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Turkish Geopolitics/ Foreign Affairs

But why so many newpaper say this? I read this news to, they call the adress of embassy too. Its strange! Of course, i dont belive this, but its strange.
Journalisim just turned into looking stuff up on twitter, and not invastigating at all
i mean why dont they give us the adress or just call the isis embassy , they could visit it too but no one does
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But why so many newpaper say this? I read this news to, they call the adress of embassy too. Its strange! Of course, i dont belive this, but its strange.

Haven't you noticed every few days a new anti-Turkey story comes out, and it always turns out to be bullsh*t? Someone is running a PR campaign against Turkey right now, and its been going for weeks. They create stories designed to be sensationalistic so other newspapers will want to repeat them, and so it spreads. It's mostly the "newspapers" without any journalistic integrity which repeat these stories, but it still has an effect.

There's a similar but less intensive campaign against Qatar which is being run by the UAE. They're paying a lot of money to their PR agencies to get anti-Qatar stories to run in the media. I can't post the link here but type "huffington gulf proxy war" into google and it's the 1st link.
Haven't you noticed every few days a new anti-Turkey story comes out, and it always turns out to be bullsh*t? Someone is running a PR campaign against Turkey right now, and its been going for weeks. They create stories designed to be sensationalistic so other newspapers will want to repeat them, and so it spreads. It's mostly the "newspapers" without any journalistic integrity which repeat these stories, but it still has an effect.

There's a similar but less intensive campaign against Qatar which is being run by the UAE. They're paying a lot of money to their PR agencies to get anti-Qatar stories to run in the media. I can't post the link here but type "huffington gulf proxy war" into google and it's the 1st link.
I wouldn't be surprised if the 'free' media of the west is used by their govt, especially the US, to create pressure on countries they dont wanna pressure directly govt on govt level. That way those western govts can easily say 'it's not us, it's the free media that creates a negative image, of course we consider you as friends' but i dare to bet such media groups get a silent nod from their govt to continue their dirty bs lies against Turkey. Now they do this to push the blame on Turkey and ME countries while they will make themselves look like the heroes against IS. Only on this forum alone we can see how such western BS can brainwash people all around the world. Even if those media groups, or recently Biden, apologize, the damage has been done to Turkey's reputation and it will be at least 2 times harder to restore our image.besides You can also already see how they are depicting pkk/pyd in a rosy way and even send weapons while they have pkk on a so called terror list and surely have the intelligent capability to understand that those weapons will fall in pkk's hands in one way or another. So long for sincerity from the west and their media.
I wouldn't be surprised if the 'free' media of the west is used by their govt, especially the US, to create pressure on countries they dont wanna pressure directly govt on govt level. That way those western govts can easily say 'it's not us, it's the free media that creates a negative image, of course we consider you as friends' but i dare to bet such media groups get a silent nod from their govt to continue their dirty bs lies against Turkey. Now they do this to push the blame on Turkey and ME countries while they will make themselves look like the heroes against IS. Only on this forum alone we can see how such western BS can brainwash people all around the world. Even if those media groups, or recently Biden, apologize, the damage has been done to Turkey's reputation and it will be at least 2 times harder to restore our image.besides You can also already see how they are depicting pkk/pyd in a rosy way and even send weapons while they have pkk on a so called terror list and surely have the intelligent capability to understand that those weapons will fall in pkk's hands in one way or another. So long for sincerity from the west and their media.
Most of the BS storys source turns out to be press Tv...
Look like PressTV is going after Turkey:

Note: These have been uploaded in the past 24 hours.


Also this:

PressTV - Iran warns Turkey over military presence in Syria
Mullahistan is manipulating its people to hate Turkey whenever they have the chance, nothing new. I wish Turkey too will finally stop with its goodwill gestures towards Iran and start portraying them as a hostile nation that is nothing but a sneaky rat trying to build influence in the region through its proxies and shia influence. damn shame that Turkey even stood up for Iran on some occassions in the past.
Look like PressTV is going after Turkey:

Note: These have been uploaded in the past 24 hours.


Also this:

PressTV - Iran warns Turkey over military presence in Syria
You know whats funny, you need in Iran a special permission to film even a building and if thats what your filming doesnt fit them they will jail you or confiscate your recordings, but they come to Turkey and make propaganda against us, they use freedom of speech which they dont have in their own country agains us, see the difference between democracy and theocracy.
Look like PressTV is going after Turkey:

Note: These have been uploaded in the past 24 hours.


Also this:

PressTV - Iran warns Turkey over military presence in Syria

Turkey: No Longer a "Rock Star" on Arab Street
by Burak Bekdil
October 27, 2014 at 4:00 am

Turkey: No Longer a "Rock Star" on Arab Street

Erdogan's Turkey is no longer an attraction for the Muslim street. Instead, it is, overtly or covertly, on hostile terms with Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Iran -- all at the same time.

In this mind-set, "We're so superb that we cannot be wrong because what we think right is Allah-given." If things go wrong, it must be because of something else.

Early in 2010, James Jeffrey, then U.S. ambassador to Turkey, sent a cable to Washington, DC in which he described Turkey as a country "[w]ith Rolls Royce ambitions but Rover resources". Time has proven him right.

