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Turkey's Top security board convenes amid Syria border tension

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Turkey's Top security board convenes amid Syria border tension


Turkey's top political leaders and military commanders convened for a meeting on Monday as tension on Turkey's border with Syria increased amid a government crackdown on anti-regime protests.

Turkey's Ambassador to Syria Ömür Önhon attended the National Security Council (MGK) meeting to brief participants on developments in Syria. The council's meeting is a regular one and is headed by President Abdullah Gül.

About 12,000 Syrians have fled to Turkey over the past weeks while Syrian troops have moved to seal the area. Many fear an influx of refugees could spark an undesired confrontation between Turkish and Syrian troops along the border.

The Syrian government's brutal crackdown on protesters has brought once-close relations with Syria to a breaking point, with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan describing the Syrian response to protests as “savagery.” But Turkish leaders are still calling on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to speedily implement political reforms, hoping that the crisis can be resolved without further bloodshed.

As Syrian troops move closer to the Turkish border, there have been reports that Turkey is also reinforcing its troops in the area. One of the issues that the MGK is expected to discuss is planned reinforcements along the border, the Sabah daily reported on Monday.

There have also been reports in the Turkish and international media that Turkish political and military leaders are considering setting up a buffer zone inside Syria in case the number of refugees increases sharply. These reports have not been confirmed.

Turkey's Land Forces Commander Gen. Erdal Ceylanoğlu, Gendarmerie Commander Gen. Necdet Özel and 2nd Army Corps Commander Gen. Servet Yörük have all visited the border area recently. Yörük visited the Güveççi border post this week to take stock of Syrian troop deployments near the border and to see the refugees' situation for himself.

A possible infiltration by outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) militants into Turkey via the Syrian border is also a cause for concern for the MGK, Sabah added. PKK militants infiltrated Turkey during an influx of refugees from Iraq during the 1991 Gulf War, paving the way for an escalation of the PKK threat in the following years.

Chaos in Syria, an ally of Iran, could also have ramifications across the Middle East. A columnist for Lebanese daily al-Akhbar, said to be close to Hezbollah, has recently written that Iran has threatened Turkey, saying if it were to be used as a platform for NATO action against Syria, Iran would bomb US and NATO bases in Turkey. The columnist also said Iran sees the preservation of the Syrian regime as the preservation of the Iranian and Lebanese governments.

Top security board convenes amid Syria border tension
As usual Iran's fires baseless rhetoric speeches again.

As per a Lebanese pro Hizbulla Newspaper (Hizbullah has close ties with Iran) Iran has indirectly warned turkey from making Syria into another Libya and doing anything against Syria and the Syrian regime and if need be Iran will attack the American bases in Turkey.

اضطرابات سوريا هدفها المقاومة الإسلامية في لبنان، والذود عن دمشق حماية لبيروت وطهران. هي باختصار المقاربة الإيرانية لما يجري في بلاد الشام حيث «لن نسمح بكسر سيّد المقاومة» وفي الوقت نفسه «لن نسمح بقرصنة ربيع الثورات العربية». العلاقة مع السعودية مقطوعة ومع قطر مجمّدة. أما أنقرة فيبدو أن عليها أن تحاذر: سوريا خط أحمر ولو اقتضى الأمر قصف القواعد الأميركية في تركيا

إيران: Øماية أسوار دمشق دفاعاً عن بيروت وطهران | الأخبار
if iranian threat to turkey is true, then it is clear that iran is too worried for its ally Syria. also turkey should should stay neutral with syria and is best for turkey today in the world of crisis.
if need be Iran will attack the American bases in Turkey.

How many times Iran attacked Israel When Israel AF striked on Syrian targets ? Did you see any reaction different than similar threat speeches When Israel attacked on Palestin ? What about Lebanon war ? How will a country called Iran that could not attack on Israel, will attack on a country like Turkey ?

Please Do not buy such cheap political moves. Iran usually makes it. Attacking Turkey, especially Incirlik base cause of Turkey's criticizm to Assad's reaction against Syrian Civilians is completely unlogical. Iran also knows that such a move would cause suffering of Iran too much.
How many times Iran attacked Israel When Israel AF striked on Syrian targets ? Did you see any reaction different than similar threat speeches When Israel attacked on Palestin ? What about Lebanon war ? How will a country called Iran that could not attack on Israel, will attack on a country like Turkey ?

Please Do not buy such cheap political moves. Iran usually makes it. Attacking Turkey, especially Incirlik base cause of Turkey's criticizm to Assad's reaction against Syrian Civilians is completely unlogical. Iran also knows that such a move would cause suffering of Iran too much.

I am quoting a pro Hizbulla (pro Iranian) newspaper and this is a typical statement to be expected by the Iranian government. Nothing more than making fiery speeches.

In fact Iran and Israel are the two sides of the same coin.
As usual Iran's fires baseless rhetoric speeches again.

As per a Lebanese pro Hizbulla Newspaper (Hizbullah has close ties with Iran) Iran has indirectly warned turkey from making Syria into another Libya and doing anything against Syria and the Syrian regime and if need be Iran will attack the American bases in Turkey.

Turkey will completely destroy the stupid Hizbulla.

If the stupid Hizbulla fires anything into Turkey.

You are talking about Turkey!!!!

Do you know anything about Turkish Military Capabilities!!!!

They are one of the best…….

Iran will also get a nice lesson if they starting to support any Anti-Turkish activities
كشفت مصادر مطلعة أن القوات المسلحة التركية تقف في حالة تأهب على مساحة من الحدود مع سوريا تتجاوز الخمسين كيلو مترًا وهي في حالة قلق وتحفز بسبب مشاهدتها عشرات الدبابات السورية ومئات الجنود يتجوّلون داخل المنطقة المحايدة بموجب "اتفاق أضنة" بين البلدين.

