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Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

1 - 5 inch /54 gun
3x Oerlikon Contraves Sea Zenith 25mm CIWS gun systems
2x3 12.75" Mk32 torpedo tubes in triple mountings
2 Mk 141 quad-pack Launcher for a maximum of 8 RGM-84 Harpoon
Mk-41 VLS Mod 8
16× RIM-162 ESSM
Sea Sparrow PDMS (SAM)

Is Sea Sparrow not full replaced by ESSM ?
Is Sea Sparrow not full replaced by ESSM ?

Yeah it is let me edit that out.

Edit-Actually it may not be. In that picture you can see the MK-21 Launcher which means the MK-41 VLS Mod 8 was not equip at the point.
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Jigs bro, could you please provide information on the small arms, rifles and MGs in use by the Turkish Army. Some of the soldiers in your early pictures of the mountain patrols/troops had a range of rifles - from G3s to M16s and even a Kalashnikov. Is the PK MG the SAW of Turkish Army, I didnt see any MG3s I thought they were in service by the Turkish Army.
Thanks in advance.

G3 is the standard combat rifle so that is issued to all troops and it is the rifle you do your basic with.

HK-33(G-41), RPK, PKM, SVD along with the G-3 is what you will see mostly with the Turkish Jandarma (Which do the bulk of the fighting against the PKK).

The AK-47s are used by village guards and certain police. Also by Special forces in undercover operations in Iraq. MP5 is usually issued to police stations. M-16 i have seen used with special operations police.

MG-3 is the Army's standard light machine gun.

M-4 is special operations Maroon Berets.(Army spec ops) I think the SAT commandos (Navy Spec Ops) also use them.

The majority of the pictures posted are of the Turkish Jandarma and they operate a mountain commando division. The Army and Air Force also fight the PKK but the Turkish Jandarma is the main offensive force used against them because it is their job to operate in rural areas and keep order. Operation sun saw a much greater involvement of the Army with Maroon Berets going into Iraq but for day to day patrols and small scale operations it will be the Jandarma doing it.

I hope that helps. There are lots of different weapons we operate in smaller numbers too besides the ones i listed.
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modernized perry class guided missile frigate F494 GOKCEADA...

Turkish made x-band satcom antennas are part of new communication systems for perry calss frigates


f-492 GEMLIK



Anatolian Eagle. Countries from all over the world come to the training exercise.

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