Back in 2009-10, then Turkey's Prime Minister (now President) Recep Tayyip Erdogan was greeted like a rock star in every Arab capital. He was presumably the darling of the Arab Street, including Damascus, Beirut and Egypt -- all of which are today Turkey's regional nemeses. In 2011, an Egyptian columnist wrote a commentary in which he "begged the Turks to lend [them] their prime minister." To which this columnist replied: "By all means. Take him, and you need not return him."

Erdogan's "rock star" popularity on the Arab Street was based on a single dimension: his constant Israel-bashing and deep hatred of the Jewish state. "When there are matters of conflict between the Turks and Arabs all those love affairs will disappear," a Lebanese friend said at that time.

All the same, Erdogan thought that the rock star treatment would earn him his lifelong dream of reviving the Ottoman Empire with the Sunnis of the former Ottoman lands worshipping a new Turkish caliph. Proof? Turkey was a rising star. In 2008, it had won 151 votes out of 193 members of the United Nations to win easily a coveted non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council [UNSC]. With that seat, Turkey would further reinforce its influence in the region and the world.

After Turkey won the Security Council seat, then Foreign Minister (now Deputy Prime Minister) Ali Babacan spoke like a Rolls Royce: "This is the product of our efforts during the last five years. The election is an indication that Turkey's global perception, visibility and influence are on the rise. It shows how positively Turkey is perceived by the international community."

Fine. When a country wins a UNSC seat for the first time after 47 years, it is normal that politicians claim credit. But by simple logic, if it had lost the contest in 2008, the defeat should have meant that "Turkey's global perception, visibility and influence were on decline;" how negatively Turkey was being perceived by the international community. Right? Right. Not in the Turkish psyche.

On Oct. 16, Turkey once again bid for the same seat it had won six years earlier. A day before the vote, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu declared to journalists in New York: "We believe, Allah permitting, that we will get the [positive] result of the work we put in."

Allah did not permit. Turkey won merely 60 votes -- compared to 151 in 2008 -- and was defeated by New Zealand and Spain. Does that mean that Turkey is now being negatively perceived by the international community? Or that Turkey's global perception, visibility and influence are on decline? Of course not!

Cavusoglu heroically defended the defeat: "There may be those that are disturbed by our principled stance." How lovely! In the Turkish Islamist thinking, the country's election to the UN Security Council is an acknowledgement of Turkey's success story but failure is the work of unprincipled nations who envy Turkey. Enjoy your Rover!


We're rock stars either way: In Turkish Islamist thinking, Turkey's election to the Security Council is acknowledgement of its success, but failure is the work of unprincipled nations who envy Turkey. Pictured above, then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses the UN General Assembly in 2011. (Image source: UN)

It is an open secret in diplomatic circles in Ankara that several Arab and African countries in which Turkey has heavily invested -- both economically and politically -- over the past several years, lobbied against Turkey's UNSC bid. Another group of countries with decent democratic credentials preferred to vote for a country [Spain] with the same democratic credentials, instead of a country known by its alarmingly autocratic resume.​

Erdogan's Turkey is no longer an attraction for the Muslim Street. Instead, it is, overtly or covertly, on hostile terms with Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Iran -- all at the same time. Ironically, after the 2010 Mavi Marmara incident, in which a Turkish flotilla tried to break an Israeli naval blockade aimed at preventing weapons from reaching the Gaza Strip, Erdogan and his then Foreign Minister (now Prime Minister), Ahmet Davutoglu, vowed to "isolate Israel."

Instead, it is Turkey that has been badly isolated, with the help of its one-time Arab brothers who had rushed to one city square after another, waving Turkish flags, to attend Erdogan's public rallies in Arab capitals.

The U.S. ambassador's wording, "Rolls Royce ambitions," denotes a mental condition that categorically refuses admittance of own fault. In this mind-set, "We are so superb that we cannot be wrong because what we think right is Allah-given." If things go wrong, it must be because of something else.

It is often amazing to observe that Erdogan and Davutoglu have every confidence in their foreign policy calculus despite repeated -- and sometimes tragic -- failures. At moments of despair, both men have had the reflex to blame failure on the "wrong world order." It is this childish psychology that, from time to time, when it suits their convenience, prompts them to question the legitimacy of international institutions, including that UN and the UN Security Council. They do not, for instance, question the UN's legitimacy when a resolution denounces, Israel. But they question that legitimacy only when it does not fit their agenda. Once, Erdogan said that the permanent UN Security Council members should have Muslim representation. Which country could he have been thinking of? I bet he was thinking of the one that he considers the heir to the throne of the Ottoman caliph.

For the mess they created in Syria, they have accused the West and NATO. For the failure to move an inch toward European Union membership, they have accused the EU for discriminating against a Muslim country. And most recently, Turkey failed to win the UN Security Council seat because of "those who are disturbed by [Turkey's] principled stance."
Burak Bekdil, based in Ankara, is a Turkish columnist for the Hürriyet Daily and a Fellow at the Middle East Forum.

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