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Turkish Geopolitics/ Foreign Affairs

Don't know accurate this article is.

Russia urged PKK to say Turkey armed Syrian opposition

Also the PKK has a history of being politically Social/Communist. Another, PKK starts around the same time ASALA is dissolved in 1990-1991 is also around the same time the PKK originates and possibly members ASALA went to the PKK after there group was destroyed. ASALA too was politically communist. Don't forget Armenia officially left the USSR in September 21, 1991.

From what I know Russia doesn't even consider the PKK as a terrorist group, correct me if I am wrong.

America has given you the KRG Democracy that is trying to work with Turkey, on the other hand you have the PKK who hates you, and ASALA hated you to while they existed.

Conspiracies are like a needle in a haystack, eventually you find the needle once you know how to look for it.

Didn't go all into detail here, it would wind up being an essay.
Pkk is like one of the few things that bring Turkey haters together. Looking at the past, Greece, Syria, Armenia were involved with pkk in some way. Who knows Russia had their nose in it too. Some Eu member countries to this day turn a blind eye and are soft on the pkk, calling them mere rebels or even freedom fighters, anything but the proper term 'terrorists', just like western media likes to call terrorism coming from arabs as 'muslim terrorism'. If only if EU (on its soil) and Turkey could crack down on pkk activities seriously, it'd help a lot. As for US (actually i mean the republicants who seemingly like to play divide and conquer and serve Israel's interests) and Russia, i think both would like a Kurdistan. Russia more than US, i think, because Russia wants Turkey to get cut off from other Turkic countries. Hence there is Turkish distrust towards the US, EU, neighbouring countries and Russia.
Stories? I gave you dates and a link hoping to get more information about from Turkey's side. OK, but last time I checked the PKK still exist.

Instead you post a picture without any information about it, nothing about where it is, or why they are saying thank you, nor is there a date. Based on the flags they're Kurds.

If you hate America so much why take it out on the KRG, oh wait I stand corrected you probably prefer ISIL to do the bloody work so you don't get your hands dirty. That way you can still suck money and weapons from us without looking like bad guys.

America is parasite on whole world. You suck everything, oil, blood, future of civilians.

If US doesnt get involved in the matters of Middleast, I personally want my hands get dirty. Since early 1990's, usa does everything to prevent Turkey succeed in its war against Kurdish terrorists.

This is a map from 2012, $25.2 million to Turkey They don't have 2013 or 2014 updated yet.

25.2 million USD help isnt needed here. Such small amounts you talk about, somebody would think we owe our lives to USA.
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As for US (actually i mean the republicants who seemingly like to play divide and conquer and serve Israel's interests) and Russia, i think both would like a Kurdistan.

Republicants as in the Republican political party? The US preferred that Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran stay whole however since ISIL and Maliki the US has become more accepting to a possibility of an independent Iraqi KRG unless Iraq gets its act together then they would more than likely remain autonomous.

Not sure how Russia thinks about a Kurdistan, as long as they can align it with them.

America is parasite on whole world. You suck everything, oil, blood, future of civilians.
If US doesnt get involved in the matters of Middleast, I personally want my hands get dirty.

That comes naturally with being a World Power/ Police plus politicians greed.

You're in luck, unless we get another warmongering President the US will likely stay out of the Middle East as citizen support is at a low. Then again Americans are idiots when it comes to elections.

Since early 1990's, usa does everything to prevent Turkey succeed in its war against Kurdish terrorists.

Honestly don't know much about that, at all.

Kind pf pathetic don't you think?
Amounts like these are given to any country as a form of goodwill. Don't confuse us with nations like İsrael, Egypt, İraq, Pakistan, etcetera.

Did I say a lot of money? And quit rubbing Israel in my face like I give a crap about them.
@telkon Alieniz_TR I don't believe IS is US-EU project, I believe its operational efficiency and effective strategy comes from its quality of manpower:
1. highly skilled and educated Jihadists from the West
2. Bathists from former Iraqi army

majority of western jihadis are low/non-educated north africans and arabs from suburbs and slums who are nobody and hate everyone for that.

