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Turkish Air Defence Programs


France-Italy-Turkey project would give it's first fruits after a decade (if it could success), and then there won't be instant purchasing. There will be long duration testing and orders from all France-Italy-Turkey if it could pass tests, and delivering will also take additional 3-5 years. And all these assumed that there won't be any crisis between those states and Turkey.

We will not just sit here without any high altitute air defense in next 2 decades o_O

It will not take ten years. The estimate of the Senate (France) - after auditions of experts, industrial and military - is 5 years between the beginning and the end of the development program.


There is absolutely no reason why this can not be achieved from a technological point of view. Italy and even more France have all the spatial technological mastery to achieve a ‘Lightweight Exo-atmospheric Projectile (LEAP)’.

Their one and only challenge is the problem of financing, especially in this period of budget deficit.

The only real ballistic threat to Turkey is borderline - at the moment - it does not necessarily require an exo-atmospheric interception capability (Aster Block 2). The new ‘Aster 30 Block 1 NT’ will do the job perfectly.

Quote 1 :

France, Italy To Cooperate in Development of Aster Missile

By: Pierre Tran
June 14, 2016

France and Italy have signed a cooperation agreement on development of the MBDA Aster Block 1 New Technology missile, the French Defence Ministry said in a statement.

French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and his Italian counterpart, Roberta Pinotti, signed the agreement June 14 in Paris.

The program aims to extend the Aster 30's range to hit incoming ballistic missiles, one of Europe's contributions to NATO's program for an anti-ballistic missile shield.

"This decision reflects a shared determination to maintain the capabilities of the ground-based air defense system to the highest requirements and its Aster missile to respond to a full range of airborne threats," the ministry said.

The memorandum of understanding for cooperation boosts industrial cooperation between MBDA and Thales — partners in the Eurosam joint venture, which builds the missile system — and also strengthens export prospects, the ministry said.

Poland and Turkey are among the export prospects for the Aster missile.

The two companies said in separate statements they welcomed the announcement.

"The two countries, which have carried out this program for many years, have just laid out a robust route map that will see the Aster program well into the next decade, which will help to sustain industrial know-how for many years to come, and which is key to ensuring French and Italian sovereignty," said Antoine Bouvier, MBDA chief executive.

"Thales will deliver, in cooperation with the Italian industry, a new version of the fire control function and will develop a new missile seeker," according to the French electronics company.

The upgrade work involves an "evolution" in the missile's electronics and adaptation of the ground-based system for the new missile, which will be delivered in 2023, MBDA said.

Britain said at the Anglo-French summit in March at Amiens, northern France, that London would consider arming its destroyers with the new Aster version.

The French Direction Générale de l'Armement procurement office will work with its Italian counterpart, Segredifesa, and Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement, the European acquisition agency.

Italy's defense procurement spending in 2016 set aside €15 million (US $17 million) for upgrading the Aster 30 weapon with France, with Rome's eventual contribution set at €237.4 million.

The New Technology upgrade would allow the Aster 30 to hit enemy missiles with a range of 1,000 kilometers. The Block 1 model held by the French and Italian forces can intercept incoming missiles with a range of 600 kilometers, such as the Scud B.

An upgraded version is on the road map for building an Aster Block 2, which would intercept weapons that have a range of 3,000 kilometers.

Defense News


Quote 2 :



On December 20, OCCAR (Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation) notified to EUROSAM, a consortium formed by MBDA and Thales, the amendment 1 of the contract for the “B1NT” programme. This amendment embodies the participation of Italy in the programme. It follows the notification of the initial contract under French mandate on December 23, 2015, and the Arrangement of Cooperation, signed in June 2016 by the French and Italian Defence Ministers, laying down the framework of responsibilities and rights of the two countries vis-a-vis the missile to be developed in cooperation, and its multiple applications in land and naval defence systems against air attacks and ballistic missiles.

The “B1NT” programme includes the development by MBDA of the new version Block 1 NT (New Technology) of the Aster missile but also the modernisation of SAMP/T systems currently in service with the French Air Force and the Italian Army. These systems will thus acquire enhanced capabilities, particularly against ballistic missiles, constituting an essential contribution for both countries to the NATO programme in this area.

The Aster 30 Block 1 NT missile development takes into account the key dual requirement (same missile for ground and naval Aster systems), including thus the necessary adjustments to allow the missile to be fired from warships. Italy has in fact expressed its desire to use the Aster 30 Block 1 NT from its future class of PPA (Pattugliatori Polivalenti d’Altura) offshore patrol vessels.

Speaking about the event, MBDA CEO Antoine Bouvier, stated: “The Italian notification strengthens the Aster programme well beyond the financial and technological contribution. Once again, cooperation in Europe adds up to far more than the sum of its parts. After the current Aster 30 Block 1, which gave Europe its first defence capability against theatre ballistic missiles, the Aster 30 Block 1 NT will allow to extend this capability to more complex threats and will also deal with the emerging threat of Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles (ASBM).”


