyprus and of Greek origin and I am very proud of my country considering what we have all suffered since the invasion of the island by Turkey in 1974. Atrocities were sadly committed on both sides and the activity of UK and USA in the current predicament of the island cannot be ignored. But Turkey continues to occupy Cyprus and use 40 year old arguments to justify its stance. More recently, Turkey has been colonizing the north of the island with Turkish immigrant thereby systematically affecting to change the demographic of that side of the island forcing many Cypriot Turks to move to the south of the island and abroad. I hear from my Cypriot Turkish friends about how they long for an appropriate solution to the Cyprus issue and to end their isolation from the rest of the world. Unification of the island of the island with 100% autonomy would be the ideal situation. Unfortunately Turkey has been unwilling to move forward and continues to use 40 year old arguments to justify its occupation of Cyprus. Contrary to the many virilent anti-Greek sentiments shown here - many Cypriot Turks and Greeks are the best of friends. In fact my mother's family grew up with Turkish and they had very close ties. I certianly have never encountered any anti-Islamic sentiments from my own family nor do I recognize the caricatures and frankly racist view points being put forward many times here. You think that by recognizing the TRNC you will help the plight of the Cypriot Turks? You are all very misguided. If you are wise and put aside your prejudice then you will join the peace process that can only benefit the plight of the Cypriot Turks. Because in the end - a Cypriot is a Cypriot. Greek, Turkish, Armenian, Maronite etc - whether Muslim or christian - are ALL Cypriots. therefore, Cyprus is divided against itself.

In one reply, someone claimed that Cyprus is Turkish!

Cyprus has never been exclusively Turkish and has always had diverse community of people. Never has it been Turkish and it never will be.

You cannot extinguish centuries of Greek influence because you are full of hatred for Hellenistic culture and I have never come across the anti-Islamic sentiments put forward here supposedly among Greeks.

The Cyprus issue has NEVER been about religion and nefarious deeds have been conducted on both sides - nobody is innocent. Quoting 40 year old happenings does not justify 40 years of illegal occupation by a foreign country.

Many of the things I have read here have disgusted me beyond words.

The best thing anyone can do for Cyprus is to join the peace process and a solution that will benefit EVERYONE and not just the side you like because of the religion or the false reports you have been.

Turkey is the occupying force in Cyprus - they invaded it in 1974.

Anyone who supports Turkey in the occupation of Cyprus ( a small island in the Levant) is an enemy of the peace process and goes against the wishes of many of the Cypriot people.

Nearly 2, 000 Cypriot Greeks remain missing since the invasion of Cyprus. Countless people were turned into refugees as a result of the selfish actions of others.

Cypriot Greeks are not going to disappear and they will fight and fight for justice in Cyprus.

One Cyprus.

It is not simple like that.

You put it like this: "On a day with a clear blue sky, the Turks decided to invade Cyprus and take half of the island. The Turks still don't want to leave the island for 40 years and we Greeks are suffering since. Turks are so bad!"

Sorry but again... it is much more complicated. Greek fascist wanted to do an illegal coup and steal Turkish Cypriots' rights and even Greek priest said in 1974 " we want to clean all Turkish Cypriots from Cyprus". Turkish Cypriots were victims because they were attacked by Greeks. Greeks also did this in Crete. Are there Turkish Cretans on Crete today????? Sorry but we would let you do it on Cyprus too.

Greeks and Turks are friends on personal level. I have also Greek friends but we will never be friends on government level. Europeans have brainwashed Greeks to hate us and always strike us when we are weak. Now Greeks are weak and you give me the story of Turkish-Greek are friends bull :lol: There is conflict of interest so I expect to see tentions rise of oil and gas fields in med sea. We will see what the future holds. Peace malaka ;)