that baathist officers argument doesn't hold water, for iraqi army was and is an incompetent group. there was only one instance when they did what they were taught to do and that was the battle of basra and al-faw in 1988 [operation tawakalna ala allah](though it was planned and executed by mere 8 people). iraqi army relied heavily on chemical agents, armor, air support, artillery and a huge number of combatants. that was conventional warfare in its finest. what we see with isis is unconventional warfare prowess and it's the finest example of assymetric warfare. the closest thing to this are chechen fighters experienced from both chechnya and afgan and some old jihadis who fought in middle east, afgan, pak and maybe balkans. but again, i believe these experienced operatives can only command in tactical level (like using initiative when needed without looking to central command) but nowhere near for strategic assessments and front-level tactics.

guys, no need for aggressiveness towards Xeno LOL he's just voicing his opinion in no-troll fashion :D i think that's much more better than some arab or russian's rants and troll posts.
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Don't know accurate this article is.

Russia urged PKK to say Turkey armed Syrian opposition

Also the PKK has a history of being politically Social/Communist. Another, PKK starts around the same time ASALA is dissolved in 1990-1991 is also around the same time the PKK originates and possibly members ASALA went to the PKK after there group was destroyed. ASALA too was politically communist. Don't forget Armenia officially left the USSR in September 21, 1991.

From what I know Russia doesn't even consider the PKK as a terrorist group, correct me if I am wrong.

America has given you the KRG Democracy that is trying to work with Turkey, on the other hand you have the PKK who hates you, and ASALA hated you to while they existed.

Conspiracies are like a needle in a haystack, eventually you find the needle once you know how to look for it.

Didn't go all into detail here, it would wind up being an essay.
Stories? I gave you dates and a link hoping to get more information about from Turkey's side. OK, but last time I checked the PKK still exist.

Instead you post a picture without any information about it, nothing about where it is, or why they are saying thank you, nor is there a date. Based on the flags they're Kurds.

If you hate America so much why take it out on the KRG, oh wait I stand corrected you probably prefer ISIL to do the bloody work so you don't get your hands dirty. That way you can still suck money and weapons from us without looking like bad guys.

pkk party manifesto says it's marxist-socialist party. but kurds of turkey being very conservative (kurds had their own hezbollah in 1990s which turkey used against pkk and majority of turkish citizen isis fighters are from diyarbakır, mardin, bitlis) pkk changed its tactics and started to use islam in its propaganda. from 2005 onwards in almost every pkk gathering, demonstration there were some imams. kurdish youth from pkk youth wing bageh/yögeh are told to go to mosques and spread pkk propaganda in there. as for russia, it's in the nature of things to side with enemy of your enemy. pkk's syria offshoot ypg is an ally of assad, and therefore an ally of russia. turkey/us gives support to al-nusra, fsa, srf so russia gives support to assad and kurds. besides, as pkk is on the way of legitimization through its acts in iraq (i.e. fight agains isis, rescuing yazidis etc.) it may prove an important ally in the near future.
pkk party manifesto says it's marxist-socialist party. but kurds of turkey being very conservative (kurds had their own hezbollah in 1990s which turkey used against pkk and majority of turkish citizen isis fighters are from diyarbakır, mardin, bitlis) pkk changed its tactics and started to use islam in its propaganda. from 2005 onwards in almost every pkk gathering, demonstration there were some imams. kurdish youth from pkk youth wing bageh/yögeh are told to go to mosques and spread pkk propaganda in there. as for russia, it's in the nature of things to side with enemy of your enemy. pkk's syria offshoot ypg is an ally of assad, and therefore an ally of russia. turkey/us gives support to al-nusra, fsa, srf so russia gives support to assad and kurds. besides, as pkk is on the way of legitimization through its acts in iraq (i.e. fight agains isis, rescuing yazidis etc.) it may prove an important ally in the near future.

Teaching Islam in propaganda, legitimizing, changed tactics, you missed one scared sh1tless. They have a lot of legitimizing to do and even then I still wouldn't trust them, they change too often in there favor.

