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Turkish Air Defence Programs

Local surface to air missiles that is being developed...

-Hisar ManPad
-Hisar based C-RAM missile
-Sapan RAM missile (Naval missile)
-Hisar-A IIR low altitude (Naval variant is also developed)
-Hisar-O medium altitude IIR and RF options (Naval variant is also developed)
-Hisar-N medium altitude long range Rf missile (Airforce)
-Hisar-U long altitude long range multi-seeker (Naval variant is also developed)

Impressive lineup I did not knew about the products apart from A/0 Hisar
Certainly a smart , investment from Turkey's prespective for preserving regional peace
The real impressive stuff is done by german high tech suppliers.

German high tech production facilities and simulation devices do wonders for backward turkish defence industry.

Turkish defence industry output will vanish to zero when german high tech embargos kick in
You should back your claim with source. There is already partial ban to arms sales and every case is looked individually by Germany. And All German Military exports to Turkey was less than 35m$ this year. Last year it was about 84m$. So There is no way in hell, there is such cooperation between Turkish companies and German companies. Back your claims with Sources.


Without any public picture?

As you know it is very strategic like Long range air defence and easier to develop so it already tested at Syria long years before. So it must be enter inventory.
As you know it is very strategic like Long range air defence and easier to develop so it already tested at Syria long years before. So it must be enter inventory.

Are you sure? We talk absolut a MANPAD (Man Portable Air Defense System) here. With short range (6-7 km). Important,but not in a strategical way.
Are you sure? We talk absolut a MANPAD (Man Portable Air Defense System) here. With short range (6-7 km). Important,but not in a strategical way.

I mention about MANPAD too, When we get close clash with enemy it is quite strategic system so if we deploy it in enough number without prevention it would be very effective also we can arm any group in Syria like Turkomans. So it will be game changer anytime.
Turkey to deploy state-of-the-art mortar detection system along its border
Published5 hours ago

ASELSAN's ALKAR mortar defense system (AA Photo)
Turkey is looking to bolster defenses along its border with Syria and Iraq amid growing threats of cross-border mortar attacks, Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli said Wednesday.

Speaking to the media in Parliament, Canikli confirmed that the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) will add state-of-the-art mortar defense capabilities to its existing array of modern defense systems.

"We already have modern defense systems along our borders. But we are diversifying the points where they will be deployed. Now we will use special radars that can detect and track when a mortar is fired. The fully homegrown system will then do the calculations to predict where it might land," the minister said.

He added that the new anti-mortar system will be ready for use in three months at the latest.

"We are tripling the number of these devices. This is a very important addition to our border defense systems," he said.

Commenting on the TFX fighter jet project, Canikli said the prototype for the warplane will be finalized by 2023.

"We have set a goal of completing the production of the prototype by 2023. We will try to finish it as earlier as possible, but, God willing, our goal is 2023," he announced.

The project, carried out in collaboration with Britain's BAE Systems and Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI), paves the way for collaboration in various fields, as well as for developed technology sales to third countries.

'100,000 Syrians returned to al-Bab'

The Turkish defense minister also confirmed that around 100,000 Syrians have so far returned to al-Bab and surrounding areas liberated from Daesh in Turkey's Operation Euphrates Shield.

"A magnificent system has been set up in al-Bab," Canikli said, adding, "The al-Bab region has become a center of attraction in Syria in every respect. It is an example in terms of services, infrastructure and in all [other] respects. The town is the only of its kind in Syria for the time being."

Recently, Turkey's national postal authority announced that it would open post offices in al-Bab and al-Rai in Syria's northeastern Aleppo province.

Turkey provides educational, healthcare and security services. Postal, banking, and logistics services will also be provided once the Turkish General Directorate of Post and Telegraph Organization (PTT) opens branches in both towns. A building in al-Bab was recently renovated to be used as a PTT branch office.

'PYD cannot be at the negotiating table'

Commenting on the Syrian negotiation process, Canikli said the PKK's Syrian affiliate the Democratic Union's Party (PYD) cannot be at the negotiation table.