Cyprus is solved issue. Turks and Greeks will go both their own way. We tried several plans such as Annan plan and Greeks continually declined it. We are not up for games anymore and Turkey and Turkish Cyprus have decided to go their own way. We have several projects like water pipelines to Cyprus and soon Greek Cyprus will have to pay to us for fresh water. Also oil and gas projects are being set up. It is a done deal my friend.
Wasn't it the Greeks who tried the same Balkan trick in Cyprus by expelling and massacring Turkish origin citizens? Unfortunately for them they didnt calculate Turkey would retaliate in 1974. Nevertheless, i'm even surprised Turkey went great lengths to take the Greeks, the initial bloody aggressors in this case, as a serious partner to set up peace plans to begin with, hence i wasnt surprised when the Greeks didnt accept plans like the Annan plan. Greeks at that time bet on the wrong horse and lost it, Turkey is not required to show any sympathy for their mistakes and loss.
What @atatwolf said is true; when Greeks, or any neighbor, are weak, we are brothers in their eyes, but when they are strong, their true face surfaces. No offense to our Greek friends here, this is politics.
Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974 and behaved in a barbaric fashion on the island causing suffering to the Cypriots on it. It is a testimony to the strength and spirit of all Cypriots that they have survived and will survive.
Are you kidding me? Why did Turkey invaded the island in the first place? Let me tell you, because Turks got massacred there and Greek Junta regime tried to annex Cyprus, this is not propaganda but internationally recognized fact.

Bloody Christmas (1963) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1974 Cypriot coup d'état - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maratha, Santalaris and Aloda massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Treaty of Guarantee (1960) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wasn't it the Greeks who tried the same Balkan trick in Cyprus by expelling and massacring Turkish origin citizens? Unfortunately for them they didnt calculate Turkey would retaliate in 1974. Nevertheless, i'm even surprised Turkey went great lengths to take the Greeks, the initial bloody aggressors in this case, as a serious partner to set up peace plans to begin with, hence i wasnt surprised when the Greeks didnt accept plans like the Annan plan. Greeks at that time bet on the wrong horse and lost it, Turkey is not required to show any sympathy for their mistakes and loss.
What @atatwolf said is true; when Greeks, or any neighbor, are weak, we are brothers in their eyes, but when they are strong, their true face surfaces. No offense to our Greek friends here, this is politics.
When you are weak and your opponents strong, friendships get tested, this is also in personal life. When Turkey was weak Greece took advantage of the situation more than once. In first Greek-Turco war in 1897 they attacked us and got defeated in 30 days. One of the fastest defeats in history and they begged for UK to stop Turkish advance. In 1923 they almost reached Ankara and they got defeated and pushed into the sea. I'm not saying Turks didn't retaliate and attack Greek citizens too but Greeks were always the first to attack locals and we retaliated. Mark my words Greece will never change. That is why we should undermine their economy because when they get strong they always try some trick by using a third party. The best would be Greece to break up in city states like in Ancient times and let them fight each other. On personal level Turks and Greeks can be friends but on government level only one can be ruler of the Aegean sea. Or European Aegean rules Asian Aegean or the other way around. It is matter of geography, geopolitics and history has proven this.
I disagree with your views. Cypriot Turks are Cypriots first and foremost and they have not chosen a divided island - it has been forced upon them by the invasion of Turkey. So far, all I have read here are pro-Turkish prejudice. If you all want to believe Turkish lies and parrot 40 year old arguments for the occupation of Cyprus then its your choice. But I think you will find that the majority of Cypriots (whether Greek or Turkish) would prefer the unification of the island and not a partition. I am Cypriot and I do not you to educate me about my country and just because you blindly follow Turkey does mean that lies can be made into truth. Since Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, it has consistently numerous UN resolutions. And do not quote the Anan Plan because it was a satisfactory enough solution for many. The majority on the island has ALWAYS been Greek Cypriots - check your facts. And Pakistan is virtually alone in its support of the invasion of Cyprus and of further military action. If Turkey had invaded the island to protect the Turkish Cypriots then this act would surely have been recognized by the rest of the world. But of course it is not because Turkey illegally occupies territory that does not belong to them. Cyprus has been Turkish and never will be. The Greek Cypriots will NEVER settle for anything less than a unification of the island and restoration of 100% human rights for all. The island does not belong to Turkey nor to Greece - nor to UK or USA. It belongs to the Cypriots who live on it. The reason Turkish Cypriots are isolated from the rest of the world is because Turkey occupies the island. Turkey is oppressing the Turkish Cypriots by remaining - recognizing TRNC has done nothing to alleviate this because no self-respecting country will recognize a rogue state. You are not helping the Turkish Cypriots by expressing your pro-Turkish and prejudiced view points. You are only colluding with the force which occupies the island. Finally, I would like to add that the Cyprus issue is a lot more complicated than expressed and I have heard the word "blame" used here a lot. Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974 and behaved in a barbaric fashion on the island causing suffering to the Cypriots on it. It is a testimony to the strength and spirit of all Cypriots that they have survived and will survive. No matter how much you push your biased views and blame for the Greeks on the island - it will achieve nothing. And I speak for the majority of Cypriots who DO NOT want partition. By pushing all those facts and so-called figures (I could counter them with others) and blindly pushing a divided island you are going AGAINST the wishes of the majority of the Cypriots on the island. Recent poles suggest that 73% of Turkish Cypriots would like a unified island and want Turkey to leave. In fact the best thing Turkey can do for Cyprus is to leave it. They have no business to be on there but if they want to keep spending their millions and resources on keeping their troops there then be our guest. Nobody believes that they invaded to protect the Turkish Cypriots - and I say that as a Cypriot who listens to both sides. But anyway, you are entitled to your views. Just be aware that NONE of the Cypriots I know - Turkish or Greek - actually share them. And God have mercy on the evil people who masterminded the blood shed on the island and the oppression of the Cypriot people. It will be dealt with here or in the next life - of that you can be sure.