Sounds like they're trying on some sheeps clothing for a change.
pkk party manifesto says it's marxist-socialist party. but kurds of turkey being very conservative (kurds had their own hezbollah in 1990s which turkey used against pkk and majority of turkish citizen isis fighters are from diyarbakır, mardin, bitlis) pkk changed its tactics and started to use islam in its propaganda. from 2005 onwards in almost every pkk gathering,

Young generation of Kurds are not majority Muslim, they have atheist, secular and separatist tendencies, often changing the religion in favor of Yazidism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity.
Turkey is set to increase its energy investments in Africa, which will serve both parties, within the new strategic plan focusing on meeting Turkey's energy demand

  • Daily Sabah
  • Updated : 18.08.2014 09:56:08
  • Published : 18.08.2014 02:08:00

ISTANBUL – In order to improve efficiency in the energy sector and address the growing needs of its developing economy, Turkey is now looking into opportunities in Africa, that is rich in untapped natural resources. Within the scope of the Turkish government's Africa Initiative Policy, the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources has signed various agreements for developing energy resources and mines with various African countries, including Djibouti, Cameroon, Niger, Sudan, Kenya and Gambia. The ministry is also looking into signing similar deals with Nigeria, South Africa, Botswana, Gabon, Somali, Equatorial Guinea, Uganda, Tanzania, Mauritania, Ghana, Namibia, Mozambique and Zambia.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yıldız said that the ministry is analyzing the demands and opportunities of both sides and added, "We are aiming to establish common grounds - sustainable relations with African countries as a part of our multidimensional foreign policy." Saying that the Drilling Machinery and Equipment Donation Agreement was signed last Tuesday between Turkey and Dijibouti, Yıldız noted that drilling machinery has been delivered to Djibouti in order to benefit from the rich geothermal resources of the country.

Turkey is aiming to ensure that Africans also benefit from their rich energy resources and therefore, the relations built and the actions taken in Africa are based on mutual benefits and cooperation. Yıldız also underlined the importance of the cooperation between African countries and Turkey in energy and mining. "We have established teams formed of representatives from both the public and private sector in order to exchange experiences. We are also in contact with other African countries.

The relationships established between the governments will improve with substantial projects realized by our businessmen and non-profit organizations," said Yıldız. He further noted that in this respect, Turkey has provided training in oil and gas, mining and electricity in Libya, Sudan, South Sudan, Djibouti and Kenya and further trainings are scheduled in Cameroon and Niger. Africa is highly rich in natural resources and there are proven or potential oil resources in 45 of the 54 countries on the continent.

According to data from the International Energy Agency, Africa also has a high potential in renewable energy resources, especially geothermal and solar energy. Also, the hydroelectric potential of Africa is three times the hydroelectric energy it consumes. While 1 billion people consume a majority of the world's energy resources, more than 1 billion people in Africa do not have any access to electricity.

Turkish investment in the African energy sector is expected to benefit both sides, unlike earlier foreign investments in the continent, experts say. Africa has 8 percent of the world's natural gas, 10 percent of its oil and 18 percent of global uranium reserves, but most African countries are unable to exploit these resources for the good of their own people.

According to the World Bank, 70 percent of the people in 25 sub-Saharan countries face frequent power cuts. The sub-Saharan region has just 28 gigawatts of installed power - equal to the amount of power stored by Argentina alone. Fritz Nganje, a researcher at South Africa's Global Dialog Institute, said at an event on June 22 that while countries such as the U.S. and China are increasingly turning to Africa to safeguard their energy requirements, African nations have not been able to benefit from the resources in their territories.

There are concerns that if this trend continues, new discoveries of gas, oil or uranium will only serve to guarantee the energy security of foreign investors, he added. Professor Deborah Brautigam, director of the International Development Program at Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C., spoke at the same event and noted that in the past Africa's foreign partners sent aid with one hand and extracted resources with the other, leaving little behind to boost economic development. She explained that new partners such as Turkey, China and Brazil realize that they have to be different and can cooperate as equal partners rather than donors and recipients.

Brautigam said that creating jobs and investing in manufacturing and power could benefit both sides. "It's the only kind of relationship that is sustainable," she added. David Shinn, adjunct professor of International Affairs at George Washington University and former U.S. ambassador to Burkina Faso and Ethiopia, said Africans should meet their own needs before any excess is sold on the open market.Shinn added that Turkey should consider investing in African energy because of its proximity to North and East Africa. "Frankly, I am surprised Turkey has not already invested in African energy resources," he said. "The investment should, of course, be mutually beneficial to Turkey and Africa." Turkey has increased its trade volume with Africa from $9 billion (TL 19 billion) to $24 billion since 2005.