"Undoubtedly, the PYD is a terrorist organization and will not take part in any [peace negotiations]. We cannot make any compromises there, nor do we have any kind of softness," he said.

There have been rumors recently that the PYD would be invited to the Syrian National Dialogue Congress, which is coordinated by Russia, Iran, and Turkey. The congress is expected to take place in the upcoming months.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recently said the congress aims to bring constitutional reform and hold free elections, observed by the U.N., while ensuring an "inclusive and fair" political transition in the country.

HISAR-O in NATO CWIX 2017 exercise

NATO CWIX (Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXploration) exercise provides a common infrastructure and environment in which companies and organizations in NATO countries can test system interoperability, test their interoperability and solve problems together.

In the year 2016 in the exercise ASELSAN HİSAR-O System participated and participated in this year to test new capabilities they have gained and to find opportunities to observe their existing capabilities safely. CWIX Exercise; 25 NATO member countries and observer countries participated.

The exercise, involving more than one participant, was held at the Joint Force Training Center (JFTC) in Bydgoszcz, Poland. In order to test their interoperability capabilities, companies prepared more than four thousand test cases to test information systems and communication infrastructures and performed these tests throughout the exercise.
Turkey participated in the exercise with 18 systems.

During the CWIX 2017 Exercise all 102 tests conducted by the ASELSAN HISAR-O Command Control team were successfully completed. Turkey tested in the exercise 18 systems that are going to serve in; The Land Forces Command, the Air Force Command and the Naval Forces Command. Purpose of drill; NATO and Partnership for Peace is to carry out interoperability tests of the existing and developing Command and Control Information Systems of countries, NATO operation environment and to make necessary improvements according to the results to be obtained.
"HISAR-O is practiced with all elements"

ASELSAN participated in CWIX Exercise activities with Command Control Software developed by ASELSAN and Link-16 Software developed by subcontractor. The Fire Control Center, Medium Altitude Air Defense Radar and ERİMAY-L16 Subsystem Software developed under the HİSAR-O Project were included in the exercise as the systems to be tested. The software's Link-16 / JREAP-C capabilities were verified by testing with other systems. During the exercise, all elements of the HISAR-O System were also introduced.

HISAR-O in NATO CWIX 2017 exercise

NATO CWIX (Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXploration) exercise provides a common infrastructure and environment in which companies and organizations in NATO countries can test system interoperability, test their interoperability and solve problems together.

In the year 2016 in the exercise ASELSAN HİSAR-O System participated and participated in this year to test new capabilities they have gained and to find opportunities to observe their existing capabilities safely. CWIX Exercise; 25 NATO member countries and observer countries participated.

The exercise, involving more than one participant, was held at the Joint Force Training Center (JFTC) in Bydgoszcz, Poland. In order to test their interoperability capabilities, companies prepared more than four thousand test cases to test information systems and communication infrastructures and performed these tests throughout the exercise.
Turkey participated in the exercise with 18 systems.

During the CWIX 2017 Exercise all 102 tests conducted by the ASELSAN HISAR-O Command Control team were successfully completed. Turkey tested in the exercise 18 systems that are going to serve in; The Land Forces Command, the Air Force Command and the Naval Forces Command. Purpose of drill; NATO and Partnership for Peace is to carry out interoperability tests of the existing and developing Command and Control Information Systems of countries, NATO operation environment and to make necessary improvements according to the results to be obtained.
"HISAR-O is practiced with all elements"

ASELSAN participated in CWIX Exercise activities with Command Control Software developed by ASELSAN and Link-16 Software developed by subcontractor. The Fire Control Center, Medium Altitude Air Defense Radar and ERİMAY-L16 Subsystem Software developed under the HİSAR-O Project were included in the exercise as the systems to be tested. The software's Link-16 / JREAP-C capabilities were verified by testing with other systems. During the exercise, all elements of the HISAR-O System were also introduced.

Would be nice to see it in action.

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