وكان هذا الاتفاق قد أبعد السوريين عن خط التماس الحدودي خمسة كيلومترات على الأقل، حيث إن تلك الدبابات ترى بالعين المجرّدة على بعد لا يتجاوز الثلاثمئة متر عن مخيمات اللاجئين السوريين إلى تركيا.

وفي هذا السياق نقلت صحيفة "السياسة" عن دبلوماسي لبناني في أنقرة معلومات استقاها بدوره من مسئولين حكوميين أمنيين وسياسيين تقول: "وزير الخارجية التركي أحمد داود أوغلو وعدد من مستشاري حكومة رجب طيب أردوجان يبدون خشيتهم من وقوع أي خطأ سوري على الحدود يفجّر الأوضاع المحتقنة ويدفع الجيش التركي ودباباته تحت غطاء جوي كثيف إلى اجتياز الحدود مع سورية".

وأضاف الدبلوماسي: "سيكون الهدف من ذلك السيطرة على شريط حدودي بداخلها يبلغ 5 -10 كيلو مترات لتحييد القرى السورية المرتعبة من تصرفات الجيش والأمن السوريين الدموية والقمعية التي لا مبرر لها على الإطلاق".

وأخبر الدبلوماسي اللبناني صحيفة "السياسة": "الدافع الآخر الاكثر إلحاحًا لاقدام الأتراك على فتح جبهتهم الجنوبيّة مع السوريين هو مخاوفهم من أن يبدأ لجوء كردي كثيف من القرى والمدن الكردية السورية المحاذية لتركيا بحيث تتفجر أوضاع الأكراد داخل الحدود التركية وهي أوضاع هشّة أساسًا، لذلك بدأت الحشود العسكرية التركية تظهر بوضوح على طول الحدود المواجهة لتلك المدن والقرى الكردية لمنع سكانها من دخول الأراضي التركية إذا هاجمتهم القوات السورية".

وفي سياق متصل نقلت الصحيفة عن مصادر برلمانية في لجنة العلاقات الخارجية والدفاع البريطانية قولها: "تركيا أبلغت لندن وباريس وروما وبرلين والقيادة الأميركية لحلف شمال الأطلسي مخاوفها من اضطرارها لخوض مواجهة قريبة جدًا مع الجيش السوري طالبة من هذه العواصم أن تكون مستعدة لتقبل هجوم تركي عسكري على شمال سوريا قد لا يقتصر على الشريط الحدودي بل يتعداه إلى المدن الأساسية الشمالية مثل حلب وحمص وحماه واللاذقية".

وأضافت المصادر: "هذه المدن إذا سقطت في أيدي القوات التركية وأخرجت منها القوات السورية والاستخبارات والأجهزة الأمنية الأخرى ثم جرى تسليمها إلى المعارضة السورية فإن النظام البعثي سيسقط لا محالة وينتهي دوره هو ورموزه بشكل مأساوي".


As per this news

- the Syrian forces are roaming about 300 meters form the border with turkey. As per the Adhina agreement between Turkey and Syria the soldiers from both the sides will stay away from the border by approximately five kilometers.

- Turkey has informed London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, and the US leadership in NATO about it's fears of Turkey being forced to engage very soon with the Syrian army, and asking these capitals to be ready to accept a Turkish attack on northern Syria may not just be limited to the border strip but may take it to the main northern cities like Halab, Homs, Hama, and Lattakia.

- If these cities fall in the hands of Turkish forces and the Syrian forces and the Intelligence and other security services institutions are ousted from these cities and then these cities are handed over to the Syrian Opposition, then the Ba'ath party will fall inevitably and the role of it and it's symbols with finish in a tragic way.
why not northern cyprus first, why not israel who killed turks and why syria who has done nothing to turkey???

i think turkey is jst playing nato's game just like libya etc and i dont support turkish stance here
why not northern cyprus first, why not israel who killed turks and why syria who has done nothing to turkey???

i think turkey is jst playing nato's game just like libya etc and i dont support turkish stance here

PKK is a terrorist organization, PKK Active in Syria. Turkey faces threats from it .
there r no PKK threats from syria now

Turkey kills seven Kurdish PKK rebels crossing from Syria
The Turkish army killed seven Kurdish rebels and seized explosives in clashes in a southern province on Friday, Anatolia news agency quoted officials as saying.

Acting on a tip-off that militants had sneaked in from neighbouring Syria [Syrian Kurdistan], the soldiers confronted the group in a rural area in the Mediterranean province of Hatay, the agency reported.

The militants responded with fire to calls to surrender and seven were killed in the ensuing fighting, it said.

The governor's office said in a statement the militants belonged to the "separatist terrorist organisation," using the officialese for the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) has waged a bloody 26-year separatist war on Ankara.

The security forces also seized rifles, hand grenades.

Since it was established in 1984, the PKK has been fighting the Turkish state, which still denies the constitutional existence of Kurds, to establish a Kurdish state in the south east of the country.

rocket-launcher munition and four kilogrammes (8.8 pounds) of plastic explosives, the statement, carried by Anatolia, added.

Military operations were continuing in the area near the site of the clash by the town of Hassa in Hatay province, said the military officials, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Syria and Turkey went to the brink of war in 1998 over Syrian support for the PKK, but political and economic ties between Ankara and Damascus have flourished since then. Last year, Syrian security forces rounded up 400 suspected PKK.

Turkey is closely monitoring unrest that recently flared in Syria, and has encouraged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to make political and economic reforms.

Turkey kills seven Kurdish PKK rebels crossing from Syria
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