Turkey plans to invest in Africa's energy industry | Energy | Daily Sabah
majority of western jihadis are low/non-educated north africans and arabs from suburbs and slums who are nobody and hate everyone for that.

that baathist officers argument doesn't hold water, for iraqi army was and is an incompetent group. there was only one instance when they did what they were taught to do and that was the battle of basra and al-faw in 1988 [operation tawakalna ala allah](though it was planned and executed by mere 8 people). iraqi army relied heavily on chemical agents, armor, air support, artillery and a huge number of combatants. that was conventional warfare in its finest. what we see with isis is unconventional warfare prowess and it's the finest example of assymetric warfare. the closest thing to this are chechen fighters experienced from both chechnya and afgan and some old jihadis who fought in middle east, afgan, pak and maybe balkans. but again, i believe these experienced operatives can only command in tactical level (like using initiative when needed without looking to central command) but nowhere near for strategic assessments and front-level tactics.

guys, no need for aggressiveness towards Xeno LOL he's just voicing his opinion in no-troll fashion :D i think that's much more better than some arab or russian's rants and troll posts.

You make some valid points. It looks like you know a lot more details than I do, about situation on the ground. Maybe IS is effective because it survived since 2004, for about 10 years now and have had a lot of on the job training as in battle field experience and also may be because they found an opening that was not there before.

But I can tell you about the US perspective as I live here and are always listening to radio shows getting the pulse of policymakers and people in the media talking about the problem. The consensus goes like the following:
- Obama has been an extremely ineffective leader in foreign policy department. It was mainly due to his reluctance to help the moderate rebels such as FSA that opened up breathing room for extremist groups like IS
- but Obama has turned around now and started air strikes and he will continue to help Kurds and Iraqi Army to drive out IS
- Obama is also hoping that a more inclusive Al Abady led govt. will provide a viable alternative to Sunni's so they can again be loyal to an Iraqi govt. rather than depending on IS, as a lesser of two evils
- so US air strikes will continue now to pound IS and reverse their gains and eventually drive them out of most areas of Iraq
- IS will then focus their attention more in Syria to bring down Assad or drive them out to coastal province of Latakia
- if the US current strategy fails to achieve the above, then the US may look at alternative ideas on how to deal with the IS
- once Obama's term is over in another 2 years, then most probably Hilary Clinton will become President and I think that will be a good thing for the middle east going forward. Obama's callous disregard for both the long term strategy and lives of defenseless innocent civilians has been an unmitigated disaster for the mid-east and anyone else, such as Clinton, would make things better for the people of the region
Netanyahu'yu çılgına çeviren Türk ajan!

İsrail istihbarat teşkilatı olan MOSSAD'da bağlı birimlerin Türkiye üzerinde yürüttüğü kirli komplolar tek tek deşifre olurken, taşeron terör örgütlerinin kanlı planları da Türk birimler tarafından başarıyla bertaraf edildi.

Küresel baronların işaretiyle MOSSAD'ın kontrol ettiği özel bir merkez Türkiye'ye önce 5 kişilik suikast timi yolladı. İlk olarak bu timin sınır geçişi için gönderilen yerel güçlere ait 12 kişilik ekip Türk birimler tarafından yakalandı. Ekipten 3 kişi sağ ele geçirildi. Daha sonra ise 10 Ağustos öncesi suikast için gelen 5 kişilik timin tamamı yok edildi.
MOSSAD'a bağlı özel birimin son olarak bir yatla turist gibi Türkiye'ye gönderdiği son tim de deşifre oldu. Tüm bu gelişmeler üzerine MOSSAD'ın Tel Aviv'deki merkezinde panik yaşandı.İsrail Gizli Servisi, Tel Aviv'de Türkiye adına çalışan bir ajan olduğunu düşünürken bu köstebekin bulunması için alarma geçildi.

İsrail gizli servisi içine girerek Türkiye adına ajanlık yapan kişinin İzmirli Musevi bir ailenin kızı olan Yasmin S. olduğu öğrenildi.

Yasmin S. 1 yıl önce, MOSSAD ajanlarının arasına sızdı. Uzunca bir araştırmadan sonra MOSSAD Türkiye'deki bir çok Musevi ismi ajan olarak kullandığı gibi Yasmin'i de kullanmaya başladı.
Ancak genç kadın aslında birvatanseverdi ve Türk birimlerince özel olarak eğitilmişti. Çift taraflı ajanlığa başlayan Yasmin S. MOSSAD'ın kendisi bağlı özel birim üzerinden 10 Ağustos seçimleri öncesi yapacağı büyük eylemi, bu işi planlayanlardan birisi olan bir MOSSAD ajanından öğrendi.