Yeah, we evil Turks woke up one morning and decided to invade the Island....

There was no EOKA-B, there was no ethnic cleansing against Turks on the Island.... it is just our pure barbaric behaviour. :agree:

You accuse us being biassed about the subject, but after reading your post, one can easily figure out which one of us is the biassed one here.
I disagree with your views. Cypriot Turks are Cypriots first and foremost and they have not chosen a divided island - it has been forced upon them by the invasion of Turkey. So far, all I have read here are pro-Turkish prejudice. If you all want to believe Turkish lies and parrot 40 year old arguments for the occupation of Cyprus then its your choice. But I think you will find that the majority of Cypriots (whether Greek or Turkish) would prefer the unification of the island and not a partition. I am Cypriot and I do not you to educate me about my country and just because you blindly follow Turkey does mean that lies can be made into truth. Since Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, it has consistently numerous UN resolutions. And do not quote the Anan Plan because it was a satisfactory enough solution for many. The majority on the island has ALWAYS been Greek Cypriots - check your facts. And Pakistan is virtually alone in its support of the invasion of Cyprus and of further military action. If Turkey had invaded the island to protect the Turkish Cypriots then this act would surely have been recognized by the rest of the world. But of course it is not because Turkey illegally occupies territory that does not belong to them. Cyprus has been Turkish and never will be. The Greek Cypriots will NEVER settle for anything less than a unification of the island and restoration of 100% human rights for all. The island does not belong to Turkey nor to Greece - nor to UK or USA. It belongs to the Cypriots who live on it. The reason Turkish Cypriots are isolated from the rest of the world is because Turkey occupies the island. Turkey is oppressing the Turkish Cypriots by remaining - recognizing TRNC has done nothing to alleviate this because no self-respecting country will recognize a rogue state. You are not helping the Turkish Cypriots by expressing your pro-Turkish and prejudiced view points. You are only colluding with the force which occupies the island. Finally, I would like to add that the Cyprus issue is a lot more complicated than expressed and I have heard the word "blame" used here a lot. Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974 and behaved in a barbaric fashion on the island causing suffering to the Cypriots on it. It is a testimony to the strength and spirit of all Cypriots that they have survived and will survive. No matter how much you push your biased views and blame for the Greeks on the island - it will achieve nothing. And I speak for the majority of Cypriots who DO NOT want partition. By pushing all those facts and so-called figures (I could counter them with others) and blindly pushing a divided island you are going AGAINST the wishes of the majority of the Cypriots on the island. Recent poles suggest that 73% of Turkish Cypriots would like a unified island and want Turkey to leave. In fact the best thing Turkey can do for Cyprus is to leave it. They have no business to be on there but if they want to keep spending their millions and resources on keeping their troops there then be our guest. Nobody believes that they invaded to protect the Turkish Cypriots - and I say that as a Cypriot who listens to both sides. But anyway, you are entitled to your views. Just be aware that NONE of the Cypriots I know - Turkish or Greek - actually share them. And God have mercy on the evil people who masterminded the blood shed on the island and the oppression of the Cypriot people. It will be dealt with here or in the next life - of that you can be sure.

first of all , welcome

You blame us to think with arguments forced by our government,but in fact its you who is thinking with forced arguments, kept claiming greeks were right in cyprus back 4 decades ago, but wasnt that your courts sentenced ex-rulers of cyprus because of massacres on turkish , which an event happened after massacre of turkics.

