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Turkish Air Defence Programs

Contrary to Canikli, Russian claims more battery for Turkey.

Anlaşmanın içeriği hakkında de daha detaylı bilgi veren Çemezov, “2,5 milyar dolar karşılığında Türkiye bizden 4 batarya değil, 4 bölük satın alacak. Bir bölükte ise bilindiği üzere çok daha fazla batarya bulunuyor.”

Türkiye’nin Rusya’dan alacağı 4 adet S-400 bölüğünde ise konuşlanma işlemi tamamlandığında sonra her an ateşe hazır 144 füze bulunacak. Hava savunma sistemi için ayrıca duruma göre uzun, orta ve kısa olmak üzere farklı menzile sahip ayrı yedek füzeler de alınabilecek.

Turkey Shoots Down Santa, Claiming Sleigh Violated Turkish Airspace

Turkish F-16s shot down Santa’s sleigh over international waters late Thursday night, as the Turkish president claimed Saint Nicholas had violated the country’s airspace. While the fate of Father Christmas remains unclear, several reindeer have been confirmed dead in an incident certain to further damage the already strained relationship between Ankara and the North Pole.

The incident occurred as Santa was flying over the Black Sea on his way from Georgia to Romania, two countries which had approved the North Pole’s use of their airspace to deliver toys to well-behaved Christian children. Turkish officials had warned Saint Nick that violations of its airspace would not be tolerated; on Christmas Eve 2013, Santa flew deep into Turkish territory to deliver coal to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, then the prime minister, at his residence in Ankara.

Officials at the North Pole denied violating Turkey’s airspace and warned of consequences, though they stopped short of threatening a military response.

“This outrageous and unprovoked attack is a violation of international law and Christmas spirit,” a North Pole spokes-elf told The Mideast Beast. “If Erdogan didn’t want to get coal again, he should have stopped bombing the fucking Kurds.”

While President Obama issued a brief statement supporting Turkey’s right to defend its airspace, several Republican leaders questioned Erdogan’s motives.

“It’s still unclear whether Turkey is a committed ally in the War on Terror,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a press release. “What is clear, however, is that President Erdogan has joined President Obama in the War on Christmas.”
same is valid for Turkish Ministry of defence , Turkish bureaucracy has more than 1000 years of experience,
they learned much from great TÜRK emporer TIMURLENK aka TAMERLAN

I mean the Turkish Defence ministry.
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