Bunu Türkiye'ye bildirdi. Türk birimler ise planı hayata geçirecek ekibi yok etti. Bu olaydan yaklaşık 12 saat önce ise Türk ajanı olan Musevi asıllı Yasmin S. İsrail'den kaçırıldı ve kimliği değiştirilerek farklı bir ülkeye yerleştirildi.

Mossad'ı dize getiren casusluk operasyonun ardından İsrail Başbakanı Benjamin Netanyahu'nun, MOSSAD Başkanı ve diğer istihbarat yetkilileri ile acil toplantı yaptığı öğrenildi. Netanyahu toplantıda istihbarat yetkililerine çok kızarak "Bu başımıza gelen ikinci büyük felaket, bu skandalı temizlememiz lazım" diye çıkıştı.

MOSSAD bu olayın ardından kendi bünyesinde bulunan Türk vatandaşı Musevileri tek tek yeniden gözden geçirmeye başladı.

Netanyahu'yu çılgına çeviren Türk ajan! - Milliyet Haber

Google Translate:

Netanyahu distracted the Turkish agent!

The Israeli intelligence agency Mossad carried out on Turkey of the units in the dirty conspiracy individually decoded, while subcontracting plans in the bloody terrorist organization by the Turkish units were removed successfully.

Global barons MOSSAD controlled by the sign of a special center to Turkey before the assassination team sent five people. First, this time for the border crossing's 12-person team sent to local forces unit was captured by the Turks. 3 people were seized from the team right. Later, on August 10 before the five man team to assassinate all were destroyed.

Mossad special units attached to the end of a yacht sent to Turkey as tourists decipher was the last time. All of these developments on the Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv panic yaşandı.israil Secret Service agents working on behalf of Turkey in Tel Aviv, thinking that it was passed on alert for the presence of köstebeki.

By entering into Israeli secret service people who spy on behalf of Turkey in Izmir, the daughter of a Jewish family was learned that Yasmin S..

Yasmin S. 1 year ago, Mossad agents were infiltrated. After a long research Mossad agent used in Turkey as a very Jewish name also began to use Yasmin.

However, the young woman was actually birvatansev and was tutored by the Turkish units. Double-sided S. Mossad spy Yasmin started out special units attached itself to be made before the elections on August 10 great action, this business plan is one that has learned from a Mossad agent.

It was reported in Turkey. Turkish units to implement the plan was to destroy the team. About 12 hours before this incident, the Turkish agent, Yasmin S. Jewish-Israeli identity by changing kidnapped and placed in a different country.

After a string of Mossad espionage operation that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, head of Mossad and other intelligence officials learned that the emergency meeting. Netanyahu meeting very angry intelligence officials "This is the second major disaster befalls us, we need to clean this scandal," he snapped.

After this incident the Mossad its own Jewish citizens of Turkey began to reconsider individually.
Erdoğan’s first trips as president to N. Cyprus, Azerbaijan


President-elect Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s first itineraries abroad will be North Cyprus andAzerbaijan on Sept. 1 and 3 respectively, in line with the country’s state traditions.

Erdoğan, who will take the presidential office Aug. 28, will visit Nicosia, only three days after the handover ceremony and then will go to Baku to meet Azerbaijani President İlham Aliyev and other Azerbaijani officials. North Cyprus stands as Turkey’s national cause and Azerbaijan is regarded as Turkey’s national ally.

Erdoğan’s next foreign policy engagement will be at the NATO Summit, which will take place in Wales from Sept. 4-5. It will mark his first multilateral appearance where he is expected to hold bilateral meetings with prominent leaders of some NATO countries. Erdoğan will also participate in the U.N. General Assembly meeting from Sept. 21-26 in New York.

Erdoğan’s first trips as president to N. Cyprus, Azerbaijan - DIPLOMACY
A retired brigadier general told Al-Monitor, “TAF has the power and ability to face IS forces both inside and outside the borders, yet in urban warfare it is impossible to prevent civilian casualties. That said, armies only act if there is a political will and decision to act. We need the support and trust of our people.” A two-star general added, “Look under the category of “important border events” on TAF’s Web page, you will see several cases of smuggling. The open border policy was a political decision. Now, there is a decision to monitor more diligently. How much more diligently? It is unclear. We all want to catch the criminals and help the civilians, yet it is not easy.”

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