Who does care right of occupation on a place by claiming there was already occupied by one nation in the past ? There you greeks are claiming whole lands of ancient greeks ,or egypt claims lands of ancient egypt ? It makes no use to discuss , lets look at what does guarantor country means ? Greece and turkey are guarantor countries on cyprus, which means both of them are responsible for peace in there. But it wasnt turkey who migrates hundreds to island, it was greece. again, it was greeks who tried to dominate turkish people in there, then subjected massacres , ethnic cleansing. Can you honestly accept this coup government in greece were intended to swept turkish people from cyprus?

After all these happened, turkey used guorantor rights to protect turkish people, landed soldiers on island. You know rest of story.

Pakistan is only visible side of supporters, Iran, Libya also helped during invasion. At the moment there are also other supporters.

To note further; Turkish soldiers wont leave island until satisfactory peace progress COMPLETED . And after these, turkish units will be transferred to cypriot turks .most probably.
Arabs are not my concern.

My point being that all settlers in occupied territories are there illegally and their deportation has to be included in any peace plan. Israel got its settlements out of Gaza and they should do the same in the West Bank. As should Turkey in Cyprus.

And just to point out something about the invasion back then. The Greek junta tried to annex Cyprus. Turkey invaded and took over 3% of the island. The junta collapsed. The peace talks started and only then does Turkey go on to take over 40% of the island with Attila 2. The second attack happened even though the junta had already left and the annexation was prevented.
I do have some sympathy for the greeks to some extent. Lets be honest here, I mean Turks have basically captured at least half of greek lands. Who wouldn't be pissed off if most of ones historical lands were under someone elses control? A bunch of "Islamic Mongols" came out of nowhere and are now saying Allahu ekber in Constantinople LOL. I can see how the greeks are angry in general

Cyprus is historically greek but they have to respect minorities that are living there. Apparently that didn't happen hence Turkey launched a military operation in 74.



BTW zengid sultanate was turkish :enjoy:.

@One Cyprus @As is - where is

You guys wont see a united cyprus. Turkey isn't going to give up your land. Cyprus is just too important strategically and now gas was discovered there as well. ;)

If turkey allows cyprus to be united greece will just use it to encircle Turkey. Greece having crete is already bad enough and recently greece, cyprus, and israel have been cooperating in the military field so thats another reason why Turkey won't give up any land in cyprus.

Keep that kind of behavior up and Turkey might unite the island for you. (Just joking :p:)
My point being that all settlers in occupied territories are there illegally and their deportation has to be included in any peace plan. Israel got its settlements out of Gaza and they should do the same in the West Bank. As should Turkey in Cyprus.

If you expect Turkish people whom living on the island for 40 years, whom had grandchildren now... to pack, gather their entire family, leave their houses, works, lands, in short their lives... and became refuge in their country, you'll wait for a very long time as it is not going to happen.

And just to point out something about the invasion back then. The Greek junta tried to annex Cyprus. Turkey invaded and took over 3% of the island. The junta collapsed. The peace talks started, peace talks failed and only then does Turkey go on to take over 40% of the island with Attila 2. The second attack happened even though the junta had already left and the annexation was prevented.