Shortly after the acquisition of our high-SAM systems, Turkey should consider launching a small constellation of IR imaging satellites to monitor global missile launch activity, which compliments radar based ballistic missile observation. These can be smaller 1-ton satellites suitable for launch with Roketsan's UFS. They can also be used for scientific purposes by our universities (through TUBITAK/TUK) for monitoring forest fires, studying climate change, ocean currents, polar ice caps, etc.
It will not take ten years. The estimate of the Senate (France) - after auditions of experts, industrial and military - is 5 years between the beginning and the end of the development program.
You are talking about the plan of development progress if everything goes perfect, and in EU, nothing goes perfect o_O Just look at A-400m project, Eurofighter development project, Eurohawk development project o_O

And like i said, that is only development project's aim if everything goes perfect. Then there will be long duration of testing, and putting system into serial production will cost lots of time and money.

Turkey didn't cancel S-400 sales like you desire deadly, and Turkish Army won't just stay without any high altitute air defence system in next 2 decades o_O
Shortly after the acquisition of our high-SAM systems, Turkey should consider launching a small constellation of IR imaging satellites to monitor global missile launch activity, which compliments radar based ballistic missile observation. These can be smaller 1-ton satellites suitable for launch with Roketsan's UFS. They can also be used for scientific purposes by our universities (through TUBITAK/TUK) for monitoring forest fires, studying climate change, ocean currents, polar ice caps, etc.

Turkey New Satellite Road Map

2027 Ihbar-Ikaz1

Similar to ‘Defense Support Program (DSP)’

...Turkish Army won't just stay without any high altitute air defence system in next 2 decades o_O



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Turkey, France and Italy to strengthen cooperation on missile defense: Sources

Turkey signed a letter of intent with France and Italy on Nov. 8 to strengthen cooperation on joint defence projects including air and missile defense systems, Turkish Defense Ministry sources said.

As a first step, the Franco-Italian EUROSAM consortium and Turkish companies will look into a system based on the SAMP-T missile system produced by EUROSAM and determine the common needs of the three countries, the sources said.

NATO member Turkey has said it plans to buy Russian S-400 surface-to-air missiles, a decision which has been seen in some Western capitals as a snub to the alliance given tensions with Moscow over Ukraine and Syria.

The Russian deal also raises concerns because the weapons cannot be integrated into NATO defence.

“That deal has not been consummated. There are no S-400s in Turkey as we speak,” U.S. Air Force General Tod Walters, head of NATO Allied Air Command, told Reuters in Berlin.

Walters said he would continue to press Turkish air force officials to buy weapons that could work together with NATO systems, which the S-400 could not.

“We obviously have systems in the region now that possess that capability and demonstrate a high, high degree of interoperability,” he added.

Raytheon, which builds the Patriot missile defense system, had also put in offer before Turkey chose the S-400.

Turkey has continued talks with the EUROSAM consortium, which came in second in the tender.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg last month said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had told him that Ankara was discussing buying air defense systems from France and Italy in addition to the S-400s.

The Defense Ministry sources said Turkey, France and Italy would strengthen cooperation on joint production of military electronic systems, software and simulation systems and warfare equipment, as well as air and missile defense systems.

The letter of intent was signed in Brussels, where Turkey’s Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli was attending a meeting of NATO defense ministers.

source: http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/tu...cooperation-on-missile-defense-sources-122193

Well, we'll have S400 as a stand-alone-system and we're going to work on something with our NATO allies.

I guess that's fine, considering that we're diversifying our defense system due to all the tensions and political problems we've faced.
guys Please translate

Approximately :

“A contract of intent was signed between TR (Turkey) and Aster-30 producer EUROSAM.

Accordingly, the air defense fuze, which is also a national anti-ballistic feature, will be developed together. It was the birthplace of the technology transfer that TR has been seeking for 10 years.

I do not know what happened before PAC, FD-2000, or S-400.”

“Reasonable system. There is ANTI-BALITIC feature that is not in S-400, and most importantly it integrates into NATO. Also TR to partner with future versions wants Block 1NT we seem to have a chance for. Even if the 3000 km-range ballistic missile is included in Block 2, which is capable of shooting MRBM.”

Well, we do know that Hakan Kilic is a man happy to cooperate with Europe on these defense solutions, which is probably why he was chosen for his position, to bring these deals in, and not work against it.

He mentions that the previous offers for air defense doesn't have the capability to take down BM, and that we're going to work on something with our European partners that will be able to take down even a MRBM.

I think perhaps he needed to praise the news partners and such, and at the same time downplay S400, because I can't imagine him not knowing the capabilites of S400, and our use of it as a stand-alone-system.


11 November 2017, Saturday

MoD of Turkey Nurettin Canikli talked about S-400 deal in Giresun: "That job is done, S-400 is bought. We will of course go and cooperate with other allies to develop our own system in further future."
Defeated acc

Because it's just a fact, irrefutable, on known ‘experts analysis data’ schematized here :

In tests that had been realized by the Turkish Military Staff (Before the award of the contract to Chinese defense firm CPMIEC - September 2013 -), ASTER 30 SAMP/T had defeated all competing systems (Patriot PAC-3, S-400, FD-2000). Except that at that moment there was no enough co-production agreement offered by Eurosam.

Ording to what?
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