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Turkish Air Defence Programs

"Why should this be a concern? Each country should take certain measures to ensure its security. Which side can ensure these measures, there the steps are taken. How many times have we talked with America, but it did not work out, so like it or not, we began to make plans about the S-400. Our interested departments are negotiating, and this step will be taken," Erdogan said at a press conference in Ankara.

Whats the problem? Turkey asked the US for years to sell them Patriot or THAAD systems and they always blocked it and now when we look for other sellers its a problem? He should stop talking around the topic and tell the truth. The truth being that the US doesn't want Turkey to have its own defence means. They always had a problem with Turkey getting more and more independent. They call us allies but don't want to sell us necessary military systems which they sell to everybody else. And when they "want" to sell it they overprice it so much that you can get for half the money they want the same system in the chinese or russian market.

These are the same people who didn't want to sell Turkey M1 Abrams and suddenly changed their mind after Turkey anounnced the Altay project.
Whats the problem? Turkey asked the US for years to sell them Patriot or THAAD systems and they always blocked it and now when we look for other sellers its a problem? He should stop talking around the topic and tell the truth. The truth being that the US doesn't want Turkey to have its own defence means. They always had a problem with Turkey getting more and more independent. They call us allies but don't want to sell us necessary military systems which they sell to everybody else. And when they "want" to sell it they overprice it so much that you can get for half the money they want the same system in the chinese or russian market.

These are the same people who didn't want to sell Turkey M1 Abrams and suddenly changed their mind after Turkey anounnced the Altay project.
They want Turkey to rely on the USA for defense. Turkey becoming more independent means less influence USA has on us.
Integration of National IFF Interrogators to PMADS Project
In accordance with the National IFF MOD-5/S Procurement contract signed between Ministry of National Defence and ASELSAN, National IFF Interrogators will be integrated by ASELSAN to 70 ATILGAN PMADS and 35 ZIPKIN PMADS of Turkish Land Forces. Furthermore, 5 Maintenance Support Vehicles and 8 PMADS Training Simulators will be upgraded to work smoothly with the new interrogators.

It says Iran tested it's Simorgh Satellite Launch Vehicle.

Which is excellent. Iran, Turkey and Pakistan should collaborate in this field.

No, I say they have improved their ballistic missile capability. Their space program - Iran - is just a smoke screen to improve their missile to the IRBM.

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