Okay, i corrected your sentences. ^^^^^^
I disagree with your views. Cypriot Turks are Cypriots first and foremost and they have not chosen a divided island - it has been forced upon them by the invasion of Turkey. So far, all I have read here are pro-Turkish prejudice. If you all want to believe Turkish lies and parrot 40 year old arguments for the occupation of Cyprus then its your choice. But I think you will find that the majority of Cypriots (whether Greek or Turkish) would prefer the unification of the island and not a partition. I am Cypriot and I do not you to educate me about my country and just because you blindly follow Turkey does mean that lies can be made into truth. Since Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, it has consistently numerous UN resolutions. And do not quote the Anan Plan because it was a satisfactory enough solution for many. The majority on the island has ALWAYS been Greek Cypriots - check your facts. And Pakistan is virtually alone in its support of the invasion of Cyprus and of further military action. If Turkey had invaded the island to protect the Turkish Cypriots then this act would surely have been recognized by the rest of the world. But of course it is not because Turkey illegally occupies territory that does not belong to them. Cyprus has been Turkish and never will be. The Greek Cypriots will NEVER settle for anything less than a unification of the island and restoration of 100% human rights for all. The island does not belong to Turkey nor to Greece - nor to UK or USA. It belongs to the Cypriots who live on it. The reason Turkish Cypriots are isolated from the rest of the world is because Turkey occupies the island. Turkey is oppressing the Turkish Cypriots by remaining - recognizing TRNC has done nothing to alleviate this because no self-respecting country will recognize a rogue state. You are not helping the Turkish Cypriots by expressing your pro-Turkish and prejudiced view points. You are only colluding with the force which occupies the island. Finally, I would like to add that the Cyprus issue is a lot more complicated than expressed and I have heard the word "blame" used here a lot. Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974 and behaved in a barbaric fashion on the island causing suffering to the Cypriots on it. It is a testimony to the strength and spirit of all Cypriots that they have survived and will survive. No matter how much you push your biased views and blame for the Greeks on the island - it will achieve nothing. And I speak for the majority of Cypriots who DO NOT want partition. By pushing all those facts and so-called figures (I could counter them with others) and blindly pushing a divided island you are going AGAINST the wishes of the majority of the Cypriots on the island. Recent poles suggest that 73% of Turkish Cypriots would like a unified island and want Turkey to leave. In fact the best thing Turkey can do for Cyprus is to leave it. They have no business to be on there but if they want to keep spending their millions and resources on keeping their troops there then be our guest. Nobody believes that they invaded to protect the Turkish Cypriots - and I say that as a Cypriot who listens to both sides. But anyway, you are entitled to your views. Just be aware that NONE of the Cypriots I know - Turkish or Greek - actually share them. And God have mercy on the evil people who masterminded the blood shed on the island and the oppression of the Cypriot people. It will be dealt with here or in the next life - of that you can be sure.

No such thing as protected minorities in Greece.You'destroyed the Vlach community with persecutions and brainwashing leading most of them(who remained as many fled to Romania in the beginning of the 20th century escaping their burning villages,churches and schools at the hands of Greek "patriots") to consider themselves Greeks now.

Your nationalistic elites tried the same thing in Cyprus but...colour me surprised,Turkey stepped in and kicked your behinds.Now you moan about occupation.Cry me a river...
Egypt accepts Turkey request to convene in NY: Spokesperson

Egypt and Turkey will meet on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly Meeting amid strained relations

Ahram Online, Tuesday 23 Sep 2014

Egypt has accepted Turkey's request to convene a bilateral meeting in New York to discuss highly strained relations between both nations, according to an Egyptian foreign ministry spokesman.

Ambassador Badr Abdel-Ati said the meeting will take place on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, which will be attended by Egyptian president Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and other Egyptian dignitaries.

"The meeting will be exploratory and all issues shall be discussed," he told Al-Hayat TV late Monday.

Bilateral ties between Egypt and Turkey have significantly worsened following the ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013.

Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood had strong relations with Turkish authorities during his presidency.

Egypt accepts Turkey request to convene in NY: Spokesperson - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online

Hopefully we see a turn around in relations :)
Egypt accepts Turkey request to convene in NY: Spokesperson

Egypt and Turkey will meet on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly Meeting amid strained relations

Ahram Online, Tuesday 23 Sep 2014

Egypt has accepted Turkey's request to convene a bilateral meeting in New York to discuss highly strained relations between both nations, according to an Egyptian foreign ministry spokesman.

Ambassador Badr Abdel-Ati said the meeting will take place on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, which will be attended by Egyptian president Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and other Egyptian dignitaries.

"The meeting will be exploratory and all issues shall be discussed," he told Al-Hayat TV late Monday.

Bilateral ties between Egypt and Turkey have significantly worsened following the ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013.

Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood had strong relations with Turkish authorities during his presidency.

Egypt accepts Turkey request to convene in NY: Spokesperson - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online

Hopefully we see a turn around in relations :)
Lets see what the outcome will be, it can not be good if the two biggest countrys of the regions dont have good relations, there is a huge trade potential between the two